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Volume 6 Issue 2
Jul.  2020
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Kaiyun ZHENG. Supercritical CO2 Cycle Power System Integrated with Small Modular Reactor and Renewable Energy Source[J]. SOUTHERN ENERGY CONSTRUCTION, 2019, 6(2): 29-33. doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2019.02.005
Citation: Kaiyun ZHENG. Supercritical CO2 Cycle Power System Integrated with Small Modular Reactor and Renewable Energy Source[J]. SOUTHERN ENERGY CONSTRUCTION, 2019, 6(2): 29-33. doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2019.02.005

Supercritical CO2 Cycle Power System Integrated with Small Modular Reactor and Renewable Energy Source

doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2019.02.005
  • Received Date: 2018-07-25
  • Rev Recd Date: 2018-10-30
  • Publish Date: 2020-07-11
  •   [Introduction]  Because of the low temperature parameter, the power generation efficiency of the small modular PWR nuclear power plant is less than 30%.  [Method]  In order to improve the efficiency of the nuclear energy utilization, the small modular reactor can be combined with the renewable energy and the advanced supercritical CO2 cycle was used as the thermal energy conversion device. Based on a supercritical CO2 cycle with a simple regenerative mode, adding one intercooling and one reheating, a new hybrid power generation system was integrated with a small reactor and a solar energy source and a biomass energy source, and the efficiency of the power generation was analyzed.  [Result]  The results show that the power generation efficiency is 34.13% and 41.22% for the system with the inlet temperature of the high pressure turbine at 390 ℃ and 550 ℃, respectively. In addition, the analysis of the safety of the system shows that the CO2 itself has the nuclear safety property, and the supercritical CO2 cycle can also be used as the passive waste heat discharge system of the reactor to ensure that the reactor continuously exhaust the decay heat under the severe accident condition.  [Conclusion]  Supercritical CO2 cycle power system integrated with small modular reactor and renewable energy source has good power generation efficiency and nuclear safety.
  • [1] IAEA. Advances in small modular reactor technology developments [M]. Vienna:International Atomic Energy Agency,2014.
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  • 通讯作者: 陈斌, bchen63@163.com
    • 1. 

      沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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Supercritical CO2 Cycle Power System Integrated with Small Modular Reactor and Renewable Energy Source

doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2019.02.005

Abstract:   [Introduction]  Because of the low temperature parameter, the power generation efficiency of the small modular PWR nuclear power plant is less than 30%.  [Method]  In order to improve the efficiency of the nuclear energy utilization, the small modular reactor can be combined with the renewable energy and the advanced supercritical CO2 cycle was used as the thermal energy conversion device. Based on a supercritical CO2 cycle with a simple regenerative mode, adding one intercooling and one reheating, a new hybrid power generation system was integrated with a small reactor and a solar energy source and a biomass energy source, and the efficiency of the power generation was analyzed.  [Result]  The results show that the power generation efficiency is 34.13% and 41.22% for the system with the inlet temperature of the high pressure turbine at 390 ℃ and 550 ℃, respectively. In addition, the analysis of the safety of the system shows that the CO2 itself has the nuclear safety property, and the supercritical CO2 cycle can also be used as the passive waste heat discharge system of the reactor to ensure that the reactor continuously exhaust the decay heat under the severe accident condition.  [Conclusion]  Supercritical CO2 cycle power system integrated with small modular reactor and renewable energy source has good power generation efficiency and nuclear safety.

Kaiyun ZHENG. Supercritical CO2 Cycle Power System Integrated with Small Modular Reactor and Renewable Energy Source[J]. SOUTHERN ENERGY CONSTRUCTION, 2019, 6(2): 29-33. doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2019.02.005
Citation: Kaiyun ZHENG. Supercritical CO2 Cycle Power System Integrated with Small Modular Reactor and Renewable Energy Source[J]. SOUTHERN ENERGY CONSTRUCTION, 2019, 6(2): 29-33. doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2019.02.005
  • 当今世界正在经历一场能源革命,能源清洁低碳发展成为时代主题。我国在2016年底发布了《能源生产和消费革命战略(2016—2030)》,提出核能和可再生能源将持续增长,在2050年实现非化石能源占比超过一半。先进核能技术、可再生能源技术将在能源技术革命中扮演重要角色。

    在核电领域,虽然新一代的大型商用堆因成本优势不足,在近年来发展缓慢,但是,小型模块化反应堆(小型堆)发展迅速。小型堆有多种堆型,世界各国当前开发的小型堆包括:压水堆、高温气冷堆、钠冷快堆、铅铋冷却快堆等,其中绝大多数为压水堆,例如:NuScale(美国)、Westinghouse SMR(美国)、mPower(美国)、SMART(韩国)、CAREM-25(阿根廷)、VVER-300(俄罗斯)、ACP-100(中国)[1]。压水堆也是大型商用堆中最主要的堆型,技术成熟,安全性高,所以,以现有的大型压水堆为基础开发的小型压水堆技术趋于成熟,比较适合快速商业化。

    然而,压水堆二回路温度较低(约280 ℃),小型压水堆热电转换效率不到30%,大型压水堆核电站效率也只有33%左右。将小型堆与可再生能源(如:太阳能热、生物质燃烧热)相结合具有潜在的优势:一是温度等级有高低之分,便于梯级利用;二是热源容量相近,便于匹配。通过合适的动力循环系统,可将核能和可再生能源进行整合。近年来,超临界CO2循环成为热点,并且被认为具有诸多潜在优势。CO2的临界点为31 ℃/7.4 MPa,在温度和压力超过临界点时的状态为超临界态。CO2化学性质稳定、密度高、无毒性、低成本,循环系统简单、结构紧凑、效率高、可空冷,超临界CO2循环可以与各种热源组合成发电系统,在火力发电、核能发电、太阳能热发电、余热发电、地热发电、生物质发电等领域均具有良好的应用前景[2,3]


