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  • Green Channel for Rising Stars
Volume 11 Issue 5
Sep.  2024
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WANG Zhong, MA Siming, WANG Tingting, et al. Research on carbon emission accounting and the 'dual carbon' transformation path of industrial parks [J]. Southern energy construction, 2024, 11(5): 191-199 doi:  10.16516/j.ceec.2024.5.20
Citation: WANG Zhong, MA Siming, WANG Tingting, et al. Research on carbon emission accounting and the "dual carbon" transformation path of industrial parks [J]. Southern energy construction, 2024, 11(5): 191-199 doi:  10.16516/j.ceec.2024.5.20

Research on Carbon Emission Accounting and the "Dual Carbon" Transformation Path of Industrial Parks

doi: 10.16516/j.ceec.2024.5.20
  • Received Date: 2023-11-19
  • Accepted Date: 2023-12-04
  • Rev Recd Date: 2023-11-27
  • Available Online: 2024-01-26
  • Publish Date: 2024-09-10
  •   Introduction  As an important carrier of China's industrialization and urbanization, industrial parks not only provide a large amount of infrastructure and public services, but also become the main source of carbon emission in China and an important entry and focus point for achieving China's goals of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality. The paper proposes a theoretical research framework for analyzing the transfer process of carbon emission in industrial parks and optimizing the decision-making process of the "dual carbon" path, in order to achieve the refined management of carbon emission in industrial parks.   Method  Firstly, we analyzed the carbon emission characteristics of energy, industry, construction, transportation, and infrastructure in industrial parks, and established a carbon emission accounting model for industrial parks based on inventory analysis method. Secondly, considering the impact of factors such as gross industrial output value, industrial structure, energy structure, and energy consumption on carbon emission, we established a decomposition model of factors influencing carbon emission based on the STIRPAT method. Finally, we analyzed the mechanism and impact path of digital technology empowering green and low-carbon transformation, and proposed the optimization plan for decision-making of the "dual carbon" path.   Result  Taking Ganzhou economic and technological development zone in Jiangxi Province as the research object, we calculate the carbon emission and carbon emission intensity from 2020 to 2022, identify the main factors influencing the increase of carbon emission, and plan the "dual carbon" transformation path from four aspects: industrial structure, energy structure, policy system, and platform construction.   Conclusion  Research suggests that the proposed model can fully explore the information contained in statistical data of industrial parks and is scientific and effective, providing theoretical support for the decision-making of "dual carbon" transformation path and the construction of industrial internet platform for digital carbon management of industrial parks.
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  • 通讯作者: 陈斌, bchen63@163.com
    • 1. 

      沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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Research on Carbon Emission Accounting and the "Dual Carbon" Transformation Path of Industrial Parks

doi: 10.16516/j.ceec.2024.5.20

Abstract:   Introduction  As an important carrier of China's industrialization and urbanization, industrial parks not only provide a large amount of infrastructure and public services, but also become the main source of carbon emission in China and an important entry and focus point for achieving China's goals of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality. The paper proposes a theoretical research framework for analyzing the transfer process of carbon emission in industrial parks and optimizing the decision-making process of the "dual carbon" path, in order to achieve the refined management of carbon emission in industrial parks.   Method  Firstly, we analyzed the carbon emission characteristics of energy, industry, construction, transportation, and infrastructure in industrial parks, and established a carbon emission accounting model for industrial parks based on inventory analysis method. Secondly, considering the impact of factors such as gross industrial output value, industrial structure, energy structure, and energy consumption on carbon emission, we established a decomposition model of factors influencing carbon emission based on the STIRPAT method. Finally, we analyzed the mechanism and impact path of digital technology empowering green and low-carbon transformation, and proposed the optimization plan for decision-making of the "dual carbon" path.   Result  Taking Ganzhou economic and technological development zone in Jiangxi Province as the research object, we calculate the carbon emission and carbon emission intensity from 2020 to 2022, identify the main factors influencing the increase of carbon emission, and plan the "dual carbon" transformation path from four aspects: industrial structure, energy structure, policy system, and platform construction.   Conclusion  Research suggests that the proposed model can fully explore the information contained in statistical data of industrial parks and is scientific and effective, providing theoretical support for the decision-making of "dual carbon" transformation path and the construction of industrial internet platform for digital carbon management of industrial parks.

