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LI Shuncai, LI Jiangfeng, LIU Xin, ZHANG Hongbo. Discussion on Tsunami Protection of Coastal Nuclear Power Plantin China[J]. SOUTHERN ENERGY CONSTRUCTION, 2019, 6(4): 118-122. doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2019.04.019
Citation: LI Shuncai, LI Jiangfeng, LIU Xin, ZHANG Hongbo. Discussion on Tsunami Protection of Coastal Nuclear Power Plantin China[J]. SOUTHERN ENERGY CONSTRUCTION, 2019, 6(4): 118-122. doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2019.04.019

Discussion on Tsunami Protection of Coastal Nuclear Power Plantin China

doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2019.04.019
  • Received Date: 2019-01-29
  • Rev Recd Date: 2019-06-10
  • Publish Date: 2020-07-11
  •   [Introduction]  Most of the nuclear power plants under construction and operation in China are coastal sites. According to the previous observation data and analysis, storm surge is the dominant condition in flood control design. There are few research results on tsunami, and there is a lack of engineering experience in the protection methods of structures against tsunami. After the Fukushima nuclear accident, the impact of the tsunami on the safety of nuclear power plants has been widely concerned by nuclear safety supervision, nuclear power practitioners and the public. In China, the tsunami protection level of nuclear power plants in operation has also been reviewed.  [Method]  Based on the characteristics of tsunami and taking a nuclear power plant in coastal China as an example, this paper carried out the tsunami protection review of nuclear power plant through the physical model test research of tsunami wave.  [Result]  The model test results show that under the action of tsunami wave, the level elevation of coastal nuclear power plants built in China is adequate for offshore tsunami protection.  [Conclusion]  Combining with the existing flood control measures in the sea area, further consideration should be given to the protection against possible earthquake and tsunami in Manila and Ryukyu trenches in order to increase the safety margin in the design of the subsequent newly built coastal nuclear power plant in the light of site conditions.
  • [1] 姚远,蔡树群,王盛安. 海啸波数值模拟的研究现状 [J]. 海洋科学进展,2007(4):487-494.

    YAO Y,CAI S Q,WANG S A. Present status of study on numerical simulation of tsunami wave [J]. Advances in Marine Science,2007(4):487-494.
    [2] 温燕玲,朱元清. 海啸传播模型与数值模拟研究进展 [J]. 地震地磁观测与研究,2007(5):143-149.

    WEN Y L,ZHU Y Q. The research progress of tsunami propagation models and numerical simulation [J]. Seismological and Geomagnetic Observation and Research,2007(5):143-149.
    [3] 张超凡,石耀霖. 海啸灾害的数值模拟研究 [J]. 中国科学院研究生院学报,2008(3):289-296.

    ZHANG C F,SHI Y L. Numerical simulation research on tsunami hazards [J]. Journal of the Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Sciences,2008(3):289-296.
    [4] 郭耀武,刘鑫,温洪涌. 海啸对我国滨海核电厂厂坪标高的影响 [J]. 科技创新导报,2015,23(1):97-98.

    GUO Y W,LIU X,WEN H Y. The impact of tsunami on the elevation of coastal nuclear power plant in China [J]. Technological Innovation,2015,23(1):97-98.
    [5] 中广核工程有限公司. 核电厂海啸防护工程设计与措施研究报告 [R]. 深圳:深圳中广核工程设计有限公司,2014:58.

    CGN Engineering Co., Ltd. The research report on the engineering design and measures of the tsunami protection in the nuclear power plants [R]. Shenzhen:China Nuclear Power Design Co., Ltd(Shenzhen),2014:58.
    [6] 常向东,周本刚. 我国沿海核电厂地震海啸影响分析 [J]. 核安全,2011,4(4):45-51.

    CHANG X D,ZHOU B G. Analysis about tsunami effect on nuclear power plant in coast of China [J]. Nuclear Safety,2011,4(4):45-49.
  • 通讯作者: 陈斌, bchen63@163.com
    • 1. 

      沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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Discussion on Tsunami Protection of Coastal Nuclear Power Plantin China

doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2019.04.019

Abstract:   [Introduction]  Most of the nuclear power plants under construction and operation in China are coastal sites. According to the previous observation data and analysis, storm surge is the dominant condition in flood control design. There are few research results on tsunami, and there is a lack of engineering experience in the protection methods of structures against tsunami. After the Fukushima nuclear accident, the impact of the tsunami on the safety of nuclear power plants has been widely concerned by nuclear safety supervision, nuclear power practitioners and the public. In China, the tsunami protection level of nuclear power plants in operation has also been reviewed.  [Method]  Based on the characteristics of tsunami and taking a nuclear power plant in coastal China as an example, this paper carried out the tsunami protection review of nuclear power plant through the physical model test research of tsunami wave.  [Result]  The model test results show that under the action of tsunami wave, the level elevation of coastal nuclear power plants built in China is adequate for offshore tsunami protection.  [Conclusion]  Combining with the existing flood control measures in the sea area, further consideration should be given to the protection against possible earthquake and tsunami in Manila and Ryukyu trenches in order to increase the safety margin in the design of the subsequent newly built coastal nuclear power plant in the light of site conditions.

LI Shuncai, LI Jiangfeng, LIU Xin, ZHANG Hongbo. Discussion on Tsunami Protection of Coastal Nuclear Power Plantin China[J]. SOUTHERN ENERGY CONSTRUCTION, 2019, 6(4): 118-122. doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2019.04.019
Citation: LI Shuncai, LI Jiangfeng, LIU Xin, ZHANG Hongbo. Discussion on Tsunami Protection of Coastal Nuclear Power Plantin China[J]. SOUTHERN ENERGY CONSTRUCTION, 2019, 6(4): 118-122. doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2019.04.019
  • 2011年3月11日,日本福岛第一核电站以东140 km海域发生9.0级大地震,并由此引发了海啸,导致该核电站放射性物质泄漏事故,造成了大量放射性物质向环境释放,对公众安全产生极大的危害,并引发了巨大的环境与生态灾难。福岛核事故对全球核电业界产生了强烈影响,并引发了核电业者与公众对滨海核电厂海啸防护及海啸对核安全的普遍关注。我国滨海核电厂的海啸防护及海啸对核安全的影响,也受到了核电从业者及公众的广泛关注。


  • 海啸是一种具有强破坏力的海浪,在许多西方语言中称为“tsunami”,在1963年的国际科学会议上正式列入国际术语。目前人类对地震、火山、海啸等突如其来的灾变,只能通过观察、预测来预防或减少它们所造成的损失,但无法阻止它们的发生。



    Figure 1.  Tsunami and normal wave parameters



    Figure 2.  Illustration of difference between tsunami and normal wave

  • 核电厂防波堤和护岸的破坏类型非常多,但一般在单个风暴潮或海啸周期内产生冲击而导致的破坏,且易发生后方水淹的情况通常有以下几种:




  • 在日本福岛事故后,为快速复核在建、在役核电厂海工构筑物在海啸灾害下的安全性问题,广核集团组织开展了系列海啸物理模型试验工作。本文以广东某滨海核电厂为例,对复核过程和结果加以介绍。

    本案例海啸波幅使用马尼拉海沟的一个海啸源,将假想发生地震海啸情况下传播至厂址附近的可能最大波幅2.12 m作为输入,进行断面物理模型试验,对该核电厂海啸灾害下防波堤安全性进行验证。

  • 模型试验在无反射造波机试验断面水槽中进行,水槽的长、宽、高分别为68.0 m、1.0 m、1.6 m。造波机系统由造波板、伺服电机、造波机控制器、计算机控制系统和数据采集、分析系统组成。该系统可以在0.5~4.5 s的周期范围内模拟不同谱型的不规则波和特定形式的非线性波,本试验是在水槽中生成孤立波以模拟海啸,试验设备如图3所示。

    Figure 3.  Non-reflection irregular wave examination basin




  • 试验先采用了厂址的最高天文潮、设计高水位和极端高水位与海啸源传播至厂址附近2.12 m的波幅进行了组合。但由于波幅较小,冲击作用不明显,爬高也仅至8.5 m处,为更好的观察海啸波与构筑物作用现象和研究防波堤抵抗海啸能力,所以又假想了2个更大的海啸波幅与极端高水位进行组合,整个试验共5个工况[1],组合方式如表1所示。

