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Volume 7 Issue 4
Dec.  2020
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PAN Dongdong,ZHOU Chuan,WANG Jun,et al.Analysis of the Annual Wave Characteristics in the Deep Water Area near the East Coast of Guangdong Province[J].Southern Energy Construction,2020,07(04):34-40. doi:  10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2020.04.005
Citation: PAN Dongdong,ZHOU Chuan,WANG Jun,et al.Analysis of the Annual Wave Characteristics in the Deep Water Area near the East Coast of Guangdong Province[J].Southern Energy Construction,2020,07(04):34-40. doi:  10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2020.04.005

Analysis of the Annual Wave Characteristics in the Deep Water Area near the East Coast of Guangdong Province

doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2020.04.005
  • Received Date: 2020-03-05
  • Rev Recd Date: 2020-03-22
  • Publish Date: 2020-12-25
  •   Introduction  According to the measured wave data of one year in the deep water area of Eastern Guangdong, this paper mainly studies the basic characteristics of annual waves in the sea area.   Method  Firstly, the eigenvalues of wave height and period were counted month by month, get the basic distribution characteristics of the whole year; Then made statistics for the wave direction, obtain the seasonal characteristics of wave direction; Furthermore, the joint distribution of wave height and period and the relationship between wave height and period were explored; Finally, the characteristics of typical typhoon waves were studied.  Result  The results showed that: (1) The annual average Hs is 1.52 m, the Hmax is 15.97 m, the highest mean value of Hs in December, January and February, the Hmax is caused by Typhoon Mangkhut; (2) Affected by monsoon season and tropical cyclone, the normal wave direction and strong wave direction are ENE and SE respectively; (3) The main wave type in the whole year is wind wave component, the correlation between wave height and period is fitted; (4) According to the measured data of typhoon wave of Mangkhut, both wave height and period have a significant increase and decrease process. Through wave spectrum analysis during the typhoon, it experienced the evolution from double-peaked spectrum to single-peaked spectrum, it shows that the wave type during typhoon is mainly wind-surge mixed wave, the peak value reached 96.74 m2/Hz at 6:00 on September 16, peak frequency is 0.07 Hz.  Conclusion  The research results of this paper can provides technical reference for the design of related marine engineering.
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  • 通讯作者: 陈斌, bchen63@163.com
    • 1. 

      沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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Analysis of the Annual Wave Characteristics in the Deep Water Area near the East Coast of Guangdong Province

doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2020.04.005

Abstract:    Introduction  According to the measured wave data of one year in the deep water area of Eastern Guangdong, this paper mainly studies the basic characteristics of annual waves in the sea area.   Method  Firstly, the eigenvalues of wave height and period were counted month by month, get the basic distribution characteristics of the whole year; Then made statistics for the wave direction, obtain the seasonal characteristics of wave direction; Furthermore, the joint distribution of wave height and period and the relationship between wave height and period were explored; Finally, the characteristics of typical typhoon waves were studied.  Result  The results showed that: (1) The annual average Hs is 1.52 m, the Hmax is 15.97 m, the highest mean value of Hs in December, January and February, the Hmax is caused by Typhoon Mangkhut; (2) Affected by monsoon season and tropical cyclone, the normal wave direction and strong wave direction are ENE and SE respectively; (3) The main wave type in the whole year is wind wave component, the correlation between wave height and period is fitted; (4) According to the measured data of typhoon wave of Mangkhut, both wave height and period have a significant increase and decrease process. Through wave spectrum analysis during the typhoon, it experienced the evolution from double-peaked spectrum to single-peaked spectrum, it shows that the wave type during typhoon is mainly wind-surge mixed wave, the peak value reached 96.74 m2/Hz at 6:00 on September 16, peak frequency is 0.07 Hz.  Conclusion  The research results of this paper can provides technical reference for the design of related marine engineering.

