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Volume 11 Issue 2
Mar.  2024
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ZHANG Mingzhen, ZHANG Can, WU Xiushan, et al. Analysis of the impact of water resources on china's green hydrogen industry [J]. Southern energy construction, 2024, 11(2): 172-178 doi:  10.16516/j.ceec.2024.2.17
Citation: ZHANG Mingzhen, ZHANG Can, WU Xiushan, et al. Analysis of the impact of water resources on china's green hydrogen industry [J]. Southern energy construction, 2024, 11(2): 172-178 doi:  10.16516/j.ceec.2024.2.17

Analysis of the Impact of Water Resources on China's Green Hydrogen Industry

doi: 10.16516/j.ceec.2024.2.17
  • Received Date: 2023-05-05
  • Rev Recd Date: 2023-06-25
  • Available Online: 2023-12-27
  • Publish Date: 2024-03-26
  •   Introduction  The purpose of this paper is to research and analyze the influence of water resources on the development of the green hydrogen industry in China, reveal the contradiction between water resources and the development of green hydrogen industry, analyze the future development trend of the green hydrogen industry and to provide useful reference for the development layout of renewable energy hydrogen production projects in China.   Method  In order to prove that water resources could limit the development of the green hydrogen industry in "Northeast China, North China, Northwest China" and other areas, the analysis and the demonstration were made based on the field investigations and the documentary materials, considering water resources policies, water usage in traditional chemical industries, and hydrogen production technologies.   Result  The analysis results show that under the restriction of China's water resources-related policies, the layout of green hydrogen industry should consider the constraints of water resources, and the large-scale production of green hydrogen and its substitution for fossil energy hydrogen production cannot effectively save water. Instead, it may lead to an increase in water consumption by the chemical industry. Under the constraint of water resources, the development of China's green hydrogen industry must consider the layout from a holistic perspective, fully integrate the development trend of the existing chemical industry, and consider the abundant resources available such as seawater.   Conclusion  The development of the green hydrogen industry in China should not ignore the problems of existing policy framework, technology level, industrial layout and characteristics of existing resources. When arranging the layout of the green hydrogen projects, the current situation and future trends should be fully considered, and the problems posed by water resources on the green hydrogen industry should be solved from the perspective of the overall planning, the coordinated industrial development and the effective utilization of resources.
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  • 通讯作者: 陈斌, bchen63@163.com
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      沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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Analysis of the Impact of Water Resources on China's Green Hydrogen Industry

doi: 10.16516/j.ceec.2024.2.17

Abstract:   Introduction  The purpose of this paper is to research and analyze the influence of water resources on the development of the green hydrogen industry in China, reveal the contradiction between water resources and the development of green hydrogen industry, analyze the future development trend of the green hydrogen industry and to provide useful reference for the development layout of renewable energy hydrogen production projects in China.   Method  In order to prove that water resources could limit the development of the green hydrogen industry in "Northeast China, North China, Northwest China" and other areas, the analysis and the demonstration were made based on the field investigations and the documentary materials, considering water resources policies, water usage in traditional chemical industries, and hydrogen production technologies.   Result  The analysis results show that under the restriction of China's water resources-related policies, the layout of green hydrogen industry should consider the constraints of water resources, and the large-scale production of green hydrogen and its substitution for fossil energy hydrogen production cannot effectively save water. Instead, it may lead to an increase in water consumption by the chemical industry. Under the constraint of water resources, the development of China's green hydrogen industry must consider the layout from a holistic perspective, fully integrate the development trend of the existing chemical industry, and consider the abundant resources available such as seawater.   Conclusion  The development of the green hydrogen industry in China should not ignore the problems of existing policy framework, technology level, industrial layout and characteristics of existing resources. When arranging the layout of the green hydrogen projects, the current situation and future trends should be fully considered, and the problems posed by water resources on the green hydrogen industry should be solved from the perspective of the overall planning, the coordinated industrial development and the effective utilization of resources.

