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Volume 11 Issue S1
Jun.  2024
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LUO Shan, XIAO Jianqun, GAO Ruiying, et al. Research on treatment process of sewage discharged from circulating water in gas turbine power plants [J]. Southern energy construction, 2024, 11(Suppl. 1): 115-121. DOI: 10.16516/j.ceec.2024.S1.18 doi:  10.16516/j.ceec.2024.S1.18
Citation: LUO Shan, XIAO Jianqun, GAO Ruiying, et al. Research on treatment process of sewage discharged from circulating water in gas turbine power plants [J]. Southern energy construction, 2024, 11(Suppl. 1): 115-121. DOI: 10.16516/j.ceec.2024.S1.18 doi:  10.16516/j.ceec.2024.S1.18

Research on Treatment Process of Sewage Discharged from Circulating Water in Gas Turbine Power Plants

doi: 10.16516/j.ceec.2024.S1.18
  • Received Date: 2023-08-17
  • Rev Recd Date: 2023-09-21
  • Publish Date: 2024-06-30
  •   Introduction  Under the guidance of the national water-saving policy for water resource reuse, more and more power plants are using reclaimed water as make-up water for circulating water, which increases the difficulty of treating sewage discharged from circulating water in power plants. This paper proposes a treatment process that combines biological treatment with advanced oxidation to address the issue relatd to excessive COD, total nitrogen, and total phosphorus pollutants in sewage discharged from circulating water.   Method  Taking a gas turbine power plant in Guangdong province as an example, this paper described the water quality characteristics of sewage discharged from circulating water using reclaimed water as make-up water, and sorted out the discharge standards for sewage discharged from circulating water in different newly-built gas turbine power plants in recent years. Based on the types and characteristics of pollutants exceeding the standard, a "denitrification tank + secondary sedimentation tank + advanced oxidation + aerated biological filter + sand filter" process was proposed, and a thorough analysis of the principles, functions, advantages and disadvantages of various treatment processes was conducted.   Result  Under anaerobic conditions in the denitrification tank, denitrification reaction can remove the total nitrogen. Fenton and ozone advanced oxidation can decompose and oxidize COD that is difficult to biodegrade in wastewater. As a secondary biochemical tank, the aerated biological filter not only has biological adsorption and oxidation effects but also has solid-liquid separation filtration effects. It can treat the remaining COD in the front-end process together with excess external carbon sources, achieving COD compliance. Total phosphorus and suspended solids can be removed through coagulation, clarification and filtration. This process is an efficient and stable in-depth treatment process for sewage discharged from circulating water.   Conclusion  It can provide reference for the stable and standard discharge treatment process of sewage discharged from circulating water in power plants.
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  • 通讯作者: 陈斌, bchen63@163.com
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      沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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Research on Treatment Process of Sewage Discharged from Circulating Water in Gas Turbine Power Plants

doi: 10.16516/j.ceec.2024.S1.18

Abstract:   Introduction  Under the guidance of the national water-saving policy for water resource reuse, more and more power plants are using reclaimed water as make-up water for circulating water, which increases the difficulty of treating sewage discharged from circulating water in power plants. This paper proposes a treatment process that combines biological treatment with advanced oxidation to address the issue relatd to excessive COD, total nitrogen, and total phosphorus pollutants in sewage discharged from circulating water.   Method  Taking a gas turbine power plant in Guangdong province as an example, this paper described the water quality characteristics of sewage discharged from circulating water using reclaimed water as make-up water, and sorted out the discharge standards for sewage discharged from circulating water in different newly-built gas turbine power plants in recent years. Based on the types and characteristics of pollutants exceeding the standard, a "denitrification tank + secondary sedimentation tank + advanced oxidation + aerated biological filter + sand filter" process was proposed, and a thorough analysis of the principles, functions, advantages and disadvantages of various treatment processes was conducted.   Result  Under anaerobic conditions in the denitrification tank, denitrification reaction can remove the total nitrogen. Fenton and ozone advanced oxidation can decompose and oxidize COD that is difficult to biodegrade in wastewater. As a secondary biochemical tank, the aerated biological filter not only has biological adsorption and oxidation effects but also has solid-liquid separation filtration effects. It can treat the remaining COD in the front-end process together with excess external carbon sources, achieving COD compliance. Total phosphorus and suspended solids can be removed through coagulation, clarification and filtration. This process is an efficient and stable in-depth treatment process for sewage discharged from circulating water.   Conclusion  It can provide reference for the stable and standard discharge treatment process of sewage discharged from circulating water in power plants.

