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Volume 4 Issue 1
Jul.  2020
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Liag CHEN, Xuan CAI, Ying ZHANG, Chao XU, Shuang CHEN. Dust Sampling Method Optimization at Low Concentration of Super Low Emission[J]. SOUTHERN ENERGY CONSTRUCTION, 2017, 4(1): 105-108. doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2017.01.020
Citation: Liag CHEN, Xuan CAI, Ying ZHANG, Chao XU, Shuang CHEN. Dust Sampling Method Optimization at Low Concentration of Super Low Emission[J]. SOUTHERN ENERGY CONSTRUCTION, 2017, 4(1): 105-108. doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2017.01.020

Dust Sampling Method Optimization at Low Concentration of Super Low Emission

doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2017.01.020
  • Received Date: 2016-08-03
  • Publish Date: 2020-07-18
  • With the concept of super low emission, the dust testing has got more difficult as the lower and lower concentration of power plant dust emission. In order to improve the accuracy of sampling and testing, we carried on comparison tests between different sampling mouth size and different sampling time, calculated the test deviation under different sampling volume, to find out a feasible optimization method. The results show that conventional dust sampling method can be optimized by increasing the sampling mouth diameter or prolonging the sampling time to increase sampling volume, when the sampling volume reached to more than 2m3, the accuracy of sampling and test results can be effectively improved. This work provides some reference for the establishment of low concentration dust sampling and testing standard in our country.
  • [1] 国家环境保护总局. 固定污染源排气中颗粒物测定与气态污染物采样方法:GB/T 16157—1996 [S]. 北京:中国环境科学出版社,1996.

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    [5] International Organization for Standardization.Stationary source emissions-determination of mass concentration of particulate matter(dust) at low concentrations-manual gravimetric method:ISO 12141—2002 [S]. Switzerland:International Organization for Andardization, 2002.
    [6] ASTM. Standard test method for determination of mass concentration of particulate matter from stationary sources at low concentrations(manual gravimetric method):D6331—2016 [S]. West Conshohocken:ASTM International, 2016.
    [7] 胡蕴明,孙艳娟. 预测流速法烟尘采样中采样嘴的选择及采样流量的计算 [J]. 四川环境,1999,18(2):35-37.

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  • 通讯作者: 陈斌, bchen63@163.com
    • 1. 

      沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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Dust Sampling Method Optimization at Low Concentration of Super Low Emission

doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2017.01.020

Abstract: With the concept of super low emission, the dust testing has got more difficult as the lower and lower concentration of power plant dust emission. In order to improve the accuracy of sampling and testing, we carried on comparison tests between different sampling mouth size and different sampling time, calculated the test deviation under different sampling volume, to find out a feasible optimization method. The results show that conventional dust sampling method can be optimized by increasing the sampling mouth diameter or prolonging the sampling time to increase sampling volume, when the sampling volume reached to more than 2m3, the accuracy of sampling and test results can be effectively improved. This work provides some reference for the establishment of low concentration dust sampling and testing standard in our country.

Liag CHEN, Xuan CAI, Ying ZHANG, Chao XU, Shuang CHEN. Dust Sampling Method Optimization at Low Concentration of Super Low Emission[J]. SOUTHERN ENERGY CONSTRUCTION, 2017, 4(1): 105-108. doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2017.01.020
Citation: Liag CHEN, Xuan CAI, Ying ZHANG, Chao XU, Shuang CHEN. Dust Sampling Method Optimization at Low Concentration of Super Low Emission[J]. SOUTHERN ENERGY CONSTRUCTION, 2017, 4(1): 105-108. doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2017.01.020
  • 近年来,随着大气环境污染问题的日益突出,作为大气主要污染源之一的燃煤电厂再次被推向了工业污染治理的风口浪尖。“超洁净排放”、“超低排放”也由此逐渐成为了当今热门话题。2014年9月12日,国家发展改革委、环保部、能源局联合印发了《煤电节能减排升级与改造行动计划(2014—2020年)》,对燃煤机组大气污染物排放给出了明确限值,即在基准氧含量6%条件下,烟尘、SO2、NOx排放浓度分别不高于10、35、50 mg/m3。《行动计划》还提出,到2020年东部地区现役的机组通过改造基本达到燃气轮机排放限值的要求(烟尘、SO2、NOx排放限值分别为5、35、50 mg/m3)。在现有的环境形势和国家政策的推动下,除尘技术得到了迅猛的发展,但同时也给我国现有的烟尘测试技术带来了严峻的挑战。

  • 目前,我国现有的烟尘检测技术主要是采用“等速采样+过滤称重”法,即通过等速采样的方法,抽取一定体积的烟气,将过滤装置收集到的粉尘进行称重,从而换算得到烟气中的烟尘浓度值,该方法是固定源烟尘测试的标准方法[1]。近年来,被普遍采用的烟尘采样设备主要是微电脑烟尘平行采样仪。其原理是通过采样枪前端的皮托管实时检测各测点的烟气动压,仪器自动计算烟气流速,再通过自动调节抽气泵实时调整抽气流速以实现等速跟踪采样。仪器通过微电脑自动记录采样气体体积、烟气流速、跟踪速率等参数。采样枪前端还有装有正对烟气来向的采样嘴,烟尘进入采样嘴后通过玻璃纤维滤筒进行过滤捕集。最后通过滤筒的增重和采样体积来计算烟尘浓度。该设备在多年来的实际应用中由于自动化程度高,操作简便而被普遍认可。



    Figure 1.  Structure chart of normal dust sampling gun by filter cartridge

    Figure 2.  Structure chart of low concentration dust sampling gun by filter membrane

