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Volume 7 Issue 4
Dec.  2020
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XIN Wencheng,YAO Senjing,CHEN Haomin,et al.Research on Transient Stability for Wind Power System Based on PSAT[J].Southern Energy Construction,2020,07(04):41-47. doi:  10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2020.04.006
Citation: XIN Wencheng,YAO Senjing,CHEN Haomin,et al.Research on Transient Stability for Wind Power System Based on PSAT[J].Southern Energy Construction,2020,07(04):41-47. doi:  10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2020.04.006

Research on Transient Stability for Wind Power System Based on PSAT

doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2020.04.006
  • Received Date: 2019-09-25
  • Rev Recd Date: 2020-03-07
  • Publish Date: 2020-12-25
  •   Introduction   The paper aims to study the transient stability of the wind power system and that how the injection of reactive power to the wind power system affects the stability.   Method  So we established the mathematic model of the wind power generator, the frequency converter, and a three-machine-nine-node power system model was constructed based on PSAT. We realized the the time simulation in condition of the three phase fault.  Result  Then we get the voltage and power angel figure of direct drive wind power system,double-fed wind power system and constant speed wind power system under different bus short circuit fault time.  Conclusion  It demonstrates that the wind power system has different stability based on different wind power generator, disturbance and duration.
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  • 通讯作者: 陈斌, bchen63@163.com
    • 1. 

      沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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Research on Transient Stability for Wind Power System Based on PSAT

doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2020.04.006

Abstract:    Introduction   The paper aims to study the transient stability of the wind power system and that how the injection of reactive power to the wind power system affects the stability.   Method  So we established the mathematic model of the wind power generator, the frequency converter, and a three-machine-nine-node power system model was constructed based on PSAT. We realized the the time simulation in condition of the three phase fault.  Result  Then we get the voltage and power angel figure of direct drive wind power system,double-fed wind power system and constant speed wind power system under different bus short circuit fault time.  Conclusion  It demonstrates that the wind power system has different stability based on different wind power generator, disturbance and duration.

XIN Wencheng,YAO Senjing,CHEN Haomin,et al.Research on Transient Stability for Wind Power System Based on PSAT[J].Southern Energy Construction,2020,07(04):41-47. doi:  10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2020.04.006
Citation: XIN Wencheng,YAO Senjing,CHEN Haomin,et al.Research on Transient Stability for Wind Power System Based on PSAT[J].Southern Energy Construction,2020,07(04):41-47. doi:  10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2020.04.006
  • 随着化石能源等传统能源的日益减少,风力发电作为一种新能源发电技术迅速崛起。然而,随着风电装机容量在电网总装机容量的比重不断提高,风力发电对电网的稳定性带来严重考验。不同类型的风电机组对电网暂态稳定性的影响不同,为了深入地了解各风力发电机组特性以及不同风机对电力系统暂态稳定性影响程度,对风力发电系统进行仿真分析是十分必要的。风电系统的暂态稳定性研究这一课题已被很多科研工作者和电网工作人员青睐,他们也做出了一定的成果。但是对这一课题的研究大都是针对单一类型风机的发电系统,本文将双馈发电系统、直驱发电系统、恒速恒频发电系统对比进行研究,得出了相关结论。另外本文所用的电力系统仿真软件PSAT是近年兴起的电力系统仿真软件,具有小信号稳定分析和时域仿真、潮流计算、连续潮流计算、最优潮流求解等模块,为用户进行电力系统仿真提供了极大的便利。

  • PSAT是一种新的电力系统分析软件,其命令行版本也是GNU Octave兼容的1-3。它的核心是潮流计算,会对状态变量进行初始化处理。一旦求出了系统潮流,就能执行后续的静态或动态分析。PSAT包含计算模块有:小信号稳定分析和时域仿真、潮流计算、连续潮流计算、最优潮流求解等等。

    PSAT具有良好的适用于电力系统仿真的界面,和普通交互界面一样,由菜单栏、状态栏、控件栏等组件。在进行电力系统计算时,在Data file 文本框输入原始计算数据,在Perturbation file 栏录入动态更细数据,在Command line写入命令以便执行。计算边界条件实时显示在主界面右端,包括计算基准容量、频率、仿真开始及结束时间,收敛门槛等。实时计算结果包括潮流计算结果、最优潮流结果,收敛结果等显示在主界面的右边。

  • 风速的模型在很多文献已有详细讨论4-5,这里不作介绍,只介绍各风力机组的和相关换流器数学模型。

  • 双馈风力发电系统结构图如图1所示。

    Figure 1.  Double-fed wind power system





    uds=-rsids+pψds-ψqsω1uqs=-rsiqs+pψqs-ψqsω1udr=rridr+pψdr-ψqrω2uqr=rriqr+pψqr+ψdrω2 ((1))


