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Volume 7 Issue 2
Jun.  2020
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Xixian CHEN, Jia NI, Linwei WANG, Luanluan XUE. Effect of Soft Foundation Embankment Widening on Mechanical Characteristics of Piles in the Original Embankment[J]. SOUTHERN ENERGY CONSTRUCTION, 2020, 7(2): 148-156. doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2020.02.022
Citation: Xixian CHEN, Jia NI, Linwei WANG, Luanluan XUE. Effect of Soft Foundation Embankment Widening on Mechanical Characteristics of Piles in the Original Embankment[J]. SOUTHERN ENERGY CONSTRUCTION, 2020, 7(2): 148-156. doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2020.02.022

Effect of Soft Foundation Embankment Widening on Mechanical Characteristics of Piles in the Original Embankment

doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2020.02.022
  • Received Date: 2019-09-11
  • Rev Recd Date: 2019-11-06
  • Publish Date: 2020-06-25
  • Introduction   The increasing traffic and the increasingly tight construction cause the roads to be widened and rebuilt. In order to further study the stability of the embankment, the change of the mechanical characteristics of the pile under the original embankment is analyzed when the soft foundation embankment is widened.      Method     After verifying the centrifuge model,a three-dimensional numerical model of the widened embankment and the original embankment was established using Abaqus. Based on the comparative analysis, the influence of gravity, deformation modulus, strength parameters of widened embankment on the mechanical characteristics, deformation behavior and failure mode were carried out.      Result     The numerical simulation results show that the piles under the embankment had different contributions to anti-sliding. The piles close to the slope are mainly subjected to bending and shearing, and the piles far away from the slope are mainly affected by the axial force. The weight of the widened embankment affects the mechanical characteristics of the pile in the original embankment: the main performance is that the bending moment and shearing for piles in the original embankment reduced, and the axial force increased; the displacement of piles in the original embankment increased, in which the vertical displacement increment near the original slope foot is the largest and the largest lateral one is located in the middle of the original embankment. The soil weight of the widened embankment significantly affects the vertical displacement of the original embankment, but its deformation modulus and strength parameters almost have no obvious effect. After the embankment is widened, the mechanical characteristics of the pile in the original embankment change under the load. The potential failure mode is changed from bending-shear zone, bending zone and compression zone to bending zone and compression zone.      Conclusion     The model can verify the centrifuge test results, and the results can provide guidance for the stability analysis of embankment widening.
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  • 通讯作者: 陈斌, bchen63@163.com
    • 1. 

      沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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Effect of Soft Foundation Embankment Widening on Mechanical Characteristics of Piles in the Original Embankment

doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2020.02.022

Abstract:  Introduction   The increasing traffic and the increasingly tight construction cause the roads to be widened and rebuilt. In order to further study the stability of the embankment, the change of the mechanical characteristics of the pile under the original embankment is analyzed when the soft foundation embankment is widened.      Method     After verifying the centrifuge model,a three-dimensional numerical model of the widened embankment and the original embankment was established using Abaqus. Based on the comparative analysis, the influence of gravity, deformation modulus, strength parameters of widened embankment on the mechanical characteristics, deformation behavior and failure mode were carried out.      Result     The numerical simulation results show that the piles under the embankment had different contributions to anti-sliding. The piles close to the slope are mainly subjected to bending and shearing, and the piles far away from the slope are mainly affected by the axial force. The weight of the widened embankment affects the mechanical characteristics of the pile in the original embankment: the main performance is that the bending moment and shearing for piles in the original embankment reduced, and the axial force increased; the displacement of piles in the original embankment increased, in which the vertical displacement increment near the original slope foot is the largest and the largest lateral one is located in the middle of the original embankment. The soil weight of the widened embankment significantly affects the vertical displacement of the original embankment, but its deformation modulus and strength parameters almost have no obvious effect. After the embankment is widened, the mechanical characteristics of the pile in the original embankment change under the load. The potential failure mode is changed from bending-shear zone, bending zone and compression zone to bending zone and compression zone.      Conclusion     The model can verify the centrifuge test results, and the results can provide guidance for the stability analysis of embankment widening.

