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Tingting WANG, Liyuan SU, Shengjun LU. Spatial 3D Numerical Simulation Research on a New Foundation Structure of Offshore Wind Power[J]. SOUTHERN ENERGY CONSTRUCTION, 2018, 5(3): 1-7. doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2018.03.001
Citation: Tingting WANG, Liyuan SU, Shengjun LU. Spatial 3D Numerical Simulation Research on a New Foundation Structure of Offshore Wind Power[J]. SOUTHERN ENERGY CONSTRUCTION, 2018, 5(3): 1-7. doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2018.03.001

Spatial 3D Numerical Simulation Research on a New Foundation Structure of Offshore Wind Power

doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2018.03.001
  • Received Date: 2018-05-23
  • Rev Recd Date: 2018-07-30
  • Publish Date: 2018-09-25
  •   [Introduction]  With the rapid development of offshore wind power, it is necessary to develop new foundation structure of offshore wind power to meet the design requirements of deep water and soft soil foundation.  [Method]  In this paper, an offshore wind power project design was taken as an example to do research on a new wind turbine foundation structure which was of large-diameter steel cylinder combined with jacket. Using finite element software PLAXIS 3D, overall stability calculations of the structure were carried out by adopting reasonable and feasible constitutive model and simplified form. Interaction between steel cylinder and soil was considered. Internal forces and displacements of wind turbine foundation were analyzed. Besides, solid model was established by using ANSYS and stress of components under extreme load combinations were calculated.  [Result]  The results indicate that the internal forces and displacements of the new combined type of wind turbine foundation are controllable. The new structure is applicative to the construction of offshore wind power on soft foundation and deep water area theoretically.  [Conclusion]  The research has certain reference significance to the development of the new type of offshore wind power foundation structure in the future.
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  • 通讯作者: 陈斌, bchen63@163.com
    • 1. 

      沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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Spatial 3D Numerical Simulation Research on a New Foundation Structure of Offshore Wind Power

doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2018.03.001

Abstract:   [Introduction]  With the rapid development of offshore wind power, it is necessary to develop new foundation structure of offshore wind power to meet the design requirements of deep water and soft soil foundation.  [Method]  In this paper, an offshore wind power project design was taken as an example to do research on a new wind turbine foundation structure which was of large-diameter steel cylinder combined with jacket. Using finite element software PLAXIS 3D, overall stability calculations of the structure were carried out by adopting reasonable and feasible constitutive model and simplified form. Interaction between steel cylinder and soil was considered. Internal forces and displacements of wind turbine foundation were analyzed. Besides, solid model was established by using ANSYS and stress of components under extreme load combinations were calculated.  [Result]  The results indicate that the internal forces and displacements of the new combined type of wind turbine foundation are controllable. The new structure is applicative to the construction of offshore wind power on soft foundation and deep water area theoretically.  [Conclusion]  The research has certain reference significance to the development of the new type of offshore wind power foundation structure in the future.

Tingting WANG, Liyuan SU, Shengjun LU. Spatial 3D Numerical Simulation Research on a New Foundation Structure of Offshore Wind Power[J]. SOUTHERN ENERGY CONSTRUCTION, 2018, 5(3): 1-7. doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2018.03.001
Citation: Tingting WANG, Liyuan SU, Shengjun LU. Spatial 3D Numerical Simulation Research on a New Foundation Structure of Offshore Wind Power[J]. SOUTHERN ENERGY CONSTRUCTION, 2018, 5(3): 1-7. doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2018.03.001
  • 近些年全世界都在寻求新能源发展的方向与目标,尤其是欧洲已将海上风电作为新能源发展的主要方向之一[1]。2017年是中国海上风电创记录的一年,中国海上风电新增装机从2016年的0.61 GW增长到1.17 GW,预计到2020年底,我国海上风电装机约达到5 GW。这表明,我国海上风电已正式进入全新阶段,将拥有广阔的市场空间[2]


