2016 Vol. 3, No. 2
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2016, 3(2): 1-8.
doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2016.02.001
As the basic approach of the power transmission, power grid is the critical energy infrastructure related to lifelines of the national economy and national energy security. Firstly, this paper presents the evolution process of AC and DC transmission voltage grade, the development power grid technology. Then the challenge for the current China's power grid technology is analyzed with transmission demand of huge energy base, access challenge of distributed energy sources, energy conservation, environmental protection and resource constraints, trend of intelligence and information technology, new requirement of power demand side and "going-out" of China power grid technology. Finally, high capacity and long distance power transmission, smart grid, flexible power transmission, access, distribution and utilization of distributed energy sources or microgrid, advanced electric power dispatch under new situation, information management of design, operation and maintenance, energy conservation, environmental protection, high efficient utilization of resource, nationalization of electrical equipment and internationalizing of the technical standards are presented to propose the strategies for future power grid development in China.
2016, 3(2): 9-15.
doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2016.02.002
In the Yunnan grid and CSG main grid Luxi BtB (Back to Back) HVDC system, VSC (Voltage Sourced Converter) and LCC (Line Commutation Converter) operate in parallel and share the same centralized station control system. Thus the VSC/LCC BtB HVDC coordination control strategy problem is introduced. This paper studies the coordination control strategy from the active and reactive aspects, and gives the partial simulation results of the proposed strategies.
2016, 3(2): 16-20.
doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2016.02.003
Based on the summarization of the design experience and practice on urban indoor substation, this paper presents the design principals of urban indoor substations, including continuous land conservation, coordination with the local regional planning and town planning, active adoption of new technology, new equipment and new materials, meeting the requirements of fire fighting system, energy-efficient and environmental protection, which will benefit the construction of urban indoor substation in the future.
2016, 3(2): 21-26.
doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2016.02.004
The three-level hierarchical design of multi-terminal VSC HVDC transmission control and the protection system are presented in this paper, focus on coordinated control function of multi-terminal VSC HVDC, a kind of three-level configuration of control system including coordinated control level, polar control level, and converter control level is designed in this paper, coordinated control function is implemented in multi-terminal master control machine, which ensure the rated DC voltage of network when losing the DC voltage control station of multi-terminal VSC-HVDC, communication network style among different converter stations in of multi-terminal VSC-HVDC, communication network style among different converter stations in multi-terminal VSC-HVDC is presented, based on the communication network style, a kind of coordinated control base on converter to converter high speed communication as well as top level control for the multi-terminal VSC HVDC system is demonstrated in this paper, and this is proved an available control frame for multi-terminal VSC HVDC.
2016, 3(2): 27-31.
doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2016.02.005
With the development of electric vehicle, the chain of charging infrastructure has stepped into its initial stage. Power grid enterprises is one of the most promising leader of the chain because of its techniques and resources advantages. In this paper, we research the advantages and disadvantages of all competitors participated in the chain by analyzing their interests, and proposed several advices for their development in the chain.
2016, 3(2): 32-35.
doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2016.02.006
Analysis the status of Step splitting of Guangdong power grid , according to the Typical Run way of the plannning of Thirteen Five grid Transmission and Security and the requestment of China Southern Power Grid Stability Analyze Calculation Guide, simulate the second and the third Large disturbance, study Stability characteristics after the power failure, the position Center of oscillation, and determine The best solution of Splitting.
2016, 3(2): 36-41.
doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2016.02.007
Construction mode selection is a key but subjective experience relayed problem to be solved in distribution automation planning. In this paper, an optimal planning method, based on the data mining on association rules between the features of a feeder and its construction mode of distribution automation, is proposed. In this method, the network topology, load distribution and reliability status of a feeder are considered, and thus the corresponding relationship between the line features and construction mode of distribution automation can be established. Therefore, the limitation of traditional method caused by the large scale of the distribution network can be broken through, and the formation of distribution automation planning technique principle can be established on optimum in both reliability and economy. The analysis result based on the actual distribution network indicates the proposed method to be effective.
