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WANG Zhimin, HUANG Qian, LIU Guanqing, ZHOU Yong, ZHANG Nan, LI Cheng, LI Shuiqing. Flexibility-Oriented Safety Assessment Strategy for Air Preheater in Thermal Power Units Adapting to the Advanced Power System[J]. SOUTHERN ENERGY CONSTRUCTION. doi: 10.16516/j.ceec.2023-343
Citation: WANG Zhimin, HUANG Qian, LIU Guanqing, ZHOU Yong, ZHANG Nan, LI Cheng, LI Shuiqing. Flexibility-Oriented Safety Assessment Strategy for Air Preheater in Thermal Power Units Adapting to the Advanced Power System[J]. SOUTHERN ENERGY CONSTRUCTION. doi: 10.16516/j.ceec.2023-343

Flexibility-Oriented Safety Assessment Strategy for Air Preheater in Thermal Power Units Adapting to the Advanced Power System

doi: 10.16516/j.ceec.2023-343
  • Received Date: 2023-12-18
  • Accepted Date: 2024-03-01
  • Rev Recd Date: 2024-02-05
  •   Introduction  The realization of dual carbon goals in the construction of a new power system necessitates the transformation of existing thermal power plants to accommodate peak load operations. The safety of thermal power units during flexible operation is a critical element for enhancing the overall stability of the power system. Air preheater is the key auxiliary equipment that affects the wide-load operation capacity of thermal power units. This paper addresses the challenges associated with flue gas temperature fluctuations and blockage and corrosion induced by excessive ammonia injection. It is very important to develop a real-time assessment and safety status monitoring model for dust and blockage of rotary air preheaters.   Method  Based on the big data of wide-load operation monitoring of 600 MW and 350 MW units in central China, the paper developed a model for air preheater blockage assessment based on approximation of the resistance coefficients in the case of various time scales. Furthermore, the flue gas temperature at the outlet of the air preheater and the cold end working temperature were used as monitoring indicators to count the proportion of parameters exceeding the limit in multiple load sections of the unit.   Result  The results show that, at a peak regulation load of 39%, there is approximately a 20% probability of temperature exceedance. In addition, the independent calculation of the blockage risk based on the two indicators may result in a certain degree of underestimation of its degradation rate compared to the calculation based on a joint distribution. Besides, with the verification of data from the two units, the method can quantify the short-term (within the soot-blowing cycle) and mid-and-long term evolution of the air preheater blockage.   Conclusion  This assessment strategy applies to other equipment and systems in thermal power plants, such as SCR denitrification systems and coal mills, providing a quantitative assessment of safety risks during peak load operation. It guides thermal power units to efficiently and stably cooperate with the new power system in dispatching.
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  • 通讯作者: 陈斌, bchen63@163.com
    • 1. 

      沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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Flexibility-Oriented Safety Assessment Strategy for Air Preheater in Thermal Power Units Adapting to the Advanced Power System

doi: 10.16516/j.ceec.2023-343

Abstract:   Introduction  The realization of dual carbon goals in the construction of a new power system necessitates the transformation of existing thermal power plants to accommodate peak load operations. The safety of thermal power units during flexible operation is a critical element for enhancing the overall stability of the power system. Air preheater is the key auxiliary equipment that affects the wide-load operation capacity of thermal power units. This paper addresses the challenges associated with flue gas temperature fluctuations and blockage and corrosion induced by excessive ammonia injection. It is very important to develop a real-time assessment and safety status monitoring model for dust and blockage of rotary air preheaters.   Method  Based on the big data of wide-load operation monitoring of 600 MW and 350 MW units in central China, the paper developed a model for air preheater blockage assessment based on approximation of the resistance coefficients in the case of various time scales. Furthermore, the flue gas temperature at the outlet of the air preheater and the cold end working temperature were used as monitoring indicators to count the proportion of parameters exceeding the limit in multiple load sections of the unit.   Result  The results show that, at a peak regulation load of 39%, there is approximately a 20% probability of temperature exceedance. In addition, the independent calculation of the blockage risk based on the two indicators may result in a certain degree of underestimation of its degradation rate compared to the calculation based on a joint distribution. Besides, with the verification of data from the two units, the method can quantify the short-term (within the soot-blowing cycle) and mid-and-long term evolution of the air preheater blockage.   Conclusion  This assessment strategy applies to other equipment and systems in thermal power plants, such as SCR denitrification systems and coal mills, providing a quantitative assessment of safety risks during peak load operation. It guides thermal power units to efficiently and stably cooperate with the new power system in dispatching.