Xixian CHEN, Jia NI, Linwei WANG, Luanluan XUE. Effect of Soft Foundation Embankment Widening on Mechanical Characteristics of Piles in the Original Embankment[J]. SOUTHERN ENERGY CONSTRUCTION, 2020, 7(2): 148-156. doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2020.02.022
Citation: Xixian CHEN, Jia NI, Linwei WANG, Luanluan XUE. Effect of Soft Foundation Embankment Widening on Mechanical Characteristics of Piles in the Original Embankment[J]. SOUTHERN ENERGY CONSTRUCTION, 2020, 7(2): 148-156. doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2020.02.022
  • 《粤港澳大湾区发展规划纲要》今年正式出台,大湾区作为“一带一路”的重要支撑,要求提供全面对外开放的发展环境,深化国家和地区的互联互通,道路交通建设是其首要任务。目前各地区道路交通量随着经济的快速发展呈现饱和态势,为避免大量增加建设用地,道路拓宽可以在短时间内经济、环保地缓解这一情况,如广佛高速公路、沪宁高速、石黄高速等部分路段进行了拓宽处理[1,2,3,4]




  • 某路堤为粉质黏土,重度γ=20.55 kN/m-3,路基土自上而下依次为软黏土和砂土。桩基采用PHC管桩,外径为0.8 m,壁厚0.11 m,桩长19 m。为了更好地研究该桩基受力特性以及离心机试验模型制作的方便,同时满足桩体抗弯强度与工程实际相似,离心机试验模型比尺取为n=80,桩长为237.5 mm,模型桩选外径10 mm,壁厚0.5 mm的圆形空心铝合金管,其弹性模量为7.87×104 MPa,泊松比为0.3,密度为2.7 g/cm3,采用标准砂来模拟砂土。离心机试验整体模型尺寸685 mm×350 mm ×337.5 mm(长×宽×高),路堤高62.5 mm,坡比为1∶1.5[20],详见图1

    Figure 1.  Centrifuge test layout

    Figure 1.  Centrifuge test layout


    Figure 2.  Finite element mesh of embankment

    2778 7000.3

    Table 1.  Parameters of pile and soil

    为便于比较,对桩身弯矩进行归一化处理,取桩身弯矩与桩身最大弯矩M/Mu进行对比,80 g重力加速度时,2#和4#桩身的M/Mu随深度变化的对比如图3所示。分析可知桩身弯矩最大位置点的数值模拟结果与试验结果一致,位于软黏土与砂土交界面处,且桩身弯矩沿深度的分布规律与试验数据基本一致,以此验证了本数值模型的合理性和正确性。

    Figure 3.  Bending moment of piles

  • 依据上述验证模型,为进一步研究路堤拓宽后原路堤下桩体的受力特性,建立三维路堤拓宽后的数值模型(如图4所示)。原路堤顶面宽度10 m,路堤高5 m,边坡比为1∶1.5,路堤分5层填筑,每层填土高度为1 m。桩体为外径0.8 m,壁厚0.11 m的圆形管桩,桩长19 m,桩间距2.5 m,正方形布置。根据对称性,计算模型取路堤的一半宽度,厚度为桩间距的一半为1.25 m,模型长度取90 m,确保边界效应可以忽略。土层总厚度为40 m,其中上层为15 m软黏土,下层为25 m硬土层,路堤填土为粉质黏土。为模拟路堤拓宽过程,在原路堤填筑完成后按照相同的高度及边坡比将路堤向左拓宽10 m,在拓宽的路堤下布设拓宽桩,拓宽桩尺寸与布置方式与原路堤下桩体相同。侧向边界限制垂直边界方向水平位移,底部边界限制竖向及水平方向位移。

