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Volume 11 Issue 1
Jan.  2024
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XU Yang, CHEN Zhenghong, SHEN Yanbo, et al. Analysis of differences in wind energy parameters between mountainous, hilly, plain and lake areas based on mast data [J]. Southern energy construction, 2024, 11(1): 19-32 doi:  10.16516/j.ceec.2024.1.03
Citation: XU Yang, CHEN Zhenghong, SHEN Yanbo, et al. Analysis of differences in wind energy parameters between mountainous, hilly, plain and lake areas based on mast data [J]. Southern energy construction, 2024, 11(1): 19-32 doi:  10.16516/j.ceec.2024.1.03

Analysis of Differences in Wind Energy Parameters Between Mountainous, Hilly, Plain and Lake Areas Based on Mast Data

doi: 10.16516/j.ceec.2024.1.03
  • Received Date: 2023-07-21
  • Rev Recd Date: 2023-08-08
  • Available Online: 2024-01-30
  • Publish Date: 2024-01-10
  •   Introduction  In order to promote the sustainable and healthy development of wind energy resources and provide a scientific basis for the rational development and use of wind energy resources in the inland areas, the paper analyzes the characteristics of the main wind energy parameters and their differences between the mountainous, hilly, plain and lake areas.   Method  We used the observation data of 11 wind masts with heights of 90~150 m distributed in five different terrains of mountainous, hilly, plain and lake areas in Hubei Province for a whole year, analyzed the characteristics of the main wind energy parameters and their differences between the mountainous, hilly, plain and lake areas.   Result  The analysis results show that: (1) the daily variation of wind speed at the upper level of each mast is in the range of 1.0~2.3 m/s and is significantly larger in the mountainous and hilly terrain than in the plain and lake areas, and the variation tends to be consistent at various levels in that it is small during the day and large at night, while in the plain and lake areas, the daily variation at the lower level has opposite characteristics to the upper level and is large during the day and small at night; (2) the composite wind shear index of each mast ranges from 0.055~0.328, which is greater in the mountainous and hilly terrain than in the plain and lake areas, the daily variation of wind shear index is from 0.063~0.378, which is small during the day and large at night and significantly larger in the plain and lake areas than in the mountainous and hilly areas, and wind shear under high wind conditions is more discrete in the mountainous and hilly terrain and more concentrated in the plain and lake terrain, basically stable between 0.1~0.2; (3) the annual mean turbulence intensity in the effective wind speed section at the upper level of each mast is 0.13~0.18, which is greater in the mountainous terrain than in the plain and lake areas, and the daily variation of turbulence intensity in each mast is from 0.07~0.15, characterized in that the turbulence intensity is large during the day and small at night and the daily variation is significantly larger in the mountainous and hilly terrain than in the plain and lake areas.   Conclusion  It can be seen that the characteristics of wind energy resources under different terrains show obvious spatial and temporal variations under the action of power and heat, the results of the analyses can provide guidance for the development and utilization of wind energy resources.
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  • 通讯作者: 陈斌, bchen63@163.com
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      沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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Analysis of Differences in Wind Energy Parameters Between Mountainous, Hilly, Plain and Lake Areas Based on Mast Data

