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Volume 7 Issue S2
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Yuting LI. Seismic Performance Analysis of Gas Insulated Metal-enclosed Transmission Line[J]. SOUTHERN ENERGY CONSTRUCTION, 2020, 7(S2): 40-44. doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2020.S2.006
Citation: Yuting LI. Seismic Performance Analysis of Gas Insulated Metal-enclosed Transmission Line[J]. SOUTHERN ENERGY CONSTRUCTION, 2020, 7(S2): 40-44. doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2020.S2.006

Seismic Performance Analysis of Gas Insulated Metal-enclosed Transmission Line

doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2020.S2.006
  • Received Date: 2019-12-26
  • Rev Recd Date: 2020-05-19
  • Publish Date: 2021-01-08
  •   Introduction  The 500 kV GIL pipeline of a project has the characteristics of a large single span and a high distance to ground. It is necessary to verify the seismic performance of gas-insulated metal-enclosed transmission lines (GIL).  Method  A three-dimension finite element model of GIL pipeline physical structure was established to perform a seismic response analysis.  Result  The mode shape characteristics of the structure were obtained through modal analysis. The seismic performance of the GIL under different seismic excitations was then specifically evaluated by using the response spectrum analysis method.  Conclusion  The 500 kV GIL transmission pipeline structure has a certain safety factor under the earthquake with a seismic intensity of 7 degrees.
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  • 通讯作者: 陈斌, bchen63@163.com
    • 1. 

      沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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Seismic Performance Analysis of Gas Insulated Metal-enclosed Transmission Line

doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2020.S2.006

Abstract:    Introduction  The 500 kV GIL pipeline of a project has the characteristics of a large single span and a high distance to ground. It is necessary to verify the seismic performance of gas-insulated metal-enclosed transmission lines (GIL).  Method  A three-dimension finite element model of GIL pipeline physical structure was established to perform a seismic response analysis.  Result  The mode shape characteristics of the structure were obtained through modal analysis. The seismic performance of the GIL under different seismic excitations was then specifically evaluated by using the response spectrum analysis method.  Conclusion  The 500 kV GIL transmission pipeline structure has a certain safety factor under the earthquake with a seismic intensity of 7 degrees.

Yuting LI. Seismic Performance Analysis of Gas Insulated Metal-enclosed Transmission Line[J]. SOUTHERN ENERGY CONSTRUCTION, 2020, 7(S2): 40-44. doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2020.S2.006
Citation: Yuting LI. Seismic Performance Analysis of Gas Insulated Metal-enclosed Transmission Line[J]. SOUTHERN ENERGY CONSTRUCTION, 2020, 7(S2): 40-44. doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2020.S2.006
  • 气体绝缘金属封闭输电线路(Gas-insulated Metal-enclosed Transmission Lines)简称GIL,是一种高电压、大电流、长距离电力传输设备。具有传输容量大、受环境影响小、运行可靠性高、单位损耗低、节约占地等优点1-3。由于市场GIL成本较高,出于经济性考虑,目前主要补充应用在地理或环境条件受限而采用架空输电方式的情况。


    Figure 1.  The structure of the GIL

    Figure 1.  The structure of the GIL


  • 某站内扩建工程需要用GIL管道进行连接,且根据电气布置方案,需要横跨GIS厂房。跨越GIS厂房的断面图如图2所示。GIL跨房子段标高为15.0 m。单跨长度为L=17.3 m。北侧支撑管母支架高度为3.2 m,南侧支撑管母支架高度为6.3 m,支架均采用格构式结构。

    Figure 2.  GIL cross over the GIS building

    GIL管道本身受自重、内部压力和外部载荷相互作用,需要设置外部支撑及内部补偿结构。一般架空敷设的高度通常为5~8 m,且每隔6~8 m需设置支撑结构。如果支撑设置过长,长距离管道可能会产生过大应力从而影响管道的安全性。本工程GIL单跨长度为17.3 m,GIL敷设高度为15.0 m,单跨跨度大于500 kV电压等级小于12 m的要求,高度也超过常规高度,对GIL管道本身的结构性能要求更高。需对管道进行特别的静力学计算分析,以保障GIL管道自身的结构性能。



    Figure 3.  Three-phase GIL and support structure model

    Figure 3.  Three-phase GIL and support structure model

    Q2352.06×1 0110.57 860460235
    50520.7×1 0110.54 522170110

    Table 1.  Main material parameters of GIL

    铝合金接地外壳管径ϕ=508 mm,厚度为6 mm,铝合金中心管状导体直径为ϕ=160 mm,厚度为10 mm。

  • 站址所在区域基本风压:站址风速为33 m/s,w0=0.68 kN/m2。抗震设防烈度7度,场地类别为II类,设计地震分组为第1组,对应的特征周期Tg=0.35 s,设计基本地震加速度值为0.15 g,设备提高一度设防。

  • 模态分析是针对结构的固有振动特性如:固有频率、阻尼比和模态振型这些模态参数进行分析的过程。经过有限元模拟,计算出的模型的前6阶模态的频率及振型及如图4所示各阶振型表明:GIL的前6阶主振型主要为平动,尚未出现扭转变形。变形集中在角部及GIL与支架连接处。这两处均是GIL结构的薄弱环节。

    Figure 4.  Mode shapes and frequencies of model

    计算出的模型的前36阶模态的频率特征值如表2所示:最高频率为34.5 HZ,满足《高压开关设备和控制设备的抗震要求》9的频率范围应在0.5 HZ~35 HZ的要求。


    Table 2.  Modal frequency of model

  • 目前,电气设备抗震分析的方法主要是:时间历程分析法10和反应谱分析法11。时间历程分析法是利用实际地震波时程记录作为激励,地震响应计算结果的准确性较大依赖于地震波时程曲线的选取,且计算量巨大。其优势在于可以模拟结构在整个地震持续时间内各时刻的地震响应。反应谱法体现的是结构地震响应在不同的地震动特性和结构动态特性下变化,并确定最大响应值12。我国电力设施抗震设计规范13推荐使用的设备抗震设计方法为反应谱分析法,故本文采用反应谱分析方法对有限元模型进行地震反应谱分析。

    地震波包含横波和纵波,实际地震中,竖向激励为水平激励的50%~75%14。本文根据场地条件,水平XY方向地面加速度采用0.3 g,竖向Z方向地面加速度采用0.15 g,结构阻尼比0.05,选用如下图5的地震反应谱函数进行地震反应激励。分别计算地震激励输入方向的组合为X+ZY+Z两种情况下结构的动力特性及地震响应。

    Figure 5.  Curve of seismic influence coefficient in XYZ direction

    Figure 5.  Curve of seismic influence coefficient in XYZ direction

  • 本文对GIL结构在地震反应谱下的强度及位移分析与在大风荷载下强度及位移进行对比分析。计算的工况荷载分别为:





    最大位移X=91.8 mmY=43.0 mmZ=6.1 mmX=59.8 mmY=12.3 mmZ=3.66 mmX=23.96 mmY=28.40 mmZ=2.42 mm

    Table 3.  Displacement cloud diagram


    Table 4.  Stress cloud diagram of the GIL


    Table 5.  Stress cloud diagram of the support

  • 1)本工程中大风工况下结构位移,应力的利用率均比在地震激励组合工况下大,故本工程中大风工况为主要控制工况;





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