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Volume 6 Issue 4
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BAI Qiang, WU Haiyang, YE Aimin. Bearing Capacity Study of Flexible Tower Base Plate with Eight Anchor Bolts[J]. SOUTHERN ENERGY CONSTRUCTION, 2019, 6(4): 123-130. doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2019.04.020
Citation: BAI Qiang, WU Haiyang, YE Aimin. Bearing Capacity Study of Flexible Tower Base Plate with Eight Anchor Bolts[J]. SOUTHERN ENERGY CONSTRUCTION, 2019, 6(4): 123-130. doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2019.04.020

Bearing Capacity Study of Flexible Tower Base Plate with Eight Anchor Bolts

doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2019.04.020
  • Received Date: 2018-06-14
  • Rev Recd Date: 2019-05-08
  • Publish Date: 2020-07-11
  •   [Introduction]  The transmission line load which applied on tower become lager and lager. In order to bearing the reaction, the flexible tower base plate with eight anchor bolts which used to connect the tower leg and foundation had been adopted commonly. But there isn′t any method to design this member in relative specification, so it is necessary to study the bearing capacity of base plate.  [Method]  This paper analyzed the bearing capacity by classical mechanics theory, finite element and full size experiment.  [Result]  Studies have shown that the stress of the base plate is unevenly distributed under tension force.  [Conclusion]  A new formula has been proposed. This formula has the reference value when design in project.
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    General Administration of Quality Supervision,Inspection and Quarantine,General Administration of Quality Supervision Inspection and Quarantine, Standardization Administration of China. High strength low alloy structural steel: GB/T 1591—2008 [S]. Beijing:China Standard Press. 2008.
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  • 通讯作者: 陈斌, bchen63@163.com
    • 1. 

      沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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Bearing Capacity Study of Flexible Tower Base Plate with Eight Anchor Bolts

doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2019.04.020

Abstract:   [Introduction]  The transmission line load which applied on tower become lager and lager. In order to bearing the reaction, the flexible tower base plate with eight anchor bolts which used to connect the tower leg and foundation had been adopted commonly. But there isn′t any method to design this member in relative specification, so it is necessary to study the bearing capacity of base plate.  [Method]  This paper analyzed the bearing capacity by classical mechanics theory, finite element and full size experiment.  [Result]  Studies have shown that the stress of the base plate is unevenly distributed under tension force.  [Conclusion]  A new formula has been proposed. This formula has the reference value when design in project.

BAI Qiang, WU Haiyang, YE Aimin. Bearing Capacity Study of Flexible Tower Base Plate with Eight Anchor Bolts[J]. SOUTHERN ENERGY CONSTRUCTION, 2019, 6(4): 123-130. doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2019.04.020
Citation: BAI Qiang, WU Haiyang, YE Aimin. Bearing Capacity Study of Flexible Tower Base Plate with Eight Anchor Bolts[J]. SOUTHERN ENERGY CONSTRUCTION, 2019, 6(4): 123-130. doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2019.04.020
  • 随着近年来电力输送容量的不断增加,特高压和同塔多回路输电线路发展迅速,荷载的不断增大对铁塔与基础之间的连接承载力要求也更高,工程中使用最为普遍的八地脚螺栓塔座板形式如图1所示,本文定义为八地脚螺栓柔性塔座板。它的主要特点是每两颗地脚螺栓共用一个区格,由塔腿靴板和加劲板组成区格的四边支撑,并且为了节约材料,采用四边切角。该塔座板型式由于具有加劲板较少,焊接工作量少,方便安装等优点,在实际工程中很受欢迎。


  • 为了研究底板的极限承载力和破坏机理,主要针对底板的厚度和几何尺寸进行系列试验。试验方案共设计了9组不同塔座板试件进行试验研究,如表1所示。试验加载装置如图2所示。