doi: 10.16516/j.ceec.2024.1.03

Abstract:   Introduction  In order to promote the sustainable and healthy development of wind energy resources and provide a scientific basis for the rational development and use of wind energy resources in the inland areas, the paper analyzes the characteristics of the main wind energy parameters and their differences between the mountainous, hilly, plain and lake areas.   Method  We used the observation data of 11 wind masts with heights of 90~150 m distributed in five different terrains of mountainous, hilly, plain and lake areas in Hubei Province for a whole year, analyzed the characteristics of the main wind energy parameters and their differences between the mountainous, hilly, plain and lake areas.   Result  The analysis results show that: (1) the daily variation of wind speed at the upper level of each mast is in the range of 1.0~2.3 m/s and is significantly larger in the mountainous and hilly terrain than in the plain and lake areas, and the variation tends to be consistent at various levels in that it is small during the day and large at night, while in the plain and lake areas, the daily variation at the lower level has opposite characteristics to the upper level and is large during the day and small at night; (2) the composite wind shear index of each mast ranges from 0.055~0.328, which is greater in the mountainous and hilly terrain than in the plain and lake areas, the daily variation of wind shear index is from 0.063~0.378, which is small during the day and large at night and significantly larger in the plain and lake areas than in the mountainous and hilly areas, and wind shear under high wind conditions is more discrete in the mountainous and hilly terrain and more concentrated in the plain and lake terrain, basically stable between 0.1~0.2; (3) the annual mean turbulence intensity in the effective wind speed section at the upper level of each mast is 0.13~0.18, which is greater in the mountainous terrain than in the plain and lake areas, and the daily variation of turbulence intensity in each mast is from 0.07~0.15, characterized in that the turbulence intensity is large during the day and small at night and the daily variation is significantly larger in the mountainous and hilly terrain than in the plain and lake areas.   Conclusion  It can be seen that the characteristics of wind energy resources under different terrains show obvious spatial and temporal variations under the action of power and heat, the results of the analyses can provide guidance for the development and utilization of wind energy resources.

XU Yang, CHEN Zhenghong, SHEN Yanbo, et al. Analysis of differences in wind energy parameters between mountainous, hilly, plain and lake areas based on mast data [J]. Southern energy construction, 2024, 11(1): 19-32 doi:  10.16516/j.ceec.2024.1.03
Citation: XU Yang, CHEN Zhenghong, SHEN Yanbo, et al. Analysis of differences in wind energy parameters between mountainous, hilly, plain and lake areas based on mast data [J]. Southern energy construction, 2024, 11(1): 19-32 doi:  10.16516/j.ceec.2024.1.03
    • 大力发展可再生能源已成为全球能源转型和应对气候变化的重大战略方向和一致宏大行动[1]。风能因其储量大、分布广的优势成为重要的可再生能源之一,2022年全球风电累计装机容量达到906 GW[2]。我国风电产业经过10多年的高速发展,在“十三五”期间实现了跨越式推进,截至2022年总装机容量达390 GW[3]。为如期实现“双碳”目标,我国的可再生能源装机规模将大幅度提升,到2030年风能太阳能发电总装机容量将达1.2 TW以上[4],以风能太阳能为代表的新能源将迈入高质量发展阶段。

      自2007年华中区域第一个风电场——九宫山风电场在湖北通山建成投产至今,风电开发已遍布湖北全省,随着湖北省山区和丘陵地带风能资源相对丰富区域的逐步深入开发以及低风速风力发电技术、风机轮毂高度和叶片直径的不断提升,风电开发也从集中式发展到分布式、从山区丘陵发展到平原湖区,这些随着时间推移发生的不断突破资源、技术和地形的发展方式,对风能资源评估方法及特征分析也提出了更迫切的需求。国内相关文献对我国及部分省份风能资源评估及特征进行了研究分析,陈欣等[5]利用西北地区和东南沿海地区具有代表性的测风塔资料,对比分析其风能资源特性差异;周青等[6]利用中国风能资源专业观测网的观测数据分析了全国近地层风速及风功率密度的时空、方位及梯度分布特征;朱蓉等[7]基于中国气象局风能资源高时空分辨率数据集及测风塔实测数据分析了中国风能资源气候特征及成因;吴琼[8]、许杨等[9]采用分布在山区的测风塔对山地风能资源特征进行了分析。此外,还有相关文献利用不同地形下的测风塔观测数据针对风切变[10-12]或湍流强度[13-15]等单一特征研究成果进行论述。这些研究所用测风塔资料观测高度基本在100 m以下,或针对某一风能资源特征参数展开分析,因此有必要结合内陆地区风电发展现状,采用更高观测高度的测风塔观测数据,对不同地形条件下的风能资源特征进行全面深入的研究分析。