    目前,我国尚未出台专门针对低浓度烟尘测试的标准和方法[4],仅国际标准化组织(ISO)与美国材料测试协会(ASTM)分别发布了专门针对低浓度烟尘的测试标准和方法:ISO 12141—2002《手工重量分析法测量固定污染源排放的低浓度颗粒物(烟尘)的质量浓度》[5],ASTM D6331—13《测定固定污染源排放的低浓度颗粒物质量浓度的试验方法(手工重量分析法)》[6]。我们可以借鉴这两个标准,对现有的烟尘采样方法进行优化,以满足低浓度烟尘测试精度的要求,同时又能保证对高湿度烟尘的捕集效率。

  • 结合ISO 12141—2002和ASTM D6331—13两个标准可以发现提高低浓度烟尘采样精度主要是通过两种方法来实现,一个是在常规采样速率下延长采样时间,另一个是在常规采样时间内提高采样速率。根据《固定污染源排气中颗粒物测定与气态污染物采样方法》(GB/T 16157—1996)中标准状态下干排气采气体积的计算公式(公式〈1〉)可以发现无论是延长采样时间还是提高采样速率,最终目的都是为了保证足够的采气体积,从而保证足够的烟尘采样量来提高采样精度。而采样速率(采样流量)是由采样流速与采样嘴大小决定的(公式〈2〉),其中采样流速取决于烟气流速而无法人为提高,因此只能通过加大采样嘴直径来提高采样速率。






  • 根据原有采样经验,采样嘴直径一般选取6~8 mm[7],但是这已远远无法满足现在低浓度烟尘采样精度的要求。为此,本文分别选取了8 mm、10 mm、12 mm三种不同大小的采样嘴,在同一烟道断面进行比对测试。同时,考虑到采样时间对采样精度的影响,在不同的采样嘴直径下又分别选取了15 min、30 min、45 min三种不同采样时长进行比对测试。每组测试分别进行3次平行采样。测试断面为某电厂脱硫装置出口(烟囱入口)烟道。该电厂刚刚进行了除尘器和脱硫装置的升级改造,设计脱硫出口烟尘浓度<5 mg/m3。考虑到滤膜对高湿烟尘捕集效率的影响,本次测试所用设备仍选用传统的微电脑烟尘平行采样仪与滤筒式烟尘采样枪。测试结果见表1表2表3

    采样时间 滤筒增重/g 标干采气量/L 烟尘浓度/(mg·m-3) 相对标准偏差/%
    15 min 0.001 3 530.0 2.45 93.23
    0.000 4 539.0 0.74
    0.000 2 536.0 0.37
    30 min 0.004 6 1 067 4.31 41.06
    0.005 9 1 071 5.51
    0.002 4 1 069 2.24
    45 min 0.006 6 1 597 4.13 12.75
    0.008 4 1 600 5.25
    0.007 0 1 595 4.39

    Table 1.  Dust concentration testing result at different sampling time (diameter of sampling mouth was 8 mm)

    采样时间 滤筒增重/g 标干采气量/L 烟尘浓度/(mg·m-3) 相对标准偏差/%
    15 min 0.001 5 829.0 1.81 62.83
    0.004 3 823.0 5.23
    0.001 7 825.0 2.06
    30 min 0.007 0 1 658 4.22 16.35
    0.006 5 1 656 3.93
    0.008 8 1 655 5.32
    45 min 0.010 2 2 484 4.11 3.36
    0.010 9 2 488 4.38
    0.010 4 2 486 4.18

    Table 2.  Dust concentration testing result at different sampling time (diameter of sampling mouth was 10 mm)

    采样时间 滤筒增重/g 标干采气量/L 烟尘浓度/(mg·m-3) 相对标准偏差/%
    15 min 0.005 4 1 192 4.53 39.18
    0.002 3 1 191 1.93
    0.004 5 1 192 3.77
    30 min 0.010 6 2 385 4.44 3.54
    0.009 9 2 384 4.15
    0.010 1 2 386 4.23
    45 min 0.015 9 3 577 4.44 2.56
    0.015 4 3 575 4.31
    0.0151 3 573 4.23

    Table 3.  Dust concentration testing result at different sampling time (diameter of sampling mouth was 12 mm)

    表1表2表3可以看出,在低浓度烟尘条件下,采用8 mm的采样嘴采样时由于采样速率低,无法采集足够的烟气量,从而使得捕集的烟尘量极低,采样结果存在很大的偏差。只有采用大直径采样嘴,并延长采样时间,使烟气采样体积达到2 m3以上才能捕集到足够的烟尘量,有效保证采样的平行性。

    对不同采样嘴直径在不同采样时间下的测试结果偏差做曲线图如图2所示,可以明显看出当采用10 mm直径的采样嘴采样时,采样时间需延长至45 min才能使采样结果有较好的平行性,得到较高的测试精度。而当采样嘴直径增至12 mm时,采样时间只需延长至30 min就能达到同样的测试精度。考虑到现场测试时,受负荷调度的影响,测试时间越短越好,建议在采样仪能够保证足够的抽气速率的前提下,在低浓度烟尘采样时尽可能的选用大直径采样嘴,以提高测试精度。当抽气泵无法达到足够的抽气速率时,则需延长采样时间来保证测试精度。

    Figure 3.  Testing result deviations at different sizes of sampling mouth and different sampling time

  • 在目前我国尚无专门针对低浓度烟尘采样测试的标准的条件下,本文通过对原有烟尘采样方法进行优化来提高低浓度烟尘测试精度,取得了一定的成效,得到结论如下:

    1)采用增大采样嘴直径和延长采样时间两种方法来优化低浓度烟尘采样,使烟气采样体积达到2 m3以上时,可以保证采样结果的有效性,提高低浓度烟尘的测试精度。



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