WANG Zhimin, HUANG Qian, LIU Guanqing, ZHOU Yong, ZHANG Nan, LI Cheng, LI Shuiqing. Flexibility-Oriented Safety Assessment Strategy for Air Preheater in Thermal Power Units Adapting to the Advanced Power System[J]. SOUTHERN ENERGY CONSTRUCTION. doi: 10.16516/j.ceec.2023-343
Citation: WANG Zhimin, HUANG Qian, LIU Guanqing, ZHOU Yong, ZHANG Nan, LI Cheng, LI Shuiqing. Flexibility-Oriented Safety Assessment Strategy for Air Preheater in Thermal Power Units Adapting to the Advanced Power System[J]. SOUTHERN ENERGY CONSTRUCTION. doi: 10.16516/j.ceec.2023-343
    • “双碳”目标下,我国加快建设以可再生能源为主体的新型电力系统[1],高比例新能源的供给消纳使得存量火电机组转向调峰运行,以增强电网的平衡调节能力。同时,考虑到风光能源的随机性、波动性和间歇性,碳中和下我国(及各区域)能源结构中仍应保有一定的火电装机容量,以保障电力供应的可靠性[2-3]。这都要求火电的输出能力更加灵活,以使电网时刻满足负荷需求的同时,最大限度地容纳可再生能源[4]


      空预器是布设在锅炉尾部烟道的换热设备,利用烟气余热加热煤粉燃烧所需一、二次风,显著提升机组能效和低负荷运行下的煤粉着火与稳燃能力[9]。现代大型火电机组多采用三分仓回转式空预器结构,通过蓄热式波纹板将空气加热。但波纹板的流道狭窄,易被烟气中的飞灰颗粒物堵塞[10]。空预器内的积灰堵塞既降低其换热效率,影响机组整体运行效率,也会显著增大流道阻力,增加风机能耗,严重时会引发风机喘振、失速甚至导致机组停机[11]。这已成为当前火电调峰运行中的普遍棘手问题:据国内某发电集团对所属300 MW及600 MW机组的不完全统计,超过半数机组的空预器运行压差显著高于设计值。




    • 本研究依托我国中部地区某350 MW和某600 MW机组实时运行数据开展。如图1所示,两机组均用VN回转式三分仓空气预热器,且前端加装SCR脱硝装置。对于加装SCR脱硝系统且未采取水旁路改造和烟气旁路改造的锅炉风烟系统,由烟气温度降低引起的空气预热器运行稳定性问题是制约火电机组承担调峰任务的关键因素之一[19]

      Figure 1.  Schematic diagram of air preheater operation




    • 针对机组直接监测数据无法准确反映空预器内部堵塞情况的现状,本节首先基于流体力学基本原理,结合机组负荷及空预器进出口压差等实测数据,构建了空预器实时阻力系数计算方法;进一步针对该计算结果随机误差较大的问题,引入近期内历史数据进行拟合修正,以获得基于不同运行周期的堵塞演化模型。

    • 空预器阻力系数是反映其内部堵塞状态的无量纲参数,其计算公式如式(1)所示[16]

      $$ K=2 \dfrac{\Delta P}{\overline{\rho}_{{\mathrm{f}}}\left(Q_{\mathrm{z}} / A_{\mathrm{ph}}\right)^{2}} $$ (1)


      Δp ——空预器进出口压力差(Pa);

      $ \bar{\rho}_{{\mathrm{f}}} $ ——流经空预器的烟气的平均密度(kg/m3);

      Qv ——流经空预器的烟气的体积流量(折算至烟气平均温度状态下,m3/s);

      Aph ——空预器烟气侧的流通截面积(m2)。

      在实际应用中,烟气压差主要依靠空预器进出口处布置的压力测点的实测数据计算得到;由于烟气的温度和压力波动范围通常较小,烟气平均密度通常视为定值;而烟气流量则是该计算方法的主要难点。电厂SIS系统(厂级信息监控系统)的烟气流量通常是标准状态下(0 ℃,101.325 kPa)、干基(即不含水蒸气)的测量数据,使得该参数参与计算时存在严重滞后;此外,由于难以保证烟道截面内的流速均匀,测量数据可能存在较大随机误差。一种改进方案是引入机组负荷W和过量空气系数α代替式(1)中的烟气流量,获得“修正”的阻力系数如式(2)所示。

      $$ K^{\prime}=\Delta p /(W \alpha)^{2} $$ (2)


      Figure 2.  Relationship between the load and the pressure difference

      Figure 3.  Relationship between the load and the ‘corrected’ resistance coefficient

    • 机组实际运行中,空预器的阻力系数应只与其内部结构及实时堵塞状态相关:即阻力系数K应在锅炉变负荷过程中保持相对稳定。但图3所示阻力系数即使在堵塞未发生明显变化的时段内,也可能存在大幅波动。这可能由压力传感器的测量系统误差和随机误差导致,也可能是因为测点在截面上的布置位置单一,使得逐时刻计算结果不具有代表性。