2016, 3(2): 42-46.
doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2016.02.008
With the development of effective investment in Power Grid, Power Grid Corp pays more attention to effect of investment while keeping reliability. Perfecting the evaluation method of power grid can improve effect of investment. In this paper, we analyzed the characteristic and performance of technology project, constructed index calculation method, and chose the method of subordinate function to evaluate the effect of power grid technology project.
2016, 3(2): 47-52.
doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2016.02.009
HVDC is widely used in power systems today. Different from AC transmission systems, HVDC systems have their special capabilities and characteristics. As more HVDC systems are integrated into power systems, startup strategies based on HVDC systems have to be carefully evaluated. In this paper, two kinds of most widely used HVDC technologies, i. e., LCC-HVDC and VSC-HVDC, are introduced. After a brief introduction of structures and control strategies of different HVaDC systems, the black-start capability and black-start sequence are discussed. Moreover, the black-start process of wind farms using LCC-HVDC with STATCOM, as well as VSC-HVDC, is simulated with PSCAD/EMTDC to demonstrate the dynamic performances of the two technologies.
2016, 3(2): 53-57.
doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2016.02.010
In this paper, we bring out the idea of "generalized single circuit transmission line" ——Treating two phases wich have the same electirc degress as one phase. On the basis of this idea, the relationship between the Surge Impedengce Load of UHVAC transmission line and phase arrangement, Sub-conductor Bundle Spacing, Sub-conductor Number, Sub-conductor section was calculated and analyzed. The optimization of Sub-conductor Bundle Spacing was also suggested in this passage. Also, this method could be expanded to the situation of multi-circuits on one tower.
2016, 3(2): 58-61,46.
doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2016.02.011
The balanced high insulation design is used in 500 kV double circuit lines on the same tower. If the insulation is increased in 500 kV substation incoming line section, its influence to the substation insulation has to be analyzed based on reverse and circle lightning intrusive wave. The result shows that there are not any influence and damage to the substation equipment .
2016, 3(2): 62-66.
doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2016.02.012
This paper built the simulation calculation model of lightning intruding wave for 500 kV overhead lines and submarine cable lines of Hainan interconnection project, with using ATP-EMTP software.The maximum shielding failure current of overhead lines was calculated by electrical geometry model (EGM) and the leader propagation flashover model was used as the criterion for insulators and air gap flashover.Then, the lightning overvoltage of submarine cable was calculated after overhead lines suffering from the lightning shielding failure and counterattack. Finally, the submarine cable's insulation level for lightning impulse and lightning arrester was checked.The results show that the maximum lightning overvoltage of submarine cable are -916 kVand -923 kV after overhead lines suffering from the lightning shielding failure and counterattack. And the insulation margin of submarine cable and the installation of lightning arrester meets the requirements.
2016, 3(2): 67-71,76.
doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2016.02.013
Gantry Structures are very important devices whose' safety is closely related to substation. A theoretical model for detecting gantry structures' damage based on natural frequencies and mode shapes has been proposed in the present paper. In order to improve sensitivity, partial frequencies and mode shapes have been chosen to detect damage, also a measurement point selection algorithm is developed by using the prior information of sensors to solve ill-posed problem in damage identification. The optimal measurement selection algorithm, parameter identification algorithm and error updating algorithm are alternately conducted to estimate the uncertainty of the prior information of sensors, which are used to improve to the precision of identification result.
2016, 3(2): 72-76.
doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2016.02.014
The waveform and amplitude of lightning current are important foundation parameters for lightning protection design and transform of electric power equipments. In this paper, high accuracy lightning current measure devices with the function of GPS clock and positioning are fristly developed, and the lightning current parameters in the region of China Southern Power Grid are accumulated by monitoring of lightning directly stroke on high tower and artificial rocket triggered lightning test, the measure results between the lightning current measure device and the lightning location system of CSG are comparative analysis lastly. The four lighting current measured results indicate that the position accuracy of lightning location system is reach to a high accuracy of 172 m to 675 m while the amplitude accuracy is varied from -22.8% to 4.5%.
