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2024 Vol. 11, No. S1

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2024, 11(S1): 1-2.
Analysis of Influencing Factors and Suggestions for the Development of Highway Transportation and Energy Integration Projects
HUANG Jinghuan
2024, 11(S1): 1-6. doi: 10.16516/j.ceec.2024.S1.01
  Introduction  In the context of the "dual carbon strategy" in China, the integrated development of transportation and energy is an essential path for low carbon transformation in the transportation sector. To promote the development and construction of highway and energy integration projects, the main influencing factors and suggestions for the development of highway transportation and energy integration projects are proposed.   Method  First, this paper analyzed the key points that should be concerned in the development of highway transportation and energy integration projects by comprehensively analyzing the characteristics of the highway energy consumption and sites, and the characteristics of development and construction of photovoltaic power generation projects. Second, this paper analyzed the construction conditions of the development and construction sites for highway transportation and energy integration projects. Finally, a comprehensive review and analysis were conducted on the unique issues encountered in the development and construction process of highway transportation and energy integration projects, which were different from conventional PV projects, and the main factors affecting the economy of highway transportation and energy integration photovoltaic development were analyzed.   Result  This paper proposes the key points for the development of highway transportation and energy integration projects, proposes relevant technical suggestions on the development and construction of transportation and energy integration projects, and points out the main influencing factors and suggestions on the economic efficiency of highway slope photovoltaic development.   Conclusion  The research results provide certain guidance for the focus and direction of feasibility study and engineering design for highway transportation and energy integration projects, and provide reference for the development and construction of transportation and energy integration projects, and promote the development of highway transportation and energy integration.
Comparative Study on the Structural Schemes for Photovoltaic Supports in the Road Domain of the Transportation and Energy Integration Project
HU Chuanpeng, GAO Zhiyu, DONG Xuguang
2024, 11(S1): 7-13. doi: 10.16516/j.ceec.2024.S1.02
  Introduction  In order to obtain the optimal structural layout scheme for photovoltaic supports in the road domain of the transportation and energy integration project, an idea of comprehensive comparison is proposed by combining the upper structure of photovoltaic supports with corresponding foundations, and a comparative analysis is conducted based on this idea.   Method  For a standard photovoltaic array, based on previous project experience, three feasible structural layout schemes for photovoltaic supports were designed, and a technical and economic comparison was conducted among these three schemes.   Result  The comparison results indicate that the double-column and double-pile scheme has the lowest overall cost and the highest technical feasibility.   Conclusion  Through comprehensive comparison, the optimal structural layout scheme for photovoltaic supports in the road domain of the transportation and energy integration project has been determined, which can provide ideas for the optimization of the structural layout scheme for photovoltaic supports in similar projects.
Optimization of Photovoltaic Power Generation Project Based on Coal Mine Dump
OUYANG Zhangzhi, MU Zhenghui, CAO Changsheng, LU Fenghua
2024, 11(S1): 14-18. doi: 10.16516/j.ceec.2024.S1.03
  Introduction  To promote the construction of photovoltaic power generation project in coal mine dump based on the concept of "desertification control with a PV project", and organically integrate ecological protection with green and efficient energy strategies to achieve the purpose of sound economic development and ecological environment governance.   Method  The optimization of photovoltaic power generation project in a coal mine dump was taken as an example, in the original plan, a fully fixed support is used. After taking into account factors such as boundary line change, geological influence, and controllable construction progress, now a combination of fixed supports and flexible supports is adopted. In areas with relatively flat terrain, fixed supports are considered, and the flexible supports are mainly used for slopes and cross ditches (40%~45%) . Optimization is carried out based on factors such as fixed inclination angle, power generation efficiency, and spacing of PV strings. Option 1:The fixed support has an inclination angle of 16°, a flexible support fixed inclination angle of 4° in the east-west direction, and it is arranged on the slope in the south and slightly south directions. Option 2: the fixed support has an optimal inclination angle of 24° and a flexible support inclination angle of 19°.  Result  The power generation in Option 1 is about 8 MWp higher than that of Option 2, and the total power generation is increased by 10%~15% in 25 years. The total efficiency of the power generation system in Option 1 reduces by about 2% compared to Option 2.   Conclusion  The study has shown that the project optimization guarantees the installed capacity, safety, etc. At the same time, it's an innovation to arrange flexible supports on the slope of the coal mine dump in this project, so it serves as a model for future projects. In the process of project design optimization, we should not only consider the efficiency, but also pay more attention to the economic benefits brought by multi-objective factor optimization.
