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Volume 7 Issue S2
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Xiangsheng LEI, Zidong WU, Ping DONG, Hongzhou JIA. Method of Demand Response Potential Assessment Based on  Two-stage Cluster Analysis[J]. SOUTHERN ENERGY CONSTRUCTION, 2020, 7(S2): 1-10. doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2020.S2.001
Citation: Xiangsheng LEI, Zidong WU, Ping DONG, Hongzhou JIA. Method of Demand Response Potential Assessment Based on  Two-stage Cluster Analysis[J]. SOUTHERN ENERGY CONSTRUCTION, 2020, 7(S2): 1-10. doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2020.S2.001

Method of Demand Response Potential Assessment Based on  Two-stage Cluster Analysis

doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2020.S2.001
  • Received Date: 2020-06-30
  • Rev Recd Date: 2020-08-24
  • Publish Date: 2021-01-08
  •     Introduction     With the development of metering and communication technology, the basic hardware conditions for implementing demand response have been met, and the implementation of demand response projects has been put on the agenda. The selection of pilot regions for demand response implementation requires an assessment of the region's demand response potential.    Method   In order to solve the problem which the price elasticity coefficient was only used in the demand response potential evaluation of general load at this stage, and the accurate data of price elasticity coefficient was difficult to obtain, this paper innovatively designed a demand response potential evaluation method based on two-stage clustering analysis. This method fully considered the user's suitability and the characteristics of the user process/equipment, which mainly affect the demand response potential.    Result   A case study of 386 users in a city in Guangdong has been carried out, and the average demand response potential for the 250 hours with a higher load in the city is 3.2% of the city's highest load.    Conclusion   Compared with the current demand response of the various electricity markets in the United States, it is found that the results of this evaluation method are reasonable and have certain practical value.
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  • 通讯作者: 陈斌, bchen63@163.com
    • 1. 

      沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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Method of Demand Response Potential Assessment Based on  Two-stage Cluster Analysis

doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2020.S2.001

Abstract:     Introduction     With the development of metering and communication technology, the basic hardware conditions for implementing demand response have been met, and the implementation of demand response projects has been put on the agenda. The selection of pilot regions for demand response implementation requires an assessment of the region's demand response potential.    Method   In order to solve the problem which the price elasticity coefficient was only used in the demand response potential evaluation of general load at this stage, and the accurate data of price elasticity coefficient was difficult to obtain, this paper innovatively designed a demand response potential evaluation method based on two-stage clustering analysis. This method fully considered the user's suitability and the characteristics of the user process/equipment, which mainly affect the demand response potential.    Result   A case study of 386 users in a city in Guangdong has been carried out, and the average demand response potential for the 250 hours with a higher load in the city is 3.2% of the city's highest load.    Conclusion   Compared with the current demand response of the various electricity markets in the United States, it is found that the results of this evaluation method are reasonable and have certain practical value.

Xiangsheng LEI, Zidong WU, Ping DONG, Hongzhou JIA. Method of Demand Response Potential Assessment Based on  Two-stage Cluster Analysis[J]. SOUTHERN ENERGY CONSTRUCTION, 2020, 7(S2): 1-10. doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2020.S2.001
Citation: Xiangsheng LEI, Zidong WU, Ping DONG, Hongzhou JIA. Method of Demand Response Potential Assessment Based on  Two-stage Cluster Analysis[J]. SOUTHERN ENERGY CONSTRUCTION, 2020, 7(S2): 1-10. doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2020.S2.001
  • 随着电力市场改革的推进,需求响应作为一种电力系统的重要资源,受到人们的广泛关注。需求响应的实施推广面临着试点区域的选取,需求响应的潜力分析在决定试点区域的选取中扮演着重要作用。在需求响应潜力较高的地方开展需求响应才有可能取得较好的效果,从而有利于需求响应的推广。









  • 需求响应潜力分析框架如图1所示。

    Figure 1.  Improved ant colony clustering algorithm calculation

  • 很多行业由于行业的特性不适合参与需求响应,我们可以通过度电产值和耗电量两个标准筛选出可能适合参与需求响应的行业。度电产值表示每度电能给企业带来的收益12。需求响应用户只有负荷大时才有削减空间,因此耗电量大的行业一般来说拥有更高的需求响应潜力。

  • 由于需求响应的参与是以用户为基本单位的13,因此两阶段聚类分析的目的是分析用户是否适合参与需求响应。本文主要是使用了规律性和用电模式类型两个指标来评估用户的适合性。

  • 第一阶段对单一用户的全年日负荷曲线进行聚类分析,得到用户的典型负荷曲线和用户用电规律性,其中用户用电规律性用聚类上限表示。附图A1展示了聚类上限Kmax=4和Kmax=8的聚类结果。由附图A1可知Kmax=4的用户全年基本只有一种主要用电习惯,Kmax=8的用户则有3~4种主要用电习惯,可以得知聚类上限越低的用户用电规律性越强。




