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Lingling HU. Research on the Air Heater and Relevant Steam/Water System[J]. SOUTHERN ENERGY CONSTRUCTION, 2018, 5(4): 55-59. doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2018.04.008
Citation: Lingling HU. Research on the Air Heater and Relevant Steam/Water System[J]. SOUTHERN ENERGY CONSTRUCTION, 2018, 5(4): 55-59. doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2018.04.008

Research on the Air Heater and Relevant Steam/Water System

doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2018.04.008
  • Received Date: 2017-04-01
  • Rev Recd Date: 2017-09-07
  • Publish Date: 2018-12-25
  •   [Introduction]  The paper aims to solve the problems existing in the operation of the airheaters at the inlet or outlet of the primary fan and the blower in many thermal power plants, such as the small air temperature at the outlet of the heater, the vibration of the pipeline, and the poor drainage, the solutions are put forward.  [Method]  In this investigation, we analysed several air heaters and their relevant steam /water system and arrangement of the design and the actual operation situation.  [Results]  In the technical specification, it requires the area of air heater satisfied at the extreme low temperature to meet the cold end temperature requirements of air preheater. In the construction design stage, the steam water system of the heater need optimize so as to meet the requirement of energy saving; the air heater makes high arrangement, and let it drain by gravity way to hydrophobic discharge point. During the commissioning phase, for hydrophobic piping layout with U type, in the early start and lack of pressure it sets hydrophobic discharge at low point . In the operation and maintenance stage, it is necessary to make full use of the control system to combine the drainage of the heater with the air temperature control to ensure the safe, stable and economic operation of the system.  [Conclusion]  The analysis and research in this paper are based on the theory and other engineering optimization cases. It has practical application value and can be used as a reference for other projects.
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  • 通讯作者: 陈斌, bchen63@163.com
    • 1. 

      沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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Research on the Air Heater and Relevant Steam/Water System

doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2018.04.008

Abstract:   [Introduction]  The paper aims to solve the problems existing in the operation of the airheaters at the inlet or outlet of the primary fan and the blower in many thermal power plants, such as the small air temperature at the outlet of the heater, the vibration of the pipeline, and the poor drainage, the solutions are put forward.  [Method]  In this investigation, we analysed several air heaters and their relevant steam /water system and arrangement of the design and the actual operation situation.  [Results]  In the technical specification, it requires the area of air heater satisfied at the extreme low temperature to meet the cold end temperature requirements of air preheater. In the construction design stage, the steam water system of the heater need optimize so as to meet the requirement of energy saving; the air heater makes high arrangement, and let it drain by gravity way to hydrophobic discharge point. During the commissioning phase, for hydrophobic piping layout with U type, in the early start and lack of pressure it sets hydrophobic discharge at low point . In the operation and maintenance stage, it is necessary to make full use of the control system to combine the drainage of the heater with the air temperature control to ensure the safe, stable and economic operation of the system.  [Conclusion]  The analysis and research in this paper are based on the theory and other engineering optimization cases. It has practical application value and can be used as a reference for other projects.

Lingling HU. Research on the Air Heater and Relevant Steam/Water System[J]. SOUTHERN ENERGY CONSTRUCTION, 2018, 5(4): 55-59. doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2018.04.008
Citation: Lingling HU. Research on the Air Heater and Relevant Steam/Water System[J]. SOUTHERN ENERGY CONSTRUCTION, 2018, 5(4): 55-59. doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2018.04.008
  • 燃料中硫份燃烧后生成SO2和SO3,与烟气中的水蒸气相互作用,在温度低于烟气露点时,结露凝聚于锅炉尾部受热面上,造成空气预热器的低温受热面金属腐蚀,同时产生积灰。为防止空气预热器低温腐蚀或堵灰,宜按实际需要情况设置空气预热器入口空气加热系统,根据技术经济比较可选用暖风器、热风再循环或其他空气加热系统[1]



  • 暖风器入口风温是暖风器设计的一个重要参数,按照《GB 50660—2011大中型火力发电厂设计规范》:“选择暖风器所用的环境温度,对采暖地区宜取用冬季采暖室外计算温度,对非采暖区宜取用冬季最冷月平均温度,并适当留有加热器面积”[1],但是在实际运行中发现有严寒地区暖风器出口风温不满足空预器入口温度的要求。

