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Volume 11 Issue S1
Jun.  2024
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YUAN Zhenbang, ZHANG Xi, LIU Jiachen. Design and practice of automatic cleaning robot matching for horizontal single-axis bracket without disconnecting from the bridge in a large photovoltaic power plant in Saudi Arabia [J]. Southern energy construction, 2024, 11(Suppl. 1): 19-22. DOI: 10.16516/j.ceec.2024.S1.04 doi:  10.16516/j.ceec.2024.S1.04
Citation: YUAN Zhenbang, ZHANG Xi, LIU Jiachen. Design and practice of automatic cleaning robot matching for horizontal single-axis bracket without disconnecting from the bridge in a large photovoltaic power plant in Saudi Arabia [J]. Southern energy construction, 2024, 11(Suppl. 1): 19-22. DOI: 10.16516/j.ceec.2024.S1.04 doi:  10.16516/j.ceec.2024.S1.04

Design and Practice of Automatic Cleaning Robot Matching for Horizontal Single-Axis Bracket Without Disconnecting from the Bridge in A Large Photovoltaic Power Plant in Saudi Arabia

doi: 10.16516/j.ceec.2024.S1.04
  • Received Date: 2023-12-23
  • Rev Recd Date: 2024-01-06
  • Publish Date: 2024-06-30
  •   Introduction  The 2.6 GW photovoltaic power plant project in Al Shuaibah, Saudi Arabia is located in a desert area. Since the release of Saudi Arabia's "2030 vision", new energy has become an important part of the plan. The project is equipped with the most advanced N-type double-sided photovoltaic modules and horizontal single-axis automatic tracking brackets, making it the largest photovoltaic power plant in the world. This project has set up a business card for China's photovoltaic industry, and is a benchmark for photovoltaic equipment to go global.   Method  Due to the higher requirements for cleaning and maintenance of photovoltaic modules in the desert, photovoltaic cleaning robots were used to improve photovoltaic power generation efficiency and reduce operation and maintenance costs.   Result  Photovoltaic cleaning robots come in various forms, and automatic cleaning robots are most suitable for large photovoltaic power plants. However, in the practical application of horizontal single-axis brackets, a specific design optimization is required to achieve smooth operation.   Conclusion  In this paper, the application practice of matching an intelligent cleaning machine is deeply studied for the optimization design of the horizontal single-axis bracket without disconnecting from the bridge of the photovoltaic power station project, providing a reference for the design of intelligent cleaning and maintenance machines of photovoltaic power stations in desert areas.
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  • 通讯作者: 陈斌, bchen63@163.com
    • 1. 

      沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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Design and Practice of Automatic Cleaning Robot Matching for Horizontal Single-Axis Bracket Without Disconnecting from the Bridge in A Large Photovoltaic Power Plant in Saudi Arabia

doi: 10.16516/j.ceec.2024.S1.04

Abstract:   Introduction  The 2.6 GW photovoltaic power plant project in Al Shuaibah, Saudi Arabia is located in a desert area. Since the release of Saudi Arabia's "2030 vision", new energy has become an important part of the plan. The project is equipped with the most advanced N-type double-sided photovoltaic modules and horizontal single-axis automatic tracking brackets, making it the largest photovoltaic power plant in the world. This project has set up a business card for China's photovoltaic industry, and is a benchmark for photovoltaic equipment to go global.   Method  Due to the higher requirements for cleaning and maintenance of photovoltaic modules in the desert, photovoltaic cleaning robots were used to improve photovoltaic power generation efficiency and reduce operation and maintenance costs.   Result  Photovoltaic cleaning robots come in various forms, and automatic cleaning robots are most suitable for large photovoltaic power plants. However, in the practical application of horizontal single-axis brackets, a specific design optimization is required to achieve smooth operation.   Conclusion  In this paper, the application practice of matching an intelligent cleaning machine is deeply studied for the optimization design of the horizontal single-axis bracket without disconnecting from the bridge of the photovoltaic power station project, providing a reference for the design of intelligent cleaning and maintenance machines of photovoltaic power stations in desert areas.

