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DENG Mingyang, PEI Hao, XU Lina, LIU Shimeng. Research Progress on the Impact of Wind Farms and Photovoltaic Power Plants on Local Climate[J]. SOUTHERN ENERGY CONSTRUCTION. doi: 10.16516/j.ceec.2024-301
Citation: DENG Mingyang, PEI Hao, XU Lina, LIU Shimeng. Research Progress on the Impact of Wind Farms and Photovoltaic Power Plants on Local Climate[J]. SOUTHERN ENERGY CONSTRUCTION. doi: 10.16516/j.ceec.2024-301

Research Progress on the Impact of Wind Farms and Photovoltaic Power Plants on Local Climate

doi: 10.16516/j.ceec.2024-301
  • Received Date: 2024-09-06
  • Rev Recd Date: 2024-10-12
  •   Introduction  With the large-scale development and utilization of wind and solar energy resources, the impact of the construction and operation of wind farms and photovoltaic power plants on local climate has received widespread attention. The paper focuses on summarizing the research progress on the impact of wind farms and photovoltaic power plants on local climate, providing support for their scientific and reasonable planning and layout, as well as the sustainable development of wind and solar energy.   Method  The paper reviewed existing research results in this field and summarized the research methods, impact mechanisms, research processes and achievements on local climate effects of wind farms and photovoltaic power plants.   Result  Wind turbines operation causes local climate change as a momentum sink and turbulence source, which reduce the wind speed in the downwind direction on the one hand, and affect the exchange of energy and matter between land and air by changing the turbulent motion of the boundary layer on the other hand. Furthermore, the momentum, wind speed, sensible and latent heat fluxes in the near surface layer are changed directly and precipitation and cloud cover are changed indirectly. The construction of photovoltaic power plants has significantly changed the characteristics of the land surface and led to changes in the energy budget and distribution between land and air, the environmental temperature cooling effect and the heating effect exist simultaneously, which in turn produces feedback on the local climate system. The environmental temperature cooling effect is caused by physical obstruction, surface evaporation reducing and conversion of radiation energy into electrical energy. The heating effect is caused by the heat release of photovoltaic modules during the photoelectric conversion process and the weakening of nighttime radiation cooling on the surface. The integrated operation of wind and photovoltaic power may form a positive feedback mechanism of increased surface roughness/reduced albedo - increased precipitation - increased vegetation, leads to increased local climate change.   Conclusion  In the context of building a new power system with new energy as the main body, the construction of large-scale wind and photovoltaic bases with a focus on deserts, gobi and wasteland areas has become a top priority for the development of new energy in the 14th Five-Year Plan period from 2021 to 2025. The research on its impact on the climate and environment needs to be continuously carried out.
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  • 通讯作者: 陈斌, bchen63@163.com
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Research Progress on the Impact of Wind Farms and Photovoltaic Power Plants on Local Climate

doi: 10.16516/j.ceec.2024-301

Abstract:   Introduction  With the large-scale development and utilization of wind and solar energy resources, the impact of the construction and operation of wind farms and photovoltaic power plants on local climate has received widespread attention. The paper focuses on summarizing the research progress on the impact of wind farms and photovoltaic power plants on local climate, providing support for their scientific and reasonable planning and layout, as well as the sustainable development of wind and solar energy.   Method  The paper reviewed existing research results in this field and summarized the research methods, impact mechanisms, research processes and achievements on local climate effects of wind farms and photovoltaic power plants.   Result  Wind turbines operation causes local climate change as a momentum sink and turbulence source, which reduce the wind speed in the downwind direction on the one hand, and affect the exchange of energy and matter between land and air by changing the turbulent motion of the boundary layer on the other hand. Furthermore, the momentum, wind speed, sensible and latent heat fluxes in the near surface layer are changed directly and precipitation and cloud cover are changed indirectly. The construction of photovoltaic power plants has significantly changed the characteristics of the land surface and led to changes in the energy budget and distribution between land and air, the environmental temperature cooling effect and the heating effect exist simultaneously, which in turn produces feedback on the local climate system. The environmental temperature cooling effect is caused by physical obstruction, surface evaporation reducing and conversion of radiation energy into electrical energy. The heating effect is caused by the heat release of photovoltaic modules during the photoelectric conversion process and the weakening of nighttime radiation cooling on the surface. The integrated operation of wind and photovoltaic power may form a positive feedback mechanism of increased surface roughness/reduced albedo - increased precipitation - increased vegetation, leads to increased local climate change.   Conclusion  In the context of building a new power system with new energy as the main body, the construction of large-scale wind and photovoltaic bases with a focus on deserts, gobi and wasteland areas has become a top priority for the development of new energy in the 14th Five-Year Plan period from 2021 to 2025. The research on its impact on the climate and environment needs to be continuously carried out.