    Figure 2.  Loading device

    序号 厚度t/mm S/mm S1/mm L/mm 座板总宽度/mm 地脚螺栓直径/mm 靴板厚/mm 靴板高/mm 加劲板厚/mm 加劲板高/mm
    R1 28 80 100 95 550 36 12 250 8 140
    R2 22 80 160 95 670 42 12 250 8 140
    R3 20 80 160 95 670 42 14 250 8 140
    R4 36 100 120 115 670 42 14 250 8 140
    R5 32 100 120 115 670 36 14 250 8 140
    R6 28 100 120 115 670 42 14 250 8 140
    R7 40 100 120 115 670 42 14 250 8 140
    R8 28 120 140 135 790 42 12 250 8 140
    R9 32 120 140 135 790 42 14 250 8 140
    合计: R2R3各1个,其余每组3个试件,共23个试件。

    Table 1.  Test list of flexible tower base plate with eight anchor bolts

  • 本次试验采用Q345板材制作试件,钢材名义屈服强度为345 MPa。拉伸试样来自制作试件的母材,每根母材制作1个拉伸试样进行材性试验。材性试验结果如表2所示。

    构件编号 试件编号 E /GPa fy /MPa fu /MPa ε/%
    R1,R6,R8 8 216.816 13 352.10 566.49 0.34
    R2 10 217.170 51 357.12 564.55 0.35
    R3,R7 12 214.619 93 358.38 587.37 0.34
    R4 13 221.059 75 333.13 547.85 0.34
    R5,R9 14 214.043 52 336.85 558.28 0.33

    Table 2.  Result of material characteristic test

  • 试验加载方案采用单调静力加载,通过初步的数值模拟预估极限承载力,预加载大小取预估极限荷载的10%。加载的具体方案如图3所示:

    Figure 3.  Loading scheme


    Figure 4.  Strain gage placement of flexible tower base plate with eight anchor bolts

  • 试验现象和应变-荷载曲线图如图5图6所示,由图可知,底板的最大位移发生在构件中心;当构件的区格宽度与厚度比值较大时,底板刚度相对较小,此种情况下底板发生了挠曲现象。

    Figure 5.  The destroy picture of test specimen

    Figure 6.  The strain and load diagram of specime


    本次试验的承载力确定方法如下[4]:承载力为位移-荷载曲线中(如图7所示)屈服阶段的水平切线与弹性阶段的切线交点。当交点所对应的板中心挠度大于或等于1.5 mm时,承载力取1.5 mm所对应的荷载值,由此确定的试验承载力如表3所示。由表3可知,试验所得的极限承载力普遍比采用《技术规定》(2012)中的7.5.2-3公式的计算值要高,差值最高达到5.2倍。主要原因在于《技术规定》中的公式主要针对两边支撑的情况,因此计算结果偏于保守。

    Figure 7.  Typical displacement-load curve

    序号 试验值极限承载力Pt2/kN 《技术规定》 (2012)计算值Pa/kN Pt2/Pa
    R1 >3 350 1 144 >2.93
    R2 >2 850 6 48 >4.40
    R3 2 800 5 37 5.21
    R4 3 020 1 586 1.90
    R5 >3 080 1 411 >2.18
    R6 3 000 1 129 2.66
    R7 >3 100 2 106 >1.47
    R8 2 207 1 118 1.97
    R9 2 600 1 397 1.86

    Table 3.  Bearing capacity compare between experiment and DLT

  • 由于试验样本有限,为了进一步探究八地脚螺栓塔座板的破坏机理,建立了大量的有限模型进行分析。模型采用采用SHELL 181壳单元,材料本构关系采用多线性随动强化模型,屈服强度和抗拉极限值依据材性试验值取用。

    数值分析得到的Von mises应力图和底板中心位移-荷载曲线图如图8图9所示。

    Figure 8.  Von mises stress diagram

    Figure 9.  The displacement-load curve compare between experiment and finite element analysis of R9


