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Volume 3 Issue 3
Jul.  2020
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Xiaomin LIU, Zhihui LIU, Zhe SHI. Comprehensive Evaluation the Nuclear Power Energy Saving and Emission Reduction of Guangdong Province Based on the Entropy Method[J]. SOUTHERN ENERGY CONSTRUCTION, 2016, 3(3): 31-35. doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2016.03.006
Citation: Xiaomin LIU, Zhihui LIU, Zhe SHI. Comprehensive Evaluation the Nuclear Power Energy Saving and Emission Reduction of Guangdong Province Based on the Entropy Method[J]. SOUTHERN ENERGY CONSTRUCTION, 2016, 3(3): 31-35. doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2016.03.006

Comprehensive Evaluation the Nuclear Power Energy Saving and Emission Reduction of Guangdong Province Based on the Entropy Method

doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2016.03.006
  • Received Date: 2016-07-01
  • Publish Date: 2020-07-17
  • Guangdong province is taken to analyze the comprehensive effect of energy saving and emission reduction since the development of nuclear power. According to the statistic data by Guangdong province from 1993 to 2010, Entropy method should be applied to make a comprehensive evaluation on energy saving and emission reduction effect in terms of four aspects, namely, energy consumption, pollutants emission, pollution control, and economic benefit. The result shows the comprehensive effect of energy saving and emission reduction presents the tendency of increasing in Guangdong province during 1993-2010. Meanwhile, total consumption of coal and petrol per unit of GDP, the total production of thermal power and total emission of CO2, and comprehensive energy consumption present a tendency of decreasing. The total production of nuclear power and hydropower per unit of GDP varies within a small range, but nuclear power and hydropower account for a small percentage in the power supply.
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  • 通讯作者: 陈斌, bchen63@163.com
    • 1. 

      沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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Comprehensive Evaluation the Nuclear Power Energy Saving and Emission Reduction of Guangdong Province Based on the Entropy Method

doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2016.03.006

Abstract: Guangdong province is taken to analyze the comprehensive effect of energy saving and emission reduction since the development of nuclear power. According to the statistic data by Guangdong province from 1993 to 2010, Entropy method should be applied to make a comprehensive evaluation on energy saving and emission reduction effect in terms of four aspects, namely, energy consumption, pollutants emission, pollution control, and economic benefit. The result shows the comprehensive effect of energy saving and emission reduction presents the tendency of increasing in Guangdong province during 1993-2010. Meanwhile, total consumption of coal and petrol per unit of GDP, the total production of thermal power and total emission of CO2, and comprehensive energy consumption present a tendency of decreasing. The total production of nuclear power and hydropower per unit of GDP varies within a small range, but nuclear power and hydropower account for a small percentage in the power supply.

Xiaomin LIU, Zhihui LIU, Zhe SHI. Comprehensive Evaluation the Nuclear Power Energy Saving and Emission Reduction of Guangdong Province Based on the Entropy Method[J]. SOUTHERN ENERGY CONSTRUCTION, 2016, 3(3): 31-35. doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2016.03.006
Citation: Xiaomin LIU, Zhihui LIU, Zhe SHI. Comprehensive Evaluation the Nuclear Power Energy Saving and Emission Reduction of Guangdong Province Based on the Entropy Method[J]. SOUTHERN ENERGY CONSTRUCTION, 2016, 3(3): 31-35. doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2016.03.006
  • 广东省缺少煤炭、气、油等能源资源,受资源、运输和环境的制约,单纯依靠发展煤电或者水电的道路变得越来越困难,为了确保可持续发展广东省谋求以煤、水、油、气、核和可再生能源等构成的多元化的电源结构[1]。广东省大亚湾核电站是中国首座引进先进技术、设备和资金建设的大型商用核电站,核电站于1994年建成投入商业运行。广东大亚湾核电站每年发电量在100亿度以上,三成电力供应广东电网[2]。本研究通过1993-2010年统计的广东省数据,应用熵权法,从能源消耗强度、污染物排放、污染物治理与利用和经济效益四方面对广东省核电节能减排效果进行综合评价。