PAN Dongdong,ZHOU Chuan,WANG Jun,et al.Analysis of the Annual Wave Characteristics in the Deep Water Area near the East Coast of Guangdong Province[J].Southern Energy Construction,2020,07(04):34-40. doi:  10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2020.04.005
Citation: PAN Dongdong,ZHOU Chuan,WANG Jun,et al.Analysis of the Annual Wave Characteristics in the Deep Water Area near the East Coast of Guangdong Province[J].Southern Energy Construction,2020,07(04):34-40. doi:  10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2020.04.005
  • 地球表面71%的面积是海洋,而海洋中最常见的一种现象就是波浪,波浪是岸滩演变、海港和其他海洋工程最重要的动力因素和作用力1。国内外研究学者和工程技术人员始终都在对其进行研究,其中现场原型观测是最重要的手段之一,伴随着波浪观测仪器的技术水平提升,该方法也变得越来越重视。



  • 波浪资料来源于广东省惠来县外海周年波浪观测站(116°26.395',22°42.148'),位置见图1所示,离岸距离约26 km,水深为38 m。观测时间为2018年8月9日至2019年8月8日,采用挪威Nortek公司生产的AWAC“浪龙”仪器进行座底式波浪观测,仪器参数与观测频率:声学频率为600 kHz,通过声学表面波跟踪(AST)进行波浪数据处理,每天24小时连续观测,每小时记录一次,每次记录17 min(不少于100个波),采样频率为2 Hz。

    Figure 1.  Diagram of annual observation station location

  • 采用Nortek公司Storm软件进行原始数据预处理,再对预处理过后的波浪要素进行统计分析,数据完整率达到98.26%,数据完整率较高,可以较好地对该海域周年波浪特征进行分析和研究。本文波浪要素符号说明:Hs为有效波高;Hmax为最大波高;Hmean为平均波高;TP为谱峰周期;Tmax为最大周期;Tmean为平均周期。

  • 表1给出了周年观测期间各月和全年的部分波浪要素统计数据,由表可知,全年Hs平均值为1.52 m,Hmax平均值为2.40 m,HsHmax最大值分别为9.38 m和15.97 m,最大值均发生在台风“山竹”影响期间;Hs平均值全年各月差异不大,冬季的12月、1月和2月为全年最高的三个月,其中2月份最大,HsHmax分别为2.01 m和3.41 m,主要原因为冬季受到东北季风影响,导致波高整体偏大。而春、夏季的4月、6月和7月为全年最低的三个月,其中6月份最小,HsHmax分别为1.01 m和1.70 m。


    Table 1.  Statistical table of wave elements in each month and year

  • 图2给出四个季节的Hs波浪玫瑰图。分析可知:春季,常浪向为ENE向,次常浪向为E向,频率分别为40.48%与23.76%,强浪向为ENE向。夏季,常浪向为S向,次常浪向为SSW向,频率分别为22.60%和18.10%,强浪向为SSE向。秋季,常浪向为ENE向,次常浪向为E向,频率分别为39.79%和34.84%,强浪向为SE向。冬季,常浪向为ENE向,次常浪向为E向,频率分别为50.84%和34.39%,强浪向为ENE向。

    Figure 2.  Wave rose diagram in four seasons

    Figure 2.  Wave rose diagram in four seasons

    Figure 2.  Wave rose diagram in four seasons

    Figure 2.  Wave rose diagram in four seasons


  • 波高——周期联合分布是海洋工程设计中重要的输入参数之一,由于不同海域波浪特征的差异性,波高-周期联合分布也有所不同。根据文献[5]的研究方法,本文选取Hs-Tp联合分布进行分析,并对二者进行无因次化,令t=Tp/Tp¯h=Hs/Hs¯,得到波浪在单位区间内的概率密度等值线,如图3所示。

    Figure 3.  Joint distribution of wave height and period


  • 由于波高与周期之间并不是简单的线性关系,从而导致其是海洋工程研究领域的难点之一。在不同重现期设计波要素推算时,尤其是近岸波浪模型的计算,不同尺度模型进行嵌套时,不同重现期波高对应周期的计算通常会失真,所以有必要对二者的关系进行研究分析。

    在“港口与航道水文规范”6中有相关规定:所在海域波浪以风浪为主时,可以由风浪波高和周期的相关关系推算该设计波高对应的周期;李志强等2也对粤东海域遮浪站的波高与周期关系进行了研究,提出两个关系:T¯=3.87H¯T¯=3.74H¯0.226;王云天等7对东海和黄海海域的研究结果为:T¯=3.66H1/3;在国外相关设计规范“Environmental Conditions and Environmental Loads”8规定,挪威大陆架区域最大波高对应周期的计算公式,THmax=2.94Hmax


