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Volume 11 Issue S1
Jun.  2024
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ZHAO Zhiyao, LIAO Yi, LI Xingyi. Research on graph-based data model for substation projects [J]. Southern energy construction, 2024, 11(Suppl. 1): 111-114. DOI: 10.16516/j.ceec.2024.S1.17 doi:  10.16516/j.ceec.2024.S1.17
Citation: ZHAO Zhiyao, LIAO Yi, LI Xingyi. Research on graph-based data model for substation projects [J]. Southern energy construction, 2024, 11(Suppl. 1): 111-114. DOI: 10.16516/j.ceec.2024.S1.17 doi:  10.16516/j.ceec.2024.S1.17

Research on Graph-Based Data Model for Substation Projects

doi: 10.16516/j.ceec.2024.S1.17
  • Received Date: 2022-12-12
  • Rev Recd Date: 2023-03-20
  • Publish Date: 2024-06-30
  •   Introduction  In order to connect isolated data between various stages of the entire life cycle of substation projects and achieve the flow of geometric model and engineering information, a graph-based data model for substation projects is proposed in this paper.   Method  Firstly, the flow of geometric and engineering information of the model in each stage of the substation project was analyzed, and the data model was divided into core model and scene model. Secondly, the topological structure of graphs was organized according to the civil part and electrical equipment of the substation project. Then, the relationship between the components of IFC model with a tree structure was converted into the form of "edge", the model components were converted into the form of "node", and the graph structure was then constructed and imported into the graph database. Finally, a data model structure for substation projects at the component level of electrical equipment was designed, and the model was associated with the components of the core model to form a graph-based data model for substation projects.   Result  The test results show that the graph-based data model for substation projects can achieve flexible combination and decomposition of geometric model and engineering information model after being imported into the graph database. It can realize efficient modification and query of model component information in the face of complex relationships between a large number of geometric structures and attribute information.   Conclusion  The graph-based data model can simultaneously carry geometric information and engineering information scene models. It meets the requirements for adjusting the granularity of models and supplementing and removing engineering information at various stages and can provide users with an intelligible data flow process comparing with the COBie (Construction Operations Building information exchange) standard based on form management.
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  • 通讯作者: 陈斌, bchen63@163.com
    • 1. 

      沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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Research on Graph-Based Data Model for Substation Projects

doi: 10.16516/j.ceec.2024.S1.17

Abstract:   Introduction  In order to connect isolated data between various stages of the entire life cycle of substation projects and achieve the flow of geometric model and engineering information, a graph-based data model for substation projects is proposed in this paper.   Method  Firstly, the flow of geometric and engineering information of the model in each stage of the substation project was analyzed, and the data model was divided into core model and scene model. Secondly, the topological structure of graphs was organized according to the civil part and electrical equipment of the substation project. Then, the relationship between the components of IFC model with a tree structure was converted into the form of "edge", the model components were converted into the form of "node", and the graph structure was then constructed and imported into the graph database. Finally, a data model structure for substation projects at the component level of electrical equipment was designed, and the model was associated with the components of the core model to form a graph-based data model for substation projects.   Result  The test results show that the graph-based data model for substation projects can achieve flexible combination and decomposition of geometric model and engineering information model after being imported into the graph database. It can realize efficient modification and query of model component information in the face of complex relationships between a large number of geometric structures and attribute information.   Conclusion  The graph-based data model can simultaneously carry geometric information and engineering information scene models. It meets the requirements for adjusting the granularity of models and supplementing and removing engineering information at various stages and can provide users with an intelligible data flow process comparing with the COBie (Construction Operations Building information exchange) standard based on form management.

ZHAO Zhiyao, LIAO Yi, LI Xingyi. Research on graph-based data model for substation projects [J]. Southern energy construction, 2024, 11(Suppl. 1): 111-114. DOI: 10.16516/j.ceec.2024.S1.17 doi:  10.16516/j.ceec.2024.S1.17
Citation: ZHAO Zhiyao, LIAO Yi, LI Xingyi. Research on graph-based data model for substation projects [J]. Southern energy construction, 2024, 11(Suppl. 1): 111-114. DOI: 10.16516/j.ceec.2024.S1.17 doi:  10.16516/j.ceec.2024.S1.17
  • 数字化技术已经在电网工程的规划、设计、建设和运维等各个阶段进行了应用,并取得了初步的效果,但变电工程各阶段的数据类型和数据格式及其存储方式存在差异。这种差异成为了各阶段间数据流转的壁垒,导致数据和信息只能在单一场景内使用,无法在全生命周期各阶段进行流转。如何建立起变电项目全生命周期数据流转的机制,并通过提升工程各阶段数据管理能力发挥数据资产的价值成为亟待解决的问题[1]