WANG Zhong, MA Siming, WANG Tingting, et al. Research on carbon emission accounting and the 'dual carbon' transformation path of industrial parks [J]. Southern energy construction, 2024, 11(5): 191-199 doi:  10.16516/j.ceec.2024.5.20
Citation: WANG Zhong, MA Siming, WANG Tingting, et al. Research on carbon emission accounting and the "dual carbon" transformation path of industrial parks [J]. Southern energy construction, 2024, 11(5): 191-199 doi:  10.16516/j.ceec.2024.5.20
    • 工业园区已成为重要的工业生产空间和主要布局方式,是工业化和城市化发展的重要载体。全国2 500多家国家级和省级工业园区贡献了50%以上全国工业产值,提供了大量基础设施和公共服务,同时也成为我国碳排放的主要源头。据统计,工业园区碳排放量约占全国总排放量的30%[1]。深入挖掘园区绿色建设和发展的系统作用和集成效应,推动工业园区绿色低碳转型,对于缓解高耗能企业绿电危机和碳排放双控压力,贯彻落实碳达峰、碳中和目标贡献巨大。




    • 在工业园区中,能源系统、生产系统、交通系统和建筑系统是产生碳排放的主要场景。工业园区碳排放核算既要考虑园区实际管辖边界内燃烧过程和化学生产过程产生的所有直接碳排放,也要考虑园区从外部购入的电力、热力或制冷产生的间接碳排放。工业园区典型业务场景的有关碳数据如表1所示。

      系统 数据
      能源系统 园区范围内可再生能源发电状态,包括:分布式光伏发电、分散式风电、空气源热泵等可再生能源利用设施。
      生产系统 园区企业生产过程数据,包括:生产进度、现场操作、质量检验、设备状态、物料传送等。
      建筑系统 园区范围内工业建筑、公共建筑和居住建筑供热、供冷、通风、照明等设备设施的用电数据。
      交通系统 园区范围内燃油私家车辆和公共服务车辆的碳排放数据。

      Table 1.  Carbon data related to typical scenarios in industrial parks


      Figure 1.  Process for carbon emission accounting of industrial parks


      $$ E={E}_{1}+{E}_{2}=\displaystyle\sum _{i=1}^{n}{{\mathrm{AD}}}_{i}\times {{\mathrm{EF}}}_{i} $$ (1)
      $$ {r_{\mathrm{c}}}=\dfrac{E}{G} $$ (2)


      E ——园区碳排放量(t CO2);

      E1 ——核算边界范围1的碳排放量(t CO2);

      E2 ——核算边界范围2的碳排放量(t CO2);

      ADi ——第i种碳排放活动数据(GJ);

      EFi ——第i种碳排放活动因子(t CO2/GJ);

      rc ——碳排放强度(t CO2/亿元);

      G ——工业总产值(亿元)。


      $$ {{\mathrm{AD}}}_{i}={{\mathrm{NCV}}}_{i}\times {{\mathrm{FC}}}_{i} $$ (3)
      $$ {{\mathrm{EF}}}_{i}={{\mathrm{CC}}}_{i}\times {{\mathrm{OF}}}_{i}\times \dfrac{44}{12} $$ (4)
      $$ {E}_{2}={{\mathrm{AD}}}_{{\mathrm{e}}}\times {{\mathrm{EF}}}_{{\mathrm{e}}} $$ (5)


      NCVi ——第i种化石燃料的平均低位发热量(GJ/t);

      FCi ——第i种化石燃料的净消耗量(t);

      CCi ——第i种化石燃料的单位热值含碳量(t C/GJ);

      OFi ——第i种化石燃料的碳氧化率(%);

      EFe ——区域电力供应的碳排放因子(t CO2/MWh);