      近年来,为适应风电开发持续发展的需求,湖北省内在平原及湖区设立的测风塔不断增多,且塔高逐渐从70 m上升到150 m,以这些分布更为广泛且塔高更高的风能资源观测网为基础,本文筛选了湖北省内代表不同地形条件下的测风塔观测数据,对山区丘陵和平原湖区的风能资源特征进行分析比较,以期了解不同地形条件下各项主要风能参数的变化特征,为内陆地区风能资源的合理开发及利用提供科学依据。

    • 湖北省处于中国地势第二级阶梯向第三级阶梯过渡地带,地势呈三面环山、中间低平、向南敞开、北有缺口的不完整盆地,兼具山地、丘陵、岗地和平原多种类的地形。综合考虑湖北省地形地貌及测风塔布设情况,筛选出代表5种地形条件下的11个测风塔(如表1所示)进行风能资源特征分析,数据观测时段基本为完整1年,塔高在90~150 m之间,其中平原湖区的塔高均为150 m,各塔均采用美国NRG测风设备进行观测,风速观测层在10~150 m之间。测风塔地理分布位置如图1所示。

      地形分类 编号 区域 观测数据时间段 塔高/m 海拔高度/m 观测风速层/m 观测风向层/m 有效数据完整率/%
      实测 订正
      高山 G1 利川 2012.10.01~2013.09.30 100 1 876 10/30/50/70/100 10/50/100 88.2 95.3
      G2 长阳 2015.10.01~2016.09.30 90 1 848 30/50/70/80/90 30/90 85.0 97.8
      中低山 Z1 蕲春 2018.09.13~2019.09.12 120 957 10/50/80/90/100/110/120 10/80/120 92.3 92.3
      Z2 荆门 2018.04.08~2019.03.06 150 555 30/50/70/90/100/120/140/150 30/150 87.6 96.0
      丘陵 Q1 红安 2016.08.01~2017.07.31 100 478 10/30/60/80/100 10/78/98 95.4 97.9
      Q2 荆门 2016.09.01~2017.08.31 100 443 10/30/50/70/90/100 10/50/100 99.1 99.1
      Q3 当阳 2016.06.01~2017.05.31 100 256 10/40/60/80/100 10/80/100 99.8 99.8
      平原 P1 公安 2018.04.01~2019.03.31 150 23 50/70/90/120/140/150 50/100/145 96.9 96.9
      P2 监利 2016.02.01~2017.01.31 150 42 50/80/100/120/135/150 50/120/150 99.0 99.0
      湖区 H1 潜江 2017.03.11~2018.01.14 150 37 10/50/80/90/100/120/150 10/100/150 95.1 95.1
      H2 黄梅 2018.12.27~2019.12.01 150 25 30/50/80/120/140/150 30/100/120/150 97.7 100.0
      注:有效数据完整率为各测风塔最高层逐小时风速数据完整率。其中,Z1测风塔120 m风速因仪器故障缺测较多(有效数据完整率为51.2%),故该塔最高层风速采用110 m进行分析。

      Table 1.  Basic information and data of wind masts

      Figure 1.  Geographical location of eleven wind masts in Hubei Province

      为了分析不同地形下风能资源特征,按海拔高度将测风塔划分为高山、中低山、丘陵、平原、湖区5种地形[16]。属于高山地形的G1和G2测风塔位于鄂西南巫山流脉和武陵山余脉,海拔高度在1 850 m左右;属于中低山地形的Z1测风塔位于鄂东大别山南麓,Z2测风塔位于鄂西荆山余脉,海拔高度在550~1000 m;属于丘陵地形的Q1测风塔位于鄂东北大别山支脉,Q2测风塔位于鄂西荆山余脉,Q3测风塔位于大巴山脉东麓,属于鄂西山地向江汉平原过渡地带,海拔高度在250~500 m;属于平原地区的P1测风塔位于鄂南洞庭湖平原,P2位于江汉平原南端;属于湖区的H1位于江汉平原荆州长湖东侧,H2位于鄂东南黄梅龙感湖西侧。