    ψds=-Lsids+Lmidrψqs=-Lsiqs+Lmiqruψdr=Lridr-Lmidsuψqr=Lriqr-Lmiqs ((2))



    i˙qr=(-xs+xmxmVPw*(ωm)/ωm-iqr)1Te ((3))
    i˙dr=KV(V-Vref)-V/xm-idr ((4))


    Te-xmViqrωb(xs+xm) ((5))
    Q=-xmVidrxs+xm-V2xm ((6))


    iqrmax-xs+xmxmPminiqrmin-xs+xmxmPmaxidrmax-xs+xmxmQmin-xs+xmxm2idrmin-xs+xmxmQmax-xs+xmxm2 ((7))
  • 直驱同步发电系统见图2

    Figure 2.  Direct drive wind power system



    vds=-rsids+ωmxqiqsωvqs=-rsiqs-ωmxqids-ψp ((8))


    ψds=-xdids+ψpψqs=-xqiqs ((9))


    iqsmax=-Pminiqsmin=-Pmaxidsmax=idcmax=-Qminidsmin=idcmin=-Qmax ((10))


  • 恒速风力发电系统如图3所示:

    Figure 3.  Constant speed constant frequency wind powersystem



    vr=Vsin(-θ)vm=Vcos(θ) ((11))


    P=vrir+vmimQ=vmir-vrim+bc(vr2+vm2) ((12))


    Te=er'ir+em'im ((13))


  • 本论文采用的仿真模型为WSCC的三机九节点模型,见图4

    Figure 4.  3-genreator 9-node power system


  • 在BUS8处,将短路故障的开始时间设置为1秒,故障持续时间分别为120 ms、246 ms和625 ms。可得出如仿真图5

    Figure 5.  The σ-t figure of direct drive wind power system in 120 ms fault duration

    Figure 6.  The rotate speed figure of constant speed wind power system in 120 ms fault duration

    图6可以看出,在故障开始后,恒速风机的转速急剧变化,但在故障清除后,转速开始回稳,大约在4 s时趋于稳定,即恒速风机本身是稳定的。

    当故障持续时间为246 ms时,含双馈风机的电力系统能保持暂态稳定,但转子电流越限,如图7所示,因此机组本身不能保持稳定;含直驱同步电机的电力系统的功角变化是同步的,转子电流不越限,因此它们也都保持稳定;含恒速机组的电力系统保持稳定,但功角比故障前的功角大。

    Figure 7.  The rotor current figure of double-fed wind power system in 246 ms fault duration

    当故障持续时间为625 ms时,含双馈风机的电力系统仍然能保持稳定,但转速和功角都比原来大很多,已接近不稳定状态,转子电流继续越限,双馈机组本身不能保持稳定;含直驱风机的电力系统不稳定,机组也不稳定,仿真不能完全结束;含恒速风机的风电系统不稳定,恒速机组本身也不稳定,仿真结果不收敛。



    Table 1.  Contrast of the stability between wind plants

    同时,为了研究三种风电机组在故障持续时间为625 ms时的低电压穿越能力,得到BUS7处电压曲线如图8~图10所示。

    Figure 8.  The voltage of BUS7 of constant speed wind power system in 625 ms fault duration

    Figure 9.  The voltage of BUS7 of direct drive wind power system in 625 ms fault duration

    Figure 10.  The voltage of BUS7 of double-fed wind power system in 625 ms fault duration

    以上图形表明,当故障持续时间为246 ms时可明显看出直驱风机的低电压穿越能力较好,当故障时间达到625 ms时,尽管三种风电机组都有一定的低电压穿越能力,但系统最终仍然失去稳定性。

  • 当短路故障持续时间较长后,尽管低电压穿越能力对系统有一定积极作用,但不能使系统恢复稳定。此时,考虑在系统中加入无功补偿,容量取为风机容量的40%,为40 MVar。本算例在故障点BUS8处集中加入静止无功补偿器,仿真图形如图11~图13所示。

    Figure 11.  The voltage of BUS7 of constant speed wind power system in 625 ms fault duration with SVC

    Figure 12.  The voltage of BUS7 of direct drive wind power system in 625 ms fault duration with SVC

    Figure 13.  The voltage of BUS7 of double-fed wind power system in 625 ms fault duration with SVC


  • 当无功负荷分别由0.45、0.5和0.45个标幺值减少到0.05、0.05和0.05个标幺值,经过仿真后可以看出各风电系统都能保持稳定性,只是系统稳定时的功角和转速与初始值差距比较大,如图14所示;双馈风机的转子电流越限,即机组本身不稳定,如图15所示。

    Figure 14.  The power angel with reduce of reactive load

    Figure 15.  The rotor current of the double-fed wind power system with reduce of reactive load


    Figure 16.  The change of the voltage with reduce of reactive load

  • 本文在PSAT上建立了几种风机的数学模型,并进行了暂态稳定仿真,在比较的基础上得出了如下结论:







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