2017 Vol. 4, No. 3
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2017, 4(3): 1-6.
doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2017.03.001
Current situation and developing trends of the seismic input of nuclear power plant are firstly introduced and analysed in U. S.A., Japan and China. Taking the seismic-isolated foundation project of nuclear island as the example in Shanghai Nuclear Engineering Research & Design Institute, the article mainly focuses on the necessity research and general concept design of nuclear island seismic-isolated foundation for AP1000 units. Then the main content of seismic-isolated foundation from U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission and countermeasures from Shanghai Nuclear Engineering Research & Design Institute are researched. This work provides some guidance for further study on seismic input of nuclear power plant and seismic-isolated foundation of nuclear island as a reference.
2017, 4(3): 7-14.
doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2017.03.002
In order to better promote the development of China nuclear power industry, eliminate the public concerns on nuclear spent fuel, and extend the Shanghai nuclear industry chain, this paper introduces the generation of the spent fuel and the way of spent fuel treatment, analyzes the characteristics, market space and development trend of the nuclear fuel cycle back-end industry at home and abroad, and the advantages and disadvantages for Shanghai to develop the industry, and gives suggestions and advices on some important ways, key products and related policies for Shanghai to develop the industry, which is meaningful for the Shanghai nuclear related enterprises to plan rationally and conduct research and development.
2017, 4(3): 23-29.
doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2017.03.005
From the perspective of industry control , this paper analyzes the characteristics of Internet of Things. Against to the distributed wind power generation, this paper designs the platform of Internet of Things of wind power, and also does the actual project practice.The platform design uses the approach of internet configuration software to implement the project by background configuration and improves the efficiency. The platform also supply the unified data service interfaces to facilitate the project of other software providers. The platform uses the Silverlingt technology to implement the cross-platform application and has outstanding visual effects. The platform focus on solving the past "application island" problem through the modular and universal design.Through the actual scene application, the platform achieves the expected effects.
2017, 4(3): 30-34.
doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2017.03.006
Recently, Construction of Smart Power Plant enters a new stage. In order to make the preliminary understanding of Smart Power Plant, this paper introduces the concept and architecture of Smart Power Plant and the integration information platform, firstly. And then, recommendations of construction of Smart Power Plant are given. This paper analyse Smart Power Plant from three main lines: system hierarchy, total life cycle and total production process, and points out that Smart Power Plant is not only composed of intelligent equipment, but also supported by to IT technology, information management tools, and advanced management idea and algorithm at the same time. Construction of smart power plant is a complicated systematic engineering, must be treated with scientific and pragmatic attitude. Construction scheme of smart power plant must be made in scientific way to satisfy the internal and external enterprise environment, to realize enterprise management thought and operation target, to improve production efficiency, to reduce the enterprise comprehensive cost, and to enhance the enterprise market strain capacity.
2017, 4(3): 35-38.
doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2017.03.007
With the strategy implementation of restarting nuclear power, the number of power station grows gradually, the quantity of spent fuel from reactors and the transport demand show a rapid upward trend. However, the industry development of spent fuel recycle management lags behind, the contradiction between demand and processing ability has become an urgent question. By introducing the process flow, this paper analyzed the urgency of development and huge market prospect, explored the path and starting point, gived suggestions to relevant enterprises and practitioners.
2017, 4(3): 39-47.
doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2017.03.008
Supercritical carbon dioxide power cycle (sCO2 cycle) is characterized of its simple system, compact structure and high efficiency, and can be coupled with fossil fired heat source to form advanced fossil fired power generation system. The sCO2 cycle has two types, i. e. indirectly heated and direct-fired cycle, and the former can use coal fired furnace as heat source, and the latter can use gas combustor as heat source. Based on the current status of research and development of sCO2 cycle throughout the world, it is concluded that sCO2 cycle can be applied to fossil fired power generation, and it is expected that large-scale clean and high-efficiency power generation system can be developed in the near future so as to overcome the development bottleneck of conventional fossil fired power generation technology.
2017, 4(3): 48-52.
doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2017.03.009
In this paper, the three types of metal (stainless steel, brass and aluminum) are used to study the electrode material effect on the breakdown performance of propylene carbonate under impulse high voltage. The breakdown test shows that the impulse breakdown voltage of propylene carbonate under a pair of parallel-plate electrodes made of stainless steel, brass and aluminum decreases in sequence. To investigate the electrode material effect on breakdown property under impulse voltage, the electric field and space charge distributions in propylene carbonate under the three types of electrodes are measured. The measurement results indicate that the charge injection ability of aluminum electrodes is highest, followed by brass, and then stainless steel electrodes. Accordingly, the electric field distortion rate of propylene carbonate increases in the sequence of stainless steel, brass and aluminum electrodes. This finding illuminates that the difference of electric field distortion rate among the three types of electrodes leads to the difference of breakdown performance in propylene carbonate.