LUO Shan, XIAO Jianqun, GAO Ruiying, et al. Research on treatment process of sewage discharged from circulating water in gas turbine power plants [J]. Southern energy construction, 2024, 11(Suppl. 1): 115-121. DOI: 10.16516/j.ceec.2024.S1.18 doi:  10.16516/j.ceec.2024.S1.18
Citation: LUO Shan, XIAO Jianqun, GAO Ruiying, et al. Research on treatment process of sewage discharged from circulating water in gas turbine power plants [J]. Southern energy construction, 2024, 11(Suppl. 1): 115-121. DOI: 10.16516/j.ceec.2024.S1.18 doi:  10.16516/j.ceec.2024.S1.18
    • 为加强水污染防治力度,确保国家水资源安全,环保部门对工业废水排放标准和节水减排要求越来越高。电厂作为工业用水大户,用水需求和废水外排量都很大,需加强厂内用水技术管理,提高污水处理技术,减少废水排放量,积极推进绿色节能环保理念[1]。电厂循环冷却系统用水量占电厂整体用水量的60%~80%,是最有潜力的节水减排部门[2]。近年来城市中水越来越多用作电厂循环冷却水补水,不仅可以扩大中水回用规模,减少处理后城市污水的排放,也为电厂冷却水提供了一个水质稳定、水量充足的水源,为解决火电厂水资源匮乏提供了有效途径[3-4]


      文章以广东某2×498 MW燃气蒸汽联合循环机组为例,分析了以中水为补充水的循环水排污水的水质特点,根据环评要求的废水排放标准,提出了一种高效稳定的循环水排污水深度处理工艺路线。为循环水排污水中COD、总氮、总磷的达标排放处理工艺选择提供参考。

    • 本项目采用带冷却塔的二次循环冷却水系统,循环水系统补充水采用城镇污水处理厂中水,两台机组的循环冷却水设计流量为58 640 t/h,循环水浓缩倍数为5.5。污水处理厂中水出水执行《水污染物排放限值》(DB44/26—2001)[8]一级标准及《城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准》(DB18918—2002)[9]一级A标中的较严者,根据全年逐月12份水质报告资料,分析中水的水质特征如下:总氮(TN,以硝态氮为主):5.64~12.46 mg/L;COD:4~22 mg/L;氨氮(NH3-N):0.025~0.22 mg/L;悬浮物:4~19 mg/L。中水经絮凝沉淀后在循环冷却系统中浓缩5.5倍排出,排污水的设计水质见表1,其中总氮、氨氮、总磷和悬浮物以中水浓度最高值乘5.5倍确定,COD以发电厂化学设计规范(DL 5068—2014)中附录L“敞开式循环冷却水系统水质的控制指标”限制为准。

      参数 总氮/
      水质 ≤68.53 ≤100 ≤9.6 ≤1.2 ≤1.19 ≤100 6~9

      Table 1.  Water quality of sewage discharged from circulating water

    • 本项目环评报告批复要求循环水排污水需满足《城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准》(GB18918—2002) [9]一级A标准、《水污染物排放限值》(DB44/26—2001)[8]第二时段一级标准和《淡水河、石马河流域水污染物排放标准》(DB 44/2050—2017)[10]表1第二时段标准的较严者,根据上述3个排放标准较严者确定循环水排污水主要污染物排放指标见表2

      参数 总氮/
      水质 ≤15 ≤40 ≤10 ≤2 ≤0.4 ≤10 6~9

      Table 2.  Discharge indicators for main pollutants in sewage discharged from circulating water