ZHANG Mingzhen, ZHANG Can, WU Xiushan, et al. Analysis of the impact of water resources on china's green hydrogen industry [J]. Southern energy construction, 2024, 11(2): 172-178 doi:  10.16516/j.ceec.2024.2.17
Citation: ZHANG Mingzhen, ZHANG Can, WU Xiushan, et al. Analysis of the impact of water resources on china's green hydrogen industry [J]. Southern energy construction, 2024, 11(2): 172-178 doi:  10.16516/j.ceec.2024.2.17
    • 在氢燃料电池汽车产业带动下,中国部分专家学者也从氢应用过程无碳排放、氢气单位质量能量密度高的角度积极支持氢气作为能源在我国发展[1-2]。同时,在全球气候变暖的大背景下,美国、德国、日本、韩国等国以及欧盟地区均提出了发展氢能等清洁能源和实现碳中和的目标,中国也于2020年提出了碳达峰碳中和目标[3],氢能的发展顺势进入爆发阶段。随着氢能产业链的日趋完善,源端低碳才能保证下游应用氢气的低碳也进一步成为氢能行业发展共识,我国氢能产业布局逐步从燃料电池汽车应用端转向可再生能源制氢端。因此,依托可再生能源电解水制氢成为中国氢能产业低碳发展的新阶段。可再生能源发电电解水制取的氢气在我国通常被称为绿氢,此类绿氢是水纯化除盐后,在催化剂作用下由电解槽电解得到;电解槽产生的氢气经过进一步纯化就形成了高纯度的绿氢,可在交通、工业等领域应用。



    • 绿氢在制取的过程中碳排放较低,是标准中认定的可再生氢,具有单位氢气二氧化碳排放量不超过4.9 kg,消耗能源为风能、太阳能、水能、生物质能、地热能和海洋能等非化石能源的双重特点[5]。我国的绿氢产业示范可追溯到“十一五”时期的863计划[6],现阶段已在光伏制氢、生物质制氢以及光解水制氢等领域取得明显进步。



    • 绿氢与水资源的关系离不开水资源政策、技术成熟度和产业结构。水是可再生能源制氢大规模发展的必要条件。水资源对绿氢项目的制约问题已在国际范围出现,如北非向欧洲出口大量绿色氢能,由于水资源短缺存在一定争议[8],南澳大利亚一个6 GW的绿氢项目在2022年因供水问题而被取消[9]。在中国可再生能源制氢快速发展的同时,气候变化带来的水资源供给问题也敲响了警钟,特别是2022年夏天,高温对我国重庆地区的生产生活造成了严重影响,公开报道有66条河流断流和25座水库干涸[10],恶劣气候打破了人们对中国西南地区水资源丰富的传统认知。


    • 2022年3月1日,中国水利部和中国发展和改革委员会联合发布《“十四五”用水总量和强度双控目标》,“三北”地区用水总量较为严苛,特别是近期公布可再生能源制氢项目比较多的内蒙古自治区,其大部分城市处于水资源超载状况[11],如表1所示。

      行政区 用水总量/亿m3 万元国内生产
      北京 42.5 10.0 10.0
      天津 35.0 10.0 10.0
      河北 206.0 15.0 13.0
      山西 85.0 12.0 10.0
      内蒙古 196.3 12.0 13.0
      辽宁 140.0 14.0 12.0
      吉林 137.3 16.0 13.0
      黑龙江 363.3 12.0 13.0
      陕西 107.0 12.0 10.0
      甘肃 120.9 13.0 10.0
      青海 29.6 10.0 10.0
      宁夏 72.8 15.0 10.0
      新疆 563.0 20.0 12.0

      Table 1.  Double control targets for total water consumption and intensity in the “14th Five-Year” Plan for each province, autonomous region and municipality directly under the central government in “Northeast China, North China, Northwest China” [12]



    • 现有可再生能源制氢技术条件下,绿氢制取过程除了大规模消耗电力以外,还将大量消耗水资源,理论上9 kg水可以制取1 kg氢气,但是所用水是去离子水,使用市政水时,需要经过常规的去离子水生产工艺处理,该工艺整体制水效率为50%~70%,制取1 kg氢气实际耗水量约为20 kg,且为了延长水纯化设备寿命,多采取将过滤后的废水处理达标后排放。对欧洲项目测算[15]以及国内相关用氢项目调研结果也支持这一耗水量,每公斤氢气对应20 kg耗水量是现阶段比较保守的数字。年产万吨以上的绿氢项目,仅制氢环节耗水量就达20万t以上,对于水资源匮乏地区,在中国严格的用水制度下,水资源将是影响制氢规模和制氢项目运行的重要因素。在地区用水总量不变的情况下,布局绿氢项目势必会对其他产业用水造成挤压,一定程度上将加剧水资源紧缺情况或提升水资源价格。

      2020年欧洲100 MW的电解水制氢成本中,电力成本占比56%,资本成本占38%,电解槽运营成本占5%,水成本占1%。由于水的成本占比较小,绿氢项目建设中忽略了水在资源角度带来的限制。随着电解水系统成本下降以及可再生能源电力价格下降,绿氢整体成本会随之降低,然而水的资源稀缺性将会体现,其成本占比将会大幅上升,且随着资源的日益紧缺,水成本占比还将进一步扩大。IEA发布的部分研究成果也提示了水资源对氢气制取的影响问题,水资源匮乏地区需要仔细评估制氢项目的建设,水资源应该作为评估能源项目,包括制氢项目在内的物理、经济和环境可行性的重要衡量指标,氢能产业的发展不应忽略对水资源的管理[16]


