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Volume 4 Issue 4
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Zhongfu DAI, Yingjie ZHANG, Jiefeng ZHONG, Zefu JIANG, Yilin ZHONG. The Method for Static Voltage Margins Computing of Guizhou Power Grid During the 13th Five-Year Plan Period[J]. SOUTHERN ENERGY CONSTRUCTION, 2017, 4(4): 15-18. doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2017.04.003
Citation: Zhongfu DAI, Yingjie ZHANG, Jiefeng ZHONG, Zefu JIANG, Yilin ZHONG. The Method for Static Voltage Margins Computing of Guizhou Power Grid During the 13th Five-Year Plan Period[J]. SOUTHERN ENERGY CONSTRUCTION, 2017, 4(4): 15-18. doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2017.04.003

The Method for Static Voltage Margins Computing of Guizhou Power Grid During the 13th Five-Year Plan Period

doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2017.04.003
  • Received Date: 2017-07-19
  • Publish Date: 2020-07-18
  • The static voltage stability margin is an important index to assess the static stability of power systems. It′s not only the significant basis of computing transmission capacities between regional power systems under the limit of voltage stability, but also the significant reference point for power systems to decide whether to adopt preventative measures. The 13th five-year plan of Guizhou power grid and relevant researches demand to compute the static voltage stability margins of Guizhou power gird during the 13th five year plan period. But current static voltage stability margin analyzing tools such as VSAP have certain limits in capable computing node numbers, which can′t satisfy the demand of computing the static voltage margins of Guizhou power grid .Thus , it′s necessary to find a new path to obtain the static voltage stability margins of Guizhou power grid. This paper puts forward a computing method using both PSD-BPA and MATLAB. PSD-BPA is mainly for system equivalent reduction, while MATLAB program is optimal power flow method responsible for computing the static voltage stability margins. The computing results demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of the method which can be further applied in the static voltage stability margins computing work in other provincial level power girds and regional power grids.
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  • 通讯作者: 陈斌, bchen63@163.com
    • 1. 

      沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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The Method for Static Voltage Margins Computing of Guizhou Power Grid During the 13th Five-Year Plan Period

doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2017.04.003

Abstract: The static voltage stability margin is an important index to assess the static stability of power systems. It′s not only the significant basis of computing transmission capacities between regional power systems under the limit of voltage stability, but also the significant reference point for power systems to decide whether to adopt preventative measures. The 13th five-year plan of Guizhou power grid and relevant researches demand to compute the static voltage stability margins of Guizhou power gird during the 13th five year plan period. But current static voltage stability margin analyzing tools such as VSAP have certain limits in capable computing node numbers, which can′t satisfy the demand of computing the static voltage margins of Guizhou power grid .Thus , it′s necessary to find a new path to obtain the static voltage stability margins of Guizhou power grid. This paper puts forward a computing method using both PSD-BPA and MATLAB. PSD-BPA is mainly for system equivalent reduction, while MATLAB program is optimal power flow method responsible for computing the static voltage stability margins. The computing results demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of the method which can be further applied in the static voltage stability margins computing work in other provincial level power girds and regional power grids.

Zhongfu DAI, Yingjie ZHANG, Jiefeng ZHONG, Zefu JIANG, Yilin ZHONG. The Method for Static Voltage Margins Computing of Guizhou Power Grid During the 13th Five-Year Plan Period[J]. SOUTHERN ENERGY CONSTRUCTION, 2017, 4(4): 15-18. doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2017.04.003
Citation: Zhongfu DAI, Yingjie ZHANG, Jiefeng ZHONG, Zefu JIANG, Yilin ZHONG. The Method for Static Voltage Margins Computing of Guizhou Power Grid During the 13th Five-Year Plan Period[J]. SOUTHERN ENERGY CONSTRUCTION, 2017, 4(4): 15-18. doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2017.04.003
  • 电力系统的静态电压稳定裕度是评估系统静态稳定的重要指标,它是指从当前运行点出发,按照给定方向增长负荷直至电压崩溃,在功率注入空间中,当前运行点与电压临界点之间的距离,反映了系统在一定条件下所能承当的最大负荷增长[1,2]。静态电压稳定裕度给出了电压临界点处的极限功率,是计算电压稳定限制的区域电力系统间输电能力的重要依据,也是系统选择是否进行预防控制措施的重要参考[3,4,5,6]



  • 本文提出的计算方法的主要流程为:(1)对含全南方电网数据的贵州电网“十三五”BPA数据进行等值简化,生成仅含贵州电网的BPA数据;(2)将该数据转换为与MATLAB程序的潮流计算包MATPOWER规定格式一致的MATLAB数据;(3)编制基于最优潮流法的MATLAB静态电压稳定计算程序;(4)用静态电压稳定计算程序读取MATPOWER格式的数据计算得到贵州电网及分州、市“十三五”静态电压稳定裕度。

