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DAI M W, ZHANG C F, YANG J - W. Research on lithium battery thermal runaway warning method based on multi-feature fusion [J]. Southern energy construction, xxxx, x(): 1-6 doi:  10.16516/j.ceec.2024-204
Citation: DAI M W, ZHANG C F, YANG J - W. Research on lithium battery thermal runaway warning method based on multi-feature fusion [J]. Southern energy construction, xxxx, x(): 1-6 doi:  10.16516/j.ceec.2024-204

Research on Lithium Battery Thermal Runaway Warning Method Based on Multi-Feature Fusion

doi: 10.16516/j.ceec.2024-204
  • Received Date: 2024-06-15
  • Rev Recd Date: 2024-07-08
  •   Introduction  During the operation and storage of lithium batteries, substantial heat is generated. Anomalies in temperature can impact the lifespan and cycling efficiency of lithium batteries, and in extreme cases, may lead to explosions. Therefore, research on thermal runaway warning for lithium batteries is crucial for ensuring their operational safety .   Method  The DTW-Kmeans algorithm was employed to identify anomalies in the temperature rise rate of lithium batteries. Subsequently, the physical characteristic of surface temperature decrease following the opening of the lithium battery safety valve was incorporated. A dual-feature fusion approach was utilized to propose a thermal runaway warning mechanism for lithium batteries.   Result  Repetitive experiments have validated the effectiveness of the proposed early warning algorithm in distinguishing abnormal lithium batteries based on temperature rise rates. Furthermore, it is capable of identifying the sudden change in temperature rise rates from positive to negative in abnormal lithium batteries, achieving a comprehensive recognition accuracy rate exceeding 90%.   Conclusion  The early warning algorithm is able to accurately identify lithium batteries with abnormal temperature rise rates, and can promptly and precisely detect the timing and location of the opening of the safety valve in the lithium battery. Consequently, this early warning algorithm serves as a preemptive measure against thermal runaway in lithium batteries, thereby safeguarding the safe operation of lithium-ion battery packs.
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  • 通讯作者: 陈斌, bchen63@163.com
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      沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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Research on Lithium Battery Thermal Runaway Warning Method Based on Multi-Feature Fusion

doi: 10.16516/j.ceec.2024-204

Abstract:   Introduction  During the operation and storage of lithium batteries, substantial heat is generated. Anomalies in temperature can impact the lifespan and cycling efficiency of lithium batteries, and in extreme cases, may lead to explosions. Therefore, research on thermal runaway warning for lithium batteries is crucial for ensuring their operational safety .   Method  The DTW-Kmeans algorithm was employed to identify anomalies in the temperature rise rate of lithium batteries. Subsequently, the physical characteristic of surface temperature decrease following the opening of the lithium battery safety valve was incorporated. A dual-feature fusion approach was utilized to propose a thermal runaway warning mechanism for lithium batteries.   Result  Repetitive experiments have validated the effectiveness of the proposed early warning algorithm in distinguishing abnormal lithium batteries based on temperature rise rates. Furthermore, it is capable of identifying the sudden change in temperature rise rates from positive to negative in abnormal lithium batteries, achieving a comprehensive recognition accuracy rate exceeding 90%.   Conclusion  The early warning algorithm is able to accurately identify lithium batteries with abnormal temperature rise rates, and can promptly and precisely detect the timing and location of the opening of the safety valve in the lithium battery. Consequently, this early warning algorithm serves as a preemptive measure against thermal runaway in lithium batteries, thereby safeguarding the safe operation of lithium-ion battery packs.

DAI M W, ZHANG C F, YANG J - W. Research on lithium battery thermal runaway warning method based on multi-feature fusion [J]. Southern energy construction, xxxx, x(): 1-6 doi:  10.16516/j.ceec.2024-204
Citation: DAI M W, ZHANG C F, YANG J - W. Research on lithium battery thermal runaway warning method based on multi-feature fusion [J]. Southern energy construction, xxxx, x(): 1-6 doi:  10.16516/j.ceec.2024-204
    • 随着动力电池技术的迅速发展,高比能量的锂电池在电动汽车和储能等领域得到广泛应用。然而,锂电池在使用过程中受到焦耳热、反应热和副反应热等因素的影响,大量热量积聚,使得电池温度不断上升。温度异常会影响锂电池的寿命和循环效率,甚至在极端情况下可能引发爆炸事故[1]。因此,对锂电池的热失控进行预警研究具有重要意义,可以有效保障锂电池的安全运行[2-3]




    • 锂离子电池的产热主要源自3个方面:反应热、焦耳热及电池自放电或副反应热。反应热在充电过程中吸收热量,放电时释放热量;焦耳热则主要由电池内阻产生。自放电或副反应热通常源于SEI膜分解、内部短路等,其产热在正常工况下占比不到总热量的1%。然而,在热失控情况下,随着电池温度攀升,副反应热急剧增加,可能超越反应热成为主导热源,引发温度骤升[11]

      另根据GB 38031-2020《电动汽车用动力蓄电池安全要求》可知,锂电池热失控的判定条件有温升速率dT/dt≥1 ℃/s,且持续3 s以上,表明锂电池状态异常时的温升速率高于正常锂电池。