DENG Mingyang, PEI Hao, XU Lina, LIU Shimeng. Research Progress on the Impact of Wind Farms and Photovoltaic Power Plants on Local Climate[J]. SOUTHERN ENERGY CONSTRUCTION. doi: 10.16516/j.ceec.2024-301
Citation: DENG Mingyang, PEI Hao, XU Lina, LIU Shimeng. Research Progress on the Impact of Wind Farms and Photovoltaic Power Plants on Local Climate[J]. SOUTHERN ENERGY CONSTRUCTION. doi: 10.16516/j.ceec.2024-301
    • 为应对全球气候变化,在“碳达峰、碳中和”的目标愿景下,风光发电在过去十几年来得到了快速的发展,全球年新增装机由2016年的163 GW增长至2023年的500 GW,在新增电源中的比重从60%左右攀升至80%以上,成为新增电源的主力。我国风光发电更是实现了跨越式发展,截至2023年底,我国风电累计装机441 GW,光伏发电累计装机714 GW,累积和新增装机规模长期位居世界首位,风电光伏发电合计装机已超过煤电装机。风光资源利用作为能源转型的核心内容和应对气候变化的重要途经,未来仍将维持高比例发展态势[1]




    • 目前,风电场建设运行的气候效应研究主要以风电场建设前后或风电场内外的(近)地面观测、风洞试验观测、遥感资料分析及数值模拟为技术手段。其中,(近)地面观测资料主要以自动气象站观测数据[10]、测风塔观测数据[11]以及风力发机组运行风数据[12]为主。风洞试验是风电机组运行对边界层的影响研究中重要的研究手段之一,在热稳定性改变情况下风电机组的尾流变化特征以及湍流效应的产生对风电机组输出功率的影响等方面取得了很多具有实际意义的研究成果[13-14]。无人机测风、合成孔径雷达(SAR)、连续波雷达(ZephIR)及Galion(Galion Aerosol Lidar Observation Network)激光雷达等遥感资料,主要用于风场[15-18]的差异化研究。

      因上述研究手段的局限性,数值模式逐渐成为研究风电场气候效应的主要工具。在局地气候效应研究中,主要采用区域气候模式(Regional Climate Model,RCM)[19-20]、区域大气模式系统(Regional Atmospheric Modeling System,RAMS)[21-22]、中尺度天气预报模式(Weather Research and Forecasting Model,WRF)[23],计算流体力学(Computational Fluid Dynamics,CFD)模型[8]及大涡模拟(Large Eddy Simulation,LES)模型[24]等。基于风电机组尾流参数化模型(WRF-Fitch),将风力机的拖曳系数引入WRF模式的风速和湍流动能计算中,近年来常用于国内外的风电场气候效应研究中[25-26]

    • 风电机组运行过程中,其旋转吸收风能的同时,增加了区域内地表粗糙度,并对气流增加了扰动作用,表现出“低风速、高湍流”的尾流效应,促进大气边界层中质量、动量、能量以及其它物质的垂直混合[27]。经过若干风电机组群的尾流叠加效应,即形成风电场尺度的大气内边界层,当其充分发展时,可对风电场下游几十公里范围内产生干扰作用[28]。尾流效应的量级和距离受风电场的大小影响的同时,还和大气边界层的稳定性有关。研究表明,在大气中性层结条件下,风电场尾流距离可以表示为风电机组直径、高度、行数、列间距、动能利用系数和地表粗糙度的函数[29]。随着大规模风电基地的开发,风电场尾流效应可呈现出中尺度特征,影响局地或区域大气物理过程,进而产生局地或区域气候效应,影响机理如图1所示。

      Figure 1.  Impact mechanism of wind farms on local climate[5]

