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Volume 11 Issue S1
Jun.  2024
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PI Junwu, WU Qiang, MA Jun. Analysis and research on detection methods of WTGS foundation defects [J]. Southern energy construction, 2024, 11(Suppl. 1): 23-28. DOI: 10.16516/j.ceec.2024.S1.05 doi:  10.16516/j.ceec.2024.S1.05
Citation: PI Junwu, WU Qiang, MA Jun. Analysis and research on detection methods of WTGS foundation defects [J]. Southern energy construction, 2024, 11(Suppl. 1): 23-28. DOI: 10.16516/j.ceec.2024.S1.05 doi:  10.16516/j.ceec.2024.S1.05

Analysis and Research on Detection Methods of WTGS Foundation Defects

doi: 10.16516/j.ceec.2024.S1.05
  • Received Date: 2024-03-15
  • Rev Recd Date: 2024-04-25
  • Publish Date: 2024-06-30
  •   Introduction  With the increasing installed scale of onshore wind turbines in China, quality defects in WTGS foundation are very common, directly affects the safe operation of the equipment and equipment safety. The foundation of WTGS has the characteristics of large volume and complex structure, the applicability of conventional detection methods in the case of large size and dense reinforcements needs comparative analysis, studying the detection methods for WTGS defects has significant practical engineering significance.  Method  This article took a wind turbine reinforcement project as the research object, using geological radar method, ultrasonic transverse wave method, drilling detection method, based on the detection principles of various detection methods and results, the applicability and detection accuracy of each detection method were analyzed. [Resu lt] The analysis results show that: the higher the emission frequency, the higher the defect location accuracy and the lower the effective detection depth of geological radar method; the ultrasonic transverse wave method is only applicable to shallow detection of concrete, detection accuracy is high ; the drilling detection method has excellent visibility, and the results are intuitive and accurate.  Conclusion  For detection of foundation defects in WTGS , the geological radar method and ultrasonic transverse wave method are suitable for detecting shallow concrete defects, and using high-frequency spectrum detection can achieve good detection accuracy; the drilling detection method can be used for detecting shallow and deep defects in concrete foundations and the detection results is intuitive.
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  • 通讯作者: 陈斌, bchen63@163.com
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      沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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Analysis and Research on Detection Methods of WTGS Foundation Defects

doi: 10.16516/j.ceec.2024.S1.05

Abstract:   Introduction  With the increasing installed scale of onshore wind turbines in China, quality defects in WTGS foundation are very common, directly affects the safe operation of the equipment and equipment safety. The foundation of WTGS has the characteristics of large volume and complex structure, the applicability of conventional detection methods in the case of large size and dense reinforcements needs comparative analysis, studying the detection methods for WTGS defects has significant practical engineering significance.  Method  This article took a wind turbine reinforcement project as the research object, using geological radar method, ultrasonic transverse wave method, drilling detection method, based on the detection principles of various detection methods and results, the applicability and detection accuracy of each detection method were analyzed. [Resu lt] The analysis results show that: the higher the emission frequency, the higher the defect location accuracy and the lower the effective detection depth of geological radar method; the ultrasonic transverse wave method is only applicable to shallow detection of concrete, detection accuracy is high ; the drilling detection method has excellent visibility, and the results are intuitive and accurate.  Conclusion  For detection of foundation defects in WTGS , the geological radar method and ultrasonic transverse wave method are suitable for detecting shallow concrete defects, and using high-frequency spectrum detection can achieve good detection accuracy; the drilling detection method can be used for detecting shallow and deep defects in concrete foundations and the detection results is intuitive.

PI Junwu, WU Qiang, MA Jun. Analysis and research on detection methods of WTGS foundation defects [J]. Southern energy construction, 2024, 11(Suppl. 1): 23-28. DOI: 10.16516/j.ceec.2024.S1.05 doi:  10.16516/j.ceec.2024.S1.05
Citation: PI Junwu, WU Qiang, MA Jun. Analysis and research on detection methods of WTGS foundation defects [J]. Southern energy construction, 2024, 11(Suppl. 1): 23-28. DOI: 10.16516/j.ceec.2024.S1.05 doi:  10.16516/j.ceec.2024.S1.05
    • 我国风电行业起步晚,但发展迅猛。在我国风电行业发展初期,由于风电机组基础设计、施工经验不足,导致早期风电工程建造质量不高,部分风电机组基础已经出现质量问题,如基础环脱开、基础环侧面混凝土挤压破坏[1]、预应力锚栓张拉异常等[2]。风电机组基础质量问题轻则导致风电机组停运,重则影响风电机组运行安全。


    • 地质雷达(Ground Penetrating Radar,简称GPR)是一种用于确定地下介质分布的广谱电磁波技术。其工作原理为:高频电磁波通过发射天线(T)向检测对象发射,当它遇到地下地质体或介质分界面时发生反射,被接收天线(R)接收,通过记录电磁波的传播时间、电磁场强度、波形等信息,形成雷达剖面图[6-8] ,如图1所示。

      Figure 1.  Principles of geological radar detection


    • 地质雷达探测时,应根据检测需要布置测线,地质雷达沿测线同步移动,测试时将发射和接收器对称布置在测线两侧,电磁波在混凝土中的传播速度为v,发射器和接收器的水平间距为x,根据电磁传播物理关系,可求得电磁波传播时间t与反射体的位置深度z关系如下式所示[10-12]

      $$ z=\sqrt{({{v}}^{2}{{t}}^{2}-{{x}}^{2})/4} $$ (1)


