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Volume 11 Issue 6
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ZHOU Chengsheng. Lightning protection design of offshore floating photovoltaic power station [J]. Southern energy construction, 2024, 11(6): 102-110 doi:  10.16516/j.ceec.2024.6.11
Citation: ZHOU Chengsheng. Lightning protection design of offshore floating photovoltaic power station [J]. Southern energy construction, 2024, 11(6): 102-110 doi:  10.16516/j.ceec.2024.6.11

Lightning Protection Design of Offshore Floating Photovoltaic Power Station

doi: 10.16516/j.ceec.2024.6.11
  • Received Date: 2023-05-21
  • Accepted Date: 2023-07-21
  • Rev Recd Date: 2023-07-20
  • Available Online: 2024-03-16
  • Publish Date: 2024-11-30
  •   Introduction  This paper mainly discusses the principles, methods and measures of lightning protection design of offshore floating photovoltaic power station to meet the safe operation of offshore floating photovoltaic power station in harsh climate conditions.   Method  Through the in-depth analysis of the marine environment, offshore floating photovoltaic power station structure and lightning characteristics, this study proposed a series of effective lightning protection measures. First, the use of metal structure could improve the lightning resistance capacity of the floating photovoltaic power station. Secondly, the installation of lightning rods could absorb and release lightning energy, reduce the impact of lightning on the power station. In addition, the establishment of the ground grid could effectively disperse the ground potential and reduce the risk of lightning strike. The use of insulating materials helped to reduce the direct invasion of lightning on the power station equipment. At the same time, the installation of monitoring equipment could be real-time monitoring of lightning activities, timely response measures. Regular inspection and maintenance was an important part to ensure the stable operation of the lightning protection system.   Result  The principle and implementation method of each lightning protection measure are elaborated, and some technical problems in lightning protection design are proposed. For example, how to ensure the good grounding of the lightning rod, how to choose the appropriate insulation material, etc. These achievements provide an effective reference for the improvement of the lightning protection capacity of the offshore floating photovoltaic power stations.   Conclusion  The results of this study will help to improve the lightning protection capacity of the offshore floating photovoltaic power stations and ensure the safe operation of the power stations. Based on full consideration of the marine environment, the structure of the offshore floating photovoltaic power station and the lightning characteristics, the appropriate lightning protection measures can effectively reduce the risk of lightning strike and ensure the stable operation of the power station. This is of great significance for promoting the development of renewable energy and protecting the environment. Further study can provide more reference and guidance for lightning protection design to cope with the more complex and harsh climate conditions in the future.
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  • 通讯作者: 陈斌, bchen63@163.com
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      沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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Lightning Protection Design of Offshore Floating Photovoltaic Power Station

doi: 10.16516/j.ceec.2024.6.11

Abstract:   Introduction  This paper mainly discusses the principles, methods and measures of lightning protection design of offshore floating photovoltaic power station to meet the safe operation of offshore floating photovoltaic power station in harsh climate conditions.   Method  Through the in-depth analysis of the marine environment, offshore floating photovoltaic power station structure and lightning characteristics, this study proposed a series of effective lightning protection measures. First, the use of metal structure could improve the lightning resistance capacity of the floating photovoltaic power station. Secondly, the installation of lightning rods could absorb and release lightning energy, reduce the impact of lightning on the power station. In addition, the establishment of the ground grid could effectively disperse the ground potential and reduce the risk of lightning strike. The use of insulating materials helped to reduce the direct invasion of lightning on the power station equipment. At the same time, the installation of monitoring equipment could be real-time monitoring of lightning activities, timely response measures. Regular inspection and maintenance was an important part to ensure the stable operation of the lightning protection system.   Result  The principle and implementation method of each lightning protection measure are elaborated, and some technical problems in lightning protection design are proposed. For example, how to ensure the good grounding of the lightning rod, how to choose the appropriate insulation material, etc. These achievements provide an effective reference for the improvement of the lightning protection capacity of the offshore floating photovoltaic power stations.   Conclusion  The results of this study will help to improve the lightning protection capacity of the offshore floating photovoltaic power stations and ensure the safe operation of the power stations. Based on full consideration of the marine environment, the structure of the offshore floating photovoltaic power station and the lightning characteristics, the appropriate lightning protection measures can effectively reduce the risk of lightning strike and ensure the stable operation of the power station. This is of great significance for promoting the development of renewable energy and protecting the environment. Further study can provide more reference and guidance for lightning protection design to cope with the more complex and harsh climate conditions in the future.