    • 传统的循环水排污水处理工艺为混凝澄清及过滤,主要去除排污水中的悬浮物,排放标准提高后,针对超标的总氮(TN)、COD、总磷(TP),传统工艺无法满足外排要求。根据污染物属性,可参考市政污水处理和复杂工业废水处理工艺[11],主体工艺采用生物处理法去除废水中的总氮和总磷和部分COD,由于循环水排污水中BOD5/CODCr比值低,COD难以完全通过生化处理,需采用高级氧化去除排污水中难降解的COD。




      为研究难生物降解有机物的去除工艺,本项目对广东某纺织公司生产废水处理系统进行了调研,其工艺流程为:生产废水→絮凝沉淀池→臭氧催化氧化→曝气生物滤池(BAF)→反硝化深床滤池→多介质过滤器,处理水量约为500 t/h,通过絮凝沉淀池实现悬浮物的初步去除和泥水分离,难降解有机物被臭氧催化氧化分解,曝气生物滤池(BAF)不仅有生物吸附、氧化作用,还有固液分离的过滤作用,现场运行反馈,“臭氧催化氧化+曝气生物滤池(BAF)”联合使用COD去除率可提高至70%以上。

    • 由于循环水排污水中BOD5/CODCr比值一般<0.3,属于难生化水平,脱氮过程中需外加碳源增加污水可生化性;通过加除磷混凝剂和过滤设备实现总磷和悬浮物达标排放[12];由于中水为污水处理厂生化处理出水,排污水中COD的主要成分为难降解有机污染物,在前端生物脱氮过程中去除效率有限[13],考虑来水生化性较差、水质波动性较大的因素,为保证COD稳定达标排放,采用高级氧化技术对废水进行深度处理。


      Figure 1.  Main process flow of treatment system for sewage discharged from circulating water

    • 调节池起到调节水质水量的作用,减轻后续处理冲击负荷,保证后续处理工段水质稳定。调节池污水采用曝气搅拌,一方面防止污水中的悬浮物在调节池沉积,另一方起到预曝气的作用,将循环水中投加消毒剂产生的余氯进一步脱出,避免污水中的余氯对后续生化系统造成影响。

    • 生物脱氮主要通过硝化和反硝化两个过程,硝化反应指硝酸盐和亚硝酸盐菌在好氧条件下将氨氮氧化成硝酸盐氮和亚硝酸盐氮;在缺氧条件下,反硝化菌将硝酸盐氮和亚硝酸盐氮还原成氮气从水中逸出,达到脱氮的目的[14]。以中水为补充水的循环水排污水中氨氮含量低,总氮以硝态氮为主,因此仅需要设置反硝化池。



    • 经过一级A生化池处理,污水中的总氮浓度大幅度降低,接着污水进入二沉池,投加混凝剂和絮凝剂,实现磷的脱除,通过二沉池的泥水分离作用,污水中的污泥被浓缩,排放至污泥处理系统处理。

    • 高级氧化技术可采用Fenton高级氧化或臭氧高级氧化,两种工艺具体的特点如下:


      Fenton(芬顿)是处理高浓度含难生物降解有机物的技术中最常用的高级氧化技术。芬顿氧化是在亚铁离子的催化作用下H2O2发生链式反应产生·OH自由基,其氧化还原电位高达2.80 V,可无选择氧化水中大部分有机物[16]







    • 由于一级A生化池中需外加碳源,水质波动导致碳源加药量难以精准控制,高级氧化单元对小分子有机物以及外加碳源去除效率有限,需在高级氧化单元后加二级生化池,其型式采用曝气生物滤池,通过曝气生物滤池对前端工序中残留的COD进一步降解去除,达到COD的稳定达标排放。


    • 曝气生物滤池出水悬浮物浓度在50~70 mg/L,经均质后泵送至砂滤器,本项目出水总磷和SS要求较高,通过砂滤进一步去除污水中的总磷和SS,确保污水达标排放。