    Figure 4.  The relationship between wave height and wave period

  • 周年观测期间记录的最大一场台风浪过程是台风“山竹”造成的,图5给出了台风期间的波高和周期变化过程线,台风移动路径见图1

    Figure 5.  Measured wave height and period during typhoon mangkhut

    由波高变化可知,台风“山竹”引起的大浪于9/14 18:00开始影响观测海域,9/16 7:00仪器记录到本次台风过程的HmaxHsHmean分别为15.97 m、9.38 m和5.62 m。9/16 10:00时Hmax出现一个波谷,随着台风的不断移动,Hmax又出现一个波高增大的过程,最后波高逐渐下降至正常状态。

    由周期变化可知,9/13 16:00就开始记录到大周期波浪,TmaxTp都达到14 s以上,说明外海台风引起的涌浪开始影响观测海域。9/14 20:00时Tp开始出现较大波动,此时台风外围风圈开始影响观测站位置,从波高的变化过程也可得出相同结论。台风期间观测到TmaxTpTmean的最大值分别为17.7 s、15.3 s和9.9 s。

  • 海浪谱可以描述海浪的内部结构,说明内部各部分之间的相互关系9,从能量角度反映波能在频率和方向上的分布,而根据实测台风浪数据进行波谱分析意义更大,为进一步研究台风浪的内部特征提供帮助。

    图6给出了台风“山竹”大浪影响最大时段具有代表性的4个时刻实测波浪频谱,分别是9/16 0:00、6:00、12:00和18:00,通过4个时刻的波浪谱对比可知,谱峰值经历了一个从成长到消退的过程。台风影响期间的谱峰值很大,最大值出现9/16 6:00,为96.74 m2/Hz,谱峰频率为0.07 Hz。谱型均为单峰谱,主峰频率宽度较窄,范围为0.05 Hz~0.20 Hz。波谱方向主要为ESSE向。

    Figure 6.  Measured wave spectrum during typhoon Mangkhut

    图7给出了台风“山竹”大浪影响之前具有代表性的4个时刻实测双峰谱,分别为9/13 16:00、9/14 6:00、9/14 21:00和9/15 6:00,通过4个时刻波浪谱对比分析,可以很明显看出双峰谱的形成和演变过程。从谱峰值和谱峰频率的变化可知,在台风大浪影响之前,谱峰值的变化为低—高—低,双峰的谱峰频率差逐渐缩小,说明台风浪的谱型是一个实时变化的,从双峰型向单峰型逐渐演变的过程。谱型变化也说明了台风浪类型为混合浪,并且是以涌浪为主的风涌混合浪。根据杨生强10南海北部的三场实测台风浪谱分析的成果表明:随着海况的恶劣程度增加,谱峰频率向左移动,能量往低频方向集中。消衰过程中,谱峰值逐渐减小,峰频有向高频推移的趋势;并且进一步对实测数据进行JONSWAP谱的参数拟合。通过与本文“山竹”台风浪谱分析的对比可知,粤东海域过境台风浪的谱型和谱峰频率的变化规律基本一致,但是由于台风强度和观测位置的不同,谱峰值和波谱方向会有所差异。

    Figure 7.  Measured wave double-peaked spectrum during typhoon Mangkhut

  • 本文根据粤东近岸深水区1a的现场实测波浪资料,对该海域的周年波浪特征和典型台风浪特征进行统计分析和研究。得到如下结论:

    1)全年Hs平均值为1.52 m,Hmax为15.97 m,全年12月、1月和2月的Hs平均值最大,4月、6月和7月为全年最低,波高与周期最大值均由“山竹”台风浪造成。



    4)根据“山竹”台风浪实测数据,波高和周期都有显著的升高和降低过程。通过海浪谱分析,台风期间经历了从双峰谱向单峰谱的演变,说明台风期间的波浪类型主要为风涌混合浪,谱峰值于9月16日6时达到最大值96.74 m2/Hz,谱峰频率为0.07 Hz。

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