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Volume 11 Issue 3
May  2024
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HUANG Ya, HUANG Zhengyi. Failure analysis and shielding effectiveness study of magnetic components in strong magnetic environments for magnetic confinement fusion devices [J]. Southern energy construction, 2024, 11(3): 87-95 doi:  10.16516/j.ceec.2024.3.10
Citation: HUANG Ya, HUANG Zhengyi. Failure analysis and shielding effectiveness study of magnetic components in strong magnetic environments for magnetic confinement fusion devices [J]. Southern energy construction, 2024, 11(3): 87-95 doi:  10.16516/j.ceec.2024.3.10

Failure Analysis and Shielding Effectiveness Study of Magnetic Components in Strong Magnetic Environments for Magnetic Confinement Fusion Devices

doi: 10.16516/j.ceec.2024.3.10
  • Received Date: 2024-02-26
  • Accepted Date: 2024-03-13
  • Rev Recd Date: 2024-03-10
  • Available Online: 2024-05-24
  • Publish Date: 2024-05-10
  •   Introduction  The purpose of this study is to explore the impact of the spatial magnetic field generated by nuclear fusion devices on magnetic devices and to gain an in-depth understanding of the magnetic field shielding characteristics in a complex electromagnetic environment.   Method  In the research process, the switch power supply and electronic transformer in the nuclear fusion internal power supply system were selected as the specific research objects. By analyzing in detail the impact of the magnetic field on the loss and the characteristic changes under different directions of the magnetic field, as well as by exploring the key factors affecting the magnetic field shielding effectiveness and the application of different materials, the research objectives were achieved.   Result  The results indicate that the loss of magnetic components significantly increases in a strong magnetic field environment, and the degree of influence of different directions of magnetic fields on component characteristics varies. By comparing and analyzing the shielding effects of different materials, it is found that materials with high conductivity and magnetic permeability have better application prospects in shielding design. Additionally, optimizing the shielding structure can further improve shielding effectiveness and reduce the impact of magnetic fields on magnetic components.   Conclusion  By systematically analyzing the impact of strong magnetic fields on magnetic components and the shielding effectiveness of nuclear fusion devices, key references are provided for testing the equipment's magnetic field tolerance and verifying shielding design. Future work will focus on further optimizing shielding materials and structural design to improve the stability and reliability of magnetic components in strong magnetic field environments.
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  • 通讯作者: 陈斌, bchen63@163.com
    • 1. 

      沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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Failure Analysis and Shielding Effectiveness Study of Magnetic Components in Strong Magnetic Environments for Magnetic Confinement Fusion Devices

doi: 10.16516/j.ceec.2024.3.10

Abstract:   Introduction  The purpose of this study is to explore the impact of the spatial magnetic field generated by nuclear fusion devices on magnetic devices and to gain an in-depth understanding of the magnetic field shielding characteristics in a complex electromagnetic environment.   Method  In the research process, the switch power supply and electronic transformer in the nuclear fusion internal power supply system were selected as the specific research objects. By analyzing in detail the impact of the magnetic field on the loss and the characteristic changes under different directions of the magnetic field, as well as by exploring the key factors affecting the magnetic field shielding effectiveness and the application of different materials, the research objectives were achieved.   Result  The results indicate that the loss of magnetic components significantly increases in a strong magnetic field environment, and the degree of influence of different directions of magnetic fields on component characteristics varies. By comparing and analyzing the shielding effects of different materials, it is found that materials with high conductivity and magnetic permeability have better application prospects in shielding design. Additionally, optimizing the shielding structure can further improve shielding effectiveness and reduce the impact of magnetic fields on magnetic components.   Conclusion  By systematically analyzing the impact of strong magnetic fields on magnetic components and the shielding effectiveness of nuclear fusion devices, key references are provided for testing the equipment's magnetic field tolerance and verifying shielding design. Future work will focus on further optimizing shielding materials and structural design to improve the stability and reliability of magnetic components in strong magnetic field environments.