    设计信息的全生命周期管理可以提高项目的生产效率并节约成本,变电工程项目已经采用了数字化方法建筑信息模型(Building Information Model, BIM)来管理建筑项目[2]。工程项目会涉及人、机、料、法、环等大量管理信息,其管理过程已经非常复杂,而不同设计软件的BIM模型具有不同文件格式标准。BIM模型的细节和语义信息会随着工程的不断深化而指数级增加,这导致BIM模型的引入会进一步增加项目管理的难度[3]



    • 变电工程各阶段的信息、文档和模型之间的联系目前都依赖于资料员表单化的管理,各种资料之间组织度较低,容易形成各阶段数据孤岛,造成下一阶段提资和收资较多的时间消耗。为此需要一种模型用来对变电工程所具有的数据进行组织,并提出对数据之间的关系进行标准化的方式方法。如果各参与方在不同阶段所产生的数据作为构成数据模型的组成元素,为了使这些数据元素能够实现有序流转,需要将数据元素的几何信息和属性信息映射到数字空间后所形成固定的组织结构和流转规则。

    • 为了防止数据模型在流转过程中像滚雪球一样不断变大,造成后续阶段存在大量冗余数据,本文将每个阶段的数据模型分为核心模型和场景模型。本研究将核心模型定义为“土建设施和电气设备在全生命周期各阶段的几何信息与属性信息的存储结构”,场景模型则定义为“电网工程实施过程中各阶段工程信息的存储结构”。

    • 核心模型中的几何信息和属性信息会随项目推进不断细化,而不同阶段不同场景的信息和数据进行流转,后一阶段的核心模型都会携带有上一阶段场景模型的流转数据,其本质是数据模型在工程进行中不断更新和继承,以适应不同阶段的需求,同时避免数据的冗余对数据模型的使用造成影响。

    • 上一节介绍了电网工程数据模型的组成部分,本节介绍数据模型图结构数据库构建方法。数据模型包含两个部分:(1)数据模型的核心模型,该层承载了整个变电工程的几何信息;(2)数据模型场景模型的流转部分,其包含流转下一阶段会用到的变电工程信息,以及场景模型的独立部分。在构建数据模型的图数据库前,需要研究数据模型的两个部分之间的组织关系。

    • 数据模型从结构上可以分为核心模型和场景模型两个部分。其中的核心模型主要用来组织存储变电工程的电气和土建部分的几何模型文件,比如电气部分中的变压器和电抗器等和土建部分中的主控通信楼和巡维中心等,而场景模型则组织存储了工程生命周期内各阶段的工程信息。

      为了实现工程信息在不同阶段的流转与应用,本研究使用IFC文件中用来标识部件的全局唯一标识符(GUID,Globally Unique Identifier)作为中介,建立模型部件和对应工程信息之间的关联关系,如图1。将工程信息与电气设备和建筑模型之间加入关联关系可以实现工程信息在模型的生命周期内可以被高效存储、检索和分析。

      Figure 1.  Organization of core model and scene model

    • BIM模型的几何信息是核心模型承载的主要内容,因此本文依照BIM模型来组织图数据库的核心模型。本文以图数据库Neo4J 为实验对象。



    • 工程信息的流转部分和独立部分需要随着变电工程生命周期的阶段的推进与核心模型进行关联。目前由于工程信息与BIM模型存在脱节的情况,因此BIM模型只能辅助工程的实施,为此本文研究采用图数据库来构建工程信息与部件级BIM模型的联系。首先按照电气设备所关联的工程信息建立一个CSV格式的表格文件,其次工程信息类别ID与模型组件的ObjectID建立两类节点之间的关系,最后向每一个工程信息类型节点添加属性信息。

    • 本文以Neo4J为实验平台,将某开关站作为实验数据来验证图结构数据模型的可用性。首先将开关站所有实体对象,包括电器设备和土建设备,实现数据模型框架搭建。按照2.1节所提出的方法进行数据组织和关系表建立,然后导入Neo4J。然后根据解析后的IFC文件,构建核心模型和场景模型,并进行数据之间关系的建立。最后进行根据模型组件的信息来查询与其相关联的工程信息和几何信息。

    • 采用图数据库存储的变电工程数据模型相比于其他建筑领域采用的非几何信息交换标准,如COBie(Construction Operations Building information exchange)[5],以及几何信息交换标准,如IFC,具有更灵活的组织方式,可以融合两者的优点。


    • 针对变电工程的生命周期长,参与方多,数据类型复杂等特点,本文以目前研究以图论作为研究基础,提出了基于图结构的变电工程数据模型,并以数据库Neo4J 为研究和实验对象,提出了一种将IFC模型转换为基于图的模型的工作流程。除了制定变电工程数据模型结构和流转方式以外,本文旨在展示使用图数据库和图论概念的潜力,以探索、检查和分析一个或多个BIM模型内部的复杂关系,实现工程信息检索的复杂查询,并进行模型组件拓扑分析,如施工现状与IFC模型的比较分析。


Reference (5)



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