      为解决该问题,提出引入多项式K(t; k1ki)的方式对阻力系数K进行拟合与修正:

      $$ \Delta p=K\left(t ; k_{1}, k_{2} \cdots k_{i}\right)[W(t) \alpha(t)]^{2}+b $$ (3)


      W(t) ——机组负荷(MW);

      α(t) ——过量空气系数;

      kib ——拟合参数。



      $$ K=k_{1} t^{2}+k_{2} t+k_{3} $$ (4)
      $$ \Delta p(t)=\left(k_{1} t^{2}+k_{2} t+k_{3}\right) W(t)^{2}+b $$ (5)


      k1k2k3 ——待定系数。

      图4(a)展示了机组A(600 MW)在一次持续约48 h的吹灰周期内的阻力系数拟合效果(R2 = 0.9168)。可见,在该时间区间内,阻力系数呈缓慢上升趋势,与工程实际相符。且如图4(a)所示,利用此拟合多项式计算得到的压差拟合曲线可在消除实际压差的波动的同时,较好地吻合其变化趋势,证明了该拟合结果的可靠性。取机组B(350 MW)一次持续约14 h的吹灰周期数据进行类似拟合验证,得到了如图4(b)及图5(b)所示的拟合效果(R2 = 0.8158),验证了该拟合模型在不同容量机组的适用性。

      Figure 4.  Fitted pressure difference

      Figure 5.  Short-term evolution of resistance coefficients of air preheaters


      $$ K=k_1 t^2+k_2 t+k_3\left|\sin \left(\dfrac{{\text{π}}}{T} t\right)\right|+k_4 t+k_5 $$ (6)


      k1k5 ——待定系数;

      T ——吹灰周期。

      图6(a)所示,该拟合多项式下的机组B(350 MW)空预器中长期阻力系数变化规律与实际堵塞状态变化规律相符,且拟合压差可较好地反映实际压差的变化趋势(见图6(b))。此外,图6(a)所示拟合曲线呈现出一定的周期波动趋势,反映了短期的、周期性的吹灰对空预器长期堵塞演化的影响。

      Figure 6.  (a) Long-term evolution of resistance coefficient of the air preheater for the 350 MW unit; (b) fitted pressure difference


    • 在新型电力系统中,火电机组各设备及系统为应对新能源出力及电力峰值需求不匹配的问题,常处于非设计工况条件下运行。这大幅增加了火电机组,乃至整个电力系统的不确定性及风险。仍以空气预热器为例,其作为锅炉尾部烟道的低温受热面,除由积灰堵塞引起的压力波动外,其工作温度范围是另一影响其安全状态的关键点。特别地,空预器过低的工作烟气出口温度和冷端温度不仅加剧空预器的冷端腐蚀程度,还间接影响积灰速率(见第1节讨论)。

      为评估空预器历史工作状态,探究其在不同调峰工况下的运行情况。本节调取机组B(350 MW)6个月内的全部历史数据,按其历史调峰情况将机组历史数据分为100%-负荷,91%-负荷,71%-负荷,51%-负荷,39%-负荷五组。进一步,在各负荷段内,统计空预器出口烟气温度和冷端工作温度各自的概率密度分布及联合概率密度分布。图7显示出了机组处于满负荷运行和最低稳负荷运行工况下,空预器出口烟气温度和冷端温度的概率分布。可见,机组低负荷运行下空预器典型温度分布较为分散,且整体温度偏低,更易出现温度失控而超出许用值的情况。

      Figure 7.  Condition assessment of the air preheater for the 350 MW unit based on the flue gas temperature at the outlet and the cold end temperature

      基于电厂空预器温限规范(出口烟气温度在113~160 ℃之间;冷端温度不低于148 ℃),计算空预器在上述指标下的非正常工作时间占比,并将在不同典型负荷段下的超温限概率作为其折损率,以评价空预器的历史运行情况。如图8所示,在51%-负荷以及39%-负荷两个负荷段内,由于烟气温度难以控制,有20%~30%的时间空预器都处于非正常工作区间内,这将极大程度加剧其冷端腐蚀及堵塞问题。此外,独立计算两指标下的堵塞风险相较以联合分布计算会一定程度低估其折损率,这是由于两变量间具有较强的线性相关关系导致的。

      Figure 8.  Probability for the air preheater temperature exceeding the limit for the 350 MW unit at various loads


    • 为保障新型电力系统的安全与稳定,文章以空气预热器为研究范例,开展了基于600 MW及350 MW火电机组实际调峰运行大数据的火电机组灵活运行安全状态评估研究:




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