2017, 4(3): 53-57.
doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2017.03.010
As the contradiction between power supply and demand of our country gradually easing, annual utilization hours of generating units decreasing year by year, running in low load condition for a long time, it has been caused the unit thermal economy continue to decrease, unable to meet our country's need for energy saving and improving productivity. This paper concentrated on optimization of sliding pressure for low load operation generating units. The optimization scheme of sliding pressure control technology based on optimum valve-point was studied. The optimization strategy accelerating the response of main steam pressure and the throttling technique of condensed water is adopted in CCS that can not only improve the operation efficiency of the generating unit under low load condition, but also ensure the unit to promptly and rapidly respond the load change requirement during the variable load process. The result of this study shows that the optimization strategy of sliding pressure control technology based on optimum valve-point and the coordinated control system can effectively improve the operation efficiency and control quality of the unit under low load operation condition, and can be popularized and applied in other generating units in china.
2017, 4(3): 58-62,57.
doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2017.03.011
In the electric power system with UPFC, depending on the operating conditions to select appropriate control model is the key to online real-time monitoring system.The control objective of the paper is voltage stability. In the conditions of static instability and transient instability, the effect of multiple control mode with UPFC is studied. Select the determining method of voltage instability as the the switching condition of control mode. Then, coordinated control program of UPFC is selected and developed.The program can achieve flexible switching of UPFC control model, make sure the coordination between controllers, reduce the negative interaction, and better meet the requirements of security, stability and flexible running.
2017, 4(3): 63-68,74.
doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2017.03.012
The line loss rate is an important comprehensive index of technology and economy of distribution network. In order to facilitate line loss management, this paper takes an actual 10kV distribution network in Dongguan as an example to study the characteristics of line loss and its influencing factors based on the data of metrological automation system. Firstly, the monthly variation characteristics and the composition of the line loss are analyzed, and the influence of power supply, average load factor, minimum load factor, shape factor and power factor on line loss is revealed by correlation coefficient. The line loss of the monthly working days and holidays are further analyzed, revealing the differences of the characteristics of the two and the causes. Finally, the analysis system of the line loss characteristics and the influencing factors in three time dimensions is established. In this way, the change characteristics of line loss can be reflected fully. The various factors of line loss also can be analyzed quantitatively.
2017, 4(3): 69-74.
doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2017.03.013
This paper reviews previous operations of pumped-storage plants in Guangdong and summaries main functions of Guangzhou Pumped-storage Plant over last two decades and Huizhou Pumped-storage Plant over the past five years, such as peak regulation, frequency regulation, phase regulation, emergency reserve and black start-up. According to the analysis of typical operation patterns of Guangdong power system during different stages of development, this paper also studies the patterns and transition of various functions of pumped-storage plants in power system. This paper can possibly serve as a major reference to improve dispatching operation and planning of pumped-storage plants.
2017, 4(3): 75-79,84.
doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2017.03.014
There are more and more municipal solid waste with the development of economy, This paper compares the three ways of living garbage disposal; waste landfill and composting for this is not the main way of garbage disposal; compared to incineration is more clean and environmental protection, and has been widely used, not necessarily is the main development trend of city garbage disposal.And reference garbage power plant using four configuration schemes——3×350 t/d、3×400 t/d、2×500 t/d和2×600 t/d are analyzed and compared, to explain how to configure and select the unit. Technical scheme of garbage power plant selection should be combined with the actual situation of the project, from the technology and application performance, operation stability, maintenance workload, covers an area of, considering the investment cost and economic operation etc., and select the best project.
2017, 4(3): 80-84.
doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2017.03.015
With the acceletation of urbanization and the increasng use of space resource, it is particularly important to rationally conduct the design of urban utility tunnel.In view of the present comprehensive design characteristics of the pipe rack, combined with some examples of engineering research and return visits, the unit feedback, project implementation requirements gathering, etc., in comprehensive utility tunnel standard subsection and its node design points are classified and discussed in the paper, which provide some points deserve to be paid attention to in design, offer a reference to rationally develop the design of urban utility tunnel, and provide a clear decision and basis for the project progress in the early stage and evaluate. Nowdays with the accumulation of experience and accelation of technological innovation, utility tunnel throughout the countryside develops rapidly.In order to comply with the trend of the age, some digitized concepts are brought in , such as "Big Data" and "Internet Plus" , which makes utility tunnel no longer a traditional underground structure any more.It means the future investigation will break the traditional barriers and integrate more knowledge in different fields.It's also a new test and demand on designers.