    • 1)分辨率

      按波的干涉理论,物体上下界面反射波最小可识别双向波程差为λ/4 ~ λ/8,实际应用中一般采用λ/4波长为尺度来表明纵向分辨率[13-14]


      Figure 2.  Schematic diagram of Fresnel strip


      $$ \Delta l={[{(z+\lambda /8)}^{2}-{z}^{2}]}^{1/2}=({\lambda }^{2}/64+\lambda z/4{)}^{1/2}\approx (\lambda z/4{)}^{1/2} $$ (2)


      λ ——电磁波长;

      z ——柱体顶面埋深。





      中心频率/MHz 波速/(cm·ns−1) 波长/cm 纵向分辨率/cm 穿透深度/cm
      100 12.0 120.0 30.0 400.0
      200 12.0 60.0 15.0 250.0
      250 12.0 48.0 12.0 150.0
      400 12.0 30.0 7.5 100.0
      500 12.0 24.0 6.0 100.0
      900 12.0 13.3 3.3 40.0
      1 000 12.0 12.0 3.0 30.0
      1 500 12.0 8.0 2.0 20.0
      2 000 12.0 6.0 1.5 15.0

      Table 1.  Geological radar detection depth and accuracy

    • 超声横波检测技术是利用超声横波在混凝土中传播,当遇到波阻抗差异界面(如蜂窝、孔洞、离析)时,会产生折射、反射、绕射及散射等现象。通过分析接收波的振幅、频率等声学参数的相关变化来判断混凝土的缺陷[17]

    • 根据构件或结构的几何形状、所处环境、尺寸大小以及所能提供的测试表面等条件,选用不同的测试方法。一般常用的检测方法[18-19]表2

      编号 检测方法 适用条件
      1 对测法 一般用于梁、柱等长条形构件检测。
      2 角测法 一般用于仅两个直角边可供检测的构件。
      3 平测法 一般用于仅一个表面可供检测的构件,如隧道

      Table 2.  Ultrasonic transverse wave detection method

    • 由于超声波能量较低,且易在混凝土中发生折射和反射,能量衰减较快,一般仅能用于混凝土浅层检测,部分超声波检测仪参数如表3所示。

      设备型号A1040 MIRA 3D 混凝土三维超声波成像仪HC-U91 混凝土超声波检测仪
      超声波频率/ kHz10~10010~10 000
      深度/ mm
      1 000~1 500500
      范围/ mm
      50~1 5005~500

      Table 3.  Ultrasonic detector parameters

    • 钻孔检测法是利用专用钻机,在混凝土基础上钻取芯样,并根据钻取芯样质量及钻孔内实体拍照来分析混凝土缺陷的方法,该方法是目前最直观、最准确的检测混凝土缺陷的方法。





    • 某风电场项目,选用容量为6.25 MW的风力发电机组,基础采用预应力锚栓式基础。风机基础形式为重力式圆形扩展基础。基础底板直径为21 m,基础总高度为4.25 m,台柱直径为6.7 m,台柱高度为1.34 m,基础悬挑根部高度为2.86 m,基础边缘高度为0.8 m,基础埋深为3.8 m。基础采用了192根预应力锚栓,锚栓预应力为617 kN,超张拉系数1.15。



    • 图3所示,本次检测采用SIR-30E型地质雷达,电磁波频率为400 MHz。沿风机基础塔筒外侧壁和距离塔筒壁50 cm布置两道测线。风机基础测线起点为塔筒门正下方右侧, 见图4

      Figure 3.  Geological radar on-site detection

      Figure 4.  Layout of geological radar and ultrasonic transverse wave imaging survey lines


      Figure 5.  Detection images of L1,L2 survey lines at C12 position


    • 本次检测采用MIRA1040型超声横波成像仪,风机测线布置同地质雷达,详见图4。检测结果如图6所示。

      Figure 6.  Detection images of L1,L2 survey lines at C12 position


    • 根据前期锚栓张拉情况,本次检测时在锚栓张拉异常区域进行钻孔检测,钻孔采用水钻法,孔径32 mm,钻孔深度钻至下锚板标高处。钻孔完成后采用内窥镜成像,部分钻孔底部影像如图7所示。

      Figure 7.  Bottom image of hole No.1 & No.8 at C12 position

    • 通过钻孔内窥镜影像可以看出,基础下锚板附近存在孔洞和不密实情况;而地质雷达和超声横波检测图像显示基础内混凝土较密实,未发现基础内存在孔洞。由此可见,地质雷达和超声横波对混凝土深层位置的缺陷识别能力有限。


    • 本文通过分析地质雷达法、超声横波法、钻孔检测法、有限元法检测原理和检测手段,结合工程案例对各种检测方法效果进行比较,主要结论如下:

      1) 地质雷达法有效检测深度和精度与电磁波的频率有关,电磁波的频率增高,有效检测深度越小,精度越高;地质雷达法适用于混凝土内部1.5 m深度范围内检测。

      2) 超声横波法在混凝土中波的衰减较快,一般仅适用于混凝土浅层检测。

      3) 钻孔检测法是一种最直观的检测手段,可以有效反映出混凝土内部缺陷真实情况,对于混凝土深层缺陷检测较为适用。

Reference (20)



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