$$ \dfrac{{\partial \rho }}{{\partial t}} + \nabla (\rho u) = 0 $$ (2.1) 式中:
$\rho $ ——流体密度(kg/m3);$t$ ——时间(s);$ u $ ——速度矢量(m/s)。动量守恒方程:
$$ \dfrac{{\partial (\rho u)}}{{\partial t}} + {\rm{div}}(\rho uu) = {\rm{div}}(\mu {\rm{grad}}u) - \dfrac{{\partial P}}{{\partial x}} + {S_{\rm{u}}} $$ (2.2) $$ \dfrac{{\partial (\rho v)}}{{\partial t}} + {\rm{div}}(\rho vu) = {\rm{div}}(\mu {\rm{grad}}v) - \dfrac{{\partial P}}{{\partial y}} + {S_{\rm{v}}} $$ (2.3) $$ \dfrac{{\partial (\rho w)}}{{\partial t}} + {\rm{div}}(\rho wu) = {\rm{div}}(\mu {\rm{grad}}w) - \dfrac{{\partial P}}{{\partial z}} + {S_{\rm{w}}} $$ (2.4) 式中:
$P$ ——作用在流体微元上的压力(Pa);$\mu $ ——动力粘度(Pa·s);${S_{\rm{u}}}$ 、${S_{\rm{v}}}$ 、${S_{\rm{w}}}$ ——动量方程的广义源项(N/m3)。能量守恒方程:
$$ \dfrac{{\partial \rho }}{{\partial t}} + {\rm{div}}(\rho vT) = {\rm{div}}\left( {\dfrac{h}{{{c_{\rm{p}}}}}{\rm{grad}}T} \right) + \dfrac{{{s_{\rm{t}}}}}{{{c_{\rm{p}}}}} $$ (2.5) 式中:
$h$ ——流体的传热系数(W·(m2·K)−1);${c_{\rm{p}}}$ ——比热容(J·(kg·K)−1);$T$ ——温度(K);${s_{\rm{t}}}$ ——流体的内热源(W/m3)。 -
表 1 3种网格方案计算结果对比
Table 1. Comparison of calculation results of three grid schemes
监测点 方案1/℃ 方案2/℃ 方案3/℃ 1 119.1 122.7 123.0 2 118.2 120.8 120.9 3 119.3 121.2 121.1 4 115.0 119.0 118.6 5 118.7 122.2 122.0 6 117.8 121.0 121.3 7 115.6 120.7 120.5 8 114.2 121.8 122.2 9 116.5 123.7 124.2 10 117.6 122.7 123.0 11 45.3 49.7 49.7 12 55.2 57.7 57.9 -
${\rm{Realizable}}$ ${\rm{k}} - \varepsilon $ 模型。当残差值均小于0.001并且计算域内各物理量数值保持稳定后,视为计算收敛。本文数值模型边界条件设置如下,风冷和水冷系统中,进水口、进风口的速度由冷媒总进流量确定,边界条件设置为速度入口,出水口、出风口设置为压力出口。本文仿真是以发电机温升实验为参考,实验测试时室内环境温度为31℃,故数值模拟外环境温度也设置为31℃,实验时发电机置于开放环境中,因此四周边界设置为压力出口,压力为一倍的标准大气压。发电机内发热体设置为功率热源。
表 2 额定功率下数值结果与实验结果对比
Table 2. Comparison of numerical results with experimental results at rated power
测点 实测值/℃ 计算值/℃ 误差值/℃ 误差比例/% 1 123.5 122.7 −0.8 −0.6 2 117.8 120.8 3.0 2.6 3 118.4 121.2 2.8 2.4 4 120.5 119.0 −1.5 −1.2 5 123.7 122.2 −1.5 −1.2 6 120.7 121.0 0.3 0.2 7 121.0 120.7 −0.3 −0.2 8 122.3 121.8 −0.5 −0.4 9 122.6 123.7 1.1 0.9 10 122.3 122.7 0.4 0.3 11 49.3 49.7 0.4 0.8 12 54.8 57.7 2.9 5.3 表 3 96%额定功率下数值结果与实验结果对比
Table 3. Comparison of numerical results with experimental results at 96% rated power
测点 实测值/℃ 计算值/℃ 误差值/℃ 误差比例/% 5 114.5 113.1 −1.4 −1.2 6 117.4 111.9 −5.5 −4.7 7 107.3 111.6 4.3 4.0 8 111.0 112.5 1.5 1.4 9 108.8 114.3 5.5 5.1 10 114.9 113.5 −1.4 −1.2 11 40.0 41.5 1.5 3.8 12 55.4 53.7 −1.7 −3.1 -
表 4 仿真工况总表
Table 4. Summary of simulation conditions