Design and Practice of Automatic Cleaning Robot Matching for Horizontal Single-Axis Bracket Without Disconnecting from the Bridge in A Large Photovoltaic Power Plant in Saudi Arabia
YUAN Zhenbang, ZHANG Xi, LIU Jiachen
2024, 11(S1): 19-22. doi: 10.16516/j.ceec.2024.S1.04
  Introduction  The 2.6 GW photovoltaic power plant project in Al Shuaibah, Saudi Arabia is located in a desert area. Since the release of Saudi Arabia's "2030 vision", new energy has become an important part of the plan. The project is equipped with the most advanced N-type double-sided photovoltaic modules and horizontal single-axis automatic tracking brackets, making it the largest photovoltaic power plant in the world. This project has set up a business card for China's photovoltaic industry, and is a benchmark for photovoltaic equipment to go global.   Method  Due to the higher requirements for cleaning and maintenance of photovoltaic modules in the desert, photovoltaic cleaning robots were used to improve photovoltaic power generation efficiency and reduce operation and maintenance costs.   Result  Photovoltaic cleaning robots come in various forms, and automatic cleaning robots are most suitable for large photovoltaic power plants. However, in the practical application of horizontal single-axis brackets, a specific design optimization is required to achieve smooth operation.   Conclusion  In this paper, the application practice of matching an intelligent cleaning machine is deeply studied for the optimization design of the horizontal single-axis bracket without disconnecting from the bridge of the photovoltaic power station project, providing a reference for the design of intelligent cleaning and maintenance machines of photovoltaic power stations in desert areas.
Analysis and Research on Detection Methods of WTGS Foundation Defects
PI Junwu, WU Qiang, MA Jun
2024, 11(S1): 23-28. doi: 10.16516/j.ceec.2024.S1.05
  Introduction  With the increasing installed scale of onshore wind turbines in China, quality defects in WTGS foundation are very common, directly affects the safe operation of the equipment and equipment safety. The foundation of WTGS has the characteristics of large volume and complex structure, the applicability of conventional detection methods in the case of large size and dense reinforcements needs comparative analysis, studying the detection methods for WTGS defects has significant practical engineering significance.  Method  This article took a wind turbine reinforcement project as the research object, using geological radar method, ultrasonic transverse wave method, drilling detection method, based on the detection principles of various detection methods and results, the applicability and detection accuracy of each detection method were analyzed. [Resu lt] The analysis results show that: the higher the emission frequency, the higher the defect location accuracy and the lower the effective detection depth of geological radar method; the ultrasonic transverse wave method is only applicable to shallow detection of concrete, detection accuracy is high ; the drilling detection method has excellent visibility, and the results are intuitive and accurate.  Conclusion  For detection of foundation defects in WTGS , the geological radar method and ultrasonic transverse wave method are suitable for detecting shallow concrete defects, and using high-frequency spectrum detection can achieve good detection accuracy; the drilling detection method can be used for detecting shallow and deep defects in concrete foundations and the detection results is intuitive.
Research on the Scheme of Shared Grounding Electrode for Four-Circuit HVDC System
2024, 11(S1): 29-35. doi: 10.16516/j.ceec.2024.S1.06
  Introduction  To address the difficulty in selecting the grounding electrode location, a shared grounding electrode scheme is adopted. The shared grounding electrode can be transformed from an independent grounding electrode. It is relatively uncommon for a four-circuit DC system to share a grounding electrode, so its sharing scheme needs to be carefully studied.   Method  Based on the actual project and the existing situation of independent grounding electrodes, three schemes of grounding electrode sharing at the electrode location were proposed. Through simulation, the step voltage and current distribution of vertical grounding electrodes and deep well grounding electrodes were studied.   Result  When multiple grounding electrodes operate simultaneously, due to the shielding effect between conductors, their electrical characteristics differ from those of independent operation. When operating with the same polarity, regardless of whether it is a vertical grounding electrode or a deep well grounding electrode, the step potential increases compared to when it operates independently, and the electrode current distribution is more uneven.   Conclusion  Under the three feasible schemes, the step voltage does not exceed the limit value, but the step voltage is the smallest under scheme I, and there is no significant difference in the current distribution of the vertical grounding electrode.
