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Volume 11 Issue S1
Jun.  2024
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DING Wei, KONG Zhida, CHEN Yang. The main wiring scheme for conductor ice melting of UHVDC converter station [J]. Southern energy construction, 2024, 11(Suppl. 1): 65-73. DOI: 10.16516/j.ceec.2024.S1.10 doi:  10.16516/j.ceec.2024.S1.10
Citation: DING Wei, KONG Zhida, CHEN Yang. The main wiring scheme for conductor ice melting of UHVDC converter station [J]. Southern energy construction, 2024, 11(Suppl. 1): 65-73. DOI: 10.16516/j.ceec.2024.S1.10 doi:  10.16516/j.ceec.2024.S1.10

The Main Wiring Scheme for Conductor Ice Melting of UHVDC Converter Station

doi: 10.16516/j.ceec.2024.S1.10
  • Received Date: 2023-08-14
  • Rev Recd Date: 2024-04-24
  • Publish Date: 2024-06-30
  •   Introduction  The existing main wiring scheme for ice melting at UHVDC converter stations can only be applied to two-terminal DC systems, and the ice melting current is twice the current of the valve group. The purpose of this study is to meet the needs of using the DC operation mode for ice melting and generating a larger line ice melting current in the multi-terminal DC (MTDC) scenario. This paper conducted a design study on the main wiring scheme for ice melting of the UHVDC converter station.   Method  A wiring scheme for ice melting of converter station that is applicable to MTDC was proposed. The scheme innovatively improved the reverse wiring of the valve group in the original ice-melting wiring scheme.   Result  The purpose of saving equipment investment and land occupation has been achieved. The scheme can increase the ice melting current by 50% compared to the existing ice melting wiring schemes.   Conclusion  The new ice melting wiring scheme for the converter station in this paper can effectively meet the ice-melting requirements of the UHVDC transmission line under different conditions and improve the operation economy and reliability of the transmission line.
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  • 通讯作者: 陈斌, bchen63@163.com
    • 1. 

      沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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The Main Wiring Scheme for Conductor Ice Melting of UHVDC Converter Station

doi: 10.16516/j.ceec.2024.S1.10

Abstract:   Introduction  The existing main wiring scheme for ice melting at UHVDC converter stations can only be applied to two-terminal DC systems, and the ice melting current is twice the current of the valve group. The purpose of this study is to meet the needs of using the DC operation mode for ice melting and generating a larger line ice melting current in the multi-terminal DC (MTDC) scenario. This paper conducted a design study on the main wiring scheme for ice melting of the UHVDC converter station.   Method  A wiring scheme for ice melting of converter station that is applicable to MTDC was proposed. The scheme innovatively improved the reverse wiring of the valve group in the original ice-melting wiring scheme.   Result  The purpose of saving equipment investment and land occupation has been achieved. The scheme can increase the ice melting current by 50% compared to the existing ice melting wiring schemes.   Conclusion  The new ice melting wiring scheme for the converter station in this paper can effectively meet the ice-melting requirements of the UHVDC transmission line under different conditions and improve the operation economy and reliability of the transmission line.

DING Wei, KONG Zhida, CHEN Yang. The main wiring scheme for conductor ice melting of UHVDC converter station [J]. Southern energy construction, 2024, 11(Suppl. 1): 65-73. DOI: 10.16516/j.ceec.2024.S1.10 doi:  10.16516/j.ceec.2024.S1.10
Citation: DING Wei, KONG Zhida, CHEN Yang. The main wiring scheme for conductor ice melting of UHVDC converter station [J]. Southern energy construction, 2024, 11(Suppl. 1): 65-73. DOI: 10.16516/j.ceec.2024.S1.10 doi:  10.16516/j.ceec.2024.S1.10
    • 我国西部地区众多能源基地的规划发电容量巨大,如西藏某地区光伏开发容量约为21 GW,适合采用多端特高压柔直技术将电能输送至中、东部负荷中心。在西电东送的场景下直流线路一般距离较远,线路路径跨越多个中、重冰区。若该线路某段覆冰严重,将可能导致整体直流系统停运,并对受端负荷中心的电网安全造成巨大威胁[1-2]

      应对线路覆冰风险,除了抬高线路杆塔的抗冰设计水平[3-4],还可考虑对线路融(除)冰。输电线路融冰相关的标准中提出:在经济技术比较后可考虑融冰或防冰等措施 [5];融冰系统的设计应与变电部分统筹考虑 [6]。我国某电网公司所发布的输电线路装备技术导则中也要求中、重冰区220 kV及以上线路、110 kV重要线路应具备融冰功能 [7]。因此如何在特高压换流站中考虑线路融冰需求是需要研究解决的课题。

      融(除)冰操作现主要有人工机械除冰、加装固定式融冰装置、沿线外加电源融冰等技术方案。其中加装固定式融冰装置可用于一般变电站交流线路融冰和直流线路的地线融冰 [8-10]。由于特高压直流线路一般距离较长,存在线路多段同时覆冰的情况,直流导线融冰需要采用较大功率的融冰电源(固定式融冰装置难以提供),因此上述三类融冰手段均难以适用。世界首个特高压多端柔直工程昆柳龙工程在中间站点柳北站配置了固定式融冰装置用于全段直流地线的融冰,未配置直流导线融冰。


      融冰时间越短,线路停运时间就越短,所需的融冰电流就更大。参照规范和以往工程经验,融冰时间一般控制在45~90 min[13]。若能在现有直流运行方式融冰技术的基础上进一步加大融冰电流,则可缩短融冰停电时间并覆盖更长的融冰范围。另外,现有的运行方式融冰接线仅能适用于双端直流换流站。因此文章针对在多端直流场景下,以及更大融冰电流需求下的换流站融冰主接线方案开展了进一步研究。

