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Volume 4 Issue 4
Jul.  2020
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Qijing MAO, Yongjun BAI, Wei ZHANG, Lingli ZHANG, Yunfeng PAN, Dajun CAO. Analysis of Calculation Method for Solar Thermal Power Plant Auxiliary Power Rate[J]. SOUTHERN ENERGY CONSTRUCTION, 2017, 4(4): 29-33. doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2017.04.006
Citation: Qijing MAO, Yongjun BAI, Wei ZHANG, Lingli ZHANG, Yunfeng PAN, Dajun CAO. Analysis of Calculation Method for Solar Thermal Power Plant Auxiliary Power Rate[J]. SOUTHERN ENERGY CONSTRUCTION, 2017, 4(4): 29-33. doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2017.04.006

Analysis of Calculation Method for Solar Thermal Power Plant Auxiliary Power Rate

doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2017.04.006
  • Received Date: 2017-05-09
  • Publish Date: 2020-07-18
  • The article mainly solves the problem of the idea and method of the calculation of the auxiliary power in the field of solar thermal power plant design. Solar thermal power generation has become an important development direction of China's new energy power generation, and now there is no relevant procedure about the calculation method of solar thermal power plant auxiliary power rate. In the course of the study, we compared and analyzed the running mode of solar thermal power plant and fossil-fired power plant. Then we found the research result that the calculation method of fossil-fired power plant auxiliary power rate was not applicable to the solar thermal power plant. Based on the analysis respectively of collection field system, heat absorption and transfer system, heat storage system and conventional island system of parabolic trough solar power plant, this paper put forward a calculation method for auxiliary power consumption of parabolic trough power plant. In this paper, a conclusion is drawn that the solar thermal power plant should use long sequence typical year solar radiation value to hourly calculate the typical year's power generation and auxiliary power consumption, and auxiliary power rate is the ration of auxiliary power consumption and power generation. The calculation idea and method of auxiliary power rate of parabolic trough solar power plant can be used as an reference for the tower solar power plant, and it promotes the devolpment of solar thermal power plant design in China.
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  • 通讯作者: 陈斌, bchen63@163.com
    • 1. 

      沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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Analysis of Calculation Method for Solar Thermal Power Plant Auxiliary Power Rate

doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2017.04.006

Abstract: The article mainly solves the problem of the idea and method of the calculation of the auxiliary power in the field of solar thermal power plant design. Solar thermal power generation has become an important development direction of China's new energy power generation, and now there is no relevant procedure about the calculation method of solar thermal power plant auxiliary power rate. In the course of the study, we compared and analyzed the running mode of solar thermal power plant and fossil-fired power plant. Then we found the research result that the calculation method of fossil-fired power plant auxiliary power rate was not applicable to the solar thermal power plant. Based on the analysis respectively of collection field system, heat absorption and transfer system, heat storage system and conventional island system of parabolic trough solar power plant, this paper put forward a calculation method for auxiliary power consumption of parabolic trough power plant. In this paper, a conclusion is drawn that the solar thermal power plant should use long sequence typical year solar radiation value to hourly calculate the typical year's power generation and auxiliary power consumption, and auxiliary power rate is the ration of auxiliary power consumption and power generation. The calculation idea and method of auxiliary power rate of parabolic trough solar power plant can be used as an reference for the tower solar power plant, and it promotes the devolpment of solar thermal power plant design in China.

Qijing MAO, Yongjun BAI, Wei ZHANG, Lingli ZHANG, Yunfeng PAN, Dajun CAO. Analysis of Calculation Method for Solar Thermal Power Plant Auxiliary Power Rate[J]. SOUTHERN ENERGY CONSTRUCTION, 2017, 4(4): 29-33. doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2017.04.006
Citation: Qijing MAO, Yongjun BAI, Wei ZHANG, Lingli ZHANG, Yunfeng PAN, Dajun CAO. Analysis of Calculation Method for Solar Thermal Power Plant Auxiliary Power Rate[J]. SOUTHERN ENERGY CONSTRUCTION, 2017, 4(4): 29-33. doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2017.04.006
  • 能源问题与全球气候变化使得加快构建清洁、高效、安全、可持续的现代能源体系成为我国十三五能源发展的主要目标。太阳能热发电作为太阳能利用的一种新技术,可以通过储热实现可调节发电,克服了风电、光伏发电不可调节的缺点,能够向电网提供可调的清洁、稳定的优质电力[1]。2016年12月国家能源局相继出台《可再生能源发展“十三五”规划》和《太阳能发展“十三五”规划》,确定了到2020年太阳能热发电装机容量达到5 GW的目标,为发展太阳能热产业奠定了政策基础。随着太阳能热发电厂技术的发展,很多设计院对太阳能热发电厂的设计开展了深入研究。厂用电率是衡量发电厂自身用电量的一个重要指标,通常情况下相同配置的机组,如果厂用电量越高就意味着向外净输出电量越少,发电厂的经济效益越差。太阳能热发电属于新型技术,太阳能光热电站厂用电率的计算方法还没有相关规程规范[2],目前各设计单位对太阳能热发电厂厂用电率多采用火力发电厂的厂用电率的计算方法。