2016, 3(2): 77-81,87.
doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2016.02.015
In consideration of the phenomenon that jumper flashover is easy to occur in southern coastal area of strong wind, the article analyses the main reasons of flashover, references the value of gust wind factor from several international design standards, explains the origin of the relevant provisions of "Design specification for transmission line against typhoon" proclaimed by China Southern Power Grid, and it compares different kinds of jumper string's effects on inhibition of jumper flashover. The research shows that an appropriate increase in the span factor of jumper can improve the swing calculation model on insufficient considering of the natural wind turbulence characteristics, and to promote the use of rigid jumper can significantly inhibit the swing trip accident rate of tension tower in the coastal area of strong wind.
2016, 3(2): 82-87.
doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2016.02.016
The development situation and theory of ice-melting technology of OPGW is introduced, then temperature character of OPGW is analysed.Besides, Ice-melting through-flow temperature influence on performance and lifetime of OPGW is analysed. With ground wire ice-melting applications, rational temperature limit in actual ground wire ice-melting is proposed.
2016, 3(2): 88-91,95.
doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2016.02.017
110 kV substations, established from the 1980s to the early 1990s, cannot meet developing needs owing to growth of load around, and have such problems as aging and peeling of cement pole, rain leakage of building, equipment aging, difficult searching of spare parts and stuck isolating switch, all of which are potential risks to influence their operation. So, it is an urgent task to upgrade or reconstruct them. In the aspects of reconstruction without turning off electricity and t reconstruction by turning off electricity, this paper proposed several sets of 110 kV and 220 kV reconstruction schemes and made specific analysis and instructions on steps and precautions of reconstruction without turning off electricity. Reconstruction will improve their equipment level and operation situation so as to make them satisfy the demand of load and enhance electricity supply capacity. Moreover, as this paper is of beneficial reference for subsequent reconstruction and design of substations, it will produce huge economic benefits and social effects.
2016, 3(2): 92-95.
doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2016.02.018
This paper presents a new method to measure the expansion and reconstruction project of the substation by using the 3D laser scanning technology. Full text from the control measurement, point cloud data acquisition and preprocessing, in the 3D environment fast rendering of substation of two-dimensional topographic map, building parametric model, visual asset management, deformation detection of are discussed in detail. The 3D laser scanning technology in substation expansion and reconstruction in the process of application. Finally, the significance of 3D laser scanning in the reconstruction project of substation is expounded.
2016, 3(2): 96-101.
doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2016.02.019
Currently, the important devices in the converter station, such as circuit breakers, converter transformer, GIS, lightning arrester are configured with the online monitoring system, but set of equipment online-monitoring system has its own system, distributedwidely and hasn-t a unified back-end systems. Each online-monitoring systems is incompatible, the sharing and communication between each other is very difficult. In this paper, the integration on-line monitoring systems of converter station are summarized and analyzed. It is not only built on the integration of on-line monitoring system, but also integrated each on-line monitoring systems interface.
2016, 3(2): 102-106,112.
doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2016.02.020
The design of fire alarm system is an important measure to find the fire in time and reduce the fire loss. The Unified Power Flow Controller(UPFC)which is installed in Nanjing Western Power Grid is the first device in china. How to design the fire alarm system is a key problem for the project, because there is no design experience to be learned. This paper describes the selection basis for automatic fire alarm system and fire alarm detectors and the layout method of fire alarm detectors, based on the design experience of substations and converter stations. In addition, this article elaborates the arrangement method of fire alarm detector and linkage mode between automatic fire alarm system and smoke exhaust fans, control & protection system and intelligent assistance system.
2016, 3(2): 107-112.
doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2016.02.021
The applications of synthetic foam spray systems are more and more in the fire protection design of large oil-immersed main transformer. The system configuration and operation processes of the synthetic foam spray systems are described in the paper , the main design and calculation processes are combed based on engineering projects, and the corresponding recommendations are proposed to make the design and calculation of the synthetic foam spray systems more rational and standardized.
