2015 Vol. 2, No. 4
Display Method:
2015, 2(4): 18-21.
doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2015.04.001
This paper makes an analysis of the nuclear power position in China energy structure and science & technology system as well as the necessity of nuclear power development in the view of emission reduction, energy structure adjustment and environmental protection. Based on the situation of the existing power plants in China and the features of the independently designed advanced power plants, this paper shows the safety of nuclear power. A nuclear power plant will not do harm to environment and the public, according to the data of radioactivity release which is obtained from operational nuclear plant, and further discusses the nuclear fuel cycle and the treatment and management Strategies of the nuclear waste. Through the assessment of the capacity of nuclear power and supporting nuclear fuel industry as well as the situation of the equipment and related industry development, this paper predicts the medium and long term development of nuclear power, indicating that the industrial base of China has the ability to support the scale development of nuclear power. In turn, the related industries development will be promoted by nuclear power with the improvement of the technology level and high-tech content, thus developing into high-grade industries which contribute to the economic transition of China.
2015, 2(4): 22-27.
doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2015.04.002
Through the analysis of four key issues including large capacity power transmission, nuclear emergency, safe operation under extreme weather conditions, and comprehensive benefits, the possibility of developing nuclear power plant in island is demonstrated in order to facilitate the development of nuclear power in island in China. Then the proposed solution is studied to solve the above four key issues. Finally, the research shows that the development of island nuclear power site in China not only has feasibility, but also has considerable economic competitiveness. This article intends to start further discussion on the development of island nuclear power site in China.
2015, 2(4): 28-33.
doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2015.04.003
As the clean and green energy, nuclear power is the inevitable choice to develop the low-carbon economy, meanwhile the safe application of nuclear power should be paid attention to. From now on, China will have to consider both coastal sites and inland sites in site selection, and the nuclear power development program should conform to the overall national security, with the site selection coordinated with the natural ecology, urban planning and environment as well as prudence policy-making principle. The site safety is the precondition to assure the operational safety for nuclear power plants. With the reduction of site resources, the key issues in site selection is more and more complicated. As well as the natural conditions such as geology, hydrology, weather, water resource and so on, the distribution of population density, dispersion conditions of atmospheric and water, public participation, nuclear accident emergency response are also important factors for eligible sites which need further research. Therefore, the nuclear standard system of safety codes, safety guides and safety regulation should be continually improved with national conditions in China, which to ensure the safe reliability and economy in the whole process of site selction, design, construction, operation and decommission for nuclear power plants.
2015, 2(4): 34-36.
doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2015.04.004
As the penetration of intermittent generation rapidly increases and related researches continuously push forward, the capacity value of intermittent generation has been widely accepted. Firstly, the importance of intermittent generations participating in power balance is discussed. Then, theoretical researches and practical applications of foreign countries for capacity credit of intermittent generation are introduced. Basic theory and practice of China for intermittent generations participating in power balance are analyzed as well. Finally, specific implementation suggestions for the thirteenth Five-year Power Planning are put forward.
2015, 2(4): 37-42.
doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2015.04.005
This article proposed a method to assess CANDU6 core damage states during severe accidents. It depends on online parameters to quickly assess the status of the damaged core, instead of a lab analysis of coolant system or containment fluids. Meanwhile, this article proposed considerations for implementation of the method. Based on signal analysis technology, core damage states could be assessed in real time. The proposed method could be used as the technical basis for CANDU6 core damage states assessment.
2015, 2(4): 43-46.
doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2015.04.006
As the last safety barrier, containment plays an important role of containing fission products and protecting public and environment from the harm of radiation under accidents. In this paper, the model of M310+ in Tianwan NPP Unit 5 & 6 is set up by modular severe accident analysis code, systems for controlling of containment pressure are considered, and the variation of containment pressure under typical accident sequences is analyzed, finally the methods on control of containment pressure under severe accident are gained. The results can be used for the mitigation of severe accident happening in M310+ .
