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Volume 11 Issue 1
Jan.  2024
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YE Limei, HUANG Junjie, GAO Zhengxu, et al. Analysis of the distribution characteristics of mountain fires based on the disaster data of Hubei transmission lines [J]. Southern energy construction, 2024, 11(1): 196-204 doi:  10.16516/j.ceec.2024.1.20
Citation: YE Limei, HUANG Junjie, GAO Zhengxu, et al. Analysis of the distribution characteristics of mountain fires based on the disaster data of Hubei transmission lines [J]. Southern energy construction, 2024, 11(1): 196-204 doi:  10.16516/j.ceec.2024.1.20

Analysis of the Distribution Characteristics of Mountain Fires Based on the Disaster Data of Hubei Transmission Lines

doi: 10.16516/j.ceec.2024.1.20
  • Received Date: 2023-11-08
  • Rev Recd Date: 2023-11-24
  • Available Online: 2024-01-30
  • Publish Date: 2024-01-10
  •   Introduction  The distribution characteristics of mountain fires by using the historical disaster data of mountain fires related to transmission lines in Hubei province has been analyzed.   Method  Based on the mountain fire disaster data of transmission lines in Hubei Province from 2016 to 2021, the methods of mathematical statistics, climate statistics and GIS spatial superposition were used to analyze the spatiotemporal distribution of transmission line mountain fires in Hubei Province as well as the characteristics of the relationship between mountain fires and meteorological, underlying surface, and social humanities factors.   Result  In terms of time, 2019 is the year in which mountain fires occurred most frequently on transmission lines in Hubei in recent years. Autumn and winter are peak seasons for mountain fires, with February and September being the months with a higher risk of occurrence. In terms of space, the eastern part of Hubei Province is the region with frequent mountain fires, while the Yichang and Jingmen regions are the second highest risk areas. The relationship between the mountain fire and the meteorology shows that the precipitation in the month before the occurrence of most mountain fires is 30% to 100% less than the normal level, the temperature is 0.5 ℃ to 3 ℃ higher than the normal level, the humidity is 3.8% to 23% lower than the normal level, and the wind speed is 0.1 to 1.9 m/s higher than the normal level. The relationship between mountain fire and underlying surface shows that mountain fire mainly occurs in cultivated land, accounting for 50.32% of the total. The mountain fires are mainly concentrated in the areas with an altitude below 150 meters and a slope below 6°, and 76.90% of the mountain fires occur on the sunny slope. The relationship between mountain fire and social humanities shows that mountain fire mainly occurs in the towns around the urban circle with a population density of 100~600 people/square kilometer, as well as the buffer zone about 1.6 kilometers away from the road.   Conclusion  Mastering the distribution characteristics of mountain fires related to Hubei transmission lines can help select indicators and determine thresholds for mountain fire risk warning models.
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  • 通讯作者: 陈斌, bchen63@163.com
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      沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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Analysis of the Distribution Characteristics of Mountain Fires Based on the Disaster Data of Hubei Transmission Lines

doi: 10.16516/j.ceec.2024.1.20

Abstract:   Introduction  The distribution characteristics of mountain fires by using the historical disaster data of mountain fires related to transmission lines in Hubei province has been analyzed.   Method  Based on the mountain fire disaster data of transmission lines in Hubei Province from 2016 to 2021, the methods of mathematical statistics, climate statistics and GIS spatial superposition were used to analyze the spatiotemporal distribution of transmission line mountain fires in Hubei Province as well as the characteristics of the relationship between mountain fires and meteorological, underlying surface, and social humanities factors.   Result  In terms of time, 2019 is the year in which mountain fires occurred most frequently on transmission lines in Hubei in recent years. Autumn and winter are peak seasons for mountain fires, with February and September being the months with a higher risk of occurrence. In terms of space, the eastern part of Hubei Province is the region with frequent mountain fires, while the Yichang and Jingmen regions are the second highest risk areas. The relationship between the mountain fire and the meteorology shows that the precipitation in the month before the occurrence of most mountain fires is 30% to 100% less than the normal level, the temperature is 0.5 ℃ to 3 ℃ higher than the normal level, the humidity is 3.8% to 23% lower than the normal level, and the wind speed is 0.1 to 1.9 m/s higher than the normal level. The relationship between mountain fire and underlying surface shows that mountain fire mainly occurs in cultivated land, accounting for 50.32% of the total. The mountain fires are mainly concentrated in the areas with an altitude below 150 meters and a slope below 6°, and 76.90% of the mountain fires occur on the sunny slope. The relationship between mountain fire and social humanities shows that mountain fire mainly occurs in the towns around the urban circle with a population density of 100~600 people/square kilometer, as well as the buffer zone about 1.6 kilometers away from the road.   Conclusion  Mastering the distribution characteristics of mountain fires related to Hubei transmission lines can help select indicators and determine thresholds for mountain fire risk warning models.

