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LI Tonglin, ZENG Fulong. Research on offshore wind power communication system based on 5G technology [J]. Southern energy construction, 2024, 11(2): 51-58 doi:  10.16516/j.ceec.2024.2.05
Citation: LI Tonglin, ZENG Fulong. Research on offshore wind power communication system based on 5G technology [J]. Southern energy construction, 2024, 11(2): 51-58 doi:  10.16516/j.ceec.2024.2.05

Research on Offshore Wind Power Communication System Based on 5G Technology

doi: 10.16516/j.ceec.2024.2.05
  • Received Date: 2023-05-31
  • Rev Recd Date: 2023-08-07
  • Available Online: 2024-03-25
  • Publish Date: 2024-03-26
  •   Introduction  Numerous equipment of offshore wind power projects is located on the ocean, and the inconvenient transportation makes operation and maintenance difficult. It is extremely important for offshore equipment information to be delivered to land quickly, without delay, and safely. In view of the special needs of the communication system, a communication system scheme for offshore wind farms based on 5G technology is proposed.   Method  First, a PTN+ integrated small base station with large signal coverage and strong reliability was built, and then the 5G integrated small base station with the PTN gateway were integrated to achieve fast and convenient 5G signal coverage through broadband PTN access. The 5G network with specific bandwidth improved the security of the communication system.   Result  After the completion of the 5G communication system based on PTN+ integrated small base station, IP transmission based on optical transmission, supporting multiple services and using specific bandwidth can be realized. This system can help plan and sort out the wind turbine subsystems, realize all-round signal coverage inside the wind turbine, and can quickly and safely transmit the operation status and data of wind turbines, offshore booster stations and other equipment to the onshore operation and maintenance center. This system can solve the problem of difficult real-time secure transmission of wind turbine multi-subsystems and multi-services.   Conclusion  The 5G communication system research improves offshore wind power communication, and uses specific bandwidth and emerging technologies to realize the timeliness and reliability of communication in offshore wind farms and improve the communication efficiency of offshore operation and maintenance personnel in offshore wind farms. It meets the communication requirements of offshore equipment in offshore wind power projects and is expected to be applied in engineering.
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  • 通讯作者: 陈斌, bchen63@163.com
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      沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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Research on Offshore Wind Power Communication System Based on 5G Technology

doi: 10.16516/j.ceec.2024.2.05

Abstract:   Introduction  Numerous equipment of offshore wind power projects is located on the ocean, and the inconvenient transportation makes operation and maintenance difficult. It is extremely important for offshore equipment information to be delivered to land quickly, without delay, and safely. In view of the special needs of the communication system, a communication system scheme for offshore wind farms based on 5G technology is proposed.   Method  First, a PTN+ integrated small base station with large signal coverage and strong reliability was built, and then the 5G integrated small base station with the PTN gateway were integrated to achieve fast and convenient 5G signal coverage through broadband PTN access. The 5G network with specific bandwidth improved the security of the communication system.   Result  After the completion of the 5G communication system based on PTN+ integrated small base station, IP transmission based on optical transmission, supporting multiple services and using specific bandwidth can be realized. This system can help plan and sort out the wind turbine subsystems, realize all-round signal coverage inside the wind turbine, and can quickly and safely transmit the operation status and data of wind turbines, offshore booster stations and other equipment to the onshore operation and maintenance center. This system can solve the problem of difficult real-time secure transmission of wind turbine multi-subsystems and multi-services.   Conclusion  The 5G communication system research improves offshore wind power communication, and uses specific bandwidth and emerging technologies to realize the timeliness and reliability of communication in offshore wind farms and improve the communication efficiency of offshore operation and maintenance personnel in offshore wind farms. It meets the communication requirements of offshore equipment in offshore wind power projects and is expected to be applied in engineering.

LI Tonglin, ZENG Fulong. Research on offshore wind power communication system based on 5G technology [J]. Southern energy construction, 2024, 11(2): 51-58 doi:  10.16516/j.ceec.2024.2.05
Citation: LI Tonglin, ZENG Fulong. Research on offshore wind power communication system based on 5G technology [J]. Southern energy construction, 2024, 11(2): 51-58 doi:  10.16516/j.ceec.2024.2.05
    • 近些年来,海上风电项目快速发展[1-3],且逐步向远海发展。海上升压站、风机等地理位置特殊[4-7],为了实现海上工作人员之间的实时交流、方便运维人员了解海上风电各设备运行状况等,移动通信系统在海上风电项目成为标配[8]。但基于4G的网络通信,重点关注如何实现最大范围覆盖,业务偏重于语音、上网和运维管理层面[9-11]。5G技术的发展,不仅是带宽和流量的提升,更解决了海上风电行业过去难以攻克的难题[12-13]