    • 11个测风塔原始数据时间分辨率为10 min,对其完整性和合理性进行检验后处理成时间分辨率为1 h的完整1年的数据,测风数据处理均按照《风电场风能资源评估方法》(GB/T 18710-2002)[17]中的数据检验方法进行,并且剔除了因冬季冰冻造成仪器故障而致使观测风速长时间静风的异常数据。从表1可见,各塔最高层风速实测有效数据完整率在85%以上,其中高山及中低山测风塔实测有效数据完整率相对较低,在85%~92%之间,主要是由于高海拔地区冬季气温相对较低,仪器受低温冰冻影响较大,导致观测数据长期无效,海拔较低的丘陵、平原和湖区实测有效数据完整率均在95%以上。


    • 图2所示,各测风塔风速年变化无明显的一致规律,年变化幅度在1.4~2.9 m/s,年平均风速较大的测风塔(Z2、Q1)年变化幅度相对更大;各塔风功率密度年变化幅度在90~440 W/m2,可见各塔年变化幅度差异也较大。11座测风塔观测资料年限跨越2012~2019年,每年会带来大风的天气系统有所不同,且各测风塔地形差异较大,因此会造成这种风速年及季节变化无明显变化规律的现象,这也在一定程度上说明风电场长期运行过程中风速中长期变化的波动性同样会比较大,开展风速的中长期预报对指导风电场更高效地运维有重要作用。

      Figure 2.  Annual variation of average wind speed (a1~a3) and average wind power density (b1~b3) at the top of each wind mast


    • 图3所示,各测风塔最高层风速和风功率密度日变化趋势基本一致,均呈现出白天小、晚上大的U型变化特征,17~次日07时风速相对较大,09~16时风速相对较小。各测风塔最高层风速日变化幅度在1.0~2.3 m/s,风功率密度日变化幅度在77~171 W/m2,山区丘陵地形的日变幅明显大于平原湖区。不同地形下风速最低值在1天中的出现时间亦有所不同,高山地形日风速最低值出现在16时左右,中低山地形出现在11时左右,丘陵地形出现在10时,平原湖区地形出现在10~16时。

      Figure 3.  Daily variation of average wind speed (a1~a3) and average wind power density (b1~b3) at the highest level of wind masts


      Figure 4.  Daily variation of average wind speed at each height level of wind masts


    • 风机一般在3~25 m/s风速区间内正常运行发电,该区间内各测风塔有效风速频率在75.7%~88.6%,有效风能频率在99.4%~99.9%;风机额定风速基本在9~13 m/s之间,在额定风速和切出风速之间风机处于满发状态,风速阈值在10 m/s以上的风速频率为6.9~17.8 m/s,风能频率为39.3%~66.8%,如表2所示。可见虽然大风出现频率不高,但其对应的风能频率却较大,基本可以达到一半以上,因此,在地形相近且平均风速相当的情况下,大风占比越高则风能资源更优,更有利于风电开发。

      测风塔编号 G1 G2 Z1 Z2 Q1 Q2 Q3 P1 P2 H1 H2
      有效频率/% 风速 88.6 80.3 76.9 84.2 82.1 83.1 75.7 82.0 79.2 80.6 82.8
      风能 99.9 99.4 99.5 99.9 99.9 99.5 99.7 99.4 99.7 99.8 99.5
      10 m/s以上频率/% 风速 10.1 6.9 8.2 17.8 17.3 8.7 7.4 7.6 10.4 8.5 7.4
      风能 39.3 43.1 47.3 66.8 65.7 46.1 46.9 39.5 48.2 48.5 41.9

      Table 2.  Wind speed and wind energy frequency at the highest level of each wind mast