2016, 3(2): 113-117.
doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2016.02.022
Aimed at requirements of stable and optimal control in microgrid, this paper proposes a system solution, composed of energy management system(EMS), microgrid central control(MGCC) and underlying equipments. Control principle and realizing method of distributed generations(DG) and loads are introduced, when microgrid runs in different modes. Control strategies used by system are also presented.
2016, 3(2): 118-121,126.
doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2016.02.023
During the 13th Five-Year Plan period, the power grid enterprise operating environment is complex and changeful. How the traditional IT architecture to adapt to the "Internet+ grid" strategic transformation, becomes a key issue that must be solved in the information construction of power grid enterprises. This article first elaborates the connotation of desystematization, analyzes the current situation and challenges of IT architecture in power grid enterprises, then proposes the desystematized IT architecture, and discusses the advanced nature of the desystematized IT architecture.
2016, 3(2): 122-126.
doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2016.02.024
The calculation and restriction of short-circuit current in the loop-closed operation of distribution metwork is studied in this paper, and then is applied in Nansha distribution network. First, the calculation model of short-circuit curren in the loop-closed operation is presented. Then, taking into account the impact of short-circuit point and short-circuit form, a comprehensive calculating method of short-circuit current is given, which can provide the biggest short-circuit current. Its short-circuit point and form can be maken clear as well. Secondly, the applicability of restriction measures of short-circuit current for the loop-closed operation of distribution network is analyzed one by one. Afterwards, the principle and implementation details are determined. The calculation of reactor parameters is also presented. Finally, the proposed method is applied in the Nansha distribution metwork, the results show its feasibility and validity.
2016, 3(2): 127-130,20.
doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2016.02.025
In this paper adjacent boiler heating system of Jiangxi Datang Fuzhou 2×1 000 MW ultra supercritical unit has been studied. In consideration of the hot washing temperature of the project, one stage adjacent boiler heating system was adopted. Boiler feedwater was directly heated to hot washing temperature in deaerator by adjacent boiler auxiliary steam. In the whole process of hot washing of boiler, the boiler was not ignitied. It can save a mount of fuel in the boiler startup process, with great energy savings and economic benefits. After adopting one stage adjacent boiler heating system, two units' discount comprehensive income of 20 years can reach up to 14.04 million yuan.
2016, 3(2): 131-135.
doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2016.02.026
The static breakdown voltage of the switch is determined by the working gas pressure. Graphite electrodes will erode during the discharge operation of the system. The erosion of the electrodes causes rise of the space of them. We must make sure that the over-voltage rate is relatively stable when changing the inner gas pressure of the switch. When the over-voltage rate of the switch is low, the rate of unstable triggering and self-fire will decline. In this paper we compare the DC breakdown voltage of different switches under different gas pressures and test their triggering reliability. The range of working gas pressure in various stages can be determined by analyzing the experimental data. Based on the over-voltage rate which makes sure conduction of the switch, we finally get the gas pressure regulation method to ensure the operation stability.
2016, 3(2): 136-140.
doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2016.02.027
A method based on the combination of the salient region detection and the connected domain detection is proposed in this paper. This method is applied to extract the crack on the blade in the process of the wind turbine blade failure inspection based on digital image processing technology. First, the gray processing and the image enhancement based on the guide filter were used for preprocessing. And then the commonly used processing methods concentrate in the target area was changed into analyzing the characteristics of the background region to remove the background area. Finally, the salient region detection and the connected domain detection were combined to extract the crack area. The test results show that this method can label the cracks from the blade comparatively completely.
2016, 3(2): 141-145,140.
doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2016.02.028
Due to the flow path guiding role of the high-level tower between the collection board , the high-level tower to close the upper device mainly heat and mass transfer area, especially over the filling, air flow rate substantially at the heart of the highest tower, and the tower wall area near the air flow rate is relatively small , whereas the conventional column appears in about two-thirds of the maximum speed of the radius; Combined with conventional tower and high-level tower's characteristics of each tower, by optimizing the geometry size, by optimizing the wind and the water, by optimizing the filling the uneven arrangement, additional measures such as deflector reduce the tower water temperature , thereby further reducing heat consumption. To prevent the high ambient wind speed under the high-level tower thermal performance deteriorated sharply, it requires a combination of meteorological conditions on the site rectifying tower to optimize the flow field, in the tower inlet adding deflector measures may be the focus of future research.
