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Volume 7 Issue 1
Mar.  2020
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Yuan YANG, Xi YANG, Shaoyong WANG, Jiangping TAN, Liang CHEN. Scheme Design of Intelligent Vessel Dispatching and Personnel Management System for Offshore Wind Farm[J]. SOUTHERN ENERGY CONSTRUCTION, 2020, 7(1): 47-52. doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2020.01.007
Citation: Yuan YANG, Xi YANG, Shaoyong WANG, Jiangping TAN, Liang CHEN. Scheme Design of Intelligent Vessel Dispatching and Personnel Management System for Offshore Wind Farm[J]. SOUTHERN ENERGY CONSTRUCTION, 2020, 7(1): 47-52. doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2020.01.007

Scheme Design of Intelligent Vessel Dispatching and Personnel Management System for Offshore Wind Farm

doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2020.01.007
  • Received Date: 2019-05-04
  • Rev Recd Date: 2019-08-15
  • Publish Date: 2020-03-25
  •   [Introduction]  As a new topic in the field of offshore wind farm, the management, command and dispatch of personnel and vessels is attracting significant interest. This paper introduces an intelligent vessel dispatching and personnel management system for offshore wind farm, which is first creation of its kind in China.  [Method]  It mainly included three aspects: (1) Efficient command and dispatch system. Efficient command and dispatch was achieved by very high frequency (VHF) marine intercom system, which realized steady intercom communications. The marine intercom system based on maritime high-frequency VHF can be achieved the steady intercom communications. With the automatic identification system (AIS) receiver and the maritime radio station, the identity information and geographical location of the surrounding vessels can be obtained. Meanwhile, the records of the vessels entering the warning zone can be archived and those vessels will also be interrogated. If any drowning staff was spotted, alerting signal would be immediately sent to the onshore command center; (2)The sea area real-time monitoring contained two parts. A far-infrared thermal imaging camera was used to realize remote monitoring for operating conditions of the wind farms. Meanwhile, two cameras and meteorological sensors were mounted on the anemometer tower, which could be used to monitor marine and surge conditions of the neighboring sea area of the wind farm; (3)An accurate marine weather forecasting sub-system was also adopted, which was capable of forecasting on-site environmental conditions such as wind speed, waves, and surges a week ahead. In addition, it can also realized tracking and forecasting of typhoon.  [Result]  The results suggest that the system is reliable and can realize effective management of personnel as well as vessels, and hence reduces the costs of construction, operation and maintenance concerning the offshore wind farm.  [Conclusion]  Therefore, the system plays an important role in enhancing the safety production management as well as improving the operation and maintenance efficiency of the offshore wind farm.
  • [1] 国家能源局. 风电场工程110 kV~220 kV海上升压变电站设计规范: NB/T 31115—2017 [S]. 北京:中国电力出版社,2017.

    National Energy Board.Code for 110 kV~220 kV offshore substation design of wind power projects: NB/T 31115—2017 [S]. Beijing:China Electric Power Press,2017.
    [2] 中华人民共和国住房和城乡建设部. 海上风力发电场设计规范: GB/T 51308-2019 [S]. 北京:中国计划出版社,2019.

    Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the People’s Republic of China. Design code for offshore wind farm: GB/T 51308-2019 [S]. Beijing:China Planning Press,2019.
    [3] DET NORSKE VERITAS. Automation, Safety and Telecommunication Systems: DNV-OS-D202 [S]. Oslo:Det Norske Veritas,2014.
    [4] 中国船级社. GMDSS范围船用无线电设备和电子导航设备通用要求: IMO A.694(17)决议 [S].伦敦:国际海事组织,2012.
    [5] 中国船级社.经修正的能进行通话和数字选择呼叫的船载VHF无线电装置性能标准: IMO A.803(19)决议 [S].伦敦:国际海事组织,2012.
    [6] 中国船级社.在GMDSS中使用的船载综合无线电通信系统(IRCS)性能标准:IMO A.811(19)决议 [S].伦敦:国际海事组织,2012.
    [7] 中国船级社.应急无线电设备自浮释放和启动装置性能标准:IMO A.662(16)决议 [S].伦敦:国际海事组织,2012.
    [8] 中国船级社. 用于搜救作业的自动识别系统搜救发送器 (AIS-SART)的性能标准: IMO MSC.246(83)决议 [S].伦敦:国际海事组织,2012.
    [9] 阳熹,杨源. 智慧型海上风电场一体化监控系统方案设计 [J].南方能源建设,2019,6(1):42-48.