ZHOU Chengsheng. Lightning protection design of offshore floating photovoltaic power station [J]. Southern energy construction, 2024, 11(6): 102-110 doi:  10.16516/j.ceec.2024.6.11
Citation: ZHOU Chengsheng. Lightning protection design of offshore floating photovoltaic power station [J]. Southern energy construction, 2024, 11(6): 102-110 doi:  10.16516/j.ceec.2024.6.11
    • 随着人们对清洁能源的需求不断增长,全球范围内建设的光伏电站不断增加。尤其是海上漂浮光伏电站,能够利用海洋资源,不占用陆地资源,其发展前景广阔[1-2]。然而,在海上漂浮的光伏电站面临着多种恶劣气候条件,如雷击、大风浪等自然灾害,容易受到损毁和安全问题的困扰。海上漂浮光伏电站的防雷设计方法是一项非常重要的工作,直接关系到电站的安全和稳定运行。海洋环境的复杂性,加之雷电活动的不可预测性,使得防雷设计具有一定的技术难度。下面,我将从海洋环境、光伏电站结构和雷电特征等方面介绍海上漂浮光伏电站的防雷设计方法。因此,进行有效的防雷设计至关重要。文章将从海上漂浮光伏电站的防雷设计原理、防雷设计的方法和技术选取以及具体的防雷措施实施等方面探讨防雷设计的有效性。

    • 海上漂浮光伏电站建设在开阔而复杂的海洋环境中,防雷材料在海水中的腐蚀形式分为均匀腐蚀和局部腐蚀2大类,局部腐蚀又包括点蚀、缝隙腐蚀、电偶腐蚀、应力腐蚀、腐蚀疲劳、磨蚀、气蚀等不同形式。如表1所示,根据腐蚀条件不同,把海洋环境分为海洋大气区、飞溅区、潮汐区、浅海区、大陆架区、深海区和海泥区。这些区域的海洋环境条件各异,对防雷设计也有不同的要求。比如,在深海区域,由于电站距离陆地远、海水深,晴天时的静电场强度较强,需要更加完善的避雷系统。而在受潮带,电站洗涤作用较强,设备老化、腐蚀等损伤对防雷系统形成威胁的可能性也较大。因此,在防雷设计中需要充分考虑海洋环境条件,全面科学地制定各项措施。

      海洋区域 环境条件 腐蚀特点
      大气区 海风盐粒,影响因素:高度、风速、雨量、
      飞溅区 潮湿,充分充气的表面,无海生物玷污 海水飞溅,干湿交替,腐蚀刺烈
      潮汐区 周期沉泡,供养充分 因作为氧浓度差电池的阴极区而腐蚀速率较低

      大陆架 生物污染减少,氧含量降低,温度降低 深度增加,腐蚀减轻,但不易生成水垢保护层
      深海 含氧量比表层高,温度接近0 ℃,水流速低,pH低 镀铜的腐蚀通常较轻
      海泥区 常有细菌

      Table 1.  Comparative analysis of corrosion characteristics in different marine environments



      Figure 1.  Comparative analysis of corrosion rates in different marine environments and different season

      Figure 2.  Corrosion condition of copper-plated steel strand

      Figure 3.  Corrosion condition of plastic-coated copper-plated steel strand


      对比项目 镀铜钢绞线 包塑镀铜钢绞线
      耐腐蚀性 8~10 a的使用寿命,
      腐蚀速率:5.67 μm/a
      热稳定性 热稳定系数135
      导电性 相当于铜的30%
      泄流能力 对高频电流的泄流能力是钢材的4倍
      连接方式 放热焊接,电气性能稳定,没有接触电阻
      接地效果 很稳定,接地电阻会保持在一个较稳定的水准
      防盗性 其材料非铜看起来像铜,

      Table 2.  Comparison of corrosion characteristics of copper-plated and plastic-coated copper-plated grounding in offshore floating photovoltaic power stations


      Figure 4.  Comparison of dispersing the scattered current area effects of different offshore grounding electrodes