    3)计算每个聚类数量K下聚类质量评估指标-轮廓指数(scatter index,SI)15,计算方法如式(1)所示,式中pn表示第n条日负荷曲线的向量;p¯表示全部日负荷曲线的均值;ck表示第k个聚类中心向量;d表示两个向量的欧式距离。SI最小的为用户的最佳聚类数量Kopt,最佳聚类数量Kopt下日负荷曲线最多的聚类中心为用户的典型负荷曲线Ltpy

    SI=n=1Nd2pn,p¯k=1Kd2ck,p¯p¯=1Nn=1Npn ((1))
  • 第二阶段对第一阶段得到的用户典型负荷曲线进行聚类分析,得到用户的用电模式(迎峰型、高负荷率型、避峰型)。其计算步骤为:

    1)选取所有I个用户的I条典型日负荷曲线。每条日负荷曲线每15 min一个点,总共96个点组成。



    Table 1.  Definition and physical meaning of 5 characteristics


  • 需求响应潜力因子是一个在0~1之间用来表示用户需求响应潜力大小的值。0表示用户完全没有需求响应潜力,1表示用户的全都负荷可以参与需求响应。需求响应潜力因子的计算主要是两个方面的参数:用户的适合性参数,用户的流程/设备参数。


    Factori=min(,)×/min(,)×/ ((2))


  • 通常来说只有在系统负荷高的时候才会需要需求响应,因此只需要评估系统高负荷时段的需求响应潜力。首先筛选出系统全年负荷最高的250个时段,然后提取各个用户对应时段的负荷。最后使用式(3)计算出系统各个时段的需求响应潜力。

    Capacityt=iLoadti×Factori,t=1,2,,250 ((3))


  • 本节使用上述的需求响应潜力评估框架估算广东省D市的需求响应潜力。

  • 通过美国研究报告12得到工业中主要的19个行业16的单位产值耗电量(度电产值的倒数)如图2所示。单位产值耗电量越高,度电产值越低,用户参与需求响应的收益越高。

    Figure 2.  Power consumption per unit of output in typical industries


    Figure 3.  Total electricity consumption for typical days in typical industries of G province




  • 以某批发与零售业用户为例,使用K均值算法从K=2开始不断增加其聚类数量K,当K=5时会出现将一条曲线聚到一类的情况,则此用户聚类上限Kmax=4。其聚类结果如图4所示。4个类别的聚类中心如图5所示。

    Figure 4.  Clustering results for a wholesale and retail user with K=4

    Figure 5.  Clustering center for a wholesale and retail user with K=4


    SI0.762 80.861 70.601 3

    Table 2.  SI value under different number of clusters


    Table 3.  Number of load curves of different categories under the optimal number of clusters

  • 上一步中,对386个用户的分别聚类分析完之后,可以得到386条典型负荷曲线。使用k均值算法对这386条典型负荷曲线进行聚类分析。令聚类数量K=3,得到的聚类结果如图6所示。其中在第1类用户为迎峰型用户,在第2类用户为高负荷率型用户,第3类中包含避峰型和少部分不属于上述三类的用户。

    Figure 6.  Clustering results of user typical load curve in D city

  • 需求响应潜力因子的适合性参数根据2.2节中对用户的分析来确定。由2.2节中的分析可知,用电模式中需求响应潜力由高到低分为迎峰型、高负荷率型、避峰型,用电规律性越高的需求响应潜力越高。由以上结论可以确定用户的适合性参数如表4所示。


    Table 4.  Parameters of user power usage pattern and power regularity


  • 本文使用广东省电网2017年全年的负荷数据,筛选出负荷最高的250个时段,其三维投影图如图7所示。

    Figure 7.  Selected 250 hours projection maps

    为了评估D市需求响应的总潜力,本文使用386个用户中各行业用户的需求响应潜力因子的均值代表相应行业的需求响应潜力因子。然后使用D市各行业250个时段中各时段的负荷乘以相应行业需求响应潜力因子求和得到D市250个时段中各时段的需求响应潜力如图8所示。由图8可以看出D市250 h需求响应均值约484 MW,D市最大负荷约为15 GW,D市需求响应潜力约为D市最大负荷的3.2%。

    Figure 8.  The total potential of demand response in Dongguan for 250 hours


    CAISO1 2932.6
    ERCOT3 0094.3
    NYISO1 3534.6
    PJM9 5206.5
    共计27 5415.6

    Table 5.  2017 U.S. market demand response participation ratio

  • 本文针对现阶段一般负荷的需求响应潜力评估中只有使用价格弹性系数的方法,且价格弹性系数的准确数据难以获得的问题20,首次设计了一种基于两阶段聚类分析的需求响应潜力评估方法。该方法使用一些通用,且易于获取的数据,来评估用户的用电模式和用电规律性,计算每个用户的潜力因子。因此,其能适用于任何区域的需求响应潜力评估,有较强的泛用性。最后使用该方法评估D市需求响应潜力的案例,也证明了其有较高的实用价值。本次研究中出现了各种数据的选取,后续研究可以针对数据选取标准的不同做定量分析。

Reference (20)



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