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Volume 7 Issue 2
Jun.  2020
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Zhanzi GAN, Yuming ZHANG. Numerical Simulation and Construction Control of Deep Foundation Pit Support Adjacent to Urban Rail Station[J]. SOUTHERN ENERGY CONSTRUCTION, 2020, 7(2): 141-147. doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2020.02.021
Citation: Zhanzi GAN, Yuming ZHANG. Numerical Simulation and Construction Control of Deep Foundation Pit Support Adjacent to Urban Rail Station[J]. SOUTHERN ENERGY CONSTRUCTION, 2020, 7(2): 141-147. doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2020.02.021

Numerical Simulation and Construction Control of Deep Foundation Pit Support Adjacent to Urban Rail Station

doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2020.02.021
  • Received Date: 2019-12-16
  • Rev Recd Date: 2020-02-21
  • Publish Date: 2020-06-25
  • Introduction Urban rail is the most important part of the integrated transportation system, which requires an extremely high degree of deformation control. For a long time, it is a key and difficult work that the adverse effects of bearing platform pile are avoided or reduced because of external operations adjacent to the deep foundation pit and the normal use and operation of the track structure is ensured.    Method   A deep foundation pit adjacent to Qianshan station of Guangzhou Zhuhai intercity rail transit was taken as an example, the difficulties, deformation requirements and many engineering problems encountered in the process of deep foundation pit excavation were analyzed by means of geotechnical test, numerical simulation, empirical analysis and field monitoring, the influence of deep foundation pit excavation on bearing platform pile and the deformation characteristics of deep foundation pit were studied.    Result   The research results show that: the deformation indexes of bearing platform pile of the urban rail station calculated and monitored actual are less than the allowable values, which meet the deformation requirements and construction control requirements of the bearing platform pile of the urban rail station; it is proved to be safe, reliable, scientific, reasonable and practical that the supporting scheme of the underground continuous wall + three internal supports and the other sections adopt the row pile + three internal supports; the construction control measures proposed effectively solve many engineering problems such as difficult construction control, strict deformation requirements and complex site conditions.    Conclusion   The reasonable support scheme, reliable numerical analysis, effective construction control measures and research methods and ideas in this paper can provide reference for similar engineering problems.
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  • 通讯作者: 陈斌, bchen63@163.com
    • 1. 

      沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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Numerical Simulation and Construction Control of Deep Foundation Pit Support Adjacent to Urban Rail Station

doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2020.02.021

Abstract:  Introduction Urban rail is the most important part of the integrated transportation system, which requires an extremely high degree of deformation control. For a long time, it is a key and difficult work that the adverse effects of bearing platform pile are avoided or reduced because of external operations adjacent to the deep foundation pit and the normal use and operation of the track structure is ensured.    Method   A deep foundation pit adjacent to Qianshan station of Guangzhou Zhuhai intercity rail transit was taken as an example, the difficulties, deformation requirements and many engineering problems encountered in the process of deep foundation pit excavation were analyzed by means of geotechnical test, numerical simulation, empirical analysis and field monitoring, the influence of deep foundation pit excavation on bearing platform pile and the deformation characteristics of deep foundation pit were studied.    Result   The research results show that: the deformation indexes of bearing platform pile of the urban rail station calculated and monitored actual are less than the allowable values, which meet the deformation requirements and construction control requirements of the bearing platform pile of the urban rail station; it is proved to be safe, reliable, scientific, reasonable and practical that the supporting scheme of the underground continuous wall + three internal supports and the other sections adopt the row pile + three internal supports; the construction control measures proposed effectively solve many engineering problems such as difficult construction control, strict deformation requirements and complex site conditions.    Conclusion   The reasonable support scheme, reliable numerical analysis, effective construction control measures and research methods and ideas in this paper can provide reference for similar engineering problems.