    • 风电场建设运行对边界层风场的影响直接表现为风速的衰减和湍流的增大。其中,风速的变化是评估风电场未来经济可行性的重要因素之一。研究指出,河西走廊酒泉大型风电场[30]和河北尚义大型风电场[31]建成后年平均风速分别减小0.3 m/s与0.4 m/s。风电场建设对高空风速影响更为突出,使风电机组轮毂高度处的风速明显减小[15, 32],并会造成大气边界层高度的增加[33]。Sharma等[34]研究表明大规模的风电场使惯性振荡和与之相关的夜间低空急流高度上移约200 m。风速衰减距离最大可达到30~60 km[15, 32-33],随着风速衰减距离的增大,风速衰减的程度逐渐减小[15, 33, 35],风速会在其下风方5~20 km范围逐渐恢复到上风向风速的98%以上[33],然而风速的变化高度却有所升高[35]。此外,风电场对风速的影响随着周围环境风速的增大而减小[10, 36],且风速的损失量与风电机组的推力系数有关[36]

      风电场通过改变边界层湍流运动,影响陆气之间能量物质的交换,引起局地气象要素的变化,进而影响局地气候[37]。湍流强度除随风电机组位置、下垫面类型、风速大小等因素呈现差异化[12]外,大气稳定度对边界层湍流运动具有重要影响。尾流区域内稳定层结中风切变明显,而不稳定层结中表现出低风速、低风切变与高湍流强度的特征[17],稳定层结的风切变指数整体大于不稳定层结的风切变指数[38],由于不稳定边界层的湍流能量较强,风切变及气象要素梯度较小,有利于尾流影响区和外界自由气流的动量和能量交换,使得尾流风速恢复较快,尾流传播距离较短,反之尾流风速恢复较慢,尾流传播距离较远[27]。夏馨等[11]研究表明河北尚义大型风电场建成后,近地面湍流增强,湍流强度的增加程度在夜间及70 m高度要比白天和50 m高度明显,且湍流强度随风速的增加而减小。

    • 风电机组在运行过程中,尾流的扰动作用使得近地表动量、热量的垂直混合增强,进而对风电场内部与周边区域地表感热潜热通量的垂直分布等产生影响,造成气温和地表温度的变化[39]。通过卫星遥感资料分析发现,德克萨斯中西部地区风电场内外地表温度呈0.724 ℃/10 a的增温趋势[40]。加利福尼亚南部风电场下风向增温范围可达12 km[41]。我国西北[30]、华北地区[42]风电场及其下游地区同样具有增温趋势,但是增温幅度较小。

      受大气稳定度等因素的影响,其增温作用具有较为明显的季节变化与日变化特征,甚至风电场尾流区域下风向表现出明显的异常降温效应[33, 43]。地表温度的变化幅度主要取决于风电机组运行所造成的湍流动能和背景湍流动能之比[43]。内蒙古中部苏尼特右旗朱日和境内风电场上风向、风电场内、下风向的温度降幅依次为0.7%、1.2%和1.6%,且气温的变化随观测环境温度的升高呈减小趋势[10]。大量研究表明,风电场引起的夜间增温效应较为明显,且最强增温效应出现在夏季夜间[40, 44],白天则更趋于降温或不明显的增温[39, 43, 45]。中国西北部的瓜州附近风电场夏季夜间增温可达0.58 ℃/8 a[29]。不同的是,李思等[35]在我国北方大型风电场对华北平原地区气象要素影响的模拟中指出,风电机组在轮毂高度及更高处产生湍流动能,形成湍流逆温效应,从而导致地面和轮毂高度处增温,尤其冬季(1月)的湍流逆温效应更加明显,且风电场面积的扩大会对冬季的湍流逆温效应增强起到促进作用。

      在对风电场的增温效应模拟研究中,不同的参数化方法会导致增温效果的显著差异,在增温幅度和增温范围方面均有所影响[45]。Fitch等[33]在LES和WRF模型中,分别用上升动量汇和空气动力学粗糙度长度的增加来表示风电场,发现不同参数化方法模拟结果可相差2~4倍,LES模拟结果温度变化通常小于0.5 ℃,而WRF模拟中由于夸大了感热通量,导致风电场区域近地面温度变化达1~2 ℃。

    • 风电场对局地降水的影响机理和结论目前尚存在一定的不确定性。风电场的存在,可能在一定程度上阻碍了来自西北部的干空气平流,导致风电场东南部及其周边区域降水量增加1%左右,并在某一个季节内可能会对降水量产生强烈影响[25]。在飓风等恶劣天气条件下,海上风电场会使得累积降水的分布明显变化,导致风电场上游或内部的海上区域降水量增加,下游的陆上区域降水量明显减少[46]。胡菊等[30]研究发现,酒泉地区风电场的建设,增加了大气对流特性,使河西走廊地区西部对流性雨日增加1~1.5 d/a,对流降雨量变化范围在±5 mm之间。