      各测风塔风速频率均呈现为正偏态分布,即风速分布高峰偏左,风能频率分布的峰值较风速频率明显滞后,风速频率较高的风速段出现在3~8 m/s,而风能频率较高的风速段则出现在6~13 m/s,如图5所示。此外,双参数威布尔分布能较好地拟合实际风速分布[19],采用此分布计算得到各测风塔最高层风速威布尔分布形状参数K在1.7~2.3,尺度参数A在5.4~7.0(如表3所示)。形状参数和尺度参数组合是可以表示数据变化特性的度量,形状参数决定了该分布属于威布尔分布族中的类型,是描述风速频率随风速的变化率,参数值越大说明风速频率越集中;尺度参数描述影响风速频率的增长速度,起到拉伸或压缩整个分布的作用,参数值越小增长速度越快。将图5中对应的曲线形状和参数值对比分析,可以发现Z1的风速分布相对最为集中,形状参数也相应最大,H1的风速分布增长速度相对最快,尺度参数也相应最小。

      Figure 5.  Wind speed and wind energy frequency distribution at the highest level of wind masts under five kinds of terrain

      测风塔编号 G1 G2 Z1 Z2 Q1 Q2 Q3 P1 P2 H1 H2
      尺度参数A 6.63 5.59 5.76 6.95 6.80 6.00 5.44 5.85 6.06 5.99 5.83
      形状参数K 2.30 1.87 1.73 1.80 1.78 1.94 1.70 1.97 1.81 1.95 1.95

      Table 3.  Weibull distribution parameters of wind speed at the highest level of each wind mast

    • 风能密度方向分布和地形是决定风电场内机组位置排列的重要因素。从表4的统计结果可见,各测风塔高层主导风向频率在10.2%~29.4%之间,最多风能密度方向频率为14.5%~59.8%,且主导风向下对应的风能密度方向频率一般也最大,其中仅P2测风塔主导风向为NNE,而风能密度最多风向为S,分析该塔各方向下的平均风速发现NNE方向为5.8 m/s,S方向为7.1 m/s,因此导致了主导风向和风能密度最多风向的不一致。

      测风塔编号 G1 G2 Z1 Z2 Q1 Q2 Q3 P1 P2 H1 H2
      风向高度层/m 100 90 120 150 98 100 100 145 150 150 150
      风向 主导风向 SE W E N NE NNE NNE NNE NNE N NE
      频率/% 29.4 10.2 10.5 28.2 22.8 27.0 20.6 25.0 21.6 19.7 25.3
      风能密度方向 最多风向 SE W E N NE NNE NNE NNE S N NE
      频率/% 42.8 19.9 14.5 59.8 46.0 51.2 50.1 33.1 25.2 34.8 52.1

      Table 4.  Dominant wind direction frequency and wind energy density direction frequency of each wind mast


      Figure 6.  Rose diagram of wind direction frequency and wind energy density direction frequency of each wind mast (unit: %)

    • 风切变指数是表征风速随垂直高度变化的特征参数。大气边界层的风场受大气运动自身特性以及下垫面环境的影响,在多变的动力和热力作用下往往呈现气流随高度变化不均匀分布的特性,导致风切变特征复杂多样。由于各测风塔风速观测层次各不相同,因此采用多个高度层计算的综合风切变指数进行特征分析[11]

    • 利用各测风塔全部观测高度的平均风速计算风切变指数为0.049~0.516,如表5所示。从图7中可以看出,10 m高度的观测风速普遍明显较小,可能受周边植被影响较大,因此撇除10 m高度的风速计算风切变指数,Z1和Q2测风塔风切变明显变小,各塔的风切变指数为0.055~0.328(表5)。从图7(a)可以看出海拔较高的山区风切变指数较小,G1、G2和Z1测风塔海拔高度均在900 m以上,30~110 m高度的风速随高度增加缓慢,且在某些高度之间存在等风层,除10 m高度的风切变指数在0.055~0.094;600 m以下的低山丘陵地形下除10 m高度的风切变指数为0.167~0.227,Q1测风塔在高层也存在等风层的情况。图7(b)平原湖区地形下的4个测风塔均有150 m,各塔的风速垂直廓线变化趋势较为一致,风切变指数为0.209~0.328,平原地形下的风切变指数大于湖区地形。表6中给出了测风塔各高度层与最低层(不包括10 m高度)之间的风切变指数,也可看出高海拔山区测风塔的风切变明显低于丘陵及平原湖区地形。