2015, 2(4): 47-52.
doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2015.04.007
This paper researched the behavior of main steam line break (MSLB) accident of integrated small modular reactor (SMR) with RELAP5-3KEYMASTER simulation system. Two different conditions of MSLB, by system automatic actuation without intervention after MSLB and with operator intervention according to emergency operating procedures (EOPs) are calculated and compared. Tendency and reasons for the variation of main parameters after MSLB have been analyzed. And the events sequence and operation intervention for development and verification of EOPs are given.
2015, 2(4): 53-56.
doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2015.04.008
The pressure and tempereature inside containment after both design basis accidents and severe accidents are calculated and anaylzed based on M 310+ NPP. Design basis accidents are calculated by French containment thermal hydraulic analysis code PAREO and severe accidents are calculated by integrated severe accident analysis code MAAP. The containment peak pressure, atomosphere and dew peak temperature of desigan basis accident and severe accident are calculated and shown. The results show that both design basis and severe accidents containment peak pressure conditions are induced by MSLB accident, that the peak containment pressure after design basis accidents is 0.511 8 MPa and after severe accidents is 0.602 MPa.
2015, 2(4): 57-61.
doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2015.04.009
Using whole year hourly meteorological data of one site, water contamination caused by radioactive plume release after accidents of NPPs was modeled using Calpuff model. The results showed that, it was more reasonable using realistic meteorological data like wind direction and precipitation etc, and concentration of radioactivity in the reservoir caused by postulated accidents for sitting and IC release category was much lower than the genetic action levels for foodstuffs in GB 18871-2002. But the concentration of radioactivity caused by BP release category was still higher than the genetic action levels for foodstuffs in GB18871-2002 despite using realistic meteorological data, so such sever accidents should be avoid in design.
2015, 2(4): 62-65,87.
doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2015.04.010
Study the steam hammer by fast closing of main steam isolation valve of the nuclear island main steam system in some nuclear power type. Establish the model used "PIPENET" software and calculate the most steam hammer load in different pipes and the appearing time. The results show that the most steam hammer loads appear when closing the valve, the steam hammer load after the main steam isolation valve is larger than the one before the valve because of the relief device set before the valve. Meanwhile the opening and flow of the relief device are simulated. Further, analyse the steam hammer influence by the changing of the relief piping and the branch pipe from the main pipe. All above can be used for system design, stress calculation of pipe, and optimizing piping layout, which has great significance for improving the security of main steam system and nuclear power plants.
2015, 2(4): 66-69,87.
doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2015.04.011
Passive safety systems are widely used to remove heat inside containment in advanced PWR nuclear power plants, passive containment cooling system (PCS) based on open natural circulation scheme is introduced to Russia AES-2006 reactor. Gas flow and heat transfer in containment with effect of this kind of PCS is numerically investigated in this paper. The results indicate that: gas flows downwards with the effect of condensation in containment area below PCS while gas flow in the area above PCS is stagnant; vapor mass fraction and mixture temperature is stratified in vertical direction while the distribution is homogeneous; PCS condensation rate remains nearly constant during the whole simulation time. Research in this paper benefits the research and design of PCS for domestic advanced PWR.
2015, 2(4): 70-73.
doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2015.04.012
Japan's Fukushima nuclear power plant accident has brought a global concern about the safety of nuclear power. To determine whether nuclear power can be an alternative energy used by human beings, safety has become a valuable factor in consideration. In order to face the situations between energy predicament and nuclear safety, Gen-IV reactors, with the advantages of passive safety and high thermal efficiency, gradually come into the public view. Meanwhile, Small Sized Reactors also arise at the historic moment. Small Sized Reactors are safe, flexible, reliable and economic. This paper mainly introduces the technical upgrading of Gen-IV reactors and Small Sized Reactors.