    • 不同下垫面条件下气候背景的差异性,造成了不同下垫面条件下风电场运行的气候响应特征的不同。不同地形条件下产生的湍流模型、边界层稳定情况等均不相同[21]。地表粗糙度越大,风电场下游风速越小,且速度恢复越慢,湍流动能的空间非均匀分布特性越明显,温度的变化加剧、变化范围加大[8]。相较于复杂地形或陆地风电场,平坦地形[47]或近海[23]风电场由于粗糙度较低,湍流运动得到充分发展,尾流中风速得以补充,使得其对当地的气候影响更小,恢复得更快。

      艾泽等[26]以青海湖西南部的乌兰茶卡至共和沙珠玉乡为中心,利用WRF-Fitch分别在平坦峡谷、高海拔山地和水体下垫面条件下开展风电场运行的气候效应敏感性数值试验,得出在同等装机的理想情景下,各风电场内近地层平均风速均呈现出衰减特征,且夜间风速衰减程度更加明显,2 m气温以降低为主,平坦峡谷和水体下垫面风电场的气温变化明显于高海拔地区,且水体风电场内夜间湿度减小更明显。

    • 与风电场类似,当前光伏电站建设运行的气候效应研究也主要以光伏电站建设前后或光伏电站内外的(近)地面观测、遥感资料分析及数值模拟为技术手段。(近)地面观测存在观测要素种类少、时空局限性强等缺点,一定程度上限制了从观测角度研究光伏电站对局地气候的潜在影响,但是近年来,地面观测实验在不断完善。赵延岩等[48]通过在新疆五家渠戈壁和光伏电站内两排光伏阵列中点不同高度或不同土壤深度处布设二维超声风速风向仪、空气温湿度传感器、四分量净辐射传感器、大气压力传感器、土壤热通量传感器、土壤温度传感器、土壤湿度传感器以及涡度相关系统,分析了戈壁与光伏电站混合下垫面地表辐射和能量收支特征。MODIS(Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer)[49]、NASA(National Aeronautics and Space Administration)[50]等遥感数据常用于地表温度、长短波辐射与地表反照率的变化研究。

      Fthenakis等[51]采用CFD模型对北美地区大型光伏电站温度场进行模拟,并结合实测资料进行光伏热岛效应分析。Millstein和Menon[52]通过WRF模拟,开展光伏电站地表反照率、地表温度、降水量和平均云量间的反馈分析。Taha[53]利用高分辨率城市化中尺度数值模式(urban Mesoscale Model 5,uMM5),结合不同表面类型的反照率,对不同光伏组件转换效率下洛杉矶地区城市环境温度进行模拟。

    • 研究指出,光伏电场对局地气候的影响主要表现为通过改变地表粗糙度和反照率等陆面特征产生辐射强迫以及光伏组件与大气边界层之间的相互作用。光伏电场建设运行造成地表粗糙率和反照率的变化,改变地表-大气的辐射平衡,进而对温度场、湿度场、流场等产生一定影响。由于反照率的大小与下垫面类型有关,通常浅色地表反照率较高,深色地表的反照率较低,因此光伏电场对区域反照率的影响因下垫面类型而异。光伏组件和近地表大气之间非线性的相互作用表现为:(1)光伏组件的遮挡作用,减少了地表的热量吸收;(2)光伏组件在光电转换的过程中,在其上下表面产生热辐射;(3)光伏电场的建设可能会伴随地表植被的破坏,从而降低地表蒸散发作用造成的环境温度冷却效应;(4)辐射能转换为电能,使地表获得的能量减少;(5)光伏组件对向上长波辐射的反射和吸收,削弱了地表的夜间辐射冷却。其影响机理如图2所示。

      Figure 2.  Impact mechanism of photovoltaic power plants on local climate[2]

    • 大型光伏电场的建设使电场内太阳辐射的吸收能力增强,反照率下降,向上短波辐射减小[54]。共和盆地荒漠区大型光伏电场建设使区域辐射量减少3.37%,且对白天时段太阳辐射影响更加明显[55]。也有研究进一步指出,冬季共和盆地荒漠地区大型光伏电场内反照率增加,电场内外反照率的季节差异,导致夏季电场内向上短波辐射低于电场外,冬季电场内向上短波辐射高于电场外,而电场内向上长波辐射和向下长波辐射均低于电场外,尤以夏季表现最为明显[56]