2016, 3(2): 146-151.
doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2016.02.029
The geological disaster investigation on reservoir area is one of the main tasks in engineering geological investigation of reservoir and is of an important basis and primary data of engineering geological evaluation. The traditional method of locating geological disaster needs a lot of manpower and resources, which will normally incur high cost. Also, sometimes it is very difficult or close to impossible to have the research done at the field due to the inconvenient transportation and complex geographic condition. Meanwhile, the restriction of horizon makes it hard for geological engineers to get familiar with geological bodies in a whole. With the advance of RS(remote sensing) application, GIS(Geography Information System) techniques and 3D(three-dimensional) interpretation analysis method, high precision geological hazard investigation can be achieved with fewer field work if the spatial information and 3D visualization technology are used.
2016, 3(2): 152-155.
doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2016.02.030
Aiming at representative problems like data heterogeneity and express complexity in current various kinds of hydrographic surveying results, a set of seamless data management and three-Dimensional visualization methods are brought forward. According to its workflow, integrated information is dug out based on various single data types, therefore, a realistic, direct and efficient solution for revealing the objective geographic conditions of marine environment is provided. Typical implements are also studied combined with electric engineering practice.
2016, 3(2): 156-161.
doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2016.02.031
With the new round reform of electric power system, the profit pattern of power grid changes. Grid project economic evaluation of the feasibility research should be conducive to grid companies to determine the profitability of the project, on the other hand itneed to fully demonstrate about the necessity and economic feasibility of the project to the government .According to the characteristics of the Shenzhen power grid, This article put forward the project feasibility research economic evaluation methods and indicators of power grid, detailly discussed the reasonable allocation method of a single project's earnings, evaluated the project from the impact of transmission-distribution price and economic benefits of project.those examples show that the method has good operability.
2016, 3(2): 162-166,161.
doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2016.02.032
The economic evaluation of closed loop operation of distribution network based on life cycle cost is studied in this paper, and then is applied in Nansha distribution network. First, considering the general features of closed loop operation of distribution network, a framework of economic evaluation based on life cycle cost is proposed. Secondly, a simplified model of the availability of distribution network is put forward for calculating the power loss cost. Furthermore, taking into account the investment cost, operation and maintenance cost, power loss cost, and scrap cost simultaneously during the life cycle, a novel method for the economic calculation of distribution network is presented. Finally, the proposed method is applied in the Nansha distribution network, and the results show its feasibility and validity.
2016, 3(2): 167-171.
doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2016.02.033
By using budget compilation and caculation standard, along with detailed budget estimate norm in electric power construction projects, this paper analyses and compares the differences between manpower transportation and aerial ropeway transportation under different terrain conditions from the perspective of cost. The cost of manpower transportation is lower than aerial ropeway transportation under flat terrain. This paper obtains the transportation critical values of these two transportation modes under hilly terrain and mountainous terrain. These critical values provide suggestions for the choice of more economical transportation mode.
2016, 3(2): 172-176,161.
doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2016.02.034
During the start of Nanning substation, the capacitor banks at No.3 main transformer's low voltage side tripped for voltage off-normal , when putting into use manually.The paper analyzed the 500 kV voltage control curve, rated voltage of low voltage winding, voltage rise capacitance, capacitive rise effect, voltage setting value, etc, proved that only one capacitor bank at No.3 main transformer's low voltage side could be put into use in the normal conditions. With the demand of operation department, the paper analyzed the modification scheme to reduce one set of capacitor bank's capacitance and the condition of the modified capacitor banks putting into use, resonance and harmonic were also verified. Finally, the paper provided suggestions on technology and design management aim to above problems.