YE Limei, HUANG Junjie, GAO Zhengxu, et al. Analysis of the distribution characteristics of mountain fires based on the disaster data of Hubei transmission lines [J]. Southern energy construction, 2024, 11(1): 196-204 doi:  10.16516/j.ceec.2024.1.20
Citation: YE Limei, HUANG Junjie, GAO Zhengxu, et al. Analysis of the distribution characteristics of mountain fires based on the disaster data of Hubei transmission lines [J]. Southern energy construction, 2024, 11(1): 196-204 doi:  10.16516/j.ceec.2024.1.20
    • 近年来,湖北电网输电线路多次发生因山火导致的线路停运、降压运行、跳闸,山火已成为威胁架空输电线路安全运行的重要因素,是电网的主要灾害之一[1]。山火是一种发生原因复杂的灾害,涉及火险天气、可燃物、火源等多个方面,在山火高发期,电网运维单位需投入大量的人力、物力开展线路巡视、重点区段蹲守和山火现场监控等工作[2]。因此,有必要开展针对输电线路的山火灾害特征及预警评估相关研究。




    • 本文使用的资料包括:(1)2016年8月1日至2021年1月12日湖北省输电线路319个实际发生的山火点经纬度、发生时间、发生地点等信息,资料来源于国网湖北省电力科学研究院;(2)76个国家气象站建站至2021年气温、降水、风速、相对湿度的历史日资料,资料来源于湖北省气象局;(3)湖北省2017年30 m土地覆盖分类,资料来源于清华大学(https://data-starcloud.pcl.ac.cn/zh);(4)湖北省90 m数字高程模型(DEM),资料来源于美国太空总署(NASA)和国防部国家测绘局(NIMA)联合测量的SRTM(Shuttle Radar Topography Mission)高程数据(https://www.gscloud.cn/#page2)。此外,基于DEM数据,利用ArcGIS软件三维空间分析功能提取了湖北省坡度和坡向数据;(5)湖北省1∶100万道路数据,资料从全国地理信息资源目录服务系统下载获取(https://www.gscloud.cn/);(6)湖北省2015年1 km人口密度数据,数据从资源环境科学与数据中心下载获取(https://www.resdc.cn/)。


      要素 总数/个 剔除数/个 时间 使用数/个
      年际变化 319 1(2016年)
      2017~2020年 294
      月、季 319 1(2016年)
      2017~2020年 272
      319 3

      Table 1.  Description of mountain fire disaster data on Hubei transmission lines

    • 本文以湖北省输电线路通道实际发生的历史山火灾情为研究对象,运用数理统计、气候统计和ArcGIS空间分析法,按时间、地域、下垫面、气象、社会人文等特征因子分组统计山火点数量,绘制各类特征分布图。气象因子特征分析中降水、气温、风速、相对湿度等要素的距平值采用1981~2010年作为基准期。


      某时段降水量距平百分率($ P_{\mathrm{a}} $)按式(1)和式(2)计算:

      $$ P_{\mathrm{a}} = \dfrac{{P - \overline P}}{{\overline P}} \times 100\text{%} $$ (1)
      $$ \overline P = \dfrac{1}{n}\displaystyle \sum\limits_{i = 1}^n {{P_i}} $$ (2)


      $ P $ ——某时段降水量(mm);

      $ \overline P $ ——计算时段同期气候平均降水量(mm);

      n ——30 a;

      $ i $ ——1,2,···,n,表示时间尺度,如天、月等。



      $$ R_{\mathrm{a}} = R - \overline R $$ (3)
      $$ \overline R = \dfrac{1}{n}\displaystyle \sum\limits_{i = 1}^n {{R_i}} $$ (4)


      $R$ ——某时段相对湿度(%);

      $\overline R $ ——计算时段同期气候平均相对湿度(%)。



      $$ F_{\mathrm{a}} = F - \overline F $$ (5)
      $$ \overline F = \dfrac{1}{n}\displaystyle \sum\limits_{i = 1}^n {{F_i}} $$ (6)


      $F$ ——某时段平均风速(m/s);

      $\overline F $ ——计算时段同期气候平均风速(m/s)。



      $$ T_{\mathrm{a}} = T - \overline T $$ (7)
      $$ \overline T = \dfrac{1}{n}\displaystyle \sum\limits_{i = 1}^n {{T_i}} $$ (8)


      $T$ ——某时段平均温度(℃);

      $\overline T $ ——计算时段同期气候平均温度(℃)。

    • 图1给出了2017~2020年湖北输电线路山火年际变化分布,由图可见,近几年湖北平均每年监测到73.5个火点,其中2019年的火点最多,达152个,占总数的51.70%,明显高于其他年份,次多年份出现在2017年,监测到63个火点,最少年份发生于2020年,为36个火点。

