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Volume 6 Issue 1
Jul.  2020
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Zhiping LI. Change Analysis of Inverter′s Electrical Values During HVDC Blocking[J]. SOUTHERN ENERGY CONSTRUCTION, 2019, 6(1): 98-103. doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2019.01.017
Citation: Zhiping LI. Change Analysis of Inverter′s Electrical Values During HVDC Blocking[J]. SOUTHERN ENERGY CONSTRUCTION, 2019, 6(1): 98-103. doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2019.01.017

Change Analysis of Inverter′s Electrical Values During HVDC Blocking

doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2019.01.017
  • Received Date: 2018-07-13
  • Rev Recd Date: 2018-11-07
  • Publish Date: 2020-07-11
  •   [Introduction]  The system commission of HVDC is used to verify the overall performance of the project. It is necessary to analyze the recorded data of the electric values collected during commissioning in order to obtain the conclusion.  [Method]  Some recorded figure were not easy to understand. The converter circuit needed to be analyzed to understand the mechanism. This type of analysis method was demonstrated by analyzing typical electric quantity recorded figure.The voltage and current values change greatly when the recorded wave was triggered, which was related to the complex change of the trigger angle caused by the control. During this period, the single valve intermittent conduction, the two valve intermittent conduction, and the valve commutation conduction generated continuous current.Using circuit theory and power electronics technology to analyze the state of the inverter, it was found that inverter was an AC-DC hybrid circuit during the single-valve intermittent conduction, regardless of leakage current of the shut-off valve, the DC voltage was constant.  [Result]  Based on the theoretical results, analyze the inverter side electric quantity recording wave when a low-voltage valve group of a UHV project is blocked, can be concluded that if the applied DC voltage is greater than the average DC voltage of the inverter, under the supplemental pulse mechanism a continuous current occur.  [Conclusion]  The process of voltage and current in the recording wave is well explained, and the necessity and correctness of the control behavior are verified. It can be used as reference for HVDC project commission analysis and provide support for commission conclusions.
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  • 通讯作者: 陈斌, bchen63@163.com
    • 1. 

      沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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Change Analysis of Inverter′s Electrical Values During HVDC Blocking

doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2019.01.017

Abstract:   [Introduction]  The system commission of HVDC is used to verify the overall performance of the project. It is necessary to analyze the recorded data of the electric values collected during commissioning in order to obtain the conclusion.  [Method]  Some recorded figure were not easy to understand. The converter circuit needed to be analyzed to understand the mechanism. This type of analysis method was demonstrated by analyzing typical electric quantity recorded figure.The voltage and current values change greatly when the recorded wave was triggered, which was related to the complex change of the trigger angle caused by the control. During this period, the single valve intermittent conduction, the two valve intermittent conduction, and the valve commutation conduction generated continuous current.Using circuit theory and power electronics technology to analyze the state of the inverter, it was found that inverter was an AC-DC hybrid circuit during the single-valve intermittent conduction, regardless of leakage current of the shut-off valve, the DC voltage was constant.  [Result]  Based on the theoretical results, analyze the inverter side electric quantity recording wave when a low-voltage valve group of a UHV project is blocked, can be concluded that if the applied DC voltage is greater than the average DC voltage of the inverter, under the supplemental pulse mechanism a continuous current occur.  [Conclusion]  The process of voltage and current in the recording wave is well explained, and the necessity and correctness of the control behavior are verified. It can be used as reference for HVDC project commission analysis and provide support for commission conclusions.

Zhiping LI. Change Analysis of Inverter′s Electrical Values During HVDC Blocking[J]. SOUTHERN ENERGY CONSTRUCTION, 2019, 6(1): 98-103. doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2019.01.017
Citation: Zhiping LI. Change Analysis of Inverter′s Electrical Values During HVDC Blocking[J]. SOUTHERN ENERGY CONSTRUCTION, 2019, 6(1): 98-103. doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2019.01.017
  • 高压直流输电工程的系统调试是工程建设的最后一个环节,用于验证工程项目的整体性能及接入电网系统的适应性。试验项目包含投运后可能会出现的运行接线方式,也人为的设置一些故障的试验项目,目的都是先行检验。调试的成果之一是收集电气量录波,通过对其分析得出试验结论。


  • 逆变侧闭锁时的电气量录波图如图1所示,其过程可分为五个阶段。第一阶段,电流由运行值降为零,电压由-400 kV变为-290 kV,触发角157°不变,过程时间几个毫秒;第二阶段,有间歇性小电流,电压保持-290 kV,触发角157°不变,延续时间100 ms;第三阶段,电流由零上升到将近500 A再降为零,电压由-290 kV变为零又升到反向的几十千伏,触发角复杂变化,先稳定后移相减少到90°;第四阶段有间歇性小电流,电压从几十千伏到接近一百千伏波动,触发角由90°又移相增加164°,延续时间近100 ms。第五阶段电流为零,电压稳定在几十千伏,触发角164°,延续时间很长。

    Figure 1.  Recording of electric quantity when the inverter is deblocked


  • 以逆变侧六脉动桥外加直流电压为例进行分析[11,12,13,14,15,16],所加电压极性和运行时相同,即换流器共阳极为正共阴极为负,如图2所示。交流电压波形如图3所示。

    Figure 2.  Inverter side six-pulse bridge connect DC voltage

    Figure 3.  AC voltage waveform









    如果触发角α小于160°,外加一定的直流电压,比如Ud=(0.5~1)Eφ,使阀1出现正向偏置,这时阀1会导通。产生电流路径为:换流变A相电源经阀1至外加直流电源至阀2、4、6的RC回路,再经换流变A、B、C相电源回到中性点。这个过渡过程待RC回路的电容充电完成后结束,同时阀1截止,时间大约为RC回路时间常数的3倍,3τ=3RC=150 μS,相当于2.7°电角度。这时N,M点电位:




