      测风塔编号 G1 G2 Z1 Z2 Q1 Q2 Q3 P1 P2 H1 H2
      全高度风切变指数 0.049 0.064 0.274 0.227 0.257 0.516 0.172 0.278 0.328 0.227 0.209
      除10 m高度风切变指数 0.094 0.055 0.214 0.209 0.167 0.277

      Table 5.  Composite wind shear index of each wind mast

      Figure 7.  Vertical wind profile of annual average wind speed of each wind mast

      测风塔编号 项目 高度层及风切变
      G1 高度层/m 30~50 30~70 30~100
      风切变 0.110 0.066 0.105
      G2 高度层/m 30~50 30~70 30~80 30~90
      风切变 0.082 0.073 0.063 0.056
      Z1 高度层/m 50~80 50~90 50~100 50~110
      风切变 0.043 0.068 0.058 0.051
      Z2 高度层/m 30~50 30~70 30~90 30~100 30~120 30~140 30~150
      风切变 0.289 0.263 0.236 0.229 0.224 0.223 0.213
      Q1 高度层/m 30~60 30~80 30~100
      风切变 0.273 0.228 0.185
      Q2 高度层/m 30~50 30~70 30~90 30~100
      风切变 0.225 0.210 0.199 0.213
      Q3 高度层/m 40~60 40~80 40~100
      风切变 0.170 0.162 0.168
      P1 高度层/m 50~70 50~90 50~120 50~140 50~150
      风切变 0.297 0.249 0.290 0.267 0.286
      P2 高度层/m 50~80 50~100 50~120 50~135 50~150
      风切变 0.351 0.358 0.350 0.328 0.296
      H1 高度层/m 50~80 50~90 50~100 50~120 50~150
      风切变 0.257 0.281 0.269 0.284 0.279
      H2 高度层/m 30~50 30~80 30~120 30~140 30~150
      风切变 0.201 0.222 0.203 0.208 0.211

      Table 6.  Wind shear index at each height level of each wind mast


    • 测风塔风切变日变化幅度随着海拔高度的降低而增大,山区丘陵地形下为0.063~0.170,平原湖区地形下为0.274~0.378,如表7所示。图8给出了各地形下风切变指数日变化曲线,山区丘陵地形无明显日变化特征,呈波动性变化,平原湖区则呈现一致且明显的U型变化,即白天小夜间大,谷值出现在10~13时,峰值出现在18~次日06时。

      测风塔编号 G1 G2 Z1 Z2 Q1 Q2 Q3 P1 P2 H1 H2
      日变化幅度 0.130 0.063 0.125 0.065 0.148 0.170 0.141 0.378 0.334 0.364 0.274

      Table 7.  Daily variation of wind shear index of each wind mast

      Figure 8.  Daily variation of wind shear index of each wind mast


    • 由于个别测风塔10 m高度风速受周边植被影响较大,因此按照《风电场工程风能资源测量与评估技术规范》(NB/T 31147-2018),采用除10 m高度外的最低层小时平均风速≥10 m/s的各层风速为样本,对测风塔大风情况下风切变指数变化进行分析。如图9所示,山区丘陵地形大风下的风切变指数大部分情况较为离散,Q1的风切变指数分散且偏大,变化范围为0.1~0.6,除Z2和Q1之外其他塔均有出现不同程度的负切变情况,说明山区风变化更复杂;平原湖区地形下则相对较为集中,随着风速增加基本稳定在0.1~0.2之间,更利于风机的稳定安全运行。

      Figure 9.  Scatter diagram of wind shear index under high wind condition of each wind mast

    • 大气湍流强度是地表摩擦与风切变引起的动力因子和温度层结引起的热力因子而形成的[20],是评价气流稳定程度的指标,其对风力发电机组性能会产生不利影响,主要是减少输出功率,还可能引起极端荷载,对风机造成削弱或破坏。