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    [10] 张振,杨源,阳熹. 海上风电机组辅助监控系统方案设计 [J].南方能源建设,2019,6(1):55-60.

    ZHANG Z,YANG Y,YANG X. The design of offshore wind farm auxiliary monitoring system [J]. Southern Energy Construction,2019,6(1):55-60.
  • 通讯作者: 陈斌, bchen63@163.com
    • 1. 

      沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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Scheme Design of Intelligent Vessel Dispatching and Personnel Management System for Offshore Wind Farm

doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2020.01.007

Abstract:   [Introduction]  As a new topic in the field of offshore wind farm, the management, command and dispatch of personnel and vessels is attracting significant interest. This paper introduces an intelligent vessel dispatching and personnel management system for offshore wind farm, which is first creation of its kind in China.  [Method]  It mainly included three aspects: (1) Efficient command and dispatch system. Efficient command and dispatch was achieved by very high frequency (VHF) marine intercom system, which realized steady intercom communications. The marine intercom system based on maritime high-frequency VHF can be achieved the steady intercom communications. With the automatic identification system (AIS) receiver and the maritime radio station, the identity information and geographical location of the surrounding vessels can be obtained. Meanwhile, the records of the vessels entering the warning zone can be archived and those vessels will also be interrogated. If any drowning staff was spotted, alerting signal would be immediately sent to the onshore command center; (2)The sea area real-time monitoring contained two parts. A far-infrared thermal imaging camera was used to realize remote monitoring for operating conditions of the wind farms. Meanwhile, two cameras and meteorological sensors were mounted on the anemometer tower, which could be used to monitor marine and surge conditions of the neighboring sea area of the wind farm; (3)An accurate marine weather forecasting sub-system was also adopted, which was capable of forecasting on-site environmental conditions such as wind speed, waves, and surges a week ahead. In addition, it can also realized tracking and forecasting of typhoon.  [Result]  The results suggest that the system is reliable and can realize effective management of personnel as well as vessels, and hence reduces the costs of construction, operation and maintenance concerning the offshore wind farm.  [Conclusion]  Therefore, the system plays an important role in enhancing the safety production management as well as improving the operation and maintenance efficiency of the offshore wind farm.

Yuan YANG, Xi YANG, Shaoyong WANG, Jiangping TAN, Liang CHEN. Scheme Design of Intelligent Vessel Dispatching and Personnel Management System for Offshore Wind Farm[J]. SOUTHERN ENERGY CONSTRUCTION, 2020, 7(1): 47-52. doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2020.01.007
Citation: Yuan YANG, Xi YANG, Shaoyong WANG, Jiangping TAN, Liang CHEN. Scheme Design of Intelligent Vessel Dispatching and Personnel Management System for Offshore Wind Farm[J]. SOUTHERN ENERGY CONSTRUCTION, 2020, 7(1): 47-52. doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2020.01.007
  • 海上风电场工程施工、生产运行维护,受海洋气象环境的影响极大。建立一套行之有效、稳定可靠的智能船舶调度及人员管理系统,对海上风电场的生产安全管理和运维效率的提升,可起到重要的作用。如何全面统筹设计、施工、运营,对施工阶段和日后运维阶段的人员、船舶进行管理、指挥、调度,是海上风电领域的新课题[1,2]。因此,需要考虑海洋工程中的各个方面:(1)通信功能:人和船;(2)安全管理:人的安全、船的安全、工程设施的安全及相应的管理制度;(3)工程辅助信息如海洋气象信息、管理信息的获取及发布,并最终实现可视化管理。


  • 建立覆盖项目部、风电场海域的人船通信对讲设备,实现项目管理部与人、船通信的对讲[3,4,5] ,提高通信可靠率。





    Figure 1.  The marine intercom equipment for intelligent vessel dispatching and personnel management system

  • 参照相关规范及国内海工施工单位的工程经验,建立海上施工建议停工标准如表2所示:

    作业环境划分 停工标准 停工工序 备注
    台风 停工 所有工序 船舶停避风港
    雷暴 强雷暴 高空作业、吊装
    洋流 ≥2 m/s 船舶定位 定位精度控制
    风速 高于6级风(含6级) 高空作业、吊装 吊装安全限制
    雾日 能见度≤1 km 船舶运输 吊装安全要求
    雨水 降水量≥10 mm/d 高空作业、吊装 吊装安全要求