度/℃冷却液 冷却水管与定子
铁芯的间隙/mmCase1 3 550 39.6 45.8 乙二醇(50%) 0.05 Case2 7 100 39.6 45.8 乙二醇(50%) 0.05 Case3 10 650 39.6 45.8 乙二醇(50%) 0.05 Case4 14 200 39.6 45.8 乙二醇(50%) 0.05 Case5 7 100 34.6 45.8 乙二醇(50%) 0.05 Case6 7 100 39.6 45.8 乙二醇(50%) 0.05 Case7 7 100 44.6 45.8 乙二醇(50%) 0.05 Case8 7 100 49.6 45.8 乙二醇(50%) 0.05 Case9 7 100 39.6 40.8 乙二醇(50%) 0.05 Case10 7 100 39.6 45.8 乙二醇(50%) 0.05 Case11 7 100 39.6 50.8 乙二醇(50%) 0.05 Case12 7 100 39.6 55.8 乙二醇(50%) 0.05 Case13 7 100 39.6 45.8 丙二醇(40%) 0.05 Case14 7 100 39.6 45.8 水 0.05 Case15 7 100 39.6 45.8 乙醇 0.05 Case16 7 100 39.6 45.8 乙二醇(50%) 0.05 Case17 7 100 39.6 45.8 乙二醇(50%) 0.00 Case18 7 100 39.6 45.8 乙二醇(50%) 0.05 Case19 7 100 39.6 45.8 乙二醇(50%) 0.10 Case20 7 100 39.6 45.8 乙二醇(50%) 0.15 表 5 冷媒属性表
Table 5. Refrigerant property
名称 密度/
℃丙二醇(40%) 1 025 2 210 0.415 −23 水 1 000 4 180 0.62 0 乙醇 772 2 560 0.162 −11.5 乙二醇(50%) 1 080 3 350 0.385 −35 -
总进风量对绕组温度、定子铁芯温度的影响如图9、图10所示。横坐标中的测点1~10与实验布置的测点1~10位置一致。从图中可以看出,进风量对发电机散热情况影响显著,当总进风量为3 550 m3/h时,绕组测点最高温度为147.2 ℃,总进风量为14 200 m3/h时,绕组测点最高温度为111.6℃,最高温度降低了35.6 ℃。可见,总进风量增大后,发电机散热情况明显改善。结合图9、图10知,随着总进风量的增大,绕组温度降低速率逐渐减小而定子铁芯最高温度下降速率逐渐增加,这是因为定子铁芯完全包裹住了绕组中间段,定子铁芯绝大部分面积能够与空气进行换热,而绕组的换热能力受限。当总风量较低时,换热效果较差,主要原因包括两部分,首先进风量降低直接导致换热量不足,其次进风量低导致进风口流速较低,发电机内气流湍流度低,换热效果减弱,这说明提高散热器功率更有利于发电机散热。
进风温度对绕组温度、定子铁芯温度的影响如图11、图12所示。由图知,随着进风温度的降低,绕组、定子铁芯的最高温度均有所减小,当进风温度由49.6 ℃降低至34.6 ℃时,绕组、定子铁芯最高温度降低4.2 ℃,且进风温度与绕组、定子铁芯最大温度呈线性关系,每降低5 ℃,绕组、定子铁芯最大温度降低约1.4 ℃,这说明降低进风温度可一定程度上改善发电机散热效果。极限工况下,发电机进风温度较高,可先对热风进行冷却处理,使进入发电机内的空气满足温度要求,以降低发电机热载荷。
图13、图14给出了进风温度对绕组温度、定子铁芯温度的影响。进水温度降低时,绕组、定子铁芯温度下降明显。当进水温度由55.8 ℃降低至40.8 ℃时,发电机最高温度降低了约10 ℃。同时,进水温度与绕组、定子温度呈线性关系,水温每降低5 ℃,绕组、定子铁芯最大温度降低约3.3 ℃,说明降低进水温度可显著改善发电机散热性能。
定子铁芯由硅钢片叠压而成,受冷却水管、定子铁芯表面粗糙度以及组装工艺精度的影响,装配过程中,冷却水管与定子铁芯之间会存在间隙,即管孔间隙,间隙大小对绕组温度、定子铁芯温度的影响如图17、图18所示。从图中可以看出,间隙对发电机散热效果影响显著。当管孔间隙为0 mm时,即冷却水管与铁芯完全接触时,测点最大温度为104.7℃;当管孔间隙为0.15 mm时,测点最大温度高达149℃。间隙每增大0.05 mm,测点温度上升数值超过10℃。可见,管孔间隙使得冷却水管换热受到极大的阻碍。产生该现象的原因是间隙的成分主要为空气,空气的热容以及导热系数极低,阻挡了定子与水管的换热。因此,在制造、装配工艺精度无法进一步改善的条件下,可以在间隙中填充导热材料,如导热硅脂等,降低间隙的热阻,增强冷却水管的换热效率。
Research on Factors Influencing the Heat Dissipation Performance of Semi-Direct Drive Permanent Magnet Wind Generator