Zhanzi GAN, Yuming ZHANG. Numerical Simulation and Construction Control of Deep Foundation Pit Support Adjacent to Urban Rail Station[J]. SOUTHERN ENERGY CONSTRUCTION, 2020, 7(2): 141-147. doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2020.02.021
Citation: Zhanzi GAN, Yuming ZHANG. Numerical Simulation and Construction Control of Deep Foundation Pit Support Adjacent to Urban Rail Station[J]. SOUTHERN ENERGY CONSTRUCTION, 2020, 7(2): 141-147. doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2020.02.021
  • 城市轨道交通承担着巨大的运营量,是城市经济生活的命脉与生命线,其运营过程中的安全问题是重中之重,因此,为确保城市轨道运营绝对安全,沿线均设置有控制保护区,在保护区内进行的外部作业均应按相关规范要求,采取严格的控制措施[1]。然而,随着城市的发展,土地开发区域往往分布于轨道线路控制保护区内,在开发期间的诸多外部作业因素中,基坑开挖工程对轨道的影响尤为显著,与此同时,基坑自身的变形控制与稳定性问题亦显得尤为重要。因此,如何有效避免或减小基坑开挖对轨道承台桩变形的影响、控制基坑自身变形、保证基坑稳定性,是基坑支护结构设计过程中重点考虑和亟需解决的问题。



  • 拟建基坑面积约52 920 ㎡,周长约1 120 m,近似呈130 m×440 m的长方形,其中北侧长边平行于已营运的广珠城际轨道交通前山站展布(如图1所示),基坑开挖深度15.1 m,毗邻城轨塔楼的核心筒处自地表以下挖深20.5 m;基坑边线距离广珠城际线路中心距离为35.6 m,距离前山站高架桥边墩中心距离为15.5 m,距离前山站站房主体结构桩基中心距离为15.5 m,距离前山站站房自动扶梯边桩中心距离为7.1 m。

    Figure 1.  Relationship between foundation pit sideline and Qianshan light rail station and its surrounding environment

    广珠城轨前山车站范围高架桥孔跨为7~32 m四箱单室简支梁,11~18号桥墩均采用三柱门架墩,桥墩帽梁采用预应力混凝土帽梁,桥墩基础均采用钻孔灌注桩基础。广珠城际轨道设计时速为200 km/h,其性质与现有国铁一致,采用的是动车组列车,因此对基坑开挖变形控制要求极为严格,综合考虑桥顶容许变形量、墩柱、门架应力及桥高等因素后城轨管理方提出如下变形控制要求:门式桥墩承台水平位移不超过3 mm,沉降不超过2 mm;主体结构承台水平位移不超过4 mm,沉降不超过3 mm;楼梯承台水平位移不超过5 mm,沉降不超过3 mm。

  • 为控制基坑开挖的总变形量,减少对城轨站的影响,本基坑存在如下难点需在设计、建模及施工中解决[7]

    1)基坑开挖深度大、距离城轨近。基坑深度约15.1 m,电梯井处开挖最大深度达20.5 m,基坑开挖临空面与桥墩承台距离仅15.5 m、与楼梯距离最近仅7.1 m,需采取刚度较大的支护体系。

    2)长边平行城轨。基坑长边与城轨及城轨站平行,边长达422 m,基坑变形空间效应难以控制,应考虑分区开挖。

    3)支撑跨度大。最大支撑跨度达145.7 m,支撑体系刚度易衰减,且受力及变形受温度变化影响较大,需采取有效的温控措施。


  • 为模拟各基坑开挖工况、预估基坑开挖引起的变形量及对城轨的影响,采用数值模拟的方法对基坑支护体系进行了多方案模拟比选分析,最终选择经济相对合理且能满足城轨安全运营的变形要求的支护方案,即基坑毗邻城轨站段采用地下连续墙+内支撑,其余各段采用排桩+内支撑的支护方案[9]

  • 根据支护设计经验及专家论证,具体支护方案定为:毗邻城轨站段采用地下连续墙(厚1 200 mm)+三道内支撑,其余各段采用排桩(直径1 200 mm)+三道内支撑,第一、二两道为水平内支撑标高分别位于+1.7 m和-4.8 m处,第三道为斜内支撑,其反力墩处标高为-10.60 m。基坑支护断面及与轻轨站关系如图2所示。

    Figure 2.  Section of foundation pit support and its relationship with pier location of light rail station