  • 太阳能热发电是通过聚集太阳辐射获得热能,将热能转化成高温蒸汽驱动蒸汽轮机来发电的。当前太阳能热发电按照太阳能采集方式可划分为太阳能槽式发电、太阳能塔式热发电、太阳能碟式热发电和线性菲涅尔式热发电。本文主要以太阳能槽式发电为例来对太阳能热发电厂厂用电率的计算方法进行分析。该方法可供其它型式的太阳能热发电厂参考。


  • 目前,太阳能热发电厂的厂用电率计算方法还没有相关导则或规范。在工程设计中,通常采用火力发电纯凝电厂计算厂用电率的方法。此计算方法并不能够反映太阳能热发电厂的厂用电情况,具体分析如下:







  • 如上节所述,太阳能热发电系统的厂用电率是由太阳辐照值及系统配置决定的,所以厂用电率的计算原则是由长序列太阳能辐照数据推算出代表年太阳能辐照值来计算代表年太阳能热电厂的发电量和厂用耗电量如式(3)和式(4)所示。




  • 集热系统的作用是通过反射镜跟踪太阳,聚集太阳能至集热管以加热传热介质。集热系统由多回路并联,每个回路由反射镜、集热管、支架、旋转接头和驱动等构成。其中集热器的驱动系统是集热系统中唯一的电负荷[4],其耗电量如式(5)所示:




  • 槽式太阳能热发电吸热传热系统由油水换热系统、导热油驱动系统、导热油防凝系统、导热油净化系统、导热油膨胀系统、导热油管道及相关附件组成。其主要作用是导热油吸收反射镜聚集的太阳辐射能,在导热油管道内循环实现油水、油盐换热。吸热传热系统厂用电负荷主要有主油泵和防凝泵等。下面通过主油泵说明计算吸热传热系统厂用耗电量的思路。镜场中吸收的太阳辐射能与导热油的热能存在如下关系:


    式中:q为太阳直接辐照值,kW/m2n为镜场回路数,个;S1为一个回路集热器开口面积,m2η1为光学效率;η2为热学效率;cos θ为余弦效率;t为时间,h;qm为质量流量,kg/h;C为导热油平均比热容,kJ/(kg· ℃);ΔT为工质出口与进口温度差,℃。


    Figure 1.  DNI curve graph







  • 储热系统主要由冷罐、热罐、油-盐换热器、熔盐泵等设备组成。储热系统的作用是通过熔融盐与导热油换热,在阳光充足时利用熔融盐储存太阳能热量,在阳光不足时放热来供给汽轮机运转发电,起到削峰填谷的作用[6]。储热系统的电负荷主要有冷熔盐泵和热熔盐泵和电加热器等。下面通过熔盐泵说明求解储热系统厂用耗电量的思路。本文假设电厂运行模式为优先满足汽轮机满发,剩余的能量用于储能。当镜场中吸收的太阳辐射能量除满足汽轮机满发外仍有能量供给储能系统,则熔盐吸收的热量如(9)式:



    同时,熔盐吸收的热量与熔盐质量流量qm1(kg/h)、比热C1(kJ/(kg· ℃))、熔盐温升ΔT( ℃)的关系如(10)式:









  • 常规岛辅机运行模式与汽轮发电机组运行模式密切相关,汽轮发电机组负荷变化时,辅机设备运行功率随之调整,厂用电耗量为变化量。为简化厂用电计算,可根据汽轮发电机组全年发电量折算出机组按额定功率运行的年发电等效利用小时,此时对应的厂用电负荷可按额定功率考虑,二者相乘即为全年厂用电耗量[7]




    经常连续运行负荷的K值可参考《火力发电厂厂用电设计规程》(DL/T 5153),如表1所示。

    电负荷 换算系数
    给水泵电动机 1.0
    循环水泵电动机 0.8
    凝结水泵电动机 0.8
    其他高压电动机 0.8
    其他低压电动机 0.8
    加热器 1.0
    电子设备 0.9

    Table 1.  Conversion factor table



  • 太阳能热发电厂的代表年年发电量计算如式(15)所示:




  • 通过分析得到以下结论:






Reference (8)



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