2015, 2(4): 74-80.
doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2015.04.013
1 000 MW nuclear power unit's main transformer usually consists of three 500 kV single-phase transformers, single-phase ground fault is one of the main fault types, and zero-sequence current differential protection is the main protection against single-phase ground fault. Currently the protection principle for zero-sequence current differential protection device is mainly rate restraint differential protection, however, the differences still exists between technical details, the calculation methods for protection settings and the adaptabilities to the current transformer configuration are also different. In this paper, considering two different types of zero-sequence current differential protection principle, by analyzing the different situations they adopt to, it proposed a design of nuclear power plant main transformer's zero-sequence current differential protection and its protection setting calculation
2015, 2(4): 81-87.
doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2015.04.014
A process for removing cobalt, strontium and cesium from simulated radioactive wastewater by precipitation, flocculation and adsorption, and the characteristics of this process were studied. In this process, simulated radioactive wastewater was treated with sodium carbonate as a precipitant, polymeric ferric sulfate as a flocculant and vanadium zirconium pyrophosphate as an absorbent. The results of the experiments of precipitant and flocculant selection show that 98% strontium and cobalt can be removed by sodium carbonate and polymeric ferric sulfate. The remaining cesium in simulated radioactive wastewater can be removed via adsorption processes by vanadium zirconium pyrophosphate. These results confirmed that nearly 100% cobalt, strontium and cesium in simulated radioactive wastewater could be removed via a precipitation flocculation and adsorption processes.
2015, 2(4): 88-92.
doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2015.04.015
The complex bolted structure of cable tray in the finite element model have been simplified, the cable tray finite element model is modified based on the measured data. The modal analysis of cable tray structure is carried out by ANSYS finite element analysis software, X and Y to the overall vibration of the first order modal natural frequencies is extracted. In order to validate the model, the white noise excitation experiment is designed, and the modal identification was carried out by using the stochastic subspace identification, and measured data of the structure was obtained. The bolt parameters are corrected by using virtual material. The relative error of the modal frequencies and measured frequency is 1.3% in X direction, and it is 26.7% in Y direction before modification. Similarly, the relative error of the modal frequencies and measured frequency is 0.04% in X direction, and it is 2.2% in Y direction after modification.The modified cable tray model is used for process analysis, the results of simulation and experimention are compared, the results shows that the modified finite element model simulation results are in good agreement with the experimental results, it can be more truly reflect the structural dynamic characteristics.
2015, 2(4): 93-95.
doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2015.04.016
In this paper, through analyzing the problems of fire protection stabilized pressure system of the domestic existing nuclear plants, we research and improve the technological control process, equipment selection, calculation of pneumatic storage tank of fire protection stabilized pressure system of a gigawatt-scate nuclear power plant. It solves the difficult problem with big early fire water level, reduces the engineering cost and increases the safety of system. It can be applied to the fire protection system of a gigawatt-scate nuclear power plant which has very strict safety and reliability requirements.
2015, 2(4): 96-101.
doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2015.04.017
Following to the general principles of defence in depth, continual improvement for advanced nuclear power plant, this paper describes the passive gravity oily waste water treatment system modified method of conventional island against the problem of sludge byproduct, for operating safe reliability, reducing risk of latent radioactive pollution, improving safety and reliability.
2015, 2(4): 102-106.
doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2015.04.018
PCS tank is an important part of passive containment cooling system of AP series nuclear power plants. The dynamic characteristics of the whole tank will be changed by the fluid-structure coupling effect, even worse it may be destroyed by the effect. Hence, it is necessary to take the fluid-structure interaction into consideration when addressing the dynamic analysis of the PCS tank. A theoretical method about the water sloshing analysis has been showed in the paper, and the first natural frequency of the tank with 60%、70%、80% water have been got. Then the modal analysis is preceded for the empty tank model and three different water storage models by using the finite element software ANSYS. At the same time, the influence analysis of water storage is processed. The result of the modal analysis have been compared with the result of theoretical method. Finally, the seismic response spectrum analysis have been processed. The results showed that the fluid can be excited easily by seismic load due to the lower frequency. So the sloshing effect of the water must be considered in the design of the PCS tank.
2015, 2(4): 107-110,115.
doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2015.04.019
The conventional island is one of three parts of nuclear power plant, the architectural and structural design level of conventional island will concern the whole nuclear power plant level. The author has nearly twenty year experience on convention island building design of nuclear power plant, and studies design experience and problems we should pay attention to in several field of convention island building design of nuclear power plant, including roof structure, roof covering and external wall, underground structures waterproof and building structure styles comparison of convention island building, etc. These experiences can be used as reference for designer and other concerned people of nuclear power station.