    为了研究塔座板布置形式和各部件尺寸对其承载力的影响,采用有限元进行参数化分析[5,6,7] ,分析结果如图10图11图12图13图14所示。

    Figure 10.  The influence of base plate thickness on bearing capacity

    Figure 11.  The influence of S1 on bearing capacity(S=80 mm)

    Figure 12.  The influence of S on bearing capacity(S1=160 mm)

    Figure 13.  The influence of stiffening plate thicknesson bearing capacity

    Figure 14.  The influence of stiffening plate length on bearing capacity



    2)承载力随着S1的变化成抛物线变化规律,即S1过小或者过大均会降低承载力,通常螺栓垫板的边长为螺栓孔径的2.5倍,为了避免螺栓垫板相碰,要求S1>2.5d+10 mm,式中d为螺孔直径,单位mm。



  • 由上述分析可知,当底板宽度B与厚度t的比值较大时,底板相对较柔,底板中心位移达到破坏标准时构件强度尚未达到屈服;反之,当B/t较小时,底板刚度较刚,当荷载加载到一定程度时,底板材料发生局部屈服,底板中心位移较小。上述两种破坏模式简称为位移控制和强度控制两种破坏模式。不同B/t情况下八地脚螺栓柔性塔座板的极限荷载对应的位移如表4所示,从表中可以看出,当B/t<33时,极限荷载下的底板最大位移不超过1.5 mm,承载力由强度控制。

    极限荷载所对应的位移/mm B/t
    1.17 30.5
    1.24 30.6
    1.08 32.5
    1.49 32.9
    1.54 33.5
    1.66 34.4
    3.40 35.9
    1.74 37.9

    Table 4.  The displacement under ultimate load of different B/t

    试验极限承载力与有限元模拟的极限承载力值对比如表5所示,由表可知试验值远高于有限元模拟值,且试验极限承载力的对应中心位移最大为1.5 mm,主要由于加劲板对座板承载力的贡献,以及座板自身发挥其薄膜效应导致构件的过载能力很强。故本文以有限元极限承载力和试验极限承载力为基础数据进行建议公式的推导。

    序号 承载力试验值Pt2/kN 有限元极限承载力模拟值Pu/kN
    R1 >3 350 2 814
    R2 >2 850 1 999
    R3 2 800 1 310
    R4 3 020 1 988
    R5 >3 080 2 510
    R6 3 000 2 199
    R7 2 207 2 090
    R8 2 600 2 248

    Table 5.  The finite element analysis and experiment bearing capacity









    t≤16 mm时,λ=1.4;

    16 mm<t≤35 mm时,λ=1.45;

    35 mm<t≤50 mm时,λ=1.6;

    t>50 mm时,λ=1.7。

    根据有限元结果可以积分得到Mu,推算出计算力臂L=0.65 Y ,其中Yi为地脚螺栓中心至最近靴板的垂直距离。


  • 《技术规定》(2012)没有给出关于8地螺柔性塔座板的计算公式,暂按照两边支撑参照其中的7.5.2-3式得到承载力计算值,并与极限承载力试验值、有限元模拟值、和推荐方法计算值进行对比,如表6所示。

    序号 承载力试验值 有限元模拟值 《技术规定》(2012)计算值Pa 推荐公式计算值Pj2
    Pt2/kN Pu/kN Pa/kN Pj2/kN
    R1 >3 350 2 814 1 144 1 997
    R2 >2 850 1 999 648 1 354
    R3 2 800 1 310 537 1 123
    R4 3 020 1 988 1 586 2 681
    R5 >3 080 2 510 1 411 2 161
    R6 3 000 2 199 1 129 1 729
    R7 2 207 2 090 1 118 1 546
    R8 2 600 2 248 1 397 1 931

    Table 6.  The bearing capacity compare of flexible tower base plate under different method


  • 结合经典力学理论、试验结果和有限元分析提出了一种全新的八地脚螺栓柔性塔座板抗拉承载力计公式。主要结论如下:

    Figure 15.  The bearing capacity under different calculating method





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