      Figure 5.  The current resistance distribution around multiple ground bodies





    • 海上漂浮光伏电站是指在海面上建造的浮动式光伏电站(图6),采用全柔性HDPE(High Density Polyethylene,高密度聚乙烯)浮体漂浮系统的漂浮电站,其主体结构均为HDPE浮筒,每个光伏组件与单个专有浮体相连接组成一个小单元,不与其他光伏组件产生联系,浮筒与浮筒之间通过相同材料的螺栓柔性连接,在应对各方向受力情况下,均能通过上下摆动进行卸力,在风浪流的耦合作用下可“随波上下浮动”,受力良好达到了以柔克刚的效果。它们的结构设计需要充分考虑海洋环境的特殊要求。其结构与固定式相似,但采用了动态浮体设计,光伏组件与浮体之间用支架连接,浮体采用高密度聚乙烯(HDPE)材质制成,抗风能力为60~70 m/s。该类型电站可以在水深50~100 m之间的海域安装。海上漂浮光伏电站通常由浮体、支架、组件、逆变器等部分组成。其中,支架和组件是电站的重要结构部分,也是易受雷击危害的部位。因此,在防雷设计中需要针对支架和组件进行设计和改进,采取更为可靠、坚固的材料和技术,保护这些部位。

      Figure 6.  A shallow-sea floating photovoltaic power station in Tianjin

    • 海上雷电现象的发生时间具有明显的季节性和日变化。一般来说,夏季和秋季是海上雷电现象的高发季节,而白天比晚上更容易发生海上雷电现象。海上雷电现象的发生与海洋环境因素密切相关。例如,海面温度、海水盐度、海流、风速、湿度等环境因素的变化都可能影响海上雷电现象的发生。海上雷电现象的形式多样,包括云闪、云地闪、海底闪等。其中,云地闪是海上最常见的雷电现象,指的是云与地面之间的放电现象。海上雷电现象的电流和电压较高,可以达到数百千安培和数百万伏特。同时,海上雷电现象的能量也较大,可能会对光伏组件、逆变器设备及平台等海上漂浮光伏设施造成严重的破坏。海上雷电现象的发生具有随机性,难以预测,给海上漂浮光伏电站带来一定挑战。

      以研究项目所处地理位置为例,天津滨海新区塘沽地处渤海湾,其特殊的地理位置和环境条件,导致夏季常常遭到雷暴的影响。塘沽地区近50 a(1964-2013年)来雷暴日数在6~8月的夏季出现次数最多,占整年的47.8%,其次是春季的3~5月占整年的29.2%,秋季的9~11月占整年的13%,冬季的12月~次年2月没有雷暴发生[3]


    • 海上漂浮电站的雷电作用原理是指,在海上漂浮电站内部,当云层和大地之间的电位差增大时,就会形成电场,从而使电子在空气中移动形成电离层[8-10]。当电场足够强时,电子会沿着空气中的离子通道穿过电离层并击穿到海面上。




      Figure 7.  Use of painted galvanized flat steel

      Figure 8.  Use of copper-plated steel strand

    • 防雷设计的基本原理是通过建立保护设备和接地系统[17-18],以分散、吸收、放电或反射雷电电磁波,减小雷击对光伏电站带来的危害[19-20]。以5 MWp标准阵列为例,如图9所示,海上漂浮电站防雷设计原理包含以下几个方面:

      Figure 9.  Schematic diagram of the 5 MWp standard array of the offshore floating photovoltaic power station







    • 首先需要进行光伏电站的地质勘探,掌握地质和土壤等基础信息。地质勘探和土壤电学特性研究是地球科学领域的重要方向之一,主要是研究土壤及地下岩石的导电特性。例如,地球物理勘探中的电阻率法、自然电位法、磁法都是基于土壤和岩石的导电特性来进行勘探的[21-22]。电阻率法能够探测到地下物质的性质、形状、空间分布等信息;自然电位法则以地下电位的分布规律来推断地质构造;磁法则能够探测到地下物质中磁性物质的含量、位置和分布。根据实测结果,确定合适的接地形式,包括单点、网状和集中等多种类型。

    • 由于海水是一种良好的导体,在海水中安装的海上漂浮光伏电站的船体必须具有绝缘措施,降低雷击风险。船体绝缘措施可以大致分为以下几个方面:




    • 加装避雷针是一种常见的防雷手段。在海上漂浮的光伏电站上,可在电站周围的海上增加一定数量的避雷针,以吸收雷电的电荷,从而减轻雷击力。

    • 为了防止直接击中和雷电波的感应效应,可以设计引下系统和接地系统,并规范接地电阻的大小,以达到有效地吸收、放电、反射雷电电磁波的目的。海上漂浮式光伏发电系统应在每个漂浮方阵四周、电气设备主通道设置接地干线,接地干线宜采用铜包钢、接地电缆等,可在水中设置垂直接地极。


      $$ {A_{{\rm{sc}}}} = \dfrac{{{I_{\mathrm{f}}}}}{{\sqrt {\left( {\dfrac{{T_{{\mathrm{CAP}}} \cdot {{10}^{ - 4}}}}{{{{{{{t}}}}_{\rm{c}}} \cdot {{{a}}_{\rm{r}}} \cdot {\rho _{\rm{r}}}}}} \right) \cdot {\rm{ln}}\left( {\dfrac{{{K_{\rm{o}}} + {T_{\rm{m}}}}}{{{K_{\rm{o}}} + {T_{\rm{a}}}}}} \right)} }} $$ (1)