    • 海上风电的风机和海上升压站等众多设备均在海中[14],风机设备分布区域较广,且海中设备远离传统移动通信的信号覆盖范围[15-16],利用陆上传统的移动通信系统十分困难[17],因此,建立海上风电场移动通信系统十分必要[18-19]







    • 相对于基于4G的海上风电通信系统,5G技术的主要技术优势如下:


      2)低时延场景:5G技术通过引入移动边缘计算(Mobile Edge Computing,MEC),可以大大降低延时时间,提高信息的实时性。



    • 根据海上风电项目及5G技术的特点,基于5G的海上风电通信系统规划的基本思路如下:









    • 从4G技术到5G技术,不仅是解决风机塔筒内部移动信号的覆盖及通信速度问题[31],而是解决海风项目中许多难以攻克的难题:






    • 5G技术推出后,如何利用在海上风电这个特定场景,利用什么方式进行风机移动信号的覆盖,是一个重要研究内容。目前海上风电项目可以应用5G无线通信的功能有限,因此几百兆的带宽已经可以满足当前需求。根据三大运营商对风机现场和运营商入网的实际测试,测试结果如表1所示。

      比较项目 方式一 方式二 方式三 方式四
      PON+一体化小基站 PTN+一体化小基站 数字光纤直放站 BOOK基站
      传输方式 PON PTN RHUB 自带光模块
      测试 广核如东、广核阳江已做
      广核阳江测试中 国电投揭阳、三峡沙扒已做测试 待验证
      4G 支持 支持 支持 支持
      通道带宽/M 几十 1000以上 100~200 100~200
      无线信号强度 较低 较高 较高
      覆盖面积 和设备功率及天馈线分布
      和设备功率及天馈线分布有关 和设备功率及天馈线分布有关 和设备功率及天馈线分布有关
      5G 定制产品 定制产品 支持 支持
      稳定性 较高 较高
      环境适应性 较高 较高
      多业务适用性 可实现多业务传输,但光纤结构不适合风机网络结构 可实现多业务传输,适合风机网络结构 接入宏基站、只能传输移动信号,不能实现多业务传输,适合风机网络结构 只能传输移动信号,不能实现多业务传输,适合风机网络结构
      电信和联通 电信和联通 电信/联通/移动 只支持采用华为设备的
      优先级 不建议采用 1 2 3

      Table 1.  Comparison of several wind turbine moving new high coverage methods


    • 基于PTN+一体化小基站方式的组网方式如图1所示。

      Figure 1.  The schematic diagram of integrated base station network access






    • 5G一体化小基站是一种高度集成的微型基站,内部集成BBU、RRU功能,即一个“盒子”内实现整个基站功能,具备接入5G的能力。将5G一体化小基站和PTN网关融为一体,通过宽带PTN接入,实现快速、便捷的5G信号覆盖,以弥补5G室内覆盖的不足。一体化小基站的架构示意图如图2所示。

      Figure 2.  The schematic diagram of integrated small base station system architecture


      Figure 3.  The schematic diagram of integrated base station networking system based on PTN transmission network


      Figure 4.  The schematic diagram of wireless communication network for offshore wind farm wind turbines

    • 风电场的时间同步对无线通信系统十分重要,是各设备保持时间同步,及事后事件追溯的重要保障,目前风电场的时间同步系统的组成如图5所示。

      Figure 5.  The schematic diagram of synchronous clock system’s composition

    • 根据电力系统对智能电网的规划,5G技术可以在设备端的远程监控、信息传输的通道建设、监控后台的搭建及整个系统的安全隔离等方面有所建树。









    • 文章根据海上风电通信系统信息传递快、覆盖面积大等需求,在基于传统4G通信系统的基础上,通过对几种风机通信覆盖方式的实验与比较,提出了一种基于PTN+一体化小基站组网方式的5G通信系统,该系统可以实现无线信号高速率、大面积的覆盖,并设置专用频段,保证通信系统的安全性,有望在海上风电项目中推广使用。根据目前海上风电项目的发展现状及发展趋势,提出了5G技术在设备端的远程监控、信息传输的通道建设、监控后台的搭建及整个系统的安全隔离等方面的展望,对探索未来适用于海上风电项目的通信系统提出自己的一些设想。

    •            广 告 《南方能源建设》封面图片:“风渔融合、多元发展”------------------------------------------------ 封一 全球首台风渔一体化智能装备“明渔一号”成功收鱼------------------------------------------------ 封二 “可控核聚变工程技术”专刊征稿启事------------------------------------------------------------------ P208 “南方能源建设”微信订阅号------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 封三 中国能源建设集团广东省电力设计研究院有限公司------------------------------------------------- 封四

Reference (31)



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