    Figure 4.  Numerical model of widening embankment

    Figure 4.  Numerical model of widening embankment


    2538 0000.26

    Table 2.  Pile and soil parameters

    数值模拟时,为了研究原路堤下桩体在路堤拓宽后抗滑机理的变化,将原路堤逐层添加在路基上,以20 kPa为一级,在原路堤顶部逐级施加均布荷载至80 kPa。为了得到原路堤下桩体在拓宽后的受力情况,先移除均布荷载,将拓宽桩的单元属性变为桩的属性,逐层激活拓宽路堤后以20 kPa为一级在拓宽后的路堤顶部逐级施加均布荷载至80 kPa。

  • 仅考虑拓宽路堤的自重对原路堤下桩体的受力特性影响,对路堤拓宽前后原路堤下不同位置桩体的弯矩、剪力、轴力以及桩顶位移进行对比分析,以期得到拓宽路堤对原路堤下不同位置桩体受力的影响,如图5所示为4#桩所受弯矩、轴力、剪力对比图。可以看出路堤拓宽后,4#桩所受的弯矩减小,在软硬两层土交接面处减小了45.01%,所受剪力延桩身均有不同程度的减小,所受轴力增大,在软硬土交界面处增大了23.99%。

    Figure 5.  Mechanical characteristics for 4# pile after widening

    路堤拓宽后原路堤下各桩弯矩和轴力的变化值 (拓宽前-拓宽后)的对比图如图6所示。各桩体所受弯矩拓宽后均呈减小趋势,其中4#桩减小最为明显,各桩弯矩减小程度最大处均位于软硬土交界面处;各桩所受轴力拓宽后增大,其中1#桩增大趋势最为明显,1#~7#增大趋势依次减弱。路堤在1#桩左侧开始拓宽,由于1#~7#桩体逐渐远离拓宽路堤,即离拓宽处越远的桩受到的影响越小,所以6#、7#桩弯矩与轴力的变化都比较小。

    Figure 6.  Bending moment and axial force of each pile after widening


    Figure 7.  Displacement distribution of embankment

    Figure 7.  Displacement distribution of embankment


    Figure 8.  Lateral displacement and vertical displacement of piles


  • 为深入分析拓宽路堤土体参数对原路堤下桩体位移的影响,分别改变拓宽路堤土体的重度、压缩模量以及强度参数,计算相应工况下原路堤的桩体顶部关键测点A、B和C(如4(a)所示)的位移。


    Figure 9.  Vertical displacement with different volumetric weight of soil


    Figure 10.  Vertical displacement with different deformation modulus of soil

    Figure 11.  Vertical displacement with different strength parameters

    Figure 11.  Vertical displacement with different strength parameters

  • 俞建林等[21]应用数值模拟对路堤受力时桩体的受力特性进行分析,将路堤下桩体的破坏模式分为受拉破坏、受弯破坏与受压破坏。郑刚[20]等通过试验和数值分析依据路堤不同位置处桩体的受力特性,将桩体的破坏模式分为4个区域:拉弯区、弯剪区、压弯区和承压区。

    原路堤与拓宽路堤顶部施加80 kPa均布荷载,为更好地分析各不同位置处桩体在路堤拓宽前后的受力变化。拓宽前原路堤下桩体所受的最大弯矩值、轴力值、剪力值分别记为MNQ,各桩体所受最大弯矩值、轴力值、剪力值分别为MiNiQi;拓宽后原路堤下桩受最大弯矩值、轴力值、剪力值分别为M'N'Q',各桩所受最大弯矩值、轴力值、剪力值分别为Mi'Ni'Qi'。对以上数据进行归一化处理,横坐标为桩号,纵坐标为各桩受力比值,对比图如图12 所示。

    Figure 12.  Comprehensive force diagram of each pile after widening



  • 路堤拓宽后由于新荷载的加入会对原路堤下不同位置桩的受力产生不同影响。拓宽路堤土体自重使得原路堤下桩体所受弯矩及剪力减小,所受轴力增大,越靠近拓宽路堤的桩受影响越大,原路堤下桩体的位移增大,其中靠近原坡脚处的竖向位移增量最大,横向位移增量最大处位于原路堤中部。



Reference (21)



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