  • 在节能减排及核电节能减排方面相关研究[3-7]基础上,并根据指标数据可得性筛选出4类18个指标构成评价指标体系(表1)。指标原始数据来源于1993-2011年的中国统计年鉴、中国电力年鉴、中国环境年鉴、中国能源统计年鉴和广东统计年鉴。

    类指标Classification index 操作化指标Weight of classification index 指标类别Index category 操作化权重系数Weight of exercisable index
    X 1能源消耗强度、效率与消费结构 X 11单位GDP煤炭消耗总量/(t·万元-1) - 0.067 345
    X12单位GDP石油消耗总量/(t·万元-1) - 0.032 107
    X13单位GDP天然气消耗总量/(m3·万元-1) - 0.028 032
    X14单位GDP火电生产总量/(万kWh·万元-1) - 0.042 907
    X15单位GDP核电生产总量/(万kWh·万元-1) 0.040 117
    X16单位GDP水电生产总量/(万kWh·万元-1) 0.123 637
    X 2污染物排放 X 21单位GDP火力发电CO2排放总量/(t·万元-1) - 0.042 907
    X22单位GDP火力发电氧化氮NOx排放总量/(t·万元-1) - 0.042 905
    X23单位GDP工业二氧化硫排放总量/(t·万元-1) - 0.040 074
    X24单位GDP工业烟尘排放总量/(t·万元-1) - 0.040 647
    X25单位GDP工业粉尘排放总量/(t·万元-1) - 0.049 698
    X26单位GDP工业废气排放总量/(万标立方米·万元-1) - 0.037 014
    X27单位GDP工业废水排放总量/(t·万元-1) - 0.029 343
    X28单位GDP工业固体废物排放量/(t·万元-1) - 0.023 698
    X 3污染物治理与利用 X 31工业废水排放达标率/% 0.089 665
    X32工业固体废物综合利用率/% 0.117 221
    X 4经济效益 X 41人均GDP/(元·人-1) 0.117 904
    X42单位GDP综合能耗/(t标准煤·万元-1) - 0.034 784

    Table 1.  Indexes for evaluating the nuclear power energy saving and emission reduction

  • 评价指标体系中各项指标值的量纲不同,不能直接进行比较,评价指标体系数据需要进行标准化处理。设被评价对象为Y=(Y1,Y2,…,Ym),综合评价指标体系为Z=(Z1Z2,…,Zn),则n个指标对m个被评价对象的评价指标体系用指标矩阵X表示:










  • 熵是系统无序程度的一个度量。熵值越小,指标的权重越大。熵值越大,指标的权重越小[9]。如果各个评价对象的某个评价指标值都相等,则该评价指标并不给系统提供有用信息,可去掉。利用计算熵值来确定各指标的权重,具体计算公式如下[10-12]



    式中:n为系统可能处于的状态数;k=1/ln nfij为系统所处的某种状态的概率, ,其中f满足0≤f≤1,∑f = 1,并规定当f = 0时,有f ln f = 0。


  • 本研究采用综合评价方法来进行核电节能减排效果的测算,其具体评价模型为:



  • 按照公式(1)~公式(8)计算广东省1993-2010年核电节能减排综合效益的得分,结果如图1所示。由图1可以看出,总体上广东省1993-2010年核电节能减排综合效益呈上升趋势。1993-1997年广东省核电节能减排效果呈上升趋势、1997-1999年呈下降趋势、1999-2006年核电节能减排效果呈上升趋势,2007年核电节能减排效果相比2006年下降,2006-2010年核电节能减排效果呈上升趋势。

    Figure 1.  The osculation value of nuclear power energy saving and emission reduction of guangdong province during 1993-2010

