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Volume 5 Issue 1
Jul.  2020
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Linxia GUO, Youjun GONG. Electric Field Distribution of AC Transmission Lines Considering Vertical Sag[J]. SOUTHERN ENERGY CONSTRUCTION, 2018, 5(1): 103-106. doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2018.01.017
Citation: Linxia GUO, Youjun GONG. Electric Field Distribution of AC Transmission Lines Considering Vertical Sag[J]. SOUTHERN ENERGY CONSTRUCTION, 2018, 5(1): 103-106. doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2018.01.017

Electric Field Distribution of AC Transmission Lines Considering Vertical Sag

doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2018.01.017
  • Received Date: 2017-01-10
  • Rev Recd Date: 2017-02-05
  • Publish Date: 2018-03-25
  • In order to study the actual ground electric field distribution under the AC transmission line, the influence of the height of the conductor to the ground on the electric charge and the electric field was analyzed. The results show that: The influence of the height of the conductor to the ground has little effect on the electric charge; The influence of the height of the conductor to the ground electric field is very large under the condition that the charge quantity is unchanged. Therefore, under the assumption that the height has no influence on the charge of the conductor, considering the arc shape of the conductor, the actual electric field under AC transmission line was solved by the differential vector superposition method and the electric field distribution under UHV AC transmission line was taken an example for the calculation and verification. The analysis results show that the high field range below the line only exists near the middle span and the electric field intensity decreases rapidly with the distance away from the midspan which is very different with the ground electric field distribution calculated by the minimum height. The research results have important guiding significance for the judgment of the house demolition.
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  • 通讯作者: 陈斌, bchen63@163.com
    • 1. 

      沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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Electric Field Distribution of AC Transmission Lines Considering Vertical Sag

doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2018.01.017

Abstract: In order to study the actual ground electric field distribution under the AC transmission line, the influence of the height of the conductor to the ground on the electric charge and the electric field was analyzed. The results show that: The influence of the height of the conductor to the ground has little effect on the electric charge; The influence of the height of the conductor to the ground electric field is very large under the condition that the charge quantity is unchanged. Therefore, under the assumption that the height has no influence on the charge of the conductor, considering the arc shape of the conductor, the actual electric field under AC transmission line was solved by the differential vector superposition method and the electric field distribution under UHV AC transmission line was taken an example for the calculation and verification. The analysis results show that the high field range below the line only exists near the middle span and the electric field intensity decreases rapidly with the distance away from the midspan which is very different with the ground electric field distribution calculated by the minimum height. The research results have important guiding significance for the judgment of the house demolition.

Linxia GUO, Youjun GONG. Electric Field Distribution of AC Transmission Lines Considering Vertical Sag[J]. SOUTHERN ENERGY CONSTRUCTION, 2018, 5(1): 103-106. doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2018.01.017
Citation: Linxia GUO, Youjun GONG. Electric Field Distribution of AC Transmission Lines Considering Vertical Sag[J]. SOUTHERN ENERGY CONSTRUCTION, 2018, 5(1): 103-106. doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2018.01.017
  • 输电线路下方空间场强的传统计算方法一般将导线等效为平行于地面的无线长导体,导线对地高度按照最大弧垂情况下对应的最小对地高度计算[1,2]。这样的计算处理虽然使得地面电场强度的计算方法变得简单,但是计算得到的电场强度却仅对档距中央有效[1]。同时,若全线均按照最小对地高度计算地面电场强度,则扩大了高场强范围,导致拆迁范围扩大[4],给输电线路建设增加不必要的经济成本与社会成本。因此,有必要对输电线路下方的电场强度计算方法进行进一步探讨。

  • 交流特高压同塔双回输电线路的塔头示意图及导地线的挂点坐标(其中,纵坐标为导地线的平均对地高度)如表1所示。导线结构采用8×LGJ-630/45,分裂间距450 mm,导线弧垂20 m,最小对地高度21 m;地线为两根JLB20A-185[2]

    塔头示意图 挂点位置 挂点坐标
    左侧上导线 (-17.9,70.77)
    左侧中导线 (-20.0,48.87)
    左侧下导线 (-19.0,27.67)
    右侧上导线 (17.9,70.77)
    右侧中导线 (20.0,48.87)
    右侧下导线 (19.0,27.67)
    左地线 (-23.1,88.34)
    右地线 (23.1,88.34)

    Table 1.  Coordinate of phase conductor and ground wire m

  • 在导线布置方式、分裂数、分裂间距、相序排列等参数确定的基础上,导线弧垂对地面电场强度影响主要包括如下两方面:(1)不同位置处,导线对地高度通过对地电容影响电荷量;(2)不同位置处的电荷由于对地高度不同影响地面电场强度[2]

  • 一般采用[Q]=[P]-1[U]求解多导体线路中导线上的电荷矩阵[Q]。其中,[P]为电位系数矩阵,[U]为电压矩阵。在[U]确定的情况下,电位系数矩阵[P]决定了导线上的电荷。由电位系数的计算公式可知,在导线结构(导线直径、分裂数、分裂形状及分裂间距)不变的情况下,只有导线对地高度变量h影响电位系数的取值。

    根据表1图1所述的线路参数,计算了相导线A1、B1、C1、A2、B2、C2所带电荷随导线对地高度的变化,如图2所示。可见,随着导线最小对地高度从21 m增加至41 m,上层横担的导线电荷几乎没有变化,中层横担的导线电荷增加了约0.5%,下层横担的导线电荷减少了约2.21%。总体来看,在规程规范允许的对地高度范围内,导线对地高度对导线电荷的影响很小。

    Figure 1.  Phase arrangement

    Figure 2.  The Influence of the height of the conductor on the charge

  • 同样,以表1图1所述特高压线路参数为例,计算导线对地高度对地面电场强度的影响,如图3所示。导线最小对地高度从20 m升高到35 m,最大地面电场强度由8.46 kV/m降至3.49 kV/m,线下电场强度大于4 kV/m的范围从86.2 m骤降为0 m。因此导线对地高度对地面电场强度影响很大[6],这主要是因为电场与距离的平方成反比的缘故。

    Figure 3.  The Influence of the height of the conductor to ground on the electric field intensity

  • 根据第2.1节的分析,导线对地高度对导线电荷量的影响很小。而第2.2节的分析表明,导线对地高度对地面电场强度的影响很大。综上可知,对地高度主要通过电荷与计算点的距离来影响地面电场强度的大小。因此,在计算考虑导线弧垂情况下的地面电场强度时,可引入如下假设:



  • 根据电磁场理论,线电荷的电场强度可按式(1)计算[2]








    Figure 4.  Schematic of conductor sag








  • 据第一章所述线路参数及第三章所述计算方法,计算得到交流特高压同塔双回输电线路在图1所示相序排列方式下的地面电场,如图5,图6所示。可看出:输电线路下方的电场强度在档中最大,在铁塔附近最小;在设计中以10 kV/m为控制条件时,只是在线路档中附近小范围区域内的电场强度大于9 kV/m,其余区域的电场强度则要小得多。

    Figure 5.  The Actual electric field on the ground in the reverse phase sequence arrangement (two-dimensional view)

    Figure 6.  The Actual ground electric field under the different phase sequence arrangement (two-dimensional view)


    相序 考虑弧垂/(kV·m-1) 不考虑弧垂/(kV·m-1) 差别/%
    逆相序 9.34 9.25 0.97
    异相序 9.75 9.64 1.11

    Table 2.  Comparison of ground maximum electric field intensity

  • 本章主要研究了考虑导线弧垂情况下的地面电场计算方法并对计算结果进行了分析,得到相关结论如下:



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