    • DTW(Dynamic Time Warping,动态时间规划)算法可求解不相等序列特征之间的距离,来衡量两段序列的相似性。对序列XY构造矩阵,矩阵元素分别表示XiYj ,以欧氏距离作为矩阵中对应的元素的量[19-21]





      依据DTW,从(0,0)起每到一个点都对之前所有点的距离进行累加,累加距离D (i,j)为:

      $$ \begin{split} & D(i,j)=d(X_i,Y_j)+ \\& \mathrm{min}\left\{D(i-1,j-1),D(i,j-1),D(i-1,j)\right\} \end{split}$$ (1)

      当前格点距离d(Xi, Yj),而DTW所研究的就是使得累加距离最小。

      $$ {\mathrm{DTW}}(i,j) = \min \left( {\frac{{\sqrt {\displaystyle\sum\limits_{q = 1}^p {W_q} } }}{P}} \right) $$ (2)

      P ——对不同长度的规划路径进行的补偿。

    • Kmeans聚类算法,作为一种经典的基于距离的无监督学习算法,依据样本间距离的度量标准,将样本集划分为某种规则下的性质相近的数据子集,这一过程旨在揭示数据间潜在的内在关联和区别,可以深入理解数据的物理或逻辑分组特性[22-23]Kmeans聚类算法中的k代表聚类个数,means代表取每一个聚类中数值的平均值作为该簇的中心,即每一个簇都用这个类的中心描述。这种聚类算法容易实现,其具体实现流程如下:





    • 异常锂电池的温升斜率会高于正常锂电池,因此会出现异常电池的温升曲线偏离正常温升曲线的现象,利用DTW算法可以将每一个锂电池温度序列与其他锂电池温度序列进行相似性匹配,再将每一次匹配后的相似度求和,这样每个温度序列都有一个相似度值,然后利用Kmeans聚类算法将所有相似度值分为两类,异常温度序列将被分为单独一类,这样可将异常温度曲线识别出来;再根据异常锂电池安全阀开启后表面温度下降的物理现象,通过识别异常温度序列温升速率是否出现由正到负的转变,判断异常锂电池的安全阀开启时间和位置。

    • 文章所述算法的总体流程如图1所示。算法主要包括以下3个部分:

      Figure 1.  Flow chart of lithium battery thermal runaway warning method

      (1) 数据预处理:当有锂电池的温度超过40 ℃时,开始对所有锂电池温度数据进行采集,每组采集1 min的数据。随后,将采集的温度数据转换成温升斜率。在文章中,对10个数据点进行1次斜率计算,这样既能有效过滤掉部分噪声,又能够保留安全阀开启后温升速率由正到负的情况。

      (2) 基于DTW-Kmeans的异常温升速率划分算法:首先利用DTW算法构建各个锂电池温度序列之间的相似度值,然后利用Kmeans聚类算法将所有相似度值分为两类,异常温度序列将被分为独立的异常类。

      (3) 基于表面温度下降的安全阀开启判断方法:通过异常类温升速率出现由正到负的突变,正常类温升速率没有由正到负,判断异常锂电池的安全阀已开启。

    • 为获取实验数据集,文章进行4组锂电池过充热失控实验,采集数据包括温度及电压数据。算法测试硬件环境为Intel Core i5-12500H CPU@2.50 GHz,操作系统为Windows 11,编程环境为Matlab2021b。

    • 实验在防爆箱中进行,以18650锂离子电池为研究对象,在1 C、1/2 C、1/3 C及1/5 C充电倍率下对锂离子动力电池进行过充电实验。


      Figure 2.  Overcharge experimental platform

      Figure 3.  Lithium battery overcharge experiment diagram

      (1)每组实验有4节锂电池,1节锂电池预先充电20 min,静置1 h,之后4节锂电池串联进行过充实验。




    • 使用DTW-Kmeans算法对温度数据进行测试,每组数据测试20次。实验结果如图4所示,预警算法的准确率如表1所示。

      Figure 4.  Experimental results of early warning algorithm

      指标 第1组 第2组 第3组 第4组
      位置正确次数/次 18 18 19 18
      时间正确次数/次 18 18 19 18
      总体准确率/% 90% 90% 95% 90%

      Table 1.  Repeatability testing of early warning algorithms

      通过观察图4中曲线的红色区域,可以清晰地看出预警算法在区分异常锂电池的温升速率与其他正常锂电池方面的有效性。特别是在异常锂电池温升速率由正向负的突变出现时,数据截止。4组数据的截止时间与安全阀开启相差在10 s内。这证实了预警算法能够准确识别出发生异常热反应的锂电池,并且对安全阀开启时间和位置的监测具有高效性。


    • 尽管锂电池的发展势头强劲,但对于锂电池热失控安全管理的研究仍然存在不足之处,该领域的安全管理依然备受关注。根据文章的实验结果可知,文章所提出的基于多特征融合的锂电池热失控预警算法是有效的。通过采用DTW-Kmeans算法区分异常锂电池的温升速率,从而识别温升异常的锂电池,随后结合了锂电池安全阀开启后表面温度下降的物理特征,有效检测到了锂电池安全阀开启时间和位置,为锂电池热失控提供预警。未来的研究可探索更新的相似性匹配和聚类算法,深入研究更多热失控前期特征,并进行多特征融合,以提升系统的实际应用性能和可靠性。

Reference (23)



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