2015, 2(4): 111-115.
doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2015.04.020
To ensure the safety of workers and protect the valuable equipment in conventional island main plant under the earthquake situation will not suffer a greater loss, seismic design requirements of conventional island main plant should adopt higher standards, the paper used the deformation-based seismic method. Aimed at the deformation characteristics of the conventional island main plant, proceed PUSHOVER analysis and dynamic time history analysis by the finite element software SAP2000 under small earthquake、moderate earthquake and severe earthquake.When modeling conventional island main plant whole structure by SAP 2000, set structure analysis coefficient and whole structure parameters, choose 3 actual seismic wave and 2 artificial seismic wave under the Code for seismic design of buildings requirement, then get the global story drift angle of conventional island main plant under the earthquake by PUSHOVER analysis and dynamic time history analysis.The result showed when the conventional island main plant whole structure under the force of small earthquake、moderate earthquake and severe earthquake, whether horizontal or vertical average of story drift angle is much smaller than pre set story drift angle limit, accord with the pre set deformation target.
2015, 2(4): 116-122,127.
doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2015.04.021
A typical foundation settlement case of nuclear island in a certain nuclear power plant under construction is analyzed. The nuclear power standards, numerical model, mechanical parameters, calculation method and evaluation criteria are detailedly introduced. The calculation results show that: nonlinearity under unloading and reloading, spatial variability of mechanics characteristics, ground water level variation, disturbed zones by the excavation, drainage and backfill, creep effect are foundation settlement factors of nuclear island. The calculation results are in accordance with monitoring data, which can be used as a reference for the similar projects
2015, 2(4): 123-127.
doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2015.04.022
Both the Code for design of dynamic machine foundation (GB 50040—1996) and Machine foundation DIN 4024 Part1 says, if unbalanced force has been provided by the machine manufacturer, they may be used to establish displacements and forces using the model formed to determine natural frequencies. In the absence of such information, the forces may be calculated in accordance with the relevant codes. However, during the process of a real dynamic foundation design, the unbalanced force determined by the method above may lead to a over vibrating foundation, with the foundation shape also provided by the manufacturer. This paper introduced a real design case, provide the right method the designer should make when he comes into such a problem.
2015, 2(4): 128-131.
doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2015.04.023
In nuclear power plant, the important buildings are standardized arranged, including Conventional Island (CI) building, the floor levels and the main equipment allocation are fixed in the original blue print. In this article, the vertical level elevation means the bottom elevation of CI building VS the site elevation. In nuclear power plant, the quantity of circulating water is large; the circulating pumps are the main power consumers. So the level variable of condenser is sensitive to the electrical cost of the circulating pumps. This article is based on the project feedback and the dedicated study by nuclear power plant designers for the vertical level, analysis the use of the fix height between the top of condenser and the level of overflow pit to earn the energy, in the meantime, the bottom level of condenser water box shall be above the higher sea level in order to be able to empty condenser water boxes for maintenance, the net height of handling row, transportation between the CI building and site, etc. are taken into account. Qualitative analysis list the relative factors should be considered in new power plant site.
2015, 2(4): 132-137.
doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2015.04.024
This paper through the integration of the Hermite interpolation theory of integral average relationship with the boundary conditions, build the plate type fuel pellets and the heat conduction equation of cladding, Use of the Fortran compiler to solve the mathematical model is established. Add the solver to reactor thermohydraulic asymmetrically cooling problems in real-time simulation program calculation by THEATRe, Modify the program input card. By calculating the steady state of in standard fuel assembly and follower fuel assembly distribution of temperature in CARR, Compared with the results in the literature to prove the validity of the program. Finally simulated plate type fuel assembly flow blockage accident.
2015, 2(4): 138-141.
doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2015.04.025
Mixer-settler separator is the widely used extraction equipment in spent fuel reprocessing plant. Sensitive Analysis of mixer-settler based on criticality safety is analyzed, including phase states, mixed state, phase interface and concentration distribution. And effect of the mixer-settler size on criticality safety is analyzed. Then the limiting size of mixer-settler is given which has adequate criticality safety allowance in a large range of plutonium concentration. This paper provides a reference for the design of mixer-settler.