  • 表2数据看出,广东省1993-1994年单位GDP煤炭消耗总量下降,但是2004-2005年单位GDP煤炭消耗总量上升,1995-2002年呈下降趋势,2002-2003年单位GDP煤炭消耗总量上升,2003-2010年单位GDP煤炭消耗总量呈下降趋势,总体上呈下降趋势;广东省1993-1998年单位GDP石油消耗总量呈下降趋势、1998-2000年呈上升趋势、1998-2008年呈下降趋势、2008-2009年广东省单位GDP石油消耗总量上升,2009-2010年又下降,总体上呈下降趋势。

    类指标 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001
    X11 0.907 832 0.821 167 0.918 108 0.779 09 0.690 451 0.642 369 0.624 268 0.609 59 0.571 484
    X12 0.354 59 0.256 11 0.227 985 0.197 446 0.189 834 0.173 936 0.185 953 0.202 48 0.182 483
    X13 0 0 1.895 305 1.395 89 2.966 3 2.778 086 2.020 247 1.479 99 0
    X14 0.144 734 0.124 837 0.108 389 0.101 234 0.096 133 0.095 402 0.104 837 0.108 603 0.102 481
    X15 0 0.028 918 0.019 745 0.018 582 0.016 958 0.016 338 0.016 659 0.015 215 0.014 088
    X16 0.032 853 0.027 961 0.024 36 0.019 567 0.021 404 0.019 304 0.013 063 0.016 117 0.017 913
    X21 1.523 034 1.313 663 1.140 579 1.065 288 1.011 605 1.003 915 1.103 196 1.142 832 1.078 41
    X22 0.009 987 0.008 614 0.007 479 0.006 985 0.006 633 0.006 583 0.007 234 0.007 494 0.007 071
    X23 0.015 751 0.013 71 0.009 941 0.008 049 0.006 511 0.008 121 0.007 908 0.009 124 0.008 777
    X24 0.007 532 0.006 734 0.003 867 0.003 059 0.002 123 0.004 088 0.003 96 0.002 737 0.001 713
    X25 0.016 48 0.013 334 0.011 924 0.006 782 0.004 352 0.011 645 0.011 155 0.006 002 0.003 368
    X26 1.810 374 1.533 052 1.203 333 0.939 541 0.717 38 0.801 099 0.846 495 0.861 706 0.888 078
    X27 43.333 02 31.017 37 23.832 34 18.124 17 13.466 32 14.867 43 13.568 03 11.804 21 10.594 95
    X28 0.005 891 0.002 83 0.002 044 0.001 841 0.001 914 0.015 279 0.006 852 0.001 242 0.003 099
    X31 50.980 953 54.686 728 56.336 008 57.732 282 57.384 305 57.021 157 61.006 235 77.393 363 84.102 755
    X32 52.203 6 54.186 521 54.470 99 50.739 645 57.965 861 55.304 74 54.555 141 67.532 468 71.859 296
    X41 4 900.480 1 6 337.271 7 7 836.197 2 9 365.719 2 10 374.918 11 085.879 11 642.2 12 537.279 13 680.007
    X42 1.803 001 3 1.504 876 7 1.364 805 3 1.188 193 5 1.087 142 2 1.057 693 3 1.031 980 2 0.977 828 1 0.955 980 1

    Table 2.  The index value evaluation of nuclear power energy saving and emission reduction of Guangdong province


  • 表2数据看出,广东省单位GDP火力发电CO2排放总量1993-1998年呈下降趋势、1998-2000年呈上升趋势变化,总体上呈下降趋势。

  • 广东省核电节能减排效果明显。核电效益是节省煤炭等不可再生能源用量,减少CO2、SO2、烟尘、NOx等污染物排放。通过广东省1993年(广东省核电生产前一年)-2010年核电节能减排效益综合评价研究,发现广东省核电节能减排综合效益1993-2010年呈上升趋势;广东省1993-2010年单位GDP煤炭和石油消耗总量呈下降趋势,单位GDP火电生产总量呈下降趋势、单位GDP核电和水电生产总量1994-2010年变化幅度不大,但是核电和水电在电力供应中所占比例较小;总体上广东省单位GDP火力发电CO2排放总量呈下降趋势。我国在快速发展核电的同时,要注意放射性废物和滨海核电站的热污染等问题的处理。


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