HUANG Ya, HUANG Zhengyi. Failure analysis and shielding effectiveness study of magnetic components in strong magnetic environments for magnetic confinement fusion devices [J]. Southern energy construction, 2024, 11(3): 87-95 doi:  10.16516/j.ceec.2024.3.10
Citation: HUANG Ya, HUANG Zhengyi. Failure analysis and shielding effectiveness study of magnetic components in strong magnetic environments for magnetic confinement fusion devices [J]. Southern energy construction, 2024, 11(3): 87-95 doi:  10.16516/j.ceec.2024.3.10
    • 核聚变能是人类未来的理想能源,是各国竞相发展的科技制高点[1],磁约束聚变是依靠数万乃至数十万安培电流产生的强磁场约束等离子体。装置运行过程中周围会产生非常强的空间杂散磁场,以国际热核聚变实验堆ITER为例,当等离子体电流达到15 mA时[2],50 mT稳态空间磁场等值线在托卡马克主机装置周围覆盖半径高达25 m[3],由于结构紧凑,周围的测量、控制及诊断等辅助系统安装区域磁场普遍超过该值。

      磁性元件在核聚变装置各子系统中运用广泛,如:开关电源、电磁阀、传感器、变压器、继电器、电感器件、电机等。此类器件对空间磁场极为敏感,受到电磁干扰会发生失效现象,影响系统的可靠运行,已成为核聚变装置安全工作面临的关键问题之一。世界上首台全超导托卡马克EAST装置,运行经验表明大多数电子器件(阴极射线管、光电倍增器、闪烁探测器等)对直流磁场比较敏感。文献[4]中论述了Omron G6K继电器在超11 mT时就会出现不正常的工作状态,DCCT电流传感器对于10 mT的磁场会呈现(1~5)×10−6的漂移。

      ITER组织为了测试磁性元件的磁场耐受特性[5],针对现有的磁场抗扰度测试标准无法满足测试需求问题(如美国海军用标准、国际电工委员会标准[6]),专门制定了直流磁场抗扰度测试标准[7],并委托本团队研发了可产生2.1 m立方体空间均匀磁场的大口径稳态空间磁场测试装置,如图1所示,检验电子器件和电气设备的抗稳态空间磁场性能,文献[8]介绍了ITER大口径均匀强磁兼容测试装备的研制,为磁场屏蔽技术的实际应用提供了重要支持。同时,文献[9-11]等文献深入研究了不同材料、结构和设计对磁场屏蔽效能的影响,为优化磁场分布和提高屏蔽性能提供了理论依据。此外,文献[12-13]探讨了感应线圈的设计和改进,以及均匀磁场的产生[14-15],这些研究对于提高磁场测试的准确性和可靠性具有重要意义。同时科研工作者从磁性元件的模型上进行研究,对模型进行扩展发展到动态磁滞效应[16-17]、考虑涡流损耗[18]及直流偏置效应[19-20]的分析模型。文献[21-23]关注了屏蔽效能的测试方法和分析,为评估磁场屏蔽效果提供了有效手段。

      Figure 1.  Large-caliber steady-state spatial magnetic field testing device




    • 在核聚变装置中,开关电源广泛应用在控制系统,保障各系统控制保护动作,但在外磁场达到23.5 mT时,该类电源输出失真畸变,不能正常输出,如图2所示。如此失效及误动作现象随核聚变装置容量增大,发生的频次和危害会进一步加大,因此分析和解决复杂电磁环境下的干扰问题,研究磁性元件的故障特征及保护措施,对于保障大型托卡马克聚变装置的可靠运行具有重大意义。

      Figure 2.  Analysis of output characteristics of switch power supply in external magnetic field environment


      Figure 3.  Model of transformer




      $$ P_{\mathrm{h}}=k_{\mathrm{h}}fV{\boldsymbol{B}}_{\mathrm{m}}^{\alpha} $$ (1)


      kh ——磁滞系数;

      f ——开关频率(Hz);