  • 用于贵州电网“十三五”规划的BPA数据包含全南方电网的数据,若直接用该数据来计算贵州电网静态电压稳定裕度,则因数据量较大,在进行数据格式转换时数据处理的工作量与转换出错几率均会增加。且在进行稳定裕度计算时,也易出现优化算法不收敛的情况。所以,有必要对原数据进行等值简化,缩小系统规模,提高算法的准确性与收敛性。





  • 常用的静态电压稳定裕度的计算方法包括灵敏度法、连续潮流法以及最优潮流法。最优潮流法将临界点的求取转化为最大化负荷因子的优化问题,考虑到潮流方程以及各种不等式约束,一般通过现代内点法求解[7],直接获得电压崩溃临界点。该方法计算速度快,不等式约束处理方便,且鲁棒性强。









    式(4)~式(8)即为互补约束,这里采用的是等式约束,也可写成参紧凑的不等式约束的形式。VGiref为发电机设定运行电压考值,也可写成发电机初始点电压VGi0VaiVbi为附加变量。从式(5)和(6)可以看出当发电机无功出力在限制范围之内时,VaiVbi=0;当无功出力到达上限时,Vai=0,Vbi可以大于0,式(7)中VGi可以小于设定值VGiref,当无功出力到达下限时,Vbi =0,Vai可以大于0,VGi可以大于设定值VGiref

  • 将等值简化后的仅含贵州电网的“十三五”逐年电网规划的枯大方式BPA数据转化为MATLAB潮流计算包MATPOWER格式的数据。2016年、2017年、2018年、2019年、2020年的BPA数据分别转换为467节点、527节点、531节点、560节点、574节点的MATPOWER潮流数据,各节点系统的220 kV及以下计算负荷即为系统总的初始负荷,其值如表1所示。

    地区/年份 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
    全网 17 806 19 208 21 083 22 879 24 149
    贵阳 4 780 5 036 5 462 5 905 6 191
    贵安 790 956 1 178 1 333 1 458
    遵义 2 695 2 934 3 112 3 291 3 648
    毕节 1 381 1 361 1 624 1 778 1 922
    安顺 854 926 988 1 068 1 154
    六盘水 1 472 1 611 1 744 1 894 1 972
    兴义 1 145 1 262 1 385 1 501 1 562
    都匀 1 421 1 478 1 597 1 725 1 737
    凯里 1 905 2 119 2 351 2 568 2 665
    铜仁 1 362 1 526 1 641 1 815 1 840

    Table 1.  The computing loads under 220 kV of provincial level power gird and municipal level power grids in Guizhou MW


    地区/年份 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
    全网 0.219 2 0.219 9 0.220 6 0.226 0 0.203 4
    贵阳 0.685 6 0.755 5 0.825 5 0.791 9 0.759 6
    贵安 2.485 9 2.432 4 2.363 2 2.387 7 2.357 1
    遵义 0.461 0 0.440 0 0.419 0 0.433 6 0.448 6
    毕节 1.736 3 1.782 0 1.827 7 1.651 5 1.492 3
    安顺 2.399 8 2.362 7 2.311 4 2.214 5 2.150 6
    六盘水 1.563 4 1.574 8 1.386 2 1.253 3 1.381 4
    兴义 1.763 8 1.481 2 1.168 5 1.270 5 1.154 2
    都匀 1.714 8 1.732 3 1.649 7 1.650 6 1.354 2
    凯里 0.913 1 0.871 6 0.830 1 0.754 3 0.574 5
    铜仁 1.011 9 0.965 8 0.919 8 0.739 7 0.594 8

    Table 2.  The computing results of static voltage margins of provincial level power gird and municipal level power grids in Guizhou during the 13th five-year plan period

  • 本文提出了一种贵州电网“十三五”静态电压裕度的计算方法,该方法采用BPA潮流计算程序与MATLAB程序相结合的计算方法,首先在BPA潮流计算程序中对原“十三五”规划数据进行系统等值简化,而后将简化后的BPA格式数据转换为MATLAB潮流计算包MATPOWER格式数据,最后编制基于最优潮流法的MATLAB静态电压稳定裕度计算程序,读取MATPOWER格式数据计算得到贵州电网全网及分州市的“十三五”静态电压稳定裕度。计算结果表明该方法有效可行,解决了现有静态电压稳定裕度计算工具存在计算节点数量限制而难以满足大型电网静态电压稳定裕度计算要求的问题,可推广应用于其他省级电网及区域电网的静态电压稳定裕度计算分析工作中。

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