2014 Vol. 1, No. 1
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2014, 1(1): 1-6.
doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2014.01.001
Renewable energy has become one of the most important solutions to tackle growing energy issues and subsequent environment problems and brings to the attention all over the world. Offshore wind power, as an emerging field and the important part of renewable energy, has been promoted and developed. This paper applies the integration design concept which has been successful in multiple fields for pre-project of offshore wind farm, wind turbine selection, design of foundation and wind turbine, construction and operation.Then the feasibility of the cost reduction and breakthrough the bottleneck of efficiency are analyzed. The results show that: the integration concept could be applicated into the prophase approval, design, construction and operation of domestic offshore wind power projects, while the wind power costs are substantially reduced and the anti-risk capacity is well improved.
2014, 1(1): 7-15.
doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2014.01.002
Carbon Capture, Utilisation and Storage (CCUS) as one of the most promising low-carbon technologies to curb greenhouse gas emissions will bring in significant opportunities for energy, manufacturing, construction, engineering services, and financial service industries. This paper firstly analyzes the contribution to CO2 emission reduction, potential commercial opportunity from CCUS supply chain, equipment and technical requirements, the reasons of seabed sequestration with commercial CCS demonstration projects in the United Kingdom. Then the industrial opportunities for Guangdong province from CCUS technique are discussed. The results show that the global CCUS market has not yet achieved a stage of rapid growth and therefore seizing the opportunities for industry will require early preparation of enabling policy frameworks and the development of CCUS demonstration projects. We cannot wait for this to happen before developing the CCUS industry and indeed most of the technology and equipment required already has applications in non-CCUS related industries. Based on the cooperation of equipment manufacturing industry and energy service companies at home and abroad, the CCUS industrial development and cost reduction will have a good prospect.
2014, 1(1): 16-24.
doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2014.01.003
Since 2000, many new changes and problems have emerged in the world's energy industry, which means the world energy pattern is undergoing structural adjustment. The broad understanding of energy security mainly contains energy supply capacity energy consumption structure, energy consumption intensity, environmental issues caused by energy consumption, energy trade security and so on. The 16 classification indexs related to the above issues are discussed in this paper with the horizontal and longitudinal comparison of historical conceptions and worldviews. The results show that energy self-sufficiency rate in China would keep over 75% before 2040, so there could be enough time to adjust macro energy strategy. Given that coal is dominant in China's energy consumption structure, it consequently leads to a series of environmental problems, especially greenhouse-gas emissions and PM2.5 emissions have been serious. In the long run, there is no problem with the capability to pay the net import of energy in China. China's energy imports are mostly from the Middle East, so China should pay close attention to the situation in the Middle East. Meanwhile, China should focus on the diversification in energy import sources.
2014, 1(1): 25-29.
doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2014.01.004
From intensive angle of zone type micro-grid construction and operation, this paper presents an integrated control system for zone type micro-grid taking into full account the safe and stable operation of zone type micro-grid, then detailedly analyzes and explains the system architecture, system basic functions, three-layer control structure, system key devices and typical configuration scheme of the integrated control system . The results show that the proposed integrated control system could meet the needs of zone type micro-grid development, and has great significance for promotion and application of micro-grid technology.
2014, 1(1): 30-33.
doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2014.01.005
As a flexible network reconfiguration can be applied in a distribution system, of which reliability cannot be evaluated by common methods applied in normal distribution systems. In this paper, randomness of wind generators, solar generators and loads are considered and the formula for calculating probability of a load supplied by backup sources is derived. Then a new method for fast reliability evaluation, which includes the network reconfiguration and backup sources, is proposed. A reliability evaluation for different reconfiguration schemes based on the PG&E 69-node system in USA is performed by the proposal method. The results validate the theoretical analysis in this paper and indicate that the proposed method could comprehensively evaluate the reliability and thus provide theoretical basis of the self-healing control scheme formulation and evaluation.
2014, 1(1): 34-37.
doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2014.01.006
At present, the graphics modules' automatic export from geographic information system(GIS) and import to distribution automation systems (DAS)are not solved in most of the new local power supply bureaus. Data quality is the most common problem found in the data model between the export from GIS and the import to DAS. The graph and model exchange cannot be finished in an automatic manner while DAS does not have unified graphic primitives and the graphics appears to be misplaced after importing SVG graphics from GIS. Workflows for graph and model exchange between GIS and DAS have been discussed and established in many power supply bureaus of Guangdong Power Grid. Provided that the correspondent department and personel have been assigned, the process still needs to be strengthened and so does the automation level. This paper presents the problem of model in GIS and graphics after deriving from GIS and importing to DAS. Suggestions and the corresponding countermeasures are also provided . The results show that the enterprise application integration will be further improved by considering the practical research on graph and model exchange between GIS and DAS with the optimization of management process.