      V ——磁芯体积(m3);

      Bm ——磁感应强度(T);

      α ——斯坦梅兹系数。


      $$ P_{\mathrm{e}}=k_{\mathrm{e}}f^2V{\boldsymbol{B}}_{\mathrm{m}}^2 $$ (2)


      ke ——涡流损耗系数。


      $$ P_{\mathrm{T}}=\eta f^{\delta}V{\boldsymbol{B}}_{\mathrm{m}}^{\beta} $$ (3)


      η ——损耗系数;

      δ ——频率的损耗指数;

      β ——磁感应的损耗指数。



      $$ \Delta = \dfrac{1}{{\sqrt {{\text{π}} f\gamma \mu } }} $$ (4)


      γ ——导线的电导率(S/m);

      μ ——磁导率(H/m)。


      $$ {R_{{\mathrm{DC}}}} = {K_{\delta} } \times {R_{{\mathrm{AC}}}} $$ (5)


      RDCRAC ——直流阻抗和交流阻抗(Ω);

      Kδ ——二者比值系数。

      无外界环境磁场下的变压器(100 kHz)电磁分布如图4所示。磁芯磁场主要集中在中间磁柱上,而电流损耗分布较为合理,计算得到磁芯损耗为1.768 W,绕组铜损耗为5.028 W,漏感为48.22 μH。

      Figure 4.  Electromagnetic distribution of transformers under no external magnetic field

      通过计算不同外界环境、不同方向下的变压器铜耗和磁芯损耗的变化关系曲线(如图5 ~ 图7所示),可以发现,随着外界环境磁场的增强,变压器的铜耗和磁芯损耗都在增加。具体来说,当施加在X方向时,变压器的铜耗增大幅度较小,而磁芯损耗则迅速增大;当施加在Y方向时,变压器的磁芯损耗增大幅度较小,而铜耗却迅速增大;当施加在Z方向时,变压器的铜耗和磁芯损耗都有较大幅度的增加,且铜耗的增大幅度大于磁芯损耗。

      Figure 5.  Relationship between the loss of transformers and the external magnetic field (X-direction)

      Figure 7.  Relationship between the loss of transformers and the external magnetic field (Z-direction)

      Figure 6.  Relationship between the loss of transformers and the external magnetic field (Y-direction)


    • 在确定托卡马克磁性器件失效的根源,需要解决此类问题的发生,即电磁兼容问题。电磁屏蔽是将被保护装置包围起来,衰减和阻断传播途径,抑制外(内)部干扰源对内(外)部设备的影响[20-21]。屏蔽性能由屏蔽效能(单位:dB)表示。


      $$ \mathrm{SE}\mathrm{_d}=-20\mathrm{lg}\dfrac{E_{\mathrm{s}}}{E_0} $$ (6)


      $$ \mathrm{SE}\mathrm{_c}=-20\mathrm{lg}\dfrac{H_{\mathrm{s}}}{H_0} $$ (7)


      EsHs ——存在屏蔽时的响应;

      E0H0 ——不存在屏蔽时的响应。



      Figure 8.  Model of perforated metal rectangular shielding body


      $$ {\mathrm{SE}}=\left\{\begin{gathered}1+\frac{j\omega\mu_0\sigma V\Delta}{A},\ \Delta\ll\delta \\ \left(1+\frac{\gamma V\Delta}{\mu_{\mathrm{r}}A}\right)\frac{\mathrm{exp}({\gamma\Delta})}{2},\ \Delta\gg\delta\end{gathered}\right. $$ (8)