      Figure 1.  Inter-annual variation distribution of mountain fires related to transmission lines in Hubei from 2017 to 2020

    • 表2给出了2017~2020年4个季节湖北输电线路山火的发生次数,从表可知,火点主要发生在秋、冬季,分别为106个、107个山火,分别占总数的38.97%、39.34%,其次是春季,监测到55个山火,占20.22%,夏季是山火的低发期,仅发生4个山火。秋冬季是山火的多发季节,主要是因为湖北秋冬季气候干燥、空气湿度低,堆积的干草和枯枝较多,再加上春节、清明祭祖焚烧香纸,燃放烟花鞭炮等人类活动频繁,极易引起野外火灾。湖北夏季雨水量大、雨日数多,植被含水量高,地表相对湿润,不易发生山火。

      季节 发生次数/个 比重/%
      春季 55 20.22
      夏季 4 1.47
      秋季 106 38.97
      冬季 107 39.34

      Table 2.  Statistics of mountain fires related to transmission lines in Hubei by season from 2017 to 2020

    • 图2给出了2017~2020年湖北输电线路山火月变化分布,从图可知,湖北山火数量随月份的变化趋势总体呈倒抛物线型分布。山火的发生呈现季节性规律,1~4月、9~10月、12月是山火点高发月份,其中2月和9月最多,均发生66个,其次是10月,共发生39个,6~8月、11月是山火发生最少的月份。

      Figure 2.  Monthly variation distribution of mountain fires related to transmission lines in Hubei from 2017 to 2020

    • 图3给出了湖北输电线路历史山火的地域分布,从图可知,火点主要分布于鄂东地区,其次是宜昌以及荆门地区。表3给出了湖北输电线路历史山火在各县市的发生数量,由表可知,阳新县、江夏区是湖北发生山火数最多的县,共出现过93个,合计占总数的29.43%,其次是大冶市、咸安区、通山县,分别有38、29、24个火点。

      Figure 3.  Regional distribution diagram of historical mountain fires related to Hubei transmission lines

      自然区 地级市 县市 发生次数/个 比重/%
      鄂东南 黄石市 阳新县 47 14.87
      鄂东南 武汉市 江夏区 46 14.56
      鄂东南 黄石市 大冶市 38 12.03
      鄂东南 咸宁市 咸安区 29 9.18
      鄂东南 咸宁市 通山县 24 7.59
      鄂东南 咸宁市 赤壁市 12 3.80
      鄂东北 武汉市 黄陂区 9 2.85
      鄂东北 孝感市 孝南区 8 2.53
      鄂东南 黄冈市 蕲春县 8 2.53
      鄂东北 黄冈市 麻城市 8 2.53
      鄂东北 孝感市 大悟县 7 2.22
      鄂西南 宜昌市 当阳市 6 1.90
      鄂东北 黄冈市 红安县 6 1.90
      鄂东南 咸宁市 嘉鱼县 5 1.58

      Table 3.  Statistical value of historical mountain fires related to Hubei transmission lines in counties and cities (number of fires ≥ 5)

    • 由于发生时间和区域较分散的山火点在气象条件上较离散,这部分火点受人为因素较大,为了寻找山火与气象因子的关系,挑选发生时间具有连续性,且期间发生山火数量多的一段时期的山火群作为研究对象。在此,统计湖北输电线路2017~2021年各月发生的山火数量,选取发生日期具有连续性的月山火个数最多的前5个月作为分析对象,即确定了2017年2月(19个)、2017年3月(17个)、2019年9月(66个)、2019年10月(35个)和2020年2月(32个)5个山火群来分析山火与气象的关系特征。

      表4给出了2017~2020年5个山火群的前1个月的月降水距平百分率、月平均气温距平、月平均相对湿度距平及月平均风速距平,从表中可见,仅2020年2月山火期的前1个月的月降水距平偏多50%~70%,有4个山火集中爆发前1个月的月降水距平偏少、气温偏高、相对湿度偏小、风速偏大。2019年9月中下旬发生山火数量最大,并且持续到10月上旬,其发生时段前1个月的降水距平偏少80%~100%,气温偏高1.5~3 ℃,相对湿度偏小10%~23%,风速偏大0.1~0.9 m/s。2020年2月火点主要分布于鄂东南,前期降水虽然偏多,但由于村民烧荒人类活动也会导致山火多发。整体来看,山火的集中爆发与前期气候背景密切相关,即前期降水偏少、气温偏高、湿度偏干、风速偏大,有利于山火多发,表明前期气候异常值对山火预警模型指标选取具有一定的指示意义。