2017, 4(3): 85-91,96.
doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2017.03.016
There are many submarine pipeline detection technology methods, but due to special requirements of submarine cable detection's high precision. It was rough by using conventional magnetometer and pipeline detection technology, submarine cable was detected by many integrated detection methods base on ROV carrying all kinds of equipment increasingly mature, conventional submarine topography measurement technology as an auxiliary means has been suitable market, meanwhile it has been suitable for complex seabed environment.
2017, 4(3): 92-96.
doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2017.03.017
The speed of the technical development of the wind power plant is much faster than that of the deterioration of the wind farm, with the constant progress of the technology, the majority of wind farms can be targeted expansion, and in order to maximize the use of existing wind farms wind energy resources, increase the economy income. According to the characteristics of the built wind farms, the design of the wind farms is the key to the reconstruction of the wind farms. The Scada data of the built wind farms are statistically analyzed to understand the characteristics and operating characteristics of wind energy resources of wind farms, According to the wind resource characteristics and operating characteristics of the wind farm, The CFD model error of the wind farm is confirmed, and the model of the wind farm is revised to meet the requirements of the accurate simulation of the wind farm. The wind farm is used to determine the wind farm expansion plan to ensure that the wind farm Power generation. The results of the engineering examples and the data analysis show the superiority of the method.
2017, 4(3): 97-102,106.
doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2017.03.018
For offshore wind power assessment, eight kinds of Measure-Correlation-Predict (MCP) algorithms have been employed to compare mean wind speed, standard deviation of wind speed, mean power density and annual energy output of wind turbine in six numerical experiments with wind observation of four automatic weather stations in Pearl River Delta and reanalysis dataset MERRA from 2003 to 2010. The results show that Simple Orthogonal Regression (SOR), Reduced Major Axis regression (RMA), Quantile Regression (QR), Weibull Scale Fitting (WS) predict better mean wind speed. Besides, SOR, RMA and WS predict better standard deviation of wind speed. Joint Probability Distribution algorithm (JPD) predicts better energy output of wind turbine.
2017, 4(3): 103-106.
doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2017.03.019
In some areas with dense vegetation and complicated terrain, both DEM and DSM have low result accuracy when acquired by traditional aerial photogrammetry technique, which leads to strong field survey burden in the transmission line. In this paper, we analyzed the strengths of Airborne LiDAR Technology and took optimal design of Ultra-high voltage transmission line in Northwestern Yunnan as an example to illustrate the path optimization applications and their economic efficiency of Airborne LiDAR Technology, such as precisely extract plane and profile mapping, optimize crisscross spanning design and effectively estimate demolition and crop compensation. Thus, we demonstrate the feasibility of Airborne LiDAR Technology when it is applied to optimal design of Ultra-high voltage transmission line, which can efficiently improve the design quality of the transmission line and release construction budget.
2017, 4(3): 107-114.
doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2017.03.020
Completely decomposed granite (CDG) is subjected to substantial amount of spatial variability. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the effect of spatial variability of the shear strength parameters of CDG on the stability of CDG slopes under intense rainfall infiltration. In the method used in this paper, the pore water pressure is modeled using the wetting font concept. The spatial variability of the strength parameters is modeled based on the random fields. The factor of safety of the slope is computed using the shear strength reduction method. It is found that the presence of spatial variability will change the failure modes of the slope. As the correlation distance reduces, the size of the sliding mass also tends to reduce. The stability of the soil will be more sensitive to the advancing of the wetting front. Ignoring the negative correlation between the cohesion and the friction angle will overestimate underestimate the failure probability of the slope.
2017, 4(3): 115-118.
doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2017.03.021
Informal Waste Landfills in Certain City are numerous, and some of these are lack of anti-seepage control systems, which may lead to groundwater pollution caused by leachate. Considering conditions of the informal waste landfill in certain district, and the outcomes of investigation, reconnaissance, lab analysis and other related activities, the author investigated environmental geological conditions and the protective capability of stratum towards the waste pollutants, and evaluated the contamination status of the goundwater due to leachate within the first underlayer, and the effect on water quality of groundwater by Comprehensive Pollution Index and Nemerow Pollution Index evaluation methods. The result showed that contamination exsisted at different extent in all the groundwater samples flew through the downstream of the landfill. Moreover, the contamination extent positively correlated to the distance between the landfill and sampling site, that means groundwater contamination closely ties up with the landfill pollution. Accoding to the statistical results of the sample analysis, the highest pollution Index lies in arsenic, almost 24 times of the standard. And the subsequent pollution index lies in potassium permanganate, the highest resuilt reaches 2.4. Groundwater comprehensive pollution index is 5 times of the standard, and the Nemerow pollution index is 17 times of the standard value. Such groundwater contamination caused by the landfill has universality. It is representative, and reflected the groundwater pollution status in part of existed informal landfill in certain district. The pollution of this landfill provided the basis and experience for management and development of groundwater resources in certain district.