  • 第一阶段由整流侧移相引起,可用一个简化的电路分析,如图4所示。电路中间的电容为整流逆变站间电容的综合,包含直流滤波器电容和线路电容,以这个电容为界将直流系统分为整流和逆变两部分。正常运行时整流和逆变的电流相等,三个电压值接近。闭锁后整流侧移相,UR变小后变负,LR两端电压变负,数值可达直流电压的两倍,而LI两端电压变负,数值为电容电压的变化值。可知整流电流急剧减少而逆变电流缓慢减少,差值部分由电容放电补充。整流电流先到零其阀先截止,逆变电流后到零阀后截止,电容停止放电,电压保持,这是录波第一阶段电压由-400 kV变为-290 kV的原因。

    Figure 4.  Simplified circuit of HVDC system

    第二阶段可应用上节的结论进行分析。此时系统电压为532 kV,换流变抽头为5,每个档位变比1.25%,额定变比525/161.2 kV,可以计算出换流变的阀侧空载电压154 kV。由直流电压-290 kV除以2得到六脉动桥出口对应的直流电压为145 kV。



    Ud=145 kV>Uca=131 kV出现两阀导通的工况。逆变侧换流器的直流平均电压:



    第三阶段电流由零上升到将近500 A再降为零,电压由-290 kV变为0 kV又升到反向几十千伏,触发角开始移相减少到90°又移相增加到164°。


    时间点/s 六脉动Ud/kV 直流电流Id/A 触发角α/(°) 六脉动UI计算值/kV 备注
    0.155 142.0 20.4 154.0 188.40 没有连续电流
    0.167 140.0 67.0 138.3 155.20 没有连续电流
    0.175 127.8 73.7 125.2 119.80 有连续电流
    0.180 114.0 146.8 120.7 107.80 有连续电流
    0.185 91.0 241.3 113.3 83.75 有连续电流
    0.190 49.8 442.3 106.0 59.60 有连续电流
    0.193 37.8 429.9 103.0 49.10 有连续电流
    0.196 9.0 462.3 97.3 29.60 有连续电流
    0.200 -2.2 330.0 91.0 1.64 有连续电流
    0.207 -13.0 77.0 90.4 0.00 有连续电流
    0.208 -19.0 3.4 90.5 0.00 没有连续电流

    Table 1.  Electrical quantity when the inverter side is locked Tab.1







    换流器截止后进入闭锁过程的第四阶段,如图5所示,类似开路试验的工况。如果触发角α保持90°则会产生很高的开路电压,为避免这样需要移相增加触发角α。这阶段有间歇性小电流,电压从几十千伏到一百千伏波动,触发角上升,延续时间100 ms以上。

    Figure 5.  Fourth stage circuit




    时间点/s 六脉动Ud/kV 直流电流IdCN/A 直流电流IdLN/A 触发角α/(°) Uca计算值/kV Ua计算值/kV 备注
    0.209 -17.0 6.240 -23.80 102.10 -66.90 93.30 间歇性
    0.210 -29.0 -5.000 -45.10 102.10 -66.90 93.30 间歇性
    0.213 -39.2 46.800 40.80 114.10 -22.70 73.70 单阀导通
    0.217 -46.2 1.600 20.80 115.60 -16.70 71.00 单阀导通
    0.220 -28.6 27.300 46.90 116.30 -14.00 69.76 单阀导通
    0.225 —20.7 -6.640 -9.16 115.60 -16.70 71.00 单阀导通
    0.230 -38.5 17.300 -5.90 118.20 -6.84 66.25 单阀导通
    0.233 -45.1 -2.800 -10.10 118.50 -5.69 65.70 单阀导通
    0.240 -25.0 1.550 0.58 120.15 0.00 62.87 单阀导通
    0.300 -37.1 -0.001 -3.98 137.10 - 28.07 单阀导通
    0.310 -37.1 0.000 -3.40 144.10 - 12.90 没阀导通

    Table 2.  Electrical quantity when the inverter side is locked Tab.2

    根据Ud>Uca判断是否有间歇性两阀导通,根据 判断是否有间歇性单阀导通。间歇性两阀导通时直流电压反极性快速上升,即幅值上升,单阀间歇性导通直流电压也反极性上升。而第五、六第九测点时刻直流电压反极性下降,即幅值下降,分析是因为直流线路电流震荡导致直流滤波器充放电而产生。按照正常运行的电流方向有IDfIdLN-IdCN为直流滤波器充电电流,其值为正则直流电压上升,反极性直流电压幅值相应减少;为负则直流电压下降,反极性直流电压幅值相应上升。

  • 对逆变侧阀组闭锁时的电气量变化分析后得到结论如下:第一阶段,电流由运行值降为零,电压幅值也下降,是两换流站间的直流滤波器电容及线路电容经逆变侧放电至阀截止时刻,剩余电荷呈现的电压。第二阶段,阀间歇性导通产生小电流,剩余电荷维持稳定的电压。第三阶段,从大触发角开始移相减少过程中,换流器的直流平均电压减少到小于外加电压时,出现阀导通的连续电流使电容放电,外加电压下降,电流的增量正比于两个直流电压之差,各量相互影响使电流由零上升到将近500 A再降为零,电压变为零又升到反向的几十千伏。第四阶段,类似开路电压试验工况,阀间歇性导通产生小电流,叠加线路震荡电流使电压从几十千伏到接近一百千伏波动,为避免出现过大的开路电压,触发角由90°又移相增加到164°。最后电流为零,电压稳定在几十千伏,阀有触发没有开通。


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