YUAN Zhenbang, ZHANG Xi, LIU Jiachen. Design and practice of automatic cleaning robot matching for horizontal single-axis bracket without disconnecting from the bridge in a large photovoltaic power plant in Saudi Arabia [J]. Southern energy construction, 2024, 11(Suppl. 1): 19-22. DOI: 10.16516/j.ceec.2024.S1.04 doi:  10.16516/j.ceec.2024.S1.04
Citation: YUAN Zhenbang, ZHANG Xi, LIU Jiachen. Design and practice of automatic cleaning robot matching for horizontal single-axis bracket without disconnecting from the bridge in a large photovoltaic power plant in Saudi Arabia [J]. Southern energy construction, 2024, 11(Suppl. 1): 19-22. DOI: 10.16516/j.ceec.2024.S1.04 doi:  10.16516/j.ceec.2024.S1.04
    • 根据沙特的“2030愿景”计划,沙特政府已经启动了国家可再生能源计划(NREP),光伏等可再生能源将在其中扮演重要角色[1]。沙特阿拉伯具有丰富的光照资源、广阔的沙漠面积、稳定的政策支持、巨大的市场需求、先进的技术支持以及有利于环境保护等优势,使其成为光伏发电的理想地。

      沙特沙漠广布,虽然光照资源丰富,但光伏电站长期受到沙尘侵扰。据SolarAnywhere统计,2006~2020年间,该地区未能定期清扫的光伏电站年灰损高达35% ,严重影响电站发电效率。据国际能源署(International Energy Agency,IEA)预测,仅沙特在2023年的灰损将高达7千万欧元,经济损失不容小觑[2]。然而在中东地区普遍高温的自然条件下,人工清洗光伏组件既昂贵又操作不便。同时,中东地区特有的高湿度环境,使得沙尘、灰尘等污染物极易与水汽结合,长期不清扫下,形成黏结状污染物,对光伏组件造成不可逆转的伤害[3]。因此,中国能建承建的沙特阿尔舒巴赫2.6 GW光伏项目用智能清扫机器人对光伏电站进行高频次、全自动的清洗。

    • 手动清扫机器主要包括刷子、拖把等,适用于小型光伏电站或分布式光伏发电系统。手动清扫机器操作简便,但工作效率较低,清扫效果受操作人员技能水平影响较大。

    • 半自动清扫机器主要包括清扫车、清扫机器人等,适用于中型光伏电站。半自动清扫机器具有较高的工作效率和清扫效果,但需要人工操作和监控。

    • 全自动清扫机器主要包括清扫无人机、智能清扫机器人等,适用于大型光伏电站。全自动清扫机器具有自动化程度高、清扫效果好、运维成本低等优点,但设备投入较高。

    • 1)适应性:根据光伏电站的规模、地形、气候等特点,选择适应性强、可靠性高的清扫机器。




      该项目的光伏支架以平单轴为主,每一排平单轴配置3~4串光伏组件,长度在90~120 m之间。而项目中通常将南北方向若干排平单轴通过桥架相连,形成总长超过1 km的长排。这样会大幅度降低清洁成本,每排只需设置一台清扫机器人,如图1所示。

      Figure 1.  Connection diagram of horizontal single-axis photovoltaic brackets











      Figure 2.  Diagram of the horizontal single-axis upper and lower frame flipping with components

    • 本文针对沙特项目光伏清扫机器的选择和应用进行了研究,针对解决相邻两排平单轴角度差导致自动清扫机器人容易脱开问题,设计了全新的不脱开桥架系统,为全自动清扫机器人在大型沙漠地区光伏电站应用推广起到关键作用,提高了自动清扫机器人的应用效果,因此具有良好的前景。

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