    工况 组合水位/m 海啸波幅/m
    1 最高天文潮1.71 可能最大海啸波幅2.12
    2 设计高水位3.40 可能最大海啸波幅2.12
    3 极端高水位4.34 可能最大海啸波幅2.12
    4 极端高水位4.34 1.5倍可能最大海啸波幅3.18
    5 极端高水位4.34 2倍可能最大海啸波幅4.24

    Table 1.  Tested water level and wave amplitude combinations

  • 1)模型设计





    模型中的护面块体采用水泥、砂子、铁粉浇制而成,防浪胸墙采用水泥和砂石浇注预制。根据《波浪模型试验规程》的要求,护面块体、防浪胸墙的模型几何尺寸允许偏差控制在±1.0 mm以内,重量允许偏差小于±3%。


    Figure 4.  Flood bank examination model

  • 1)通过现场目测和钢尺量测的方法观测结构物稳定情况,包括堤身整体稳定性和挡浪墙与护面块体局部稳定性等。



    Figure 5.  Configuration of pressure sensors

  • 1)断面稳定性



    2.12 m海啸波组合最高天文潮水位1.71 m水位下,波浪爬坡至6.45 m高程处,上朔水体随后回落;组合设计高水位3.40 m水位下,波浪爬至7.82 m;组合极端高水位4.34 m,波浪继续爬坡至8.83 m,均未越至护坡肩台上。

    3.18 m海啸波与极端高水位4.34 m组合作用时,波浪依然未爬至前坡肩台处,水体最高达到11.06 m高程处。

    4.24 m海啸波与极端高水位4.34 m组合作用时,波浪经过斜坡水体上朔最高爬至肩角处,并有少量水体溅落在肩台上,但并未到达挡浪墙处,未发生越浪。

  • 海啸、风暴潮、假潮等洪水是影响滨海核电厂布置的重要因素,核安全导则中《滨海核电厂厂址设计基准洪水的确定》专门对核电厂防洪提出了具体要求。根据海啸波的特点,其与常规的潮汐和波浪在传播时类似,通过合理的防洪构筑物布置可以有效避免或减轻海啸对核电厂的危害,保证核电厂的安全营运。

  • 核电厂防洪高程[3]计算如图6所示。

    Figure 6.  Illustration of calculation of nuclear power plant ground level


    核电厂名称 设计基准洪水(DBF) 厂坪标高
    山东某核电厂 7.96 (波浪) 8.40
    福建某核电厂(1) 8.85 9.50
    福建某核电厂(2) 8.58 11.00
    广东某核电厂(1) 7.58 8.50
    广东某核电厂(2) 6.87 8.50

    Table 2.  Chinese nuclear power plants ground level and flood protection design basis m


  • 经过2011年日本福岛事故后,通过开展模型试验,假设马尼拉、琉球海沟可能产生的地震海啸对滨海核电厂进行了防洪符合验证,相关数据如表3所示[4]

    厂址名称 可能最大风暴潮 2011年以前考虑可能最大海啸 2011年后马尼拉、琉球海沟可能最大海啸复核
    山东某核电厂 3.96 0.23 0.09
    福建某核电厂(1) 4.37 <0.50 0.42
    福建某核电厂(2) 5.12 <0.50 0.49
    广东某核电厂(1) 5.23 2.41 1.53
    广东某核电厂(2) 5.19 1.16 2.12

    Table 3.  Historic data of Chinese sites tsunami and storm tide level m


  • 我国核电厂除了在厂坪标高选取中留有裕度外,还会通过设置防洪的护岸及防波堤进行防护[5,6]。下面是几种常见的海工构筑物布置方式如图7所示。

    Figure 7.  Common configuration of flood bank


  • 结合海啸破坏的特点,结合模型试验对我国滨海典型核电厂的研究,对我国滨海核电厂海啸防护开展分析,结论如下:




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