      ADe ——区域外购电力总量(MWh)。

    • 工业园区碳排放量上升不能简单理解为化石能源消费增长的结果,与经济、人口、科技、社会等宏观因素有关,影响因素及关系描述如表2所示。

      影响因素 关系描述
      经济发展 根据环境库兹涅茨曲线与环境质量呈“倒U型”关系,即当经济发展到一定水平,经济发展与环境质量将呈现正相关[17]
      产业结构 与碳排放密切相关,其中工业是碳排放密集产业,第二产业占比的增大会加剧碳排放规模[18]
      能耗强度与能源结构 体现区域经济发展对能源的依赖程度,降低能耗强度、提高能源效率是气候政策的核心目标,化石燃料燃烧是主要园区碳排放源,碳减排任务的重点之一是降低煤炭的消耗,并提高其清洁低碳化利用能力。
      碳排放强度 用于衡量碳排放水平与经济发展之间的脱钩关系[19]。强调技术创新发展,加大清洁能源使用,保持碳排放强度的不断下降对我国尽快出现碳排放峰值至关重要。

      Table 2.  Macroscopic factors influencing carbon emission in industrial parks


      $$ I=P\times A\times T $$ (6)


      $$ I={a}\times {P}^{{\mathrm{b}}}\times {A}^{{\mathrm{c}}}\times {T}^{{\mathrm{d}}}\times {e} $$ (7)


      $$\begin{split} &{{\mathrm{ln}}}I={{\mathrm{ln}}{a}}+{\mathrm{c}}{{\mathrm{ln}}}A+{\mathrm{d}}{{\mathrm{ln}}}{T}_{1}+{\mathrm{d}}{{\mathrm{ln}}}{T}_{2}+ \\&{\mathrm{d}}{{\mathrm{ln}}}{T}_{3}+{{\mathrm{ln}}}{e} \end{split} $$ (8)


      I ——碳排放总量(tCO2);

      A ——工业总产值(亿元);

      T1 ——能源消耗量(万t标煤);

      T2 ——能源结构(%);

      T3 ——产业结构(%);

      e ——截距项;

      a ——模型系数。

    • 工业园区具有产业结构与碳排放源差异性大等特点,增加了系统建模与转型路径规划的复杂性。自2000年以来,国务院及国家部委发布的重要文件中提及10余类示范试点园区,以生态工业园区、园区循环化改造、绿色园区、低碳园区等为抓手,开展了一系列绿色低碳转型实践探索。关于园区绿色低碳发展的相关政策与概念分类见表3

      建设任务 年份 政策文件 实施目的
      循环经济示范园区 2012 《关于做好“十四五”园区循环化改造工作有关事项的通知》 通过产业空间布局优化、产业循环链接,实现园区内资源高效利用、副产品和废物的循环回收、污染物超低排放。
      低碳工业园区 2013 《国家低碳工业园区试点工作方案》 以降低单位工业增加值碳排放和提升产业竞争力为目标,促进高能耗企业、环节、设备的节能化改造,并降低温室气体排放。
      生态工业示范园区 2015 《国家生态工业示范园区管理办法》 通过工业共生和清洁生产实现园区污染物防治和生态环境保护。
      绿色工业园区 2016 《工业和信息化部办公厅关于开展绿色制造体系建设的通知》 致力于聚焦建立绿色制造体系,贯彻资源节约和环境友好理念,实现布局集聚化、结构绿色化、链接生态化。
      工业园区(产业集群)清洁生产审核创新 2022 《关于推荐清洁生产审核创新试点项目的通知》 推动区域内优势互补、资源能源高效循环利用,提升园区层面基础设施共建共享水平和园区发展效率效益。

      Table 3.  Summary of policies for green and low-carbon parks


      Figure 2.  Research framework for the planning of the "dual carbon" transformation path of industrial parks


    • 赣州经开区位于江西省赣州市中心城区西北部,成立于1990年7月,2010年被批准为国家级经开区,代管6个乡、1个综保区、1个高铁新区,在2022年全国国家级经开区综合考评中排名第31位,位列中部地区第6、全省第1,现聚集工业企业1 300余家,工业营收总量约占赣州市1/4,规上工业企业300余家。

    • 本文使用的社会经济和能源消费数据来自赣州经开区2020—2022年的统计数据、政策文件、发展规划、工作报告、研究报告等资料。碳排放因子数据取值于IPCC公布的数据与国家部委发布的温室气体报告中提供的缺省值。对于部分重点行业和企业,采用调研问卷的方式,确保数据的科学性与准确性。赣州经开区聚焦电子信息和新能源及新能源汽车双首位产业,招大引强,2020—2022年工业总产值分别是707亿、954.7亿、1 162亿,呈连续上升趋势,如图3所示。