    • 现阶段,“电-氢-电”总体效率不足35%,实际运行中会出现低于30%的情况,马上开展大规模绿氢制取并用作发电上网,显然不符合我国可再生能源发展目标,并且有违国家鼓励的能源高效利用和可持续发展战略。所以,目前我国绿氢的规模应用领域只有工业,从全球氢消纳路径看,工业领域以炼化、合成氨、合成甲醇以及钢铁冶炼为主[7],我国也以炼化、合成氨和合成甲醇为主。


      另一方面,绿氢的替代在现阶段并未起到明显的节水作用。首先,现有技术条件下,可再生能源制氢化工一体化项目在化工环节多保留传统化石能源制氢工艺,以保证长周期生产稳定,因为无电网电力支撑的制氢系统会由于风光发电出力的不稳定致使大规模可再生能源制氢项目难以稳定供给氢气,这与化工系统对稳定运行的需求匹配不佳,即使布局一定规模储电或储氢以满足短时间供给稳定,但从化工项目长周期稳定运行角度看,此类氢源并不能100%满足化工项目的实际需求;例如,有电网支撑的中国石化新疆库车绿氢示范项目能够实现绿氢完全替代天然气制氢,无电网支撑的宝丰能源太阳能电解水制氢项目则采取绿氢部分替代、煤制氢为主的方案实现稳定生产。其次,先进化石能源制氢技术耗水已较低,绿氢替代化石能源制氢实际节水效果有限。如焦炉煤气副产氢每公斤氢气约需水56 kg[19-20],煤气化过程每公斤氢气约需水30 kg[21-22],现有甲烷蒸汽重整制氢工艺下,包含冷却用水在内,天然气制取1 kg氢气的耗水量为6.4~32.2 kg[23];同时需考虑氢气是化工生产过程产品,水资源在整个传统化工生产中会被其他产品使用或参与水循环过程;这就使得绿氢对化石能源制氢替代在化工领域并不能有效节水。


    • 我国绿氢产业发展中,行业集中关注了电价水平对产业发展的影响,忽略了水资源客观上不均衡分布对绿氢产业的布局影响;考虑我国水资源分布,未来我国绿氢发展有望呈现3个发展趋势。

    • 绿氢虽然具有众多应用场景,并被全球寄予了碳减排的厚望,但是,绿氢在中国各地区不具有相同的生产和使用条件。中国的地形比较多样,生态保护区众多,东部临海,西部沙漠,西南是青藏高原;从水资源丰富程度看,整个中国的南方地区水资源较为丰富,北方地区水资源较为匮乏。我国作为积极倡导环保的国家,环保要求严格,特别是北方主要河流——黄河流域,得到了国家专门政策和法律的特别保护[25-26],在这些区域用水有着较为严格的限制。此外,极端天气对中国南方的影响也对水资源的开发利用发出了警告,南方也会出现少雨干旱甚至河流干涸的危机。


    • 绿氢发展将伴随着传统化工产业的有序减产及退出。在水资源一定条件下,新增产业与既有产业之间用水属于零和博弈,处于此消彼长的状态,只有在传统化工产业因碳减排压力而逐步退出市场并空出水资源配额后,绿氢产业才有机会逐步实现大规模化。但是,从国内产业结构看,化工产业,特别是煤化工,不仅是“三北”地区重要的经济支撑产业,还以煤炭为核心形成了较长的下游产业链,如煤制氢的同时可以生成以碳为基础的化工产品,这些产品已深入生活的各个方面,故煤化工产业本身将长期存在,绿氢替代虽可实现显著降碳,但也将改变煤炭的使用,进而会影响煤化工下游产业链。


    • 海水将是绿氢制取的重要依托资源。海上风电、海上光伏产业在中国正在大力发展,海水作为近乎取之不尽的水资源有着巨大的开发空间,结合海上风电、海上光伏以及其他海洋能,能够很好地发挥海洋的资源优势[27]。同时,海水制氢也将进一步满足沿海地区规模化、低成本的绿氢使用需求。


    • 我国绿氢产业发展聚焦于降低制氢电耗,进而实现低成本制氢,提升绿氢对化石能源制氢的竞争力,但是忽略了既有政策框架、技术水平、产业布局和既有资源特性的问题。现阶段水资源在绿氢成本占比中不高,但其使用的约束条件,将成为可持续发展背景下影响绿氢产业发展的关键因素。为此,布局绿氢项目时,应充分考虑现状和未来趋势,从全局谋划、产业协调发展、资源有效利用等角度考量,解决水资源对绿氢产业的限制问题。

Reference (29)



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