目的 随着风力发电技术的发展,永磁风力发电机单机容量不断增加,发热功率也随之增大,发电机散热正面临前所未有的挑战,如何有效地解决发电机温升高、散热难的问题一直是我们研究的重点。 方法 文章基于STAR-CCM+软件平台建立了发电机散热-冷却一体化数值模拟方法,通过与实验值对比验证了数值计算方法的可靠性。在此基础上对大功率永磁风力发电机内部温度分布规律以及冷却系统散热性能影响因素进行了研究。 结果 在额定功率下,绕组、定子铁芯的最高温度出现在中层区域,工艺条件允许的情况下,冷却水管位置应尽可能靠近绕组,以带走更多的热量;增大发电机总进风量,可显著降低定子铁芯温度和绕组温度;进风温度与绕组、定子铁芯最大温度呈线性关系,进风温度每降低5℃,最高温度降低约1.4℃,降低进风温度可一定程度上改善发电机散热性能;进水温度与绕组、定子铁芯最大温度呈线性关系,进水温度每降低5℃,最高温度降低约3.3℃,降低进水温度可大幅提升发电机散热性能。此外,冷却水管与定子铁芯的间隙极大地阻碍了冷却水管的换热,在间隙中填充导热性能好的材料可有效改善发电机散热性能。 结论 文章所得结论可有效指导永磁风力发电机的散热设计,能够保障风电机组在正常工作中安全运行。 Abstract:Introduction With the development of wind power generation technology, the unit capacity of permanent magnet wind generator is increasing, and the heating power is also increasing. The heat dissipation of generator is facing unprecedented challenges. How to effectively solve the problem of generator temperature rise and heat dissipation difficulty has been the focus of our study. Method Based on the STAR-CCM+ software platform, an integrated numerical simulation method for generator heat dissipation and cooling was proposed in this paper. The reliability of the numerical calculation method was verified by comparing the calculated values with the experimental values. On this basis, a study was conducted on the internal temperature distribution law and the factors influencing the cooling system heat dissipation performance of the high power permanent magnet wind generator. Result Under the rated power, the highest temperature of the winding and stator core appear in the middle area. If the process conditions allow, the cooling water pipe should be as close to the winding as possible to take away more heat. The stator core temperature and winding temperature can be reduced significantly by increasing the total intake air volume of the generator. The intake air temperature has a linear relationship with the maximum temperature of the winding and stator core. For every 5℃ decrease in the intake air temperature, the maximum temperature will be reduced by about 1.4℃. Reducing the intake air temperature can improve the heat dissipation performance of the generator to a certain extent. The intake water temperature has a linear relationship with the maximum temperature of the winding and stator core. For every 5℃ decrease in the intake water temperature, the maximum temperature will be reduced by about 3.3℃. Reducing the intake water temperature can greatly improve the heat dissipation performance of the generator. In addition, the gap between the cooling water pipe and the stator core greatly hinders the heat transfer of the cooling water pipe. Filling the gap with materials with good thermal conductivity can effectively improve the heat dissipation performance of the generator. Conclusion The conclusions drawn in this paper can effectively guide the heat dissipation design of permanent magnet wind generator and ensure the safe operation of wind turbines in normal work. -