2015, 2(4): 142-146.
doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2015.04.026
During the siting, construction and operation phases of nuclear power plant (NPP), it is essential to analyze the population distribution characteristics and predict the population trend of the surrounding area, in order to evaluate the population distribution and possible variation trend during the NPP lifetime, and used for the basis of public radiation dose evaluation and emergency planning feasibility demonstration. Population Projection surrounding the NPP always based on the present population distribution situation, Malthus population prediction model can be chosen for analysis and prediction with the consideration of actual and population projection data from relevant provinces or cities. As the Chinese population variation is affected by many factors, such as region, policy and economy, etc. There are many uncertainties for the prediction parameters. Moreover, the evaluation area of some NPP is related to different districts, problems and difficulties would be arisen in the practical work. In this paper, some possible solutions were suggested. Related analysis and population prediction methods will be expected to be beneficial reference in the population projection around the nuclear power plant.
2015, 2(4): 147-150.
doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2015.04.027
The calculation principle and evaluation standard of the aquatic organisms' radiological impact software-ERICA code were introduced in this paper, and the differences of 1.0 version and 1.2 version were compared. The radiological impact of aquatic organisms when the nuclear power plant operates normally was calculated and evaluated through ERICA code 1.2 version and 1.0 version separately.The result shows that the radiation effects on aquatic organisms when the nuclear power plant operates normally calculated and evaluated through ERICA code 1.2 version and 1.0 version are all acceptable, the aquatic organisms nearby site are safety.
2015, 2(4): 151-154,101.
doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2015.04.028
ERICA code was briefly introduced in this paper, and the different calculation parameter choose methods were recommended for aquatic ecosystem and terrestrial ecosystem, and for coastal NPPs and inland NPPs. The method can be a technique support in radiological impact assessment of biota for the following nuclear power plants.
2015, 2(4): 155-158.
doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2015.04.029
After the Fukushima nuclear accident, the new-built nuclear power plants should be designed and constructed in accordance with the advanced international nuclear safety requirements. SSR-2/1(Safety of Nuclear Power Plants: Design), which was published in 2012 by the International Atomic Energy Agency, is an advanced safety standard on nuclear power plant design. Firstly the revision of SSR-2/1 is introduced. Then the changes in format and content between SSR-2/1 and its former version NS-R-1, published in 2000, are analyzed. The enhanced requirements are specially specified in six factors, such as the safety in design, maintaining the integrity of design of the plant throughout the lifetime of the plant, heat removal from the fuel store added to fundamental safety functions, design extension conditions and severe accidents, the maximum delay time when off-site services available and sharing of safety systems between multiple units? of a nuclear power plant, and these factors are evaluated based on Fukushima nuclear accident feedback.
2015, 2(4): 159-162.
doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2015.04.030
Site emergency condition should be considered in Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) siting period to implement the follow-up emergency plan. Compared with the existing NPP sites which are inland or by the sea, the island NPP site's environment condition is very special. To ensure the validity of emergency response which is the last level of defense in depth , protect people and the environment, the emergency evacuation capability for island nuclear power plant was analyzed which can provide technical support of emergency decision making. The evacuation through bridge and steamboat were estimated and simulated based on one proposed island NPP site.
2015, 2(4): 163-169,101.
doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2015.04.031
In the previous study, we established a risk classification list, the model for quantitative assessment risk, and the methods and processes for dynamic tracking and management risk. Based on these theoretical studies, we develop a risk database and a system suitable for the international engineering contracting company used for assessment and management of the project risk. In this paper, we describe the analysis and design, and the main function modules of the system in details. With this system, companies can accumulate risk data, which can be used as a checklist in the follow-up bid or in the proposed project for risk identification; can complete a set of procedures in the qualitative and quantitative risk assessment on the proposed project, and output risk analysis reports to assist the leader for the bid decision; can carry out risk monitoring in the construction project, and output corresponding risk monitoring reports based on monitoring period to assist the project manager for risk management and monitoring.
2015, 2(4): 170-175,46.
doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2015.04.032
Based on urgent need to develop the constraction of service system for nuclear power operation, the paper deeply analyzes the status and characteristics, proposes the construction strategies, support measures and policy suggestion, which provides direction and ways for this system constuction