    插入式大直径钢圆筒结构是近年来我国引入的新型海工结构,其特殊的结构型式和空间形态使其具有整体稳定性好、整体预制安装施工快速、对地基土要求不高等特点,只要底部插入一定硬度的持力层满足整体稳定性即可,适用于软基或土质变化较大的深海区域,在未来海洋工程中的应用前景广阔[10]。但其受力模式复杂,受力特性与整体稳定性因其空间形态、内部回填料物理力学指标、外荷载作用方式等不同而有较大差异。其应用目前在国际上也处于起步阶段,设计经验有限,仅日本的OCDI规范有关于插入式钢圆筒的设计规程,但OCDI仅针对埋深较浅且地基为砂土等特定条件下的钢圆筒计算,深埋插入式钢圆筒计算理论完全不同于传统结构型式,因此目前多采用数值模拟手段进行研究分析[11]。因此本文以某海上风电工程基础设计为算例,以PLAXIS 3D大型有限元软件为平台,对一种新型大直径钢圆筒组合导管架风机基础结构进行空间三维弹塑性数值模型分析研究,采用合理可行的本构类型以及简化形式模拟风机基础的整体稳定性,考虑钢圆筒与土体之间的共同作用,分析风机基础的内力与位移,再用ANSYS软件建实体模型计算极限荷载工况下各构件的应力,分析结果为今后新型海上风电基础形式的开发与研究提供参考依据。

  • 某海上风电场示范项目,在受台风影响显著的海域试验5 MW大功率海上风力发电机组,探索风力发电机组基础新技术,为后续海上风电发展积累技术经验。风机安装轮毂高度90 m,工程等级为Ⅱ级,风电机组地基基础设计等级为Ⅰ级,相应结构安全等级为一级。场址内海域水深多大于20 m,地质条件和波浪条件如表1表2所示。项目虽推荐高桩承台为风机基础结构,但鉴于示范风场区域软土分布广、持力层埋深变化大、风大浪大等恶劣自然环境条件导致承台受到的波浪浮托力和波浪力很大,桩基的水平力和拔桩力增大,设计桩长与实际桩长难以一致,增加海上打桩及现浇承台的施工难度,无法有效控制工期,因此需要深入探究新型海上风机基础结构替代方案的可能性。

    土层名称 湿容重ρ/(kN·m-3) 压缩模量Es/MPa 承载力特征值f/kPa 快剪 预制桩(钢管桩) 冲(钻)孔桩 抗拔系数λ
    凝聚力c/kPa 内摩擦角φ/(°) 桩的极限侧阻力标准值qsik/kPa 桩的极限端阻力标准值qpk/MPa 桩的极限侧阻力标准值qsik/kPa 桩的极限端阻力标准值qpk/MPa
    ①淤泥 17.1 2.2 40~50 9 1.5 20 18 0.5
    ②粉细砂 18.0 5.5 110~130 19 40 30 0.5
    ③粉质粘土 19.5 4.5 110~130 25 12 50 45 0.6
    ④中粗砂 18.5 7.0 150~180 22.5 70 5.0 55 1.2 0.6
    ⑤泥质中细砂 18.5 4.5 150~170 21 60 48 0.5
    ⑥粉质粘土 19.5 4.5 110~130 25 12 65 50 0.7
    ⑦淤泥 18.2 2.2 50~60 11 2 30 25 0.5
    ⑧泥质中粗砂 18.5 5.0 200~230 22.5 75 5.5 60 1.2 0.6
    ⑨全风化岩体 19.5 6.0 220~250 12 23 90 80 0.7
    ⑩散体状强风化岩体 21.5 10.0 250~300 14.5 27 120 9.0 100 3.0 0.6

    Table 1.  Physical and mechanical indexes of each main soil layer in the project site

    水深/m 平均波高 平均周期 平均波长 H1%/m H4%/m H5%/m H13%/m
    21.2 3.99 10.1 125.21 8.44 7.3 7.06 6.06