      V ——屏蔽体的体积(m3),V = abc

      A ——屏蔽体的表面积(m2),A = 2(ab+bc+ca)。

      建立边长为1 m的正方体屏蔽体结构,厚度为d,如图9所示。选择铁和铝作为稳态磁场和瞬态磁场的屏蔽材料,在Z方向施加0.5 T的磁感应强度。

      Figure 9.  External magnetic field of cube shielding structure


      Figure 10.  Relationship between shielding effectiveness and frequency

      经计算发现,铝材料对直流稳态磁场几乎没有屏蔽作用。因此,在屏蔽稳态磁场时,需要采用高磁导率材料(如铁)进行屏蔽设计。同样构建一个边长为1 m的正方体铁材屏蔽体结构,其屏蔽效能计算结果如图11所示。可以看出,开孔尺寸越小、屏蔽体厚度越大,屏蔽效能就越高,这表明屏蔽效果越好。

      Figure 11.  Relationship between shielding effectiveness of the center point of the iron shielding body and the frequency

      超导聚变装置外围稳态磁场最大为200 mT,以开关电源20 mT为安全值,则屏蔽体的屏蔽效能最小需要做到SE = 20 dB。被保护的电力电子器件的尺寸不一,需要根据实际情况来计算,以100 mm的正方体空间为被测安全区域,保证在200 mT的磁场条件下,其内部的磁场不大于20 mT。设计全屏蔽结构如图12所示。

      Figure 12.  Fully shielded structure

      为了确保内部100 mm的正方体空间的磁场最大值Bmax低于20 mT,需要不断增大屏蔽厚度,计算得到磁场最大值Bmax与屏蔽体厚度d的关系曲线如图13所示。随着厚度增大,磁场值越小,当厚度大于20 mm时才能满足低于最大磁场值20 mT的要求。实际情况需要根据器件本身的耐受磁场值,屏蔽材料选择、屏蔽结构的设计、安装位置的要求等条件实时设计。

      Figure 13.  Relationship between the maximum magnetic field and the thickness of the shielding body

    • 针对型号MEAN WELL NES-100-24开关电源,输出24 V、4.5 A的电源进行空间磁场抗扰度测试,使用稳态磁场抗扰度检测设备在测试开关电源的外磁场特性,同时利用三维磁场探针来实时捕捉空间磁场值,测试平台如图14所示。在开关电源三个方向不断施加磁场,直至开关电源输出特性发生变化,如图15所示。将外磁场从0 mT开始不断的呈阶梯式上升,测试电源的输出特性,当达到20 mT左右时候就出现输出失效的情况,随着磁场值不断上升,波形畸变越厉害,直至完全失效,可见开关电源对于外界空间磁场非常敏感。

      Figure 14.  Magnetic field testing platform

      Figure 15.  Switch power supplies located in different magnetic field directions

      同样针对输出12 V变压器进行空间磁场抗扰度测试,测试平台如图16所示。在变压器三个方向不断施加磁场,直至开关电源输出特性发生变化。以方向1为例,将外磁场从0 mT开始不断的呈阶梯式上升,测试变压器的输出特性,可以看出随着磁场值的不断上升,输出电流电压不断降低,其他两个方向具有类似的特性。

      Figure 16.  Transformers located in different magnetic field directions

    • 测试一个硅钢材质的机柜尺寸100 mm×100 mm×100 mm(厚度5 mm),在测量系统中间磁场均匀区域三维探针,测量磁场随电流变化情况,再将机柜放置在磁场均匀区域,同一个点(机柜内部)测量磁场随电流变化,测量结果如图17所示。可以看出硅钢材质机柜对于稳态磁场的屏蔽效果,在磁场值较低时较好,随着外加磁场值的增大,屏蔽效能变差,主要由于硅钢材质存在磁饱和效应,磁场越大效果越差。同时计算值与实测值基本一致,误差最大为0.85%,验证了结果的正确性。

      Figure 17.  Comparison between calculated and measured shielding effectiveness of silicon steel cabinets of transformer located in different magnetic field directions

    • 关于外加磁场对磁性器件的影响及复杂电磁环境下的磁场屏蔽特点的研究,可以得出以下结论:






Reference (23)



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