    • 各测风塔有效风速段(3~25 m/s)年平均湍流强度为0.13~0.18,15 m/s风速段年平均湍流强度为0.07~0.14,如表8所示,表明各种地形下湍流强度处于中等偏小的程度,有效风速段湍流强度在海拔较高的山区大于平原湖区。从图10可见,各测风塔湍流强度随离地高度增加基本呈明显的减小趋势,其中海拔较高的G1测风塔有效风速段湍流强度在30~70 m高度出现明显波动,G2测风塔在上层随高度略有减小,Z1测风塔15 m/s风速段湍流强度较有效风速段湍流强度降低最为明显。

      测风塔编号 G1 G2 Z1 Z2 Q1 Q2 Q3 P1 P2 H1 H2
      有效风速段 0.179 0.178 0.160 0.143 0.135 0.167 0.154 0.135 0.131 0.134 0.145
      15 m/s风速段 0.094 0.106 0.070 0.091 0.088 0.139 0.109 0.102 0.099 0.099 0.097

      Table 8.  Turbulence intensity at the highest level of each wind mast

      Figure 10.  Turbulence intensity in effective wind speed section (a) and in 15 m/s wind speed section (b) of each wind mast changes with height

    • 各测风塔最高层湍流强度日变化为非常一致的单峰型变化特征,峰值出现在14时左右,谷值出现在21~次日6时,这与风速的日变化特征恰好相反,日变化幅度山区丘陵地形下为0.12~0.15,平原湖区地形下为0.07~0.09,平原湖区地形的湍流日变化幅度明显更小,如图11所示。开阔地形的气流稳定度优于复杂山区地形,白天动能传递一般要快于热能传递,对流作用强于晚上,因此出现湍流强度白天大晚上小的变化特征[13]

      Figure 11.  Daily variation of turbulence intensity at the highest level of each wind mast

    • 各测风塔最高层不同风速段湍流强度随风速增加变化趋势基本一致,3~6 m/s风速段内迅速下降,降幅在0.1~0.2之间,6 m/s以上风速段呈波动性变化或一直较为稳定,但均在0.17以下,属于中等程度湍流强度,平原地形下大风速段湍流强度也会出现明显波动的情况,如P1测风塔在12 m/s以上风速段有较大波动,如图12所示。

      Figure 12.  Variation of turbulence intensity in different wind speed sections at the highest level of each wind mast

    • 本文采用湖北省内代表山区丘陵及平原湖区地形的11个测风塔观测资料,分析了各种地形下对风能资源利用较为重要的各项主要参数的变化特征,并浅析了不同地形产生变化差异的可能原因,主要得到以下结论:

      1)各测风塔高层风速日变化特征一致为白天小晚上大,风速日变化幅度在1.0~2.3 m/s,山区丘陵地形下的日变幅明显大于平原湖区;山区丘陵地形各层风速日变化特征基本一致,平原湖区低层风速日变化与高层变化特征则相反。



      综上所述,以上各种地形下风能资源特征主要受天气系统、大尺度地形及局地地貌影响,造成不同的动力和热力作用而表现出空间和时间变化特征的差异。山区风能资源开发施工运维难度大但资源更丰富,平原湖区便于开发但资源相对匮乏,还需充分考虑风能资源差异并结合风电发展现状,深入开展风能资源特性分析研究:(1)早期山区测风高度和风机轮毂高度大部分仅为70 m,虽然已知山区存在风速倒切变和等风层的情况[9],但更高层的风能资源特性尚需进一步深入探索,为后期已运行十多年的山区风电场升级改造做好准备;(2)为适应风电开发从山区到平原湖区,甚至高空的发展趋势,需尽快摸清150~300 m高度乃至300 m以上到整个大气边界层的风能资源特征,以支持高空风电开发需求[21];(3)利用湖北省丰富的水能资源特点,充分发挥水电调节能力,结合风能、太阳能资源开展抽水蓄能规划建设,深入研究水风光一体化基地互补特性,推动风光资源更加合理有效的利用。

Reference (21)



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