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Volume 5 Issue 4
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Fuquan HU, Pengfei LI, Zheng HE. Buckling Impact Analysis of Cylinderial Shells with Opening and Reinforcement Under Axial Compression[J]. SOUTHERN ENERGY CONSTRUCTION, 2018, 5(4): 60-65. doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2018.04.009
Citation: Fuquan HU, Pengfei LI, Zheng HE. Buckling Impact Analysis of Cylinderial Shells with Opening and Reinforcement Under Axial Compression[J]. SOUTHERN ENERGY CONSTRUCTION, 2018, 5(4): 60-65. doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2018.04.009

Buckling Impact Analysis of Cylinderial Shells with Opening and Reinforcement Under Axial Compression

doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2018.04.009
  • Received Date: 2017-08-24
  • Rev Recd Date: 2017-10-17
  • Publish Date: 2018-12-25
  •   [Introduction]  The early buckling theory of cylindrical shells under axial compression has a great deviation from the experimental results, there are many factors that lead to differences, the initial geometrical defect is the main factor that produces the difference.  [Method]  In this paper, a special axial compression buckling test platform was used to scan the three-dimensional actual topography of the shell by using a laser displacement sensor, and the axial compression buckling test was carried out by the hydraulic device.  [Results]  The results show that the critical load of axial buckling of cylindrical shells is reduced by opening holes, and the buckling load of the cylindrical shell is improved by inserting a circular tube in the opening hole. Based on the measured data of shell topography, a finite element model is established, and the nonlinear buckling finite element analysis of cylindrical shells, cylindrical shells with openings and reinforcement is carried out by Abaqus.  [Conclusion]  The law of simulation is consistent with the experiment, the axial load of the shell is increased firstly and then decreased, the critical load of the axial compressive buckling of the cylindrical shell with opening is the least, the critical load of the cylindrical shell with the reinforcement is the second larger, the buckling critical load of the cylindrical shell without openings is the largest. The critical load simulation values of different shells are compared with the experimental values, in which the minimum relative error is only 13.8%. This method can be used to predict the critical buckling load of the shell, and it is of reference value to the buckling design of the shell.
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  • 通讯作者: 陈斌, bchen63@163.com
    • 1. 

      沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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Buckling Impact Analysis of Cylinderial Shells with Opening and Reinforcement Under Axial Compression

doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2018.04.009

Abstract:   [Introduction]  The early buckling theory of cylindrical shells under axial compression has a great deviation from the experimental results, there are many factors that lead to differences, the initial geometrical defect is the main factor that produces the difference.  [Method]  In this paper, a special axial compression buckling test platform was used to scan the three-dimensional actual topography of the shell by using a laser displacement sensor, and the axial compression buckling test was carried out by the hydraulic device.  [Results]  The results show that the critical load of axial buckling of cylindrical shells is reduced by opening holes, and the buckling load of the cylindrical shell is improved by inserting a circular tube in the opening hole. Based on the measured data of shell topography, a finite element model is established, and the nonlinear buckling finite element analysis of cylindrical shells, cylindrical shells with openings and reinforcement is carried out by Abaqus.  [Conclusion]  The law of simulation is consistent with the experiment, the axial load of the shell is increased firstly and then decreased, the critical load of the axial compressive buckling of the cylindrical shell with opening is the least, the critical load of the cylindrical shell with the reinforcement is the second larger, the buckling critical load of the cylindrical shell without openings is the largest. The critical load simulation values of different shells are compared with the experimental values, in which the minimum relative error is only 13.8%. This method can be used to predict the critical buckling load of the shell, and it is of reference value to the buckling design of the shell.

Fuquan HU, Pengfei LI, Zheng HE. Buckling Impact Analysis of Cylinderial Shells with Opening and Reinforcement Under Axial Compression[J]. SOUTHERN ENERGY CONSTRUCTION, 2018, 5(4): 60-65. doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2018.04.009
Citation: Fuquan HU, Pengfei LI, Zheng HE. Buckling Impact Analysis of Cylinderial Shells with Opening and Reinforcement Under Axial Compression[J]. SOUTHERN ENERGY CONSTRUCTION, 2018, 5(4): 60-65. doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2018.04.009
  • 圆柱壳在工业及许多领域都有广泛的应用,轴压圆柱壳的屈曲问题一直是壳体稳定研究中最为活跃的课题之一[1,2]。Hutchinson、Lockhart、Doo-Sung lee等许多学者[3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13]对圆柱壳屈曲进行了研究。早期的轴压圆柱壳和均匀外压薄球壳的试验临界压力,只有经典线性理论预值的1/5~1/2,并且试验结果离散性很大,轴压屈曲在理论值与试验之间常常存在一个不被人接受的大“误差”[14,15]。各国学者进行了大量的研究试图解释轴压圆柱壳试验值与理论解之间的巨大差异,广为接受的结论:产生该差异的根本原因在于壳体中存在初始几何缺陷[1]