      If ——接地故障对称电流(A);

      Asc ——导体截面积(mm2);

      Tcap ——单位体积热容(J·cm−3·℃−1);

      tc ——故障持续时间,取0.6 s;

      α0 ——(t = 0 ℃)电阻率热系数(℃−1);

      αr ——参考温度Tr下电阻率热系数(℃−1);

      ρr ——参考温度Tr下导体电阻率(μΩ·cm);

      Ko ——(1/αrTr)或1/α0(℃);

      Tm ——导体允许最大温度(℃);

      Ta ——环境温度(℃)。


      $$ A_{{\mathrm{sc}}}= \frac{1}{{1.974}}{I_{\text{f}}}{K_{\text{f}}}\sqrt {{{{t}}_{\text{c}}}} $$ (2)


      Kf ——材料在不同Tm值下的常数[23]

      通过以上公式计算得海上漂浮式光伏发电系统组件间宜采用不小于6 mm2的接地电缆,设备接地宜采用不小于50 mm2的电缆,主接地网宜采用不小于70 mm2的包塑镀铜钢绞线。漂浮式光伏发电系统中接地用连接线或电缆应考虑浮体波动及水位及海浪变化的影响[6]

      通过对天津某海上漂浮光伏电站进行设计,如图10所示,采取了一些接地防雷技术措施。水平接地采用120 mm2包塑镀铜钢绞线,沿检修通道浮体边沿敷设,在经常有人出入的地方采取穿管保护措施,利用方阵周边浮体耳朵螺栓进行固定。接地网的外缘应闭合且各角做成圆弧形,圆弧的半径不应小于均压带间距的一半。接地体采用HJ-Tm100不锈钢镁合金防腐地极,需确保打入海底,接地体与水平接地网通过一根120 mm2包塑镀铜钢绞线压接。电池组件支架间用镀铜接地扁钢进行两点可靠连接,每组光伏组件支架必须保证两点直接与主地网连接或通过其他光伏组件支架与主地网连接。接地线与接地网的连接点至35 kV及以下设备接地点的接地体长度(地中距离)大于15 m。箱变必须保证至少两点与主地网连接,箱变平台接地网引下线与主接地网采用120 mm2铜缆两点连接。组件支架间,组件支架和主接地网间接地扁钢的连接采用螺栓压接的方式,其压接截面必须大于或等于两倍镀铜扁钢宽度,需满足施工规范要求。组串式逆变器等需要有明显的接地线与主接地网连接,接地线采用25 mm²的包塑镀铜铜绞线。设备接地应有便于测量的断开点。接地黄绿标识应规范,所有明敷的接地线均应刷15~100 mm宽度相等的黄绿相间的条纹。光伏电池板无氧化层保证与支架可靠连接,形成电气通路,保证光伏组件与支架整体的电气联通。所有接地材料均要求包塑镀铜处理,现场连接处需做防锈处理。箱变单元接地网和光伏方阵接地网保证两点可靠连接,接地扁钢通过电缆浮体通道敷设。光伏场区工频接地电阻设计值不大于4 Ω,若实测值达不到设计值,需增加垂直接地极或接地装置。

      Figure 10.  Unit array lightning protection grounding layout of a floating photovoltaic power station in Tianjin

    • 图11,在海上光伏电站防雷设计过程中,也会遇到一些技术难题,例如避雷针、地网及接地装置的选择和定位、避雷系统一级保护、二级保护设计和布置等。针对这些难题,可以采取合理的设计思路,包括考虑系统的可靠性、实施时的安全性。可以采取以下措施来进一步提高海上漂浮光伏电站的防雷能力:

      Figure 11.  Lightning protection measures for offshore floating photovoltaic power stations






      6)防雷设备的维护和检查:为了保证防雷设备能够长期有效工作,需要进行定期维护和检查。例如,定期检查避雷针和接地体的可靠性,定期测试接地电阻[8, 15-16]

    • 文章对海上漂浮光伏电站防雷设计进行研究,结论如下:






Reference (23)



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