    Table 2.  Design wave elements one time in 50 years

  • 大直径钢圆筒组合导管架结构如图1所示,钢圆筒直径25 m,入土深度根据岩面高度的不同在15~30 m不等,上部构件是主要尺寸为直径1.5~2.2 m厚30 mm的钢管,出于大直径钢圆筒组合导管架结构自身的空间受力特性以及与筒内、筒外地基土体相互作用的复杂性,须以整体空间三维有限元模型才能真实合理地模拟各工况下上部风机荷载、波浪力等对新型基础结构的稳定性影响[12]

    Figure 1.  3D figure of the foundation structure with large-diameter steel cylinder combined jacket for offshore wind turbine

  • PLAXIS 3D是由荷兰PLAXIS B.V.公司推出的大型通用三维岩土有限元计算软件,现在已广泛应用于各种复杂岩土工程项目的数值分析中。以PLAXIS 3D为平台,以一个大直径钢圆筒基础及一组上部钢构件为模拟对象,模拟钢圆筒基础与土体之间的相互作用、筒身变形、筒体与上部构件力的传递以及上部构件的受力等,分析在极限工况以及正常使用工况下筒形基础的稳定性。

    有限元模型如图2所示,为满足三维有限元的计算精度要求,土体计算范围在深度和长度方向相应扩大到一组风电基础计算区域的3~5倍。为了能较实际地模拟钢圆筒-地基土之间的相互作用,对土体采用实体单元模拟,对大直径钢圆筒结构采用板单元模拟,筒体与土体之间设置接触面单元,PLAXIS 3D中界面单元采用Goodman接触面单元考虑接触面变形的非线性特征,假定接触面上的法向应力和剪应力与法向相对位移和切向相对位移之间无交叉影响,模拟不同材料之间的相互滑移、脱离等力学现象。上部导管架钢构件采用梁单元模拟,法兰面以及塔筒采用板单元模拟。

    Figure 2.  Spatial 3D finite element model of the foundation structure with large-diameter steel cylinder combined jacket for offshore wind turbine

    PLAXIS软件中的土体硬化模型Hardening soil model(HS)能够考虑土体刚度随应力状态的变化,其弹性部分采用了合理的双刚度,即加/卸载模量分别定义,且考虑了土体模量随应力增加而增大的特性[13]。塑性部分采用了非相关联流动法则和各向同性的硬化准则,可较好地描述曲线形式的应力应变关系和土体的剪胀性。本次分析软粘土、粉细砂和泥质砂层采用土体硬化HS本构模型,中粗砂层和岩体采用摩尔-库伦本构模型。

  • 1)永久荷载:基础及其构件自重以及风机荷载竖向分项力等。风机各主要部分质量:轮毂质量43 t,叶片质量48 t(3片),发电机质量140 t,机舱质量45 t。塔筒总质量456 t。


    工况名称 Fx/MN Fy/kN Fz/MN Mx/(MN· m) My/(MN· m) Mz/(MN· m)
    正常运行荷载 1.049 9 -18.2 -7.347 4.910 6 83.459 2.721 2
    极端荷载(无安全系数) -1.177 9 -136.5 -7.099 6 4.725 7 -126.667 3 -3.430 7
    疲劳荷载 0.386 109 0.196 9.203 22.952 3.826

    Table 3.  The load value acting on the bottom of the tower barrel


    4)水流荷载:流速按均匀分布考虑,平均流速大小为1.2 m/s,水流阻力系数Cw取0.73。

    5)基础风荷载:按照50年一遇最大风速50 m/s计算风压,风荷载计算中根据结构实际情况确定对应的风压高度变化系数、风荷载体型系数和风振系数。





  • 模型的位移边界条件:四个侧面约束其法向位移,底面约束其三个方向的位移;排水边界条件:底面及四个侧面均为不排水边界,顶面为排水边界。

  • 图3,图4,图5,图6,图7,图8分别为大直径钢圆筒组合导管架海上风电基础结构整体位移云图和各构件变位、内力云图,三维弹塑性有限元模型强度折减法算出的整体稳定安全系数为2.033,满足整体稳定要求。极端荷载工况下进行结构稳定性分析时土体强度没有进行折减。

