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Volume 6 Issue 3
Jul.  2020
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Cong LUO, Xinping LIU. Analysis of Optimal Excess Air Ratio Under Ultra Low Load Conditions[J]. SOUTHERN ENERGY CONSTRUCTION, 2019, 6(3): 81-86. doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2019.03.014
Citation: Cong LUO, Xinping LIU. Analysis of Optimal Excess Air Ratio Under Ultra Low Load Conditions[J]. SOUTHERN ENERGY CONSTRUCTION, 2019, 6(3): 81-86. doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2019.03.014

Analysis of Optimal Excess Air Ratio Under Ultra Low Load Conditions

doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2019.03.014
  • Received Date: 2018-11-11
  • Rev Recd Date: 2019-01-04
  • Publish Date: 2020-07-11
  •   [Introduction]  In order to analyze the influence of excess air coefficient on the combustion stability of the furnace under the ultra-low load operation conditions of the thermal power unit, the unit is better guided to participate in peak shaving.  [Method]  In this paper, through in-depth analysis of boiler operation and heat transfer mechanism in the furnace, the combustion temperature of the furnace was characterized by the outlet temperature of the furnace, and as the index of combustion stability, the furnace exit smoke temperature model was built in MATLAB/SIMULINK. Taking a 300 MW thermal power generating unit as an example, the paper first selected several typical operating conditions. Then the similarity solving method was used to calculate the furnace exit smoke temperature and compare with the design data given by the boiler manufacturer. Finally the test calculation method was basically correct and then substituted into ultra-low load operation parameters which calculated the furnace exit smoke temperature corresponding to different excess air coefficients under deep peaking conditions.  [Result]  The simulation results show that the model calculates the furnace temperature and the design data given by the boiler manufacturer. The calculation error is less than ±15°C, and the calculation method is basically correct. It can be applied to the calculation of ultra-low load conditions.  [Conclusion]  As the load is reduced, the optimum excess air ratio that maximizes the flue gas temperature at the exit of the furnace is gradually increased. Therefore, under the condition of ultra-low load operation, the excess air coefficient can be appropriately increased within a certain range to increase the flue temperature of the furnace outlet, thereby improving the stability of the combustion of the boiler, and when the excess air ratio is less than 2.0, the value is higher, the temperature is higher.
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  • 通讯作者: 陈斌, bchen63@163.com
    • 1. 

      沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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Analysis of Optimal Excess Air Ratio Under Ultra Low Load Conditions

doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2019.03.014

Abstract:   [Introduction]  In order to analyze the influence of excess air coefficient on the combustion stability of the furnace under the ultra-low load operation conditions of the thermal power unit, the unit is better guided to participate in peak shaving.  [Method]  In this paper, through in-depth analysis of boiler operation and heat transfer mechanism in the furnace, the combustion temperature of the furnace was characterized by the outlet temperature of the furnace, and as the index of combustion stability, the furnace exit smoke temperature model was built in MATLAB/SIMULINK. Taking a 300 MW thermal power generating unit as an example, the paper first selected several typical operating conditions. Then the similarity solving method was used to calculate the furnace exit smoke temperature and compare with the design data given by the boiler manufacturer. Finally the test calculation method was basically correct and then substituted into ultra-low load operation parameters which calculated the furnace exit smoke temperature corresponding to different excess air coefficients under deep peaking conditions.  [Result]  The simulation results show that the model calculates the furnace temperature and the design data given by the boiler manufacturer. The calculation error is less than ±15°C, and the calculation method is basically correct. It can be applied to the calculation of ultra-low load conditions.  [Conclusion]  As the load is reduced, the optimum excess air ratio that maximizes the flue gas temperature at the exit of the furnace is gradually increased. Therefore, under the condition of ultra-low load operation, the excess air coefficient can be appropriately increased within a certain range to increase the flue temperature of the furnace outlet, thereby improving the stability of the combustion of the boiler, and when the excess air ratio is less than 2.0, the value is higher, the temperature is higher.

Cong LUO, Xinping LIU. Analysis of Optimal Excess Air Ratio Under Ultra Low Load Conditions[J]. SOUTHERN ENERGY CONSTRUCTION, 2019, 6(3): 81-86. doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2019.03.014
Citation: Cong LUO, Xinping LIU. Analysis of Optimal Excess Air Ratio Under Ultra Low Load Conditions[J]. SOUTHERN ENERGY CONSTRUCTION, 2019, 6(3): 81-86. doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2019.03.014
  • 近年来新能源发电的并网装机容量保持着快速发展的势头,但在我国普遍缺少大规模储能装置的现状下,提高新能源消纳率的有效措施是对火电机组进行深调峰改造[1],使之安全稳定地运行在超低负荷工况下。火电机组超低负荷运行面临着许多问题如辅机单、双侧运行安全切换[2];锅炉脱硝系统因烟温降低难以正常工作[3];锅炉汽水系统循环倍率下降局部管道超温[4];汽轮机偏离设计工况运行金属热应力和缸体轴系膨胀状态变化[5]等,但最为关键的是如何提高超低负荷工况下锅炉燃烧的稳定性。




