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Volume 6 Issue 1
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Pan CHU, Fengwu BAI, Zhanghua HUANG, Lan CHEN. Thermal Performance Analysis of a Parabolic Trough DSG System[J]. SOUTHERN ENERGY CONSTRUCTION, 2019, 6(1): 86-91. doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2019.01.015
Citation: Pan CHU, Fengwu BAI, Zhanghua HUANG, Lan CHEN. Thermal Performance Analysis of a Parabolic Trough DSG System[J]. SOUTHERN ENERGY CONSTRUCTION, 2019, 6(1): 86-91. doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2019.01.015

Thermal Performance Analysis of a Parabolic Trough DSG System

doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2019.01.015
  • Received Date: 2018-11-21
  • Rev Recd Date: 2019-03-08
  • Publish Date: 2020-07-11
  •   [Introduction]  In this paper, the thermal performance of a parabolic trough direct steam generation system (DSGS) is investigated. With the considerations of the stratified flow phenomenon and real flow patterns in the complex two-phase flow, the heat transfer progress in the DSG system is numerically studied, and the thermodynamic performances are revealed.  [Method]  Based on the flow pattern inside the trough collector, the two-phase heat transfer model in the trough-type heat collecting region was established, and the DSG process in the trough collector was simulated by MatLab programming.  [Result]  The variation of heat transfer characteristics of DSG technology along the length of the tube is revealed. The stratification phenomenon occurs in the two-phase flow region where the dryness is between 0.7 and 0.8. The occurrence of delamination reduces the heat transfer between the working medium and metal tube, which weakens the heat transfer effect.  [Conclusion]  This study provides a reference for the design and operation of DSG power stations, and verifies that the optimal arrangement of DSG collectors is recirculating.
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  • 通讯作者: 陈斌, bchen63@163.com
    • 1. 

      沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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Thermal Performance Analysis of a Parabolic Trough DSG System

doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2019.01.015

Abstract:   [Introduction]  In this paper, the thermal performance of a parabolic trough direct steam generation system (DSGS) is investigated. With the considerations of the stratified flow phenomenon and real flow patterns in the complex two-phase flow, the heat transfer progress in the DSG system is numerically studied, and the thermodynamic performances are revealed.  [Method]  Based on the flow pattern inside the trough collector, the two-phase heat transfer model in the trough-type heat collecting region was established, and the DSG process in the trough collector was simulated by MatLab programming.  [Result]  The variation of heat transfer characteristics of DSG technology along the length of the tube is revealed. The stratification phenomenon occurs in the two-phase flow region where the dryness is between 0.7 and 0.8. The occurrence of delamination reduces the heat transfer between the working medium and metal tube, which weakens the heat transfer effect.  [Conclusion]  This study provides a reference for the design and operation of DSG power stations, and verifies that the optimal arrangement of DSG collectors is recirculating.

Pan CHU, Fengwu BAI, Zhanghua HUANG, Lan CHEN. Thermal Performance Analysis of a Parabolic Trough DSG System[J]. SOUTHERN ENERGY CONSTRUCTION, 2019, 6(1): 86-91. doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2019.01.015
Citation: Pan CHU, Fengwu BAI, Zhanghua HUANG, Lan CHEN. Thermal Performance Analysis of a Parabolic Trough DSG System[J]. SOUTHERN ENERGY CONSTRUCTION, 2019, 6(1): 86-91. doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2019.01.015
  • 槽式太阳能集热技术是目前太阳能热利用中商业化程度最高的利用形式。在太阳能热利用过程中,传热工质的类型对系统的设计、运行和维护都有重要影响。目前在太阳能光热发电行业最常用的导热介质有熔融盐,高温导热油以及水。相比导热油和熔盐集热技术,以水为传热介质的直接蒸汽槽式太阳能集热技术(Direct Steam Generation,以下简称DSG)的突出优点正日益受到重视。


    Zarza等[1]完成了对5 MW准商业化DSG电站性能进行了分析,并建立了集热过程的水动力稳态供了重要依据。



  • 槽式直接蒸汽热发电(DSG)技术采用水替代最为普遍的导热油作为工作介质,水在给水泵的作用下进入太阳能集热场,吸收投射在集热管上的太阳能依次经过预热、蒸发和过热过程变成高温高压水蒸汽,之后进入动力子系统做功发电。之后,乏汽进入冷凝器、除氧器在被泵入到太阳能集热场进行下一个吸热-发电循环。流程示意如图1所示。