    新疆中泰电石化学工程位于新疆维吾尔自治区吉州阜康市,每年的10月到第2年3月均需要采暖,平均气温介于-20.4~3.0 ℃,历年极端最低温度-37 ℃。为防止冬季及低负荷时空气预热器的冷端元件低温腐蚀,在一次风机、送风机的入口设置有暖风器,以提高冷风进入空气预热器的温度。暖风器为可旋转式暖风器,暖风器的进风温度按冬季采暖室外计算温度-17 ℃设计,在设计选型上是满足GB 50660设计规范要求的。在设计回访阶段时业主反馈实际运行煤质与设计煤质相差较大,暖风器出口风温不能满足系统设计要求。业主通过增加一级暖风器也即增加换热面积来满足实际运行的要求。

    在后续的新疆托克逊工程位于新疆吐鲁番地区,每年的11月到第2年3月均需要采暖,平均气温介于-7.5~3.2 ℃,历年极端最低温度-21.8 ℃,送风机入口暖风器的进风温度按历年极端最低温度-21.8 ℃设计。经咨询电厂运行情况,暖风器出口风温能满足要求,暖风器的调节性能良好。

    新疆轮台工程位于天山南麓,为典型的暖温带大陆性干旱气候,平均气温为11.1 ℃,历年极端最低温度-25.5 ℃,暖风器的进风温度按冬季采暖室外计算温度-11 ℃,暖风器出口空气温度30 ℃。经咨询电厂暖风器的运行情况,暖风器出口风温能满足系统设计要求。



  • 暖风器风温的调节方式主要有2种,一种是汽侧设调节阀,疏水侧设疏水阀;另一种是疏水侧调节[4]


    Figure 1.  Steam conditioning for steam air heater system (to deaerator)

    Figure 2.  Steam conditioning for steam air heater system (to blowdown flash vessel)


    Figure 3.  Water conditioning for steam air heater system (to blowdown flash vessel)



    Figure 4.  Hot water for steam air heater system

  • 目前暖风器疏水系统主要有如下去向:

    一是低压疏水。当水质不合格时将暖风器疏水导入疏水扩容器,当水质合格后直接导入凝汽器[6]:这种方案的优点是系统简单,但是暖风器疏水直接导至凝汽器会加大凝汽器循环水侧负荷影响真空,同时产生热量损失,不符合节能减排的要求。轮台工程暖风器疏水引至锅炉启动疏水扩容器预留接口处。由于布置的原因,从暖风器疏水箱至扩容器有一个U型,在启动调试阶段,疏水压力较低时需要设置低位点放水,待疏水压力上升到可以顺畅至凝汽器时再关断放水管,让疏水直接去扩容器。但是直接排至扩容器的热损失较大。按照每年11月开始进入冬季到下一年4月冰雪开始融化,暖风器运行5个月,暖风器疏水饱和温度下的焓值H=632 kJ/kg,按照每天满负荷运行20 h、每月30天计,每年浪费约970 t煤,但同时需要多耗用16.5×104度电。由此可见,疏水排至凝汽器是不节能的[7]!


    委内瑞拉工程由于空预器入口设有空气旁路,在每台送风机出口、空预器入口、联络风道及旁路风道至烟气再循环风机处均设有风门,综合考虑空预器入口弯头、风门、变径管等布置,暖风器只能布置在送风机出口水平段上,暖风器疏水口标高约为0.275 m,暖风器疏水箱和疏水泵布置在锅炉房区域0 m,疏水箱疏水入口标高为5.966 m,暖风器疏水至疏水箱之间存在高差近6 m的垂直U型布置,疏水不能自流到疏水箱内,不能满足疏水泵的汽蚀余量的要求,导致疏水管道振动、疏水不畅等。



  • 本文通过几个电厂暖风器运行情况反思暖风器选型、系统和布置设计的合理性,系统设计对于保证暖风器能达到空预器入口风温的要求、调节的准确性、节能减排等非常重要。




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