  • 炉膛出口烟温是锅炉炉膛内燃料燃烧,烟气的流动和烟气相工质传热等三个过程综合作用的结果,通过测量炉膛出口烟温,可以判断炉膛内上述三个过程是否正常,同时炉膛出口烟温是评价燃烧状况的重要指标,对于锅炉性能有直接的影响,炉膛出口烟温低说明炉内燃烧温度低,炉膛内燃料燃烧不充分[13,14]。燃料在锅炉炉膛内燃烧的平均温度介于理论燃烧温度和炉膛出口温度之间,工程上多采用炉膛出口烟温反映燃料燃烧平均温度。



















  • 以某300 MW亚临界机组为例进行分析,锅炉型号为DG1025/18.2-Ⅱ6,为亚临界参数、一次中间再热、自然循环单汽包、单炉膛、平衡通风,摆动燃烧器四角切圆燃烧,固态排渣煤粉炉,锅炉为全钢构架,全悬吊结构,紧身封闭,整体呈П型布置。锅炉采用由5台HP843型中速磨煤机冷一次风正压直吹式制粉系统,额定负荷下4台运行、1台备用;每台磨煤机出口由四根煤粉管道接至一层燃烧器。

    燃用煤种特性如表1所示,燃用煤种的低位发热量为20.06 MJ/kg,表中Mar、Aar、Car、Har、Oar、Nar和Sar分别为收到基水分、灰分、收到基碳、氢、氧、氮和硫所占的百分比。

    Mar Aar Car Har Oar Nar Sar
    7.00 24.26 53.28 3.45 10.44 0.84 0.69

    Table 1.  Coal quality analysis %


    锅炉参数 数值
    炉膛漏风系数 0.01
    制粉漏风系数 0.04
    冷风温度/ ℃ 20
    热风温度/ ℃ 360
    固体损失/% 1.5
    炉膛容积/m3 8 584.30
    飞灰份额 0.90
    炉膛过量空气系数 1.20
    炉宽/m 14.7
    炉深/m 13.7
    有效辐射受热面积/m2 3 390

    Table 2.  The basic parameters of the boiler


    Figure 1.  Furnace temperature comparison

    Figure 2.  Furnace exit smoke temperature calculation model


    虽然对于锅炉厂家的炉膛出口烟温的计算方法并不是十分清楚,但是对比MATLAB环境下搭建炉膛出口烟温计算模型所得炉温,其炉温差可以控制在±15 ℃之内,由此可以验证这一套计算方法适用于超低负荷工况下炉膛出口烟温的计算。

  • 从运行规程中可知锅炉运行的最低工况为35%THA工况,此工况下锅炉机组的设计参数如表3所示:

    项 目 数值
    过热蒸汽流量/(t·h-1) 406
    过热蒸汽出口压力/MPa.g 9.49
    过热蒸汽出口温度/ ℃ 541
    再热蒸汽流量/(t·h-1) 357.4
    再热蒸汽进口压力/MPa.g 1.46
    再热蒸汽出口压力/MPa.g 1.38
    再热蒸汽进口温度/ ℃ 314
    再热蒸汽出口温度/ ℃ 527
    给水温度/ ℃ 220
    汽包压力/MPa.g 9.89
    汽包饱和蒸汽温度/ ℃ 311

    Table 3.  Basic parameters of boiler under minimum design load conditions


    项 目 数值
    一次风速/(m·s-1) 20
    一次风温/ ℃ 70
    二次风速/(m·s-1) 48.95
    二次风温/ ℃ 341
    燃烧器层数/层 2
    给煤器流量/(kg·s-1) 7.5
    炉膛出口烟温/ ℃ 801

    Table 4.  Minimum design load thermal calculation

  • 已知锅炉运行的最低稳燃负荷,用此MATLAB仿真模型进行超低负荷工况下不同过量空气系数对应炉膛出口烟温计算,以20%THA和30%THA工况下为例做出炉温随过量空气系数变化曲线如图3所示。

    Figure 3.  Furnace temperature changes with excess air ratio under ultra-low load conditions


    Figure 4.  Change of furnace temperature with excess air coefficient under normal load conditions


  • 本文给出了炉膛出口烟温计算的相似性原理及其求解方法,并根据锅炉运行机理,建立了某300 MW火电机组炉膛出口烟温计算模型。利用该模型对超低负荷工况下炉膛出口烟温随机组负荷、过量空气系数变化的动态特性进行仿真,得到如下结论:

    1)通过与机组变负荷工况下炉膛出口烟温的测量数据进行,本文建立的炉膛出口烟温模型误差在±15 ℃,具有较高的准确度。



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