2014, 1(1): 38-44.
doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2014.01.007
Compressed air energy storage technology (CAES) and pumped hydro technology are two typical energy storage technologies that have the capacity of large scale electricity storage. In this paper, four CAES systems are designed. The evolution trend of compressed air pressure and temperature in air tank as well as the characteristics for different CAES systems are discussed according to the first law of thermodynamics. It indicates that there is an obvious temperature increase during air charging process under poor heat transfer conditions. The temperature increase value is about 22.46 ℃ for 200 m3 tank when it is charged to 10 MPa with a mass flow of 1.0 kg/s. In terms of CAES system property, their heat rates are between 4 100 kJ/kW·h and 4 200 kJ/kW·h, and their energy conversion efficiencies are between 52.30% and 56.33%. As for the parameter of energy conversion efficiency and total electricity output capacity, CAES systems with better air tank heat transfer conditions have higher values.
2014, 1(1): 45-49.
doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2014.01.008
To optimize regenerative extraction steam system for turbine-generator units and cycle heat efficiency, the reasonable regenerative stage numbers should be determined according to the turbine structure and boiler feed water temperature. Based on the characteristics of 1 000 MW single-reheat and double-reheat wet cooling turbine, constraints of the regenerative stage numbers and unit economy, the optimization of regenerative stage numbers are stated. The results show that the optimization of regenerative stage numbers for 1 000 MW single-reheat and double-reheat wet cooling turbine are nine level and ten level.
2014, 1(1): 50-56.
doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2014.01.009
The insulation coordination of the ultra-high voltage direct current (UHVDC) converter station is very important for the engineering technical and economic performance of the UHVDC transmission system project.At home and abroad, there is no uniform insulation coordination scheme of the ± 800 kV converter station, this paper selects a typical scheme based on the comparison and analysis of the existing insulation coordination scheme, carries out the universality of the research on the insulation coordination scheme under the economic transmission distance and transmission capacity of ± 800 kV HVDC project. By using the PSCAD/EMTDC program, it mainly analyzes the influence of the transmission distance and transmission capacity on the insulation coordination scheme. The simulation results show that the influence of the change of transmission distance on the insulation coordination scheme of converter station is little, while the influence of the increase of transmission capacity on the stress of the individual arrester is large, arrester protection level or equipment insulation level can remain the same by increasing the parallel numbers of arresters. The study results of this paper can provide references for standardization of converter station design.
2014, 1(1): 57-61.
doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2014.01.010
Visual reality is a type of technique which features with multi-sensing, immersion, interactivity and imaginar.3D roaming virtual scene can be realized by using virtual reality. It has friendly human-machine interface, and it is more convenient for exhibition and more easy to train workers. The construction, equipment and the scene of power plant can be modelled by using the powerful function of 3ds Max software.Combining with the interactive technology of Virtools for the design of camera perpecitve transformation, virtual character position and object collision and other functions, the virtual roaming system of a power plant in East China can be realized. It transforms the two-dimensional information into three dimensions. A navigation map is designed in the system, So the user can clearly aware of their positions in the virtual factory through the navigation map which is on the upper left corner of the screen. The system is published by webpage form, and is much more usable and extensible.
2014, 1(1): 62-65.
doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2014.01.011
Time synchronization accuracy plays a crucial role on real-time communication operations. In order to meet the time signal precision requirements in transport networks, this paper presents the IEEE 1588 precision time synchronization protocol, elaborates the principle of the algorithm to achieve high-precision synchronization and proposes an algorithm for improved synchronization performance under the condition of asymmetric path. Finally, we test in Guangzhou Power Authority communications lab and the results show that the improved algorithm effectively improves the precision clock synchronization under conditions of asymmetric path.
2014, 1(1): 66-69.
doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2014.01.012
In order to meet the standard of effluent radioactive wastewater from inland nuclear power plant, the improvement of radioactive wastewater treatment technology in inland AP1000 nuclear power plant is determined. Based on the origin radioactive wastewater treatment technology of AP1000 nuclear power plant and the advanced radioactive wastewater treatment technology, an "Chemical precipitation + CsTreatRR+ Ion exchange" technology is proposed and evaluated. The improved technology can provide reference for inland nuclear power plant radioactive wastewater treatment system design.
