1)到2020年底,开工建设海上风电装机容量12 TW以上,其中建成投产2 TW以上,初步建成海上风电研发、装备制造和运营维护基地,设备研发、制造和服务水平达到国内领先水平[1]。
2)到2030年底,建成投产海上风电装机容量约30 GW,广东省海上风电产业成为国际竞争力强的优势产业之一[1]。
Brief Analysis on Safety Management and Control of Offshore Wind Farm Construction
[目的] 为了对快速发展的海上风电项目进行有效地安全管理,从施工的各个环节对海上风电全过程的安全风险和管理要点进行了梳理,提出了应对措施。 [方法] 通过我国首个以总承包模式建设的某海上风电项目实施过程中安全管理为依托,针对性地分析海上风电前期勘察、风机和升压站吊装、海缆敷设、调试等过程中的风险点,有效借鉴船舶和海洋工程中的相关国家标准和行业规范,以EPC总承包方的视角做出了全面的分析和总结,并对南海范围的海况特点、防台措施进行了重点关注。 [结果] 总结的安全管理思路为海上风电这一危险性较大的工程项目安全管理提供了实际范例和经验,也为海上风电项目安全管理的国家和行业标准的顶层设计提供了支撑。 [结论] 研究成果将会有力地促进南海范围内的风电资源开发。 Abstract:[Introduction] In order to manage the safety of the rapidly developing offshore wind farm projects effectively, this paper untangles the safety risks and management points of the whole process of offshore wind farm from all aspects of construction, and puts forward the corresponding measures. [Method] Based on the safety management during the implementation of the first EPC offshore wind farm project in China, this paper analyzed the risk points in the pre-survey of offshore wind farm, the installation of wind turbines and booster stations,the laying of submarine cables, and the process of debugging. This paper drawed lessons from the relevant national standards and industry specifications in marine engineering, also maked a comprehensive analysis and summary from the perspective of EPC general contractor,and focuses on the characteristics of sea conditions and defense measures against typhoons in the South China Sea. The safety management ideas summarized in this paper provide practical examples and experience for the safety management of offshore wind farm projects, which is generally accompanied by great risks. [Results] This paper also provides support for the top-level design of national and industrial standards for the safety management of offshore wind farm projects. [Conclusion] The results of this paper will strongly promote the development of wind farm resources in the South China Sea. -
Key words:
- offshore wind farm /
- safety management /
- EPC general contracting project
[1] 广东省发展和改革委员会.广东省海上风电发展规划(2017—2030年)(修编) [EB/OL]. [2018-04-11]. (2018-06-01).http://zwgk.gd.gov.cn/006939756/201804/t20180423_761918.html. [2] 常亮. 浅谈海上风电施工安全管理分析 [J]. 时代农机,2018,45 (10):104-105. [3] 住房城乡建设部. 危险性较大的分部分项工程安全管理规定:中华人民共和国住房和城乡建设部令第37号 [EB/OL]. [2018-03-08]. (2018-06-01). http://www.mohurd.gov.cn/fgjs/jsbgz/201803/t20180320_235437.html.