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Jingjing HUANG. Analysis and Discussion on a Maloperation of Transformer Backup Protection Caused by Inrush Current[J]. SOUTHERN ENERGY CONSTRUCTION, 2014, 1(1): 106-110. doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2014.01.020
Citation: Jingjing HUANG. Analysis and Discussion on a Maloperation of Transformer Backup Protection Caused by Inrush Current[J]. SOUTHERN ENERGY CONSTRUCTION, 2014, 1(1): 106-110. doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2014.01.020

Analysis and Discussion on a Maloperation of Transformer Backup Protection Caused by Inrush Current

doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2014.01.020
  • Received Date: 2014-10-01
  • Publish Date: 2014-12-25
  • In order to study the effect of inrush current to the backup protection of transformer, a maloperation of transformer backup protection is presented in this paper, which is caused by inrush current emerged during the no-load switching of the new transformer in a 220 kV substation. The equivalent circuit model of the no-load switching transformer is established which derives the differential equation of the transformer magnetic flux. The mechanism of inrush current and the factors related to amplitude and attenuation are analyzed. Then some conclusions are presented. The theoretical results are verified by the real fault recorder data. According to the slow attenuation of inrush current, some measures are proposed to avoid the maloperation of backup protection, which have been verified in practice.
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  • 通讯作者: 陈斌, bchen63@163.com
    • 1. 

      沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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Analysis and Discussion on a Maloperation of Transformer Backup Protection Caused by Inrush Current

doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2014.01.020

Abstract: In order to study the effect of inrush current to the backup protection of transformer, a maloperation of transformer backup protection is presented in this paper, which is caused by inrush current emerged during the no-load switching of the new transformer in a 220 kV substation. The equivalent circuit model of the no-load switching transformer is established which derives the differential equation of the transformer magnetic flux. The mechanism of inrush current and the factors related to amplitude and attenuation are analyzed. Then some conclusions are presented. The theoretical results are verified by the real fault recorder data. According to the slow attenuation of inrush current, some measures are proposed to avoid the maloperation of backup protection, which have been verified in practice.

Jingjing HUANG. Analysis and Discussion on a Maloperation of Transformer Backup Protection Caused by Inrush Current[J]. SOUTHERN ENERGY CONSTRUCTION, 2014, 1(1): 106-110. doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2014.01.020
Citation: Jingjing HUANG. Analysis and Discussion on a Maloperation of Transformer Backup Protection Caused by Inrush Current[J]. SOUTHERN ENERGY CONSTRUCTION, 2014, 1(1): 106-110. doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2014.01.020
  • 变压器作为电力系统的主要设备,其正常运行对电力系统安全稳定至关重要。励磁涌流是影响变压器空载合闸的重要因素。目前的研究主要是关注鉴别励磁涌流的特征以及防止励磁涌流引起差动保护误动[1-7]。这些研究对防止差动保护误动起到很好的效果,并已在电力系统得到广泛应用。而在电力系统实际运行中,在某些系统工况下,产生的励磁涌流幅值大,并且衰减较为缓慢,会对变压器和系统其它设备的后备保护产生影响。由励磁涌流引起变压器后备保护误动作的事故时有发生。而目前对励磁涌流衰减问题的研究与分析的文献还比较少。本文针对近期发生的一起变压器空载充电时后备保护误动案例,进行了理论分析推导,并结合故障录波数据和保护的实际动作情况,分析出误动原因,并提出了一些防范措施。

  • 变压器空载充电时的运行方式如图1所示。220 kV某新建变电站,按计划于2013年12月28日晚间,对该站# 1、# 2变压器进行充电试验。因220 kV线路尚未完成建设,不具备从220 kV侧充电的条件,故采用从变压器110 kV侧向变压器充电的方式。

    Figure 1.  The System Operation Mode of a 220 kV Substation

    图1所示,220 kV甲站经110 kV L1线向该新建站的110 kV 5M母线供电。110 kV乙站经110 kV L3线向110 kV 6M供电。并且220 kV甲站与110 kV乙站通过110 kV L2线路相连。L1、L2、L3的线路长度分别为5.410 km、5.034 km、0.778 km。充电时,线路断路器、母联断路器均闭合。