    Figure 1.  Parabolic trough direct steam generation system

  • 槽式DSG集热场的所有回路(Loop),均通过串联的方式,由抛物槽式太阳能集热器模块构成,基于技术原因,系统选择了ET-100型集热器,集热场内跟踪太阳的方式是南北轴走向,ET-100型集热器的性能参数如表1所示,前提是集热管在比较高温的条件下还能够正常工作[6]

    项目 数值
    集热器组件长度/m 98.50
    抛物槽开口宽度/m 5.76
    集热器模块长度/m 12.27
    集热器模块数 8
    涂层发射率 4.795×10-2+2.331×T(℃)×10-4
    入射角修正因子 cosθ-2.859 621×10-5θ2-5.250 97×10-4θ
    玻璃套管外径/m 0.115
    玻璃套管内径/m 0.109
    金属管外径/m 0.070
    金属管内径/m 0.055
    峰值光学效率 0.765

    Table 1.  Parameter of ET-100 collector

  • DSG槽式集热器内的能量传递过程决定了DSG系统的热力性能。下面从DSG系统管内流型入手探究DSG系统的能量传递特征。

  • 真空式太阳能集热管内的能量转化与传递过程在文献[7]中示出。集热管内传热工质的流动型态对换热特性有重要影响。水在集热管内的流型如图2所示[8]。其中两相区流型较为复杂,归结起来主要有泡沫状流型、阻塞状流型、子弹状流型、波状流型、环状流型和分层流型,如图3所示。两相区的换热性能影响直接蒸汽槽式太阳能技术的效果,因此对两相区的换热过程进行简述。

    Figure 2.  The flow pattern inside the collector

    Figure 3.  Gas-liquid multi-phase flow pattern in a horizontal tube

  • DSG系统中,为了评估换热管内的流动型式和对流换热系数,引入了弗劳德数(Fr)。当Fr小于0.04时,换热管内的流动型式为层状流,此时其对流换热系数由Shah的方程[9]确定:















    式中:μg为工质气相动力粘度,而μl为工质的液相动力粘度。ρg为工质气相密度,而ρl为传热工质的液相密度,它们的单位都是kg/m3Bo为沸腾数;Xtt则为Martinelli数;r代表传热介质在汽化时的潜热,其单位是J/kg;x为我们常说的干度;Pr代表相对压力,而P则代表工作压力,单位都是bar;Pcr代表了临界压力,水则假定为221 bar[8]M代表了传热介质分子质量,单位是kg/kmol;q为热流通量,其单位是W/m2;其余单相区的换热计算均采用水平管内单向流动的换热计算模型。

  • 为了简化模拟计算过程,在模拟中我们将整个长度的吸热管(换热管)沿着长度方向划分为若干个单独的微元段,然后针对每一个单独的微元段采用常用工质如热水或导热油等的相关计算模型,基于每一个微元段的进口参数,给定一个微元段管外壁温度,并结合我们熟知的能量守恒定理,通过迭代的方法,最终求出对应的微元段管外壁温度的真实值,进而依次计算出微元段的管内工质所对应的相关出口参数,基于这样的方法,连续计算,直至换热管的出口。在开始计算过程的时候,判断微元管段内的流动型式非常重要,假设微元段里的流动状态处于两相流状态,则接下来就要判断换热管内所出现的流型状态,对应不同的区域和不同的流型,分别采用不同的模型进行相关的计算,直至计算完毕所有的微元段,并输出相应的计算结果,详细的模拟计算过程的流程图如图4所示。

    Figure 4.  Program chart for DSG thermal plant

  • 集热管内部会出现两相流动的情况,因此有必要对两相流动换热过程的相关计算进行归纳。运用Matlab等对槽式集热管内的DSG过程进行模拟,如图5图6所示。

    Figure 5.  Heat collecting efficiency along the longitudinal direction

    Figure 6.  The variation of heat transfer temperature difference along the longitudinal direction


  • 当管内流动速度较慢时,在两相区内就会出现分层现象,分层现象的出现影响了两相区内的对流换热效果,为探究该影响,本文分别模拟了考虑分层和不考虑分层时的DSG槽式集热器沿管长方向对流换热系数的变化,模拟结果如图7所示。由该图可知,分层现象大约出现在两相流区域干度为0.7~0.8之间的位置,分层现象的出现降低了管内工质与金属管管壁之间的对流换热系数,减弱了换热效果。

    Figure 7.  The variation of heat transfer coefficient along the longitudinal direction



    Figure 8.  The variation of heat transfer coefficient along the longitudinal direction


  • 槽式太阳能直接产蒸汽发电系统是太阳能热发电的重要形式,本文开展了一种典型的槽式直接蒸汽循环系统和关键过程的研究。主要结论如下:





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