Model and Method for Scientific Allocation of Human and Mechanical Resources in Distribution Network Construction
MA Bin, XIAO Junyang, WU Xin, LUO Jinge, SONG Jiagang, XU Zhanpeng
2024, 11(S1): 36-46. doi: 10.16516/j.ceec.2024.S1.07
  Introduction  With the increasing scale of investment in distribution network construction and the increasing number of engineering projects, there is considerable pressure on project progress control and project management in distribution network engineering projects. In order to achieve the control and management throughout the process and integrate resources, and to comprehensively improve the management level of distribution network construction, the research on scientific allocation of human and mechanical resources in distribution network construction is of great significance.   Method  Firstly, through research and analysis of the logical relationships of various process links, the activity-on-node directed network diagram was used to establish a process model for each process of the distribution network engineering project; then, based on the analysis of factors affecting the project construction period in the whole process, a model for guiding the calculation of the construction period in the construction phase was established; finally, a scientific allocation method for human and mechanical resources in distribution network construction based on the genetic algorithm was proposed. The method provided data support for the allocation of different human and mechanical equipment resources throughout the project process in the time dimension, enabling optimal resource allocation and construction period prediction.   Result  Based on a practical engineering project in a certain distribution network, a case study is constructed to analyze the effectiveness of the proposed method. The results show that the utilization of the proposed method can effectively shorten the construction period, and offer the daily distribution information of important resources and the critical path of the project, providing theoretical guidance for further shortening the engineering period.   Conclusion  It can be seen that the proposed method effectively achieves the goals of resource allocation and assisting managers in decision-making, while increasing the resource utilization rate, indirectly reducing unnecessary resource costs, and improving the overall work efficiency of the project.
3D Digital Design of the Data Center Layout Based on Data Drive
HE Jiaojiao, LI Shutao, ZHANG Shaofeng, WU Jinsong, ZHAO Dening, LIAO Xiao
2024, 11(S1): 47-55. doi: 10.16516/j.ceec.2024.S1.08
  Introduction  The layout of the data center is an important design input for its design scheme, and its changes will lead to great changes in the design results. The data center is an extremely complex infrastructure, with strong correlation between the disciplines, and the changes in each of the disciplines will affect one or more of the disciplines at the same time, thus affecting the entire layout. For the current traditional parallel working mode in which each discipline performs its own duties, often the confirmation of the layout needs to go through multi-discipline calculations and analysis, mutual data and coordination and communication, which not only consumes a lot of time, but also makes it difficult to ensure the quality due to frequent adjustments.  Method  In order to improve the design efficiency and quality of the layout, this paper proposed a data-driven modular, parametric and visual design model and method for the layout, which realized the automatic design of the layout with the input parameters through the 3D digital design tool Revit and the visual programming tool Dynamo.  Result  Through this method, designers only need to input some key requirements and indicator parameters, that is, the automatic design of the layout can be completed.  Conclusion  Based on the data-driven 3D digital design of the data center layout, on the one hand, the design efficiency is greatly improved, the manpower and material resources are saved, and on the other hand, by building hard constraints such as standards and specifications into the design model, it can not only greatly improve the design quality, but also save a lot of time at each stage of project design.
Research on Vertical Stress Law of Fan Foundation Under Annular Uniform Load
LI Yuxiang, WU Qiang, MA Shen, MA Jun, XU Huanggang
2024, 11(S1): 127-134. doi: 10.16516/j.ceec.2024.S1.20
  Objective  The fan foundation with prestressed anchor bolt type connection design is the mainstream design at present. The mechanical characteristic of the foundation connected by prestressed anchor bolt is a kind of circular load. There is no detailed analysis data to refer to under such mechanical characteristics. The designers often rely on finite element analysis to analyze the structural safety here, but it takes a longer time. This paper aims to quickly calculate the stress value of the core region of the foundation   Method  Based on the Mohr-Coulomb theory and elastic mechanics theory, a set of vertical stress calculation formula suitable for the design of the core area of fan foundation was derived in this paper, and compared and verified with the fine finite element analysis results.   Results  Comparative results indicate that the formulas derived in this paper demonstrate good accuracy and reliability.   Conclusion  The derived formula presented in this paper can be used as the basis of fan foundation reinforcement design and reference for engineering design.