      Figure 3.  Gross industrial output value of Ganzhou economic and technological development zone from 2020 to 2022

    • 赣州经开区通过前期绿色低碳转型升级,已分批次淘汰燃煤锅炉、燃煤窑炉等用煤设备,并且园区暂未建设集中供热管道,无外购热力消费。园区能源结构主要是:天然气、成品油、外购电力3类。采用统一折算成标煤的方式,对工业园区的用能结构进行对比分析,不同能源折算成标煤的系数如表4所示。2022年赣州经开区用能结构对比,如图4所示。

      能源种类 折算系数
      外购电力/[kgce·(kWh)−1] 0.122 9
      燃气(天然气)/(kgce·m−3) 1.33
      成品油(煤油)/(kgce·kg−1) 1.47

      Table 4.  Coefficient of conversion of different energy sources to standard coal

      Figure 4.  Comparison of energy consumption structure of Ganzhou economic and technological development zone in 2022



      Figure 5.  Total energy consumption and energy intensity of Ganzhou economic and technological development zone from 2020 to 2022

    • 赣州经开区碳排放源主要来自2方面:(1)园区内化石能源活动直接造成的CO2排放;(2)通过外购电力调入造成的间接CO2排放。依据《中国能源统计年鉴 2019》《省级温室气体清单编制指南(试行)》公布的数据,天然气和成品油碳排放核算相关参数的取值,如表5所示。根据《企业温室气体排放核算方法与报告指南 发电设施》(环办气候〔2021〕9号)的指导要求,外购电力碳排放因子取0.581 t CO2/MWh。

      能源种类 平均低位发热量/
      [GJ·(104 Nm3)−1, GJ·t−1]
      [t C·(GJ)−1]
      燃气 389.31 1.53×10−2 98
      成品油 43.07 1.96×10−2 99

      Table 5.  Parameter values related to carbon emission accounting


      Figure 6.  Carbon emission and carbon emission intensity of Ganzhou economic and technological development zone from 2020 to 2022


    • 根据第2节的碳排放影响因素分解模型,定量分析赣州经开区碳排放的主要影响因素。能源结构采用电力消费占总能源消费占比表示,产业结构采用工业园区内电子信息和新能源及新能源汽车双首位产业规上企业数量占比表示。碳排放影响因素分解模型用于回归训练的数据如表6所示。

      年份 碳排放量/104 t 工业总产值/亿元 能源消耗量/104 tce 能源结构/% 产业结构/%
      2020 88.87 707 29.66 36.55 28.21
      2021 97.50 954.7 32.50 36.72 28.21
      2022 100.60 1 162 32.76 39.47 28.21

      Table 6.  Training data of carbon emission decomposition model of Ganzhou economic and technological development zone


      因素 工业总产值 能源消耗量 能源结构 产业结构 截距
      系数 0.237 7 0.245 1 −0.240 5 0 2.152 9

      Table 7.  Regression coefficient of carbon emission decomposition model of Ganzhou economic and technological development zone


    • 立足赣州经开区的发展特点,把握优势,正视短板,找准突破点,从产业结构调整、能源结构优化、政策制度完善、数字化赋能4个方面,规划“双碳”转型路径。





      Figure 7.  Architecture of industrial internet platform for digital carbon management of industrial parks


    • 为贯彻落实我国“双碳”目标,推动工业园区碳排放精细化管理,开展工业园区碳排放核算与“双碳”转型路径研究,重点研究工业园区碳排放核算、碳排放影响因素分解与“双碳”转型路径规划3个核心问题,分析数字化赋能工业园区绿色低碳转型的作用机理与影响路径。以赣州经开区为研究对象,计算2020-2022年工业园区的碳排放量和碳排放强度,识别碳排放量增加的主要影响因素,从产业结构、能源结构、政策制度、平台建设等4个方面规划了“双碳”转型路径,设计了工业园区数字化碳管理工业互联网平台。研究表明,所提模型能够充分挖掘工业园区统计数据的信息,具有科学性和有效性,为工业园区“双碳”转型路径决策优化提供了理论支撑。

Reference (20)



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