    • 光伏电场内外气温的季节变化和日变化较为明显。共和盆地[53]和新疆五家渠[55]光伏电场气温变化较为一致,均表现出白天增温,夜间降温的变化特征,新疆五家渠光伏电场的建设在白天对2 m和10 m高度的近地表空气温度分别产生了0.64 K和0.32 K的对流加热效应,夜间则对2 m和10 m高度的空气温度产生0.24 K和0.08 K的冷却效应[57]。而格尔木荒漠地区大型光伏电场内外气温变化与上述地区有所不同,除冬季白天差异不明显外,全年的夜晚以及春、夏、秋季的白天站内2 m气温值均高于站外,尤其夏季差异最大,可达0.67 ℃,而全年10 m气温均低于站外。

      总体上,光伏电场的建设对地表温度具有冷却作用[56]。共和盆地荒漠地区大型光伏电场建设产生了年平均4 ℃,月平均1.8~8.2 ℃的降温[56]。格尔木荒漠地区大型光伏电场建设同样造成了白天地表浅层(5 cm)土壤温度的下降,但是夜间除冬季外产生了地表浅层土壤温度的升高[58]

    • 光伏电场建设,改变了地表反照率和辐射平衡,直接影响土壤温度和环境温度等因素,间接影响蒸发量和降水量[2]。区域反照率的增加可能会导致降水量的减少,使得蒸发量减少,进一步促进对降水量的抑制作用[59]。Li等[60]发现在沙漠区域布设光伏电场反照率减小,而在农耕环境下布设光伏电场,由于植被破坏,会在暖季导致反照率的增加,从而减少区域蒸发量和降水量。

      光伏电场建设对地表粗糙度的改变还可能造成风场类型、湍流强度、大气边界层高度等的变化。Millstein和Menon[52]指出,光伏电场区域的大气边界层高度在下午会升高150~250 m。殷代英等[55]研究表明,光伏电场的布设,导致局地风向更加趋于单一,大风速占比例也明显降低。

    • 与集中式光伏电场相比,分布式光伏发电的建设规模相对较小,在未来的光伏产业中将扮演重要角色。由于光伏组件的遮蔽效应,减弱了太阳辐射对屋顶的直射作用,同时光电转换效应减少了建筑物表面对太阳辐射的吸收,从而影响城市热量与环境温度。光伏组件的安装可以有效改变建筑物表面温度,对城市热岛效应产生影响[61],但缓解情况取决于对太阳辐射的吸收率[62]和城市气候背景[63]。Salamanca等[64]指出,半干旱城市环境下,通过有效降低近地面气温,屋顶光伏组件可以达到节能8%~11%的目的。Taha[53]在对洛杉矶地区城市环境温度进行模拟后得出,当光电转换效率达到某一阈值,太阳能光伏的部署可以为城市环境降温,如当光电转换效率达到30%时,洛杉矶地区可能会出现0.2 ℃的降温。

    • 目前,风电光伏一体化运行的综合气候效应研究尚少。Li等[65]采用气候模式,模拟研究了覆盖撒哈拉和萨赫勒地区的大规模风电光伏一体化运行对气候的综合影响。研究表明,风电场的建设造成该区域风速下降约36%,近地表显著增温2.36 K,促进该地区热低压的增强,辐合上升运动加剧,导致降水量增加了一倍,约0.25 mm/d,尤其萨赫勒地区降水量平均增加了1.12 mm/d。光伏电场的建设使该地区降水量增加了50%,约0.13 mm/d,萨赫勒地区降水量平均增加0.57 mm/d。光伏电场的运行,引发了对风电场反照率减小—降水增加—植被盖度增加的正反馈,进一步导致气温和降水量增加,因此风电光伏一体化运行导致了气候变化加剧。


      Figure 3.  Process mechanism of local and regional circulation change caused by construction of wind farms and photovoltaic power plants in Northwest China[67]

    • 1)风电场建设运行对边界层风场的影响主要表现为风速的衰减和湍流的增大。湍流运动的改变,影响陆气之间能量物质的交换,导致大气通量的变化,进而影响局地气候。






Reference (67)



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