2014, 1(1): 70-74.
doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2014.01.013
The main building of nuclear power station is a special kind of industrial structure with irregular in mass and stiffness. The capacity of resisting collapse of its gable can affect the safety of nuclear island nearby. The analysis and design should be arried on very carefully. Firstly, the seismic performance under SL-2 level earthquake of the main building of power station is studied through the Pushover analysis. Secondly, by dismantling the key component of the gable, the capacity of resisting collapse of the gable is evaluated.Results show that through reasonable design the gable can have larger redundancy to avoid collapse under earthquake and sudden loss of bearing capacity of its key component, and can ensure the safety of the nuclear island.
2014, 1(1): 75-82.
doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2014.01.014
For the better compilation of new national standard of code for site investigation of geotechnical engineering for Low and Intermediate Level Radioactive Waste Disposal(GB/T 50983-2014), the current situation of LILW disposal and the significance of the new national standard are introduced, then the waste categories, terminology, disposal depth, disposal facility forms and multiple barriers of LILW disposal are researched. This study shows that the new national standard settles the technical standard questions of geotechnical investigation for each construction phase on the siting and construction of disposal facilities. The investigation scope and objects for each construction phase are concluded and the terminologies of LILW disposal are given clearer definitions. Finally, the Andrew disposal site on built in the USA which has special multiple barriers is studied to applicate in China.
2014, 1(1): 83-87.
doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2014.01.015
Assessment of groundwater environment impact (AGEI) for coal-fired power plant (CFPP) is challenging due to it's a multidisciplinary project and a new area arisen in the latest years of 2010s. This study analyzes the connotation, the essence and the work mentality of AGEI.Results indicate the importance of the understandings for both the regional-scale and site-scale hydrogeology characterizations. The methods at present for AGEI of a CFPP have been also demonstrated with a case study. In the end, the aspects of conclusions need to be drawn for AGEI of a CFPP have been summarized. This contribution can provide important reference for AGEI of a CFPP and similar projects in construction.
2014, 1(1): 88-91.
doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2014.01.016
A general baseplate template of subsea production system (SPS) in oil and gas fields which is produced, tested and installed in China is studied. Firstly, the key points of design requirements and field fabrication for SPS baseplate template are analyzed. Then the fabrication process of SPS baseplate template is discussed in detail. Finally, the mud mat, protection frame, sliding rail of template in fabrication process are analyzed, which providing experience and technical support for fabrication of similar subsea production manifold and template.
2014, 1(1): 92-96.
doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2014.01.017
This paper defines and clarifies the concepts of risk source, risk factor, risk event, risk consequence and risk loss involved in the risk related research. From the perspective of the contractor, it gives the corresponding risk list of overseas EPC construction projects. It proposes the method of risk identification and analysis based on risk chain and maps. The project risk map is built with taking a specific overseas EPC general contracting project of electric power as an example. With this method, the process of risk identification and analysis is programmed, and all the risks are unified as cost for analysis. The process of building risk chain and maps is the process of analyzing the effects of risks on the cost. It greatly facilitates the subsequent work in the risk assessment phase.
2014, 1(1): 97-100.
doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2014.01.018
For power construction projects influenced by many factors, and few historical data of similar projectsas the actual situation, CS model and GM (1, 1) gray prediction model are built on the basis of the Cost-Significant(C S) theory to achieve the investment forecasting for power construction projects. Meanwhile, application examples demonstrate the effectiveness of the model, and simplify the calculation of the effective procedures to ensure the accuracy of the prediction results under the foundation to improve work efficiency.
2014, 1(1): 101-105,110.
doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2014.01.019
With the development of society progress, the public demands a higher level of the power supply reliability, so the distribution system automation has been widely applied. During the construction of the distribution automation system, the goal of quick service restoration has been seriously influenced by the insufficient fault information due to the unreliable of communication channel, the low online rate of distribution automation terminals, and the distribution topology error caused by updating timely, so fault section location and service restoration can not properly work. This paper proposes a solution of quick service restoration system which can solve the above problems and expounds its key techniques respectively. Case studies of IEEE33 bus system demonstrate the proposed solution.
2014, 1(1): 106-110.
doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2014.01.020
In order to study the effect of inrush current to the backup protection of transformer, a maloperation of transformer backup protection is presented in this paper, which is caused by inrush current emerged during the no-load switching of the new transformer in a 220 kV substation. The equivalent circuit model of the no-load switching transformer is established which derives the differential equation of the transformer magnetic flux. The mechanism of inrush current and the factors related to amplitude and attenuation are analyzed. Then some conclusions are presented. The theoretical results are verified by the real fault recorder data. According to the slow attenuation of inrush current, some measures are proposed to avoid the maloperation of backup protection, which have been verified in practice.