  • 模型尺寸按实际工程规模建立,在充分考虑边界效应的基础上,模型各方向上(沿高架桥纵向、垂直高架桥方向、深度方向)的尺寸分别为10.9 m、135 m和80 m[10]。基坑开挖过程被分解成多个工况,分别模拟研究基坑开挖过程对前山站高架桥和车站站房桩基承台的影响。根据土工试验,数值模拟选取了合理的物理力学参数,岩土体材料本构模型采用修正的摩尔库伦模型,桩结构与土体之间接触采用桩接触单元进行处理,充分考虑了桩和桩周土体间的摩擦力[11]。数值计算模型和各道支撑布置见图3图4

    Figure 3.  Numerical calculation model

    Figure 4.  Support arrangement position of each track

  • 模型顶面为自由面,不加约束;模型四周(XY两个方向)施加水平力,任一点的水平力大小为竖向重力乘上侧压力系数;模型底部加竖向约束(辊支承)[12]

  • 根据土工试验,模型各岩土体的物理力学参数见表1,支护和支撑体系物理力学参数见表2。根据工程经验及实际情况,本构关系采用修正摩尔-库伦。

    强风化花岗岩325020.03001 2000.25修正摩尔-库伦

    Table 1.  Selection of physical and mechanical parameters and constitutive relations of rock and soil layers

    灌注桩/连续墙φ1 500/1 200C30混凝土弹性3.00×104
    第一道支撑1 100×1 200C40混凝土弹性3.25×104
    第二道支撑1 300×1 200C40混凝土弹性3.25×104
    第三道支撑1 000×1 000C40混凝土弹性3.25×104

    Table 2.  Physical and mechanical parameters of supporting and supporting system

  • 根据基坑设计开挖工况及施工技术要求,各坑开挖工况与支护情况见表3


    Table 3.  Numerical simulation under different working conditions

  • 通过计算,最不利工况计算结果见表4表5


    Table 4.  Calculation results of lateral displacement of pile cap


    Table 5.  Calculation results of lateral displacement of supporting structure

    表4表5可知,拟采用的支护方案可满足基坑和高架桥墩的变形控制要求,最不利工况计算结果见图5图8(图中单位mm,图6中最内排为车站上下楼梯桩,承台计算变形最大-4.39 mm,拟视实际变形情况对上部结构另行加固处理)[13,14]

    Figure 5.  Directional displacement of foundation pit of supporting structure at station bearing platform when excavating to pit bottom

    Figure 6.  Displacement in the direction of pile foundation pit from excavation to pit bottom

    Figure 7.  Directional displacement of foundation pit of supporting structure at viaduct bearing platform from excavation to pit bottom

    Figure 8.  Displacement of pile foundation of viaduct pile cap from excavation to pit bottom

  • 1)为避免地下连续墙成槽施工对城轨产生影响,槽壁应结合止水设计进行加固,且每幅连续墙成槽宽度不宜大于5 m。






  • 截至本稿完成时,基坑地下室结构已顺利完成至±0.00 m以上,并完成肥槽回填,根据上述计算分析,各承台桩自近而远位移依次减小,实测结果变化趋势与计算分析结论基本一致,故仅对距离基坑最近处承台位移计算值与实测值进行比较见表6;基坑侧向位移实测最大值与计算值比较见表7,整段基坑发生的最大侧向位移位于高架承台区域的CX8号监测点,相应的深层位移曲线如图9所示。


    Table 6.  Comparison of calculated and measured lateral maximum displacement of pile caps


    Table 7.  Comparison of calculated and measured lateral maximum displacement of foundation pit support structure

    Figure 9.  graph of deep displacement of inclinometer CX08


  • 本文采用数值模拟方法,对毗邻广珠城际轨道交通前山站的某基坑工程进行了数值计算,并提出了相应的施工控制措施,得到出如下结论:



    3)基坑面积大、施工周期长、且内支撑最大跨度达145.7 m,支撑体系应力及变形受温度变化影响较大,施工时支撑梁在温度较低的时段进行闭合,在高温时段采用喷淋系统降温,能有效控制温差对基坑变形产生的不利影响。


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