    对# 1变进行了4次充电、# 2变进行了3次充电,涌流情况及保护动作情况,分别如表1表2所示。

    # 1主变充电时刻 涌流 保护动作情况
    涌流峰值/A 半波衰减时间/s
    19:16:50 3 300 0.32
    21:38:11 1 400 0.38
    22:18:19 6 900 0.24 主一保护过流I段t 2时限动作 动作值0.625 A(937.5 A) 动作时间514 ms 方向元件退出 复压元件退出
    主二保护过流I段t 2时限动作 动作值0.607 A(910.5 A) 动作时间505 ms 方向元件退出 复压元件退出
    22:31:36 5 900 0.23 100A甲零序过流I段动作 动作值0.81 A(972 A) 动作时间200 ms    
    100B乙零序过流I段动作 动作值0.81 A(972 A) 动作时间200 ms    

    Table 1.  The Test Results of # 1 Transformer

    # 2主变充电时刻 涌流 保护动作情况
    涌流峰值/A 半波衰减时间/s
    20:18:55 4 300 0.34 100A甲零序过流II段动作 动作值0.39 A(468 A) 动作时间600 ms
    100B乙零序过流II段动作 动作值0.4 A(480 A) 动作时间600 ms
    22:03:39 4 300 0.32 100A甲零序过流II段动作 动作值0.36 A(432 A) 动作时间1 000 ms
    100B乙零序过流II段动作 动作值0.36 A(432 A) 动作时间1 000 ms
    22:27:14 6 700 0.24 主一保护过流I段t 2时限动作 动作值0.625 A(937.5 A) 动作时间505 ms
    主二保护过流I段t 2时限动作 动作值0.611 A(916.5 A) 动作时间507 ms

    Table 2.  The test Results of # 2 Transformer

    # 1主变第1、2次充电时正常。第3、4次充电,后备保护均动作跳闸。从表1可知,励磁涌流幅值很大,远大于保护动作值,半波衰减时间长,且在主变充电时主变后备保护方向和复压闭锁元件未投入,母联/分段保护不经复压闭锁,经延时保护正确动作。

    # 2主变3次充电励磁涌流值都很大,且半波衰减时间长,3次充电后备保护均动作。

  • 为简单起见,下面以主变压器的单相为例,简要分析空充时励磁涌流产生的机理。

    图2所示为主变单相110 kV侧空充的电路模型,US为等效的110 kV侧无穷大电源,LSRS为110 kV系统等效电感和电阻,QF为主变110 kV侧断路器,L1.σ为变压器一次侧漏感,R1.σ为一次侧串联电阻,等于变压器110 kV侧线圈的直流电阻,L1.m为变压器励磁电感。

    Figure 2.  The Equivalent Model of Single Phase Transformer Charging













    令110 kV线路每公里长度的电阻为R0,电抗为X0。则L2与L1线、L3线并联时的等效阻抗为2.8(R0jX0)。









    由此可见,在第2次启动时,时间常数减小,励磁涌流衰减速度明显快于第1次。第1次启动时由L2与L1线、L3线并列运行供电,实际录波波形如图3所示,# 1主变励磁涌流半波衰减时间t1为0.2~0.3 s,第2次启动时,仅经L1线供电,实际录波波形如图4所示,# 1主变励磁涌流的半波衰减时间t2为0.1~0.2 s,t2<t1验证了前面的结论。

    Figure 3.  The Inrush Current of # 1 Transformer Charging(Dec.28,2013)

    Figure 4.  The Inrush Current of # 1 Transformer Charging(Jan.3,2014)


  • 针对上述主变启动时,励磁涌流大且励磁涌流衰减缓慢导致后备保护误动作,提出以下防范措施:




  • 本文从一起典型的变电站主变充电时后备保护误动作事件出发,根据励磁涌流产生及衰减的原理,透彻分析导致此次涌流大及衰减时间长的原因,并提出了三种切实可行的防范措施。

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