    • 两端直流中未加融冰功能的换流站典型主接线如图1所示。

      Figure 1.  Typical main wiring scheme for two-terminal DC converter station

      特高压换流站直流接线一般含有四个阀组,如图1所示,分别为极2高端、极2 低端、极1高端、极1低端,图中极1对应+800 kV,极2对应−800 kV。该接线主要有以下几种运行方式:对称双极(每极同时1个阀组或2个阀组投入)运行方式;单极金属回线运行方式;单极大地方式等[14]。在正常运行方式下阀组串联接入直流线路之间,线路上的电流即为一个阀组流过的电流。


      Figure 2.  Simplified diagram of two-terminal and three-terminal DC systems


      Figure 3.  Typical main wiring scheme for multi-terminal DC intermediate converter station

    • 向上、锦苏和溪浙直流中应用的融冰接线方案如图4所示。在此接线下,将两极的两个低端阀组短接,两极的两个高端阀组并联接入正负极线路之间,这样在单个阀组功率不变的情况下,线路上电流可达到原最大电流的2倍,以此满足线路的融冰需求[18-20]

      Figure 4.  Existing wiring scheme for ice melting of converter station

      图4中粗虚线为较图1增加的部分,即增加了Q51Q56隔离开关和相关支路。正常运行时Q51Q55断开,Q56闭合,融冰时Q51Q55闭合,Q56断开。融冰时通过两个阀组的电流路径如下。极1阀组电流路径:极1线路(+800 kV)—Q11—Q12—极1高端阀组—Q14—Q16—Q31—Q32—Q54—极2线路(−800 kV)。极2阀组电流路径:极1线路—Q18—Q55—Q53—Q52—极2高端阀组—Q51—Q26—Q54—极2线路。



    • 多端直流中两端终端站的融冰接线方案同图4,但中间换流站的融冰接线需重新设计。本文提出了一种适用于中间换流站的融冰接线方案如图5所示。

      Figure 5.  Wiring scheme for ice melting of multi-terminal DC intermediate converter station










      流经极1高端阀组电流路径:极1线路(+800 kV线路)—Q41—Q11—极1高端阀组—Q16—Q32—Q55—极2线路(−800 kV线路)。

      流经极2高端阀组电流路径:极1线路(+800 kV线路)—Q539—Q21—Q23—极2高端阀组—Q24—Q52—Q26—Q55—极2线路(−800 kV线路)。





      极1阀组电流路径:极1线路(+800 kV线路)—Q57—(电流路径同状态2)—Q56—极2线路。







    • 融冰工况中,为了保持极2高端阀组换流器件的电压方向,需要采用阀组反向接线。即极2高端原靠中性线侧需调整接高压极线侧,极2高端靠高压极线侧需调整接中性线侧。图5接线方案相比图4采用了一种改进的接线,节省了一条支路,具体如图6对比所示。

      Figure 6.  Improved valve group reverse wiring (right)

      已有技术方案中,融冰电流依次通过Q52—极2高—Q51,Q22和Q24断开,需要开关Q51和Q52上的两条支路完成此功能。改进方案电流依次通过Q23—Q24—极2高—Q52,Q51和Q22断开,改进在完成此功能时利用了已有的正常开关支路(Q24,Q23),因此较已有技术方案节省一条支路,对于换流站的节省投资、占地均有帮助。±800 kV换流站若按改进后接线布置,换流站直流场在电气工艺流程方向可节省10 m左右占地,整个直流场约可节省4 000 m2占地。


    • 图4提及的双阀组并联接线技术能产生阀组额定电流2倍的融冰电流。受换流器件限制,现成熟应用的特高压柔性直流换流站单站最大功率为5 000 MW,对应的线路额定电流为3 125 A,2倍电流为6 250 A 。此电流应用于长距离输电线路融冰时,依然会出现融冰电流偏小,融冰时间较长等问题。为了进一步缩短融冰时间和提升融冰电流,本文提出了一种换流站三阀组并联融冰接线方案,如图7所示。

      Figure 7.  Three-valve group parallel wiring


      流经极2高端阀组电流路径:极1线路(+800 kV)—Q18—Q55—Q23—极2高端阀组—Q24—Q52—Q26—Q54—极2线路(−800 kV)。

      流经极1高端阀组电流路径:极1线路(+800 kV)—Q11—极1高端阀组—Q57—Q34—Q28—极2线路(−800 kV)。

      流经极1低端阀组电流路径:极1线路(+800 kV)—Q11—Q13—极1低端阀组—Q34—Q28—极2线路(−800 kV)。

      以现有的特高压柔直换流站最大额定功率5 000 MW为例,单个阀组的额定电流为3 125 A,该方案下两极之间并联了3个阀组,可输出9 375 A的融冰电流。现阶段直流隔离刀闸额定电流最大可至8 000 A,因此不能让三阀组并联后的总融冰电流同时流过刀闸。基于此,极1的两个阀组电流路径在−800 kV线路前经过金属回线转换支路上的Q28,极2高端阀组电流则经过Q54。3章和4章介绍的融冰接线方案中经过两个阀组并联后电流的刀闸额定电流应选6 250 A,如图5中的Q55和图7中的Q34、Q28。其余刀闸可按额定电流3 125 A。



      Figure 8.  Three-valve group parallel wiring scheme(Intermediate converter station)

    • 在跨越冰区的长距离特高压直流工程中,直流运行方式融冰的技术手段已有应用。但现有融冰接线仅适用于两端直流,融冰电流为2倍阀组额定电流。






Reference (20)



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