    • 砂滤器出水自流至排放水池。在排放水池中投加次氯酸钠进行消毒,保证出水稳定达标。排放水池出水达标排放。

    • 循环水排污水处理系统主要设备规范见表3

      设备名称 型号及规格 数量
      反硝化池 V=600 m3 2座
      二沉池 V=500 m3 2座
      絮凝沉淀池 V=500 m3 2座
      臭氧接触氧化池 单组75 m3/h,每组2格,单格
      4.5 m×4.5 m×5 m(有效水深)
      BAF提升池 V=500 m3 1座
      BAF提升泵 Q=75 m3/h,p=0.55 MPa 3台
      BAF-DN池 75 m3/h,6.5 m×6.5 m×7 m 2座
      BAF-DC池 单座75 m3/h,每座2格,单格6.5 m×6.5 m×7 m 2座
      BAF曝气风机 Q=13 m3/min,p=70 kPa 4台
      BAF反洗风机 Q=20 m3/min,p=80 kPa 2台
      BAF产水池 V=200 m3 1座
      BAF反洗泵 Q=400 m3/h,p=0.30 MPa 2台
      砂滤池供水泵 Q=75 m3/h,p=0.30 MPa 2台
      砂滤池 Q=75 m3/h,3 m×8 m×5 m 2座
      清净水池 V=200 m3 1座
      排放泵 Q=150 m3/h,p=0.35 MPa 2台
      集水池 V=120 m3 1座
      回收水泵 Q=50 m3/h,p=0.25 MPa 2台
      碳源加药装置 2个25 m3储罐,材质钢衬塑;
      2台计量泵,200 L/h
      除磷剂加药装置 2个20 m3溶液箱,材质钢衬塑;
      2台计量泵,50 L/h
      混凝剂加药装置 2个30 m3溶液箱,材质钢衬塑;
      2台计量泵,100 L/h
      助凝剂加药装置 自动溶解箱,材质钢衬塑;
      2台计量泵,200 L/h
      臭氧发生单元 6 kg/h,包含空压机、冷干机、制氧机、内循环泵 2套
      泥水输送泵 Q=12 m3/h,p=0.50 MPa 2台
      污泥浓缩池 V=130 m3 1座
      污泥输送泵 Q=4 m3/h,p=0.30 MPa 2台
      离心脱水机 Q=4 m3/h 1台
      电动污泥斗 V=4 m3 1台
      单轨起重机 起重量2 t,起升高度9 m 1台

      Table 3.  Specifications for main equipment

    • 循环水排污水处理系统的设备材料和土建安装调试投资成本估算见表4

      项目 费用/万元
      设备材料购置费用 1 200
      建筑土建费用 650
      安装调试费 150
      总投资费用 2 000

      Table 4.  Investment cost of treatment system for sewage discharged from circulating water

    • 循环水排污水处理系统的运行费用主要包括电费、化学药品费和水费,年运行费用估算见表5

      项目 费用
      电费/(元·t−1) 0.4
      化学药品费/(元·t−1) 2.95
      水费/(元·t−1) 0.04
      制水成本/(元·t−1) 3.39
      年运行费用/(万元·年−1) 177.98
      注:臭氧加药量按100 mg/L计算。

      Table 5.  Operation cost of treatment system for sewage discharged from circulating water

    • 本文列举的广东某2×498 MW燃气蒸汽联合循环机组,水源采用中水,水质在南方地区有一定代表性,采用中水作为补充水的循环水排污水中主要超标物为总氮(TN)、COD、总磷(TP)和悬浮物。循环水排污水采用“反硝化池+二沉池+高级氧化+曝气生物滤池+砂滤”工艺,通过一级A生化池脱氮、高级氧化去除COD,通过加混凝剂、絮凝剂和过滤去除总磷和悬浮物,可实现排污水的稳定达标排放。系统流程相对简单,投资和运行费用低,通过调研同类型废水的成功运行案例证明系统安全可靠,可为使用类似水源和排放标准的电厂提供参考,电厂在选用本工艺时可通过中试试验或者现场调试确定和优化具体运行参数。

Reference (21)



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