  • 总体上,超临界CO2循环发电系统以小型堆(二回路)和可再生能源作为热源,其中前者加热温度较低,作为低温段热源,后者加热温度较高,作为高温段热源。小型堆和可再生能源的热功率按照工程上常用设计,两者大小相互匹配。小型堆的热功率大多在50 MWt~300 MWt,可选配聚光太阳能集热器或生物质直燃锅炉与小型堆相结合。


    Figure 1.  Layout of supercritical carbon dioxide cycle based on small modular reactor and renewable energy

    Figure 2.  T-s diagram of supercritical carbon dioxide cycle based on small modular reactor and renewable energy



  • CO2工质的比热特征是小型堆与可再生能源两者可以结合的决定性条件,并使得两种热源在超临界CO2循环中温度对口、容量匹配。不同压力下工质的定压比热与温度的关系如图3所示:给定压力下,比热曲线在靠近临界点区域有一突出的大比热区,随着温度提高,比热趋于恒定,这一大比热区随着压力增大,其突出趋于缓和;给定温度下,在高温段,工质的压力越高,比热越大,但差别较小;在大比热区,不同压力下,工质比热曲线之间的差距非常大,利用这一比热特征,可将温度相对较低的小型堆热源与低温回热器联合使用,用于加热低温段的高压侧工质。可再生能源的温度等级较高,可仅用于加热从高温回热器高压侧出来的工质。

    Figure 3.  Relationship between specific heat at constant pressure and temperature for CO2 at various pressures

  • 针对图1所示的超临界CO2循环布置,基于小型堆与可再生能源的混合发电系统的效率分析分为两种情况:(1)高压透平进口温度为390 ℃,对应高温热源为槽式太阳能聚光集热系统;(2)高压透平进口温度为550 ℃,对应高温热源为塔式太阳能聚光集热系统或生物质直燃锅炉。循环热效率(ηt)定义为净输出功与二回路换热器和可再生能源加热器输入热量之比,即:




    参 数 参数取值
    净输出电功率/MWe 100
    可再生能源加热器CO2侧热端温度(高压透平入口温度)/ ℃ 390、550
    高压透平入口压力/MPa 20
    高压透平出口压力/MPa 12
    低压透平出口压力/MPa 6
    预压缩机出口压力/MPa 8.5
    预冷器出口温度/ ℃ 35
    间冷器出口温度/ ℃ 35
    压缩机等熵效率/% 85
    透平等熵效率/% 90
    透平和压缩机机械效率/% 99
    发电机效率/% 98.5
    回热器最小温差/ ℃ 8
    二回路换热器CO2侧热端温度/ ℃ 280
    各个换热器压损/MPa 0.15
    预冷器压损/MPa 0.05
    间冷器压损/MPa 0.1
    辅助设备用电/% 0.5
    管道压损、散热、漏气及其它可能的损失/% 0.1

    Table 1.  Parameters for supercritical CO2 cycle

    两种情况的系统效率分析结果如表2所示,计算过程中须调整进入二回路换热器的CO2工质流量比例(分流比)直至二回路换热器和低温回热器热端出口的CO2工质温度均达到280 ℃。对于高压透平入口温度390 ℃的系统,系统发电效率34.13%,对于高压透平入口温度550 ℃的系统,系统发电效率41.22%。可见,超临界CO2循环系统有较高的效率,通过将小型堆与可再生能源相结合运行,使得小型堆输出的热能可以按远高于其独立运行的效率转变为电能。超临界CO2循环还可以通过循环布置优化、设备性能改进进一步挖掘效率潜力,例如:提高回热器效率,使最小温差降至5 ℃以下,并减少压损,循环效率可显著提高[7]

    计算结果 高压透平入口温度
    390 ℃ 550 ℃
    分流比 0.34 0.34
    小型堆输入热功率/MWt 125.05 91.48
    可再生能源输入热功率/MWt 167.95 151.10
    循环发电效率/% 34.13 41.22

    Table 2.  Efficiency analysis results of supercritical CO2 cycle

  • CO2是一种无色无味、不可燃的化合物,其化学性质稳定、无毒性,在化工、医药、食品等工业领域具有广泛的应用,并用于制作灭火器。CO2除了具备常规工业和生活中的安全性以外,在核电领域,CO2已通过工程应用证实是一种安全的一回路冷却剂[8],历史上,英国曾建造一批CO2冷却的石墨气冷堆(镁诺克斯反应堆),并在核电站的发展中占领先地位,后来由于轻水堆的发展,逐渐退出历史舞台。近年来,以超临界CO2为工质的动力循环成为国际上广泛关注的焦点,这一循环与第四代核反应堆(超临界水堆除外)具有绝佳的组合优势[9],一方面是具有更高的热效率,另一方面是具有更好的安全性,例如:在钠冷快堆中,可避免钠水反应。


  • 本文对集成小型堆和可再生能源的超临界CO2循环发电系统的效率和安全性进行了分析和研究,主要结论如下:

    1)将小型堆与太阳能、生物质能热源集成,对于高压透平入口温度390 ℃的系统,发电效率34.13%,对于高压透平入口温度550 ℃的系统,发电效率41.22%,系统效率比单纯的小型堆发电系统显著提高,并且机组出力提高,与太阳能结合,其负荷稳定性比单纯的太阳能聚光集热发电系统大幅提高。



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