表 1 3种网格方案计算结果对比
Tab. 1. Comparison of calculation results of three grid schemes
监测点 方案1/℃ 方案2/℃ 方案3/℃ 1 119.1 122.7 123.0 2 118.2 120.8 120.9 3 119.3 121.2 121.1 4 115.0 119.0 118.6 5 118.7 122.2 122.0 6 117.8 121.0 121.3 7 115.6 120.7 120.5 8 114.2 121.8 122.2 9 116.5 123.7 124.2 10 117.6 122.7 123.0 11 45.3 49.7 49.7 12 55.2 57.7 57.9 表 2 额定功率下数值结果与实验结果对比
Tab. 2. Comparison of numerical results with experimental results at rated power
测点 实测值/℃ 计算值/℃ 误差值/℃ 误差比例/% 1 123.5 122.7 −0.8 −0.6 2 117.8 120.8 3.0 2.6 3 118.4 121.2 2.8 2.4 4 120.5 119.0 −1.5 −1.2 5 123.7 122.2 −1.5 −1.2 6 120.7 121.0 0.3 0.2 7 121.0 120.7 −0.3 −0.2 8 122.3 121.8 −0.5 −0.4 9 122.6 123.7 1.1 0.9 10 122.3 122.7 0.4 0.3 11 49.3 49.7 0.4 0.8 12 54.8 57.7 2.9 5.3 表 3 96%额定功率下数值结果与实验结果对比
Tab. 3. Comparison of numerical results with experimental results at 96% rated power
测点 实测值/℃ 计算值/℃ 误差值/℃ 误差比例/% 5 114.5 113.1 −1.4 −1.2 6 117.4 111.9 −5.5 −4.7 7 107.3 111.6 4.3 4.0 8 111.0 112.5 1.5 1.4 9 108.8 114.3 5.5 5.1 10 114.9 113.5 −1.4 −1.2 11 40.0 41.5 1.5 3.8 12 55.4 53.7 −1.7 −3.1 表 4 仿真工况总表
Tab. 4. Summary of simulation conditions
度/℃冷却液 冷却水管与定子
铁芯的间隙/mmCase1 3 550 39.6 45.8 乙二醇(50%) 0.05 Case2 7 100 39.6 45.8 乙二醇(50%) 0.05 Case3 10 650 39.6 45.8 乙二醇(50%) 0.05 Case4 14 200 39.6 45.8 乙二醇(50%) 0.05 Case5 7 100 34.6 45.8 乙二醇(50%) 0.05 Case6 7 100 39.6 45.8 乙二醇(50%) 0.05 Case7 7 100 44.6 45.8 乙二醇(50%) 0.05 Case8 7 100 49.6 45.8 乙二醇(50%) 0.05 Case9 7 100 39.6 40.8 乙二醇(50%) 0.05 Case10 7 100 39.6 45.8 乙二醇(50%) 0.05 Case11 7 100 39.6 50.8 乙二醇(50%) 0.05 Case12 7 100 39.6 55.8 乙二醇(50%) 0.05 Case13 7 100 39.6 45.8 丙二醇(40%) 0.05 Case14 7 100 39.6 45.8 水 0.05 Case15 7 100 39.6 45.8 乙醇 0.05 Case16 7 100 39.6 45.8 乙二醇(50%) 0.05 Case17 7 100 39.6 45.8 乙二醇(50%) 0.00 Case18 7 100 39.6 45.8 乙二醇(50%) 0.05 Case19 7 100 39.6 45.8 乙二醇(50%) 0.10 Case20 7 100 39.6 45.8 乙二醇(50%) 0.15 表 5 冷媒属性表
Tab. 5. Refrigerant property
名称 密度/
℃丙二醇(40%) 1 025 2 210 0.415 −23 水 1 000 4 180 0.62 0 乙醇 772 2 560 0.162 −11.5 乙二醇(50%) 1 080 3 350 0.385 −35 -
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