    Table 2.  The offshore wind power operation shutdown standard allocation table


    1)吊装塔筒和机舱时,10 min平均风速必须≤12 m/s;安装叶片时,10 min平均风速必须≤10 m/s。

    2)在风速≥12 m/s时,不准在机舱外工作;风速≥18 m/s时,禁止在机舱内工作。



  • 为了满足风电场海域与设施显示、风电场区域船舶动态监控和调度、人员位置信息监控、落水人员位置监控等功能,通过AIS接收机、监控主机、数据库服务器等,实现船只和人员的实时场景显示[6,7,8,9,10]






    Figure 2.  The real-time scene display of vessels and personnel at offshore wind farms


    序号 系统功能 备注
    1 基于AIS的船舶信息采集模块
    2 实用的面向区域的GIS模块
    2.1 地图放大、缩小、拖拽等基本功能
    2.2 社会船舶位置与信息显示功能 在地图上显示位置
    2.3 工作船舶位置与信息显示功能 在地图上显示位置
    2.4 落水人员位置与信息显示功能 系统监测到人员落水后发出告警信息
    2.5 升压站显示功能 在地图上显示位置
    2.6 海缆显示功能 在地图上显示位置
    2.7 人员位置与信息显示功能 显示工作人员的位置信息(工作船,升压站,风车),需结合人员信息系统数据
    2.8 系统状态显示功能 系统相应的监控及故障信息显示
    3 报警模块
    3.1 声音告警 运行本系统的计算机发出声音告警
    3.2 图像告警 运行本系统的计算机发出图像告警
    3.3 声音和光电告警 由系统外设发出相应告警
    3.4 短消息告警 由短消息服务器发出相应告警
    3.5 外部告警模块的测试功能 测试外部告警模块的可用性
    4 系统配置信息录入模块
    5 人员落水后的轨迹查询模块

    Table 3.  The real-time scene function of intelligent vessel scheduling and personnel management system

  • 高效指挥调度的流程图如图3所示:

    Figure 3.  The work flow of intelligent vessel scheduling and personnel management system



    然后基于风电场AIS设备、人员落水应急示位标装置,建立一套海上人员落水+船只全真场景的智能调度系统。实现对风电场海域、220 kV海缆安全范围内,对船舶进行实时位置跟踪功能,实现船舶资源的实时掌握,可实时对船只资源的调度优化,并确保人员的安全。

  • 陆上项目部办公楼距离海上风电场约11 km,在陆上项目部办公楼顶部安装一台具备透雾功能的远红外热成像摄像机,用于远程监控海上风电场内部的海域船只情况。

    图4所示:左边是远红外热成像摄像机,右边是其所拍摄的11 km外的海域图像。

    Figure 4.  The far-infrared thermal imaging camera and its image of the office department of the onshore project department

  • 测风塔上安装相应的传感器和设备,负责采集附近海域的风速、风向、温度、湿度、大气压力、雨量等实时数据的采集和提供。可视化风,浪涌,可见度监视系统,在测风塔适合位置设置摄像头,以视频的方式实时观测风、浪涌、可见度状态,为船舶、直升飞机调度提供参考。数据的回传采用微波的方式回传到陆上项目管理部。


    设备名称 单位 数量 备注 位置
    微波及天线 1 48 V(或220 V)/30 W 二层平台
    VHF中继台及天线(定向) 1 二层平台
    AIS及天线 1 二层平台
    扫海摄像头 2 快速球机 二层平台
    气象采集器和传感器 1 风浪可见度 一层平台
    设备箱 1 定制、隔热 一层平台
    太阳能电池 1 200 Ah 一层平台

    Table 4.  The list of equipment and devices adopted to the offshore an-emometer tower


    Figure 5.  Real-time sea state monitoring system for offshore wind farm


  • 根据海上风电场工程阶段和运维阶段的特点,精准气象服务的需求和功能如下:


    要素包括气压、2 m气温、海面10 m风、相对湿度、有效波高、风浪高、浪周期、涌浪方向、涌浪高、海表温度、降水量、能见度。





    要素预报图包括气压、2 m气温、海面10 m风、1 000 hPa相对湿度、有效波高、风浪高、涌向、涌浪高、海表温度、降水量、能见度。

    3 d以内以12 h为间隔,4~7 d以24 h为间隔。


    对有影响或距离较近但没有影响的台风进行预报,内容包括台风中心位置、中心气压、最大风速、移动方向、移动速度、七级风半径、10级风半径、24~72 h预报位置与强度等。

    图6所示:左边是气象要素预报区,右边是未来7 d的天气预报区。

    Figure 6.  Weather forecasting system for offshore wind farm




  • 本文建立了国内首个海上风电场智能船舶调度及人员管理系统,主要实现以下功能:





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