2017, 4(3): 119-126.
doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2017.03.022
SA-508 Gr.3 Cl.1 and Cl.2 forgings for RPV and SG of the third generation passive nuclear power plant possess characters of top-level design requirements and high manufacturing difficulties. During the domestic production progress, a certain number of Non Conformance Report (NCR) on mechanical properties were submitted. Design requirements and deviations from ASME code about SA-508 Gr.3 Cl.1 and Cl.2 forgings were studied. The quantitative analysis on the mechanical properties of the forgings was carried out. Results show that low fracture toughness accounts for the major parts of NCR for RPV forgings, while both the low fracture toughness and lower tensile strength are the main reasons of NCR for SG forgings. A research on chemical and heat treatment specialties of SA-508 Gr.3 Cl.1 and Cl.2 forgings used for RPV and SG of was also carried out, in which the contributing factors and countermeasures on the quality instability of domestic-made heavy forgings were studied. In order to overcome the conflict between the manufacturing actuality and design requirements, it makes senses to optimize the process or develop a new process to improve the heavy frogings′ properties.
2017, 4(3): 127-130.
doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2017.03.023
Inlet valve's main sealingof High-head pump-turbine play important role on its stability during the operation process. Varies design ruleswas conducted to enhancethe characteristics of theHigh-head pump-turbineby considering the influence of inlet valve's main sealinghardness difference on its stability.In this paper, the evolution of design theory for sealing has been studied, and then several typical design methods used in China were investigated, and finally this study play insight into the influence of inlet valve's main sealinghardness difference on itsbehavior of GZ-IIpump-turbinewith the field test data analyzing. Based on the study of the field test data, several conclusions can be drawn as follows: (i)differential hardness has significant effect on the damage of sealing surface and the damage degree increases with the increasing of the differential hardness between fixed and dynamic sealing rings; (ii) the damage degree reach its minimum value when the dynamic and fixed sealing rings have the same hardness. Therefore, the optimized design rule that controlling the differential hardness below ±35HBwas proposed to enhance its behavior ofthe High-head pump-turbine.
2017, 4(3): 131-135.
doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2017.03.024
Icing flashover is an important cause of icing transmission lines' trip fault. In China's Yunnan, Guizhou and other relatively high elevation of the mountain, especially the developed, in river basin areas of complex topography, the installation of the ice melting device can reduce the icing flashover accident rate and improve the safety of winter operation of transmission network. In this paper, through the analysis of the sending station selection of ice melting scheme in the Northwest Yunnan Province to Guangdong EHV DC transmission project, from the technical scheme, the thesis compares the construction management, operation and maintenance, project investment etc, put forward the technical economy has obvious advantages on DC ice melting scheme, and provide reference for the follow-up project.
2017, 4(3): 136-140.
doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2017.03.025
From the perspective of industrial organization, this paper analyzes the present situation of hydropower construction industry in China by using SCP model, and compares it with that of foreign engineering companies, the results show that the hydropower construction industry in our country has a high oligopoly market structure and has formed the scale economic benefit, investment and operation in the field of hydropower derivatives show a significant difference in the investment target and business model, the contribution of investment operation to the profit level of the industry is increasing, and for the enterprises in the industry, the combination of industry, technology and internationalization are the effective means to improve the competitiveness, appropriate increase in asset liability ratio can enhance the ability to diversify. At last, the paper gives some suggestions to the enterprises which will enter the hydropower construction industry.
2017, 4(3): 141-144,118.
doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2017.03.026
According to the many accidents that caused by the various meteorological disasters the harm and influence of the meteorological disasters on the safe operation for power systems, especially on the transmission line are detailed introduced in this paper. Besids, how to utilize the existing weather forecasting information and the condition monitoring technology of transmission line, to improve the disaster prevention of transmission line effectively are present, and how to establish appropriate early warning mechanism is described as well, some conclusions would provide reference for the further study on disaster prevention of transmission line.