  • 试验采用浙江大学的轴压屈曲试验专用平台,平台由具有中心孔的固定工作台和活动工作台组成,活动工作台与液压装置相连,用于压缩试验件,如图1所示。测试仪器主要有称重传感器、激光位移传感器、DH5932数据采集记录分析系统、双/单向应变片等。

    Figure 1.  Photo of test platform

  • 试验件材料均为B340钢,直径均为1 000 mm,高均为600 mm,厚均为1.2 mm,如图2所示。开孔圆柱壳的开孔直径为150 mm,孔中心在圆柱壳高300 mm处。含补强件圆柱壳的补强件(圆管)内径为150 mm,厚为3.5 mm,长为50 mm,补强件中心在圆柱壳高300 mm处。壳体上下边均用类似于法兰的带槽环形钢环固定,以增加壳体稳定性,便于运输及轴压试验。

    Figure 2.  Photo of experiment models

  • 1)试验件几何形貌测量:轴压屈曲试验前,对试验件的几何形貌进行测量。测量方法:把激光位移传感器调到合适的位置固定在屈曲平台的旋转框架上,通过步进电机带动旋转框架绕试验件做圆周运动,多次测量得到试验件外围形貌数据。


  • 试验得到圆柱壳、开孔圆柱壳、含补强件圆柱壳的轴向压力随时间变化关系如图3所示。轴压曲线先增大后减小。轴压峰值分别为57.46 t、45.47 t、55.66 t,约为149.4 MPa、118.3 MPa、144.8 MPa。

    Figure 3.  The axial pressure curve of different cylindrical shells



    Figure 4.  The buckling photo of different cylindrical shells


    Figure 5.  Strain curve of the cylindrical shell



    Figure 6.  Strain curve of the cylindrical shell with opening


    Figure 7.  Strain curve of the cylindrical shell with reinforcement

  • 利用几何形貌测量数据建立有限元模型,本文利用Abaqus进行模拟分析,采用非线性稳定算法,通过施加人工阻尼来计算壳体轴压屈曲临界载荷,其中边界条件为圆柱壳下端面节点固支,限制上端面节点除轴向平动自由度以外的所有自由度。载荷通过定义带参考点控制的离散刚体来模拟压头,刚体与圆柱壳上端面之间定义接触实现轴向载荷传递,并通过参考点的反作用力来获取轴压屈曲临界载荷。

    通过拉伸试验获取材料的真实数据,得到的应力-应变曲线如图8所示。试验得到弹性模量E= 201.5 GPa,σy=355.7 MPa。

    Figure 8.  The stress-strain curve of B340 steel



    模拟得到圆柱壳、开孔圆柱壳、含补强件圆柱壳的轴向压力与轴向位移变化关系如图9所示,轴压曲线先增大后减小。轴压峰值分别为195.4 MPa、158.4 MPa、164.8 MPa。

    Figure 9.  Relationship between axial stress and axial displacement



    Figure 10.  The mises stress nephogram of cylindrical shells

  • 对前面所述的各试验结果与模拟结果进行比较可知,试验与模拟得到的轴向压力均先增大后减小。轴压圆柱壳具有很强的非线性,从而导致圆柱壳在达到峰值荷载后承载力急剧下降,轴压圆柱壳的后屈曲性质是不稳定的,且很小的几何缺陷就会极大地降低其承载力[2]。不同壳体屈曲临界载荷值如表1所示。试验与模拟均是临界载荷值开孔圆柱壳最小,含补强件圆柱壳次之,圆柱壳最大。说明开孔降低了圆柱壳屈曲临界载荷,通过补强可以提高其屈曲临界载荷。

    类型 模拟值/MPa 试验值/MPa 相对误差/%
    圆柱壳 195.4 149.4 30.8
    开孔圆柱壳 158.4 118.3 33.9
    含补强件圆柱壳 164.8 144.8 13.8

    Table 1.  Comparison between simulation and test


  • 本文利用轴压屈曲试验平台进行了圆柱壳、开孔圆柱壳、含补强件圆柱壳轴压屈曲试验,试验结果表明:轴压屈曲临界载荷开孔圆柱壳最小,含补强件圆柱壳次之,圆柱壳最大,与模拟结果规律一致。圆柱壳开孔导致轴压临界载荷下降,可通过补强方法提高临界载荷。可为壳体屈曲设计分析提供参考价值。

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