    Figure 3.  Horizontal displacement of soil under extreme load conditions

    Figure 4.  Soil settlement-deformation under extreme load conditions

    Figure 5.  Displacement of steel cylinder structure under extreme load conditions

    Figure 6.  Horizontal displacement of the flange and tower drum under extreme load conditions

    Figure 7.  Horizontal displacement of the upper jacket under extreme load conditions

    Figure 8.  Structural internal force of the upper jacket under extreme load conditions

  • 图9,图10,图11,图12,图13,图14分别为大直径钢圆筒组合导管架海上风电基础结构整体位移云图和各构件变位、内力云图,三维弹塑性有限元模型强度折减法算出的整体稳定安全系数为1.981,满足整体稳定要求。正常使用工况下考虑土体循环荷载下疲劳,泥面下10 m以上土体参数乘系数0.33,10~20 m土体参数乘系数0.66,因此算出来的位移和内力基本与极限工况下稳定性计算结果相近,略偏大于极限工况。

    Figure 9.  Horizontal displacement of soil under normal load conditions

    Figure 10.  Soil settlement-deformation under normal load conditions

    Figure 11.  Displacement of steel cylinder structure under normal load conditions

    Figure 12.  Horizontal displacement of the flange and tower drum under normal load conditions

    Figure 13.  Horizontal displacement of the upper jacket under normal load conditions

    Figure 14.  Structural internal force of the upper jacket under normal load conditions

    从分析结果来看当轮毂高度为90 m时,大直径钢圆筒组合导管架海上风机基础沉降≤100 mm,正常运行工况基础顶面(塔筒底部)的最大倾斜率为tan θ≤4×10-3,极限运行工况基础顶面(塔筒底部)的最大倾斜率为tanθ≤8.7×10-3(即θ≤0.25°),结构满足变形要求;模型中部分构件内力偏大,超过允许值,但是由于PLAXIS 3D中构件采用了梁单元和板单元进行模拟,并不能反映各构件及连接处的真实应力,因此用大型通用结构有限元软件ANSYS建实体模型计算极限荷载工况下各构件的应力。

  • 底部钢圆筒直径25 m,高15 m,顶部6 m高度范围内壁厚50 mm,剩余区域钢圆筒壁厚30 mm;上部杆件直径从2.2 m到1.0 m不等,连接杆壁厚50 mm。通过有限元软件ANSYS对风机基础结构内力进行了计算。有限元模型中采用壳单元SHELL43模拟基础结构部分。结构与地基土的相互作用根据m法计算原理,采用线性弹簧单元COMBIN14模拟。有限元计算模型如图15所示。

    Figure 15.  Internal force analysis and calculation model of the foundation structure with large-diameter steel cylinder combined jacket for offshore wind turbine

  • 通过计算,得到结构各部内力如图16所示。从结构内力计算结果看,钢圆筒上MISES应力最大值出现在上部杆件与大圆筒的连接处,最大应力值为296.2 MPa;上部杆件MISES应力最大值出现在杆件与塔筒的连接处,因为模型采用了弹性模型,应力值无法通过塑性区的扩散而减小,局部应力集中,最大应力值为1.02 GPa,模型的强度不满足要求,需要进行局部构造加强。

    Figure 16.  MISES stress distribution of the foundation structure with large-diameter steel cylinder combined jacket for offshore wind turbine

  • 1)通过PLAXIS 3D空间三维弹塑性有限元建模分析结果表明:大直径钢圆筒组合导管架海上风机基础结构方案整体稳定性较好,沉降和水平位移均符合规范要求。

    2)由于软土地基深厚,地基承载力较弱,法兰和塔筒底部的位移最大达到8 cm,建议在筒内、筒外增加一定置换率的水泥土搅拌桩或是挤密砂桩,进行小范围的土体加固后即可控制位移。




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