      时间     山火数/个 月降水距平/% 月气温距平/℃ 月相对湿度距平/% 月风速距平/(m·s−1)
      2017年2月 黄石阳新、咸宁通山(19) 偏少30 偏高1.1~1.2 偏小3.8~6.0 偏大1.7~1.9
      2017年3月 17(黄石阳新、咸宁通山) 偏少40 偏高1.1~1.7 偏小6.5~9.4 偏大0.3
      2019年9月 66(鄂东南、宜昌) 偏少80~100 偏高2.5~3.0 偏小10.0~20.0 偏大0.1~0.6
      2019年10月(1~10日) 35(鄂东) 偏少90~100 偏高1.5~2.5 偏小15.0~23.0 大部偏大0.1~0.9
      2020年2月 32(鄂东地区) 大部偏多50~70 偏高0.5~1.5 偏大1.0~7.0 大部偏大0.1~1.0

      Table 4.  Abnormal climatic value in the month before the occurrence of mountain fires related to Hubei transmission lines from 2017 to 2020

    • 利用ArcGIS工具,将湖北输电线路316个历史山火的地理信息与土地利用类型数据进行空间叠加分析,统计各类型的火点数。图4给出了湖北输电线路历史山火在各土地利用类型的数量分布,由图可知,发生在耕地区域的山火数最多,达159个,约占总数的50.32%;其次是林地,发生山火108个,约占34.18%;草地发生21个,约占6.65%;城乡、工矿、居民用地区域发生火点的次数为28,约占8.86%。

      Figure 4.  Quantity distribution of historical mountain fires related to Hubei transmission lines in different types of land

    • 1)海拔高度

      将湖北输电线路历史山火地理信息与DEM数据进行空间叠加,提取山火的海拔高度值。图5给出了湖北输电线路历史山火在不同海拔段的数量值,由图可知,50 m以下的低海拔是山火的易发区域,发生山火133个,占总数的42.09%。其次海拔高度50~100 m的区域,发生的山火117个,占37.03%。海拔高度150~500 m的山火数有59个,500~900 m仅发生7个山火,900 m以上未发生山火。整体来看,湖北低海拔地形是山火的高发区域,山火数随着海拔的增加而减少。

      Figure 5.  Quantity distribution of historical mountain fires related to Hubei transmission lines at different altitudes



      坡向类型 发生次数/个 比重/%
      平坡 2 0.63
      北坡 26 8.23
      东北坡 22 6.96
      东坡 39 12.34
      东南坡 57 18.04
      南坡 54 17.09
      西南坡 51 16.14
      西坡 42 13.29
      西北坡 23 7.28

      Table 5.  Quantity distribution and proportion of historical mountain fires related to Hubei transmission lines in different slope directions



      Figure 6.  Quantity distribution of historical mountain fires related to Hubei transmission lines in different slope sections

    • 将湖北省输电线路历史山火点与道路数据进行叠加,利用ArcGIS近邻分析工具计算火点到道路的最近距离,统计不同道路缓冲区内火点的个数。图7给出了湖北输电线路历史山火点在不同道路缓冲区的数量分布,从图中可知,山火点主要分布在距离道路1.6 km以内的范围,在距离道路超过1.6 km的山火数量急剧减少,其中在距离道路800 m以内范围的山火点共165个,占总数的52.22%。0.4 km以内的山火数不及0.4~0.8 km的火点数,这与电力输电线路与道路的规范距离要求有关(GB 50545-2010)。总体来说距离道路越近,发生山火的风险越高。

      Figure 7.  Quantity distribution of historical mountain fires related to Hubei transmission lines in different road buffer zones

    • 将湖北输电线路历史山火地理信息与人口密度数据进行空间叠加,统计历史山火的人口密度值。图8给出了湖北输电线路历史山火点在不同人口密度区间的山火点数量分布,可看到山火点主要位于城市圈的周边地区、人口密度在100~600人/km2的区域,其中200~500人/km2人口密度区间的山火点数最多,600人/km2以上的山火点数呈急剧下降趋势。人口密度最大的区域的山火数量反而较少,主要是因为这些区域是城市中心地区,可燃物数量比较少。

      Figure 8.  Quantity distribution of historical mountain fires related to Hubei transmission lines at different population densities

    • 本文基于湖北输电线路历史山火灾情,对山火时空分布及山火与气象、下垫面、人文社会等要素关系特征进行分析,主要结论如下:




      4)通过山火与人文社会关系特征分析,表明山火主要分布于城市圈周边的乡镇地区,尤其在1.6 km道路缓冲区是多发地段。


    •            广 告 “能源气象技术”专刊封面图片--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 封一 “能源气象技术”专刊特约主编寄语--------------------------------------------------------------------- 封二 陈正洪劳模创新工作室------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- P205 “可控核聚变工程技术”专刊征稿启事------------------------------------------------------------------ 封三 中国能源建设集团广东省电力设计研究院有限公司------------------------------------------------- 封四

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