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Jan.  2021
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Weijie CHENG, Xueyue PANG, Haoyi LIU. Study on Out-of-step Separation Strategy of Shenzhen Pumped Storage Power Station[J]. SOUTHERN ENERGY CONSTRUCTION, 2020, 7(S2): 50-55. doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2020.S2.008
Citation: Weijie CHENG, Xueyue PANG, Haoyi LIU. Study on Out-of-step Separation Strategy of Shenzhen Pumped Storage Power Station[J]. SOUTHERN ENERGY CONSTRUCTION, 2020, 7(S2): 50-55. doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2020.S2.008

Study on Out-of-step Separation Strategy of Shenzhen Pumped Storage Power Station

doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2020.S2.008
  • Received Date: 2019-12-19
  • Rev Recd Date: 2020-04-25
  • Publish Date: 2021-01-08
  •   Introduction  With the putting into operation of Shenzhen Pumped Storage Power Station, the pressure of power supply in Shenzhen area will be reduced, the peak regulation range of thermal power and Western power will be reduced, the grid connected new energy generation will be promoted.  Method  Due to the various operating modes of Shenzhen Pumped Storage Power Station, in order to verify the stability of the power system after Shenzhen Pumped Storage Power Station grid connected, the operation modes were simulated under four operation modes: maximum operating plan in summer, minimum operating plan in summer, maximum operating plan in winter, minimum operating plan in winter, and the stability and control measures of the power system after serious fault disturbance were studied.  Result  According to the simulation results, two sets of setting value schemes are proposed for the out of step splitting device of Shenzhen Pumped Storage Power Station. When four units of the power station are connected to the grid through the 220 kV Yuan-Xu lines, the setting value of the voltage is set to 0.7 pu. In other modes, the setting value of the voltage is set to 0.5 pu, so as to ensure the units can be split timely and ensure the safety and stability of the system after power system failure under various conditions.  Conclusion  The results of stability analysis provide a reference for operators, and some of the research results have been applied to the actual operation of field equipment.
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    General Administration of Quality Supervision,Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China,Standardization Administration of the People's Republic of China. Technical guide for electric power system security and stability control:GB/T 26399—2011 [S]. Beijing:China Standard Press,2011.
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    Ministry of Housing and Urban-rural Development of the People's Republic of China,General Administration of Quality Supervision,Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China. Code for Design of Automaticity Equipment for Power System Security: GB/T 50703—2011 [S]. Beijing:China Planning Press,2012.
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    General Administration of Quality Supervision,Inspection and Quarantine of the People's Republic of China,Standardization Administration of the People's Republic of China. Technical code for relaying protection and security automatic equipment:GB/T 14285—2006 [S]. Beijing:China Standard Press,2011.
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  • 通讯作者: 陈斌, bchen63@163.com
    • 1. 

      沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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Study on Out-of-step Separation Strategy of Shenzhen Pumped Storage Power Station

doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2020.S2.008

Abstract:    Introduction  With the putting into operation of Shenzhen Pumped Storage Power Station, the pressure of power supply in Shenzhen area will be reduced, the peak regulation range of thermal power and Western power will be reduced, the grid connected new energy generation will be promoted.  Method  Due to the various operating modes of Shenzhen Pumped Storage Power Station, in order to verify the stability of the power system after Shenzhen Pumped Storage Power Station grid connected, the operation modes were simulated under four operation modes: maximum operating plan in summer, minimum operating plan in summer, maximum operating plan in winter, minimum operating plan in winter, and the stability and control measures of the power system after serious fault disturbance were studied.  Result  According to the simulation results, two sets of setting value schemes are proposed for the out of step splitting device of Shenzhen Pumped Storage Power Station. When four units of the power station are connected to the grid through the 220 kV Yuan-Xu lines, the setting value of the voltage is set to 0.7 pu. In other modes, the setting value of the voltage is set to 0.5 pu, so as to ensure the units can be split timely and ensure the safety and stability of the system after power system failure under various conditions.  Conclusion  The results of stability analysis provide a reference for operators, and some of the research results have been applied to the actual operation of field equipment.

Weijie CHENG, Xueyue PANG, Haoyi LIU. Study on Out-of-step Separation Strategy of Shenzhen Pumped Storage Power Station[J]. SOUTHERN ENERGY CONSTRUCTION, 2020, 7(S2): 50-55. doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2020.S2.008
Citation: Weijie CHENG, Xueyue PANG, Haoyi LIU. Study on Out-of-step Separation Strategy of Shenzhen Pumped Storage Power Station[J]. SOUTHERN ENERGY CONSTRUCTION, 2020, 7(S2): 50-55. doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2020.S2.008
  • 深圳电网2018年统调最高负荷17.2 GW,全年累计供电量达到88.9 TWh,同比增长超过4.0%。2019年深圳电网最高统调负荷达到19.1 GW,同比增长超过11.0%1,负荷增长点主要集中在福田、南山、光明、大鹏新区等地。深圳蓄能电站装机容量4×300 MW,投运后减轻深圳地区供电压力,减少火电及西电的调峰幅度,使调度手段更加丰富,能够有效促进核电和新能源接入,提升了电网坚强可靠性。



  • 根据深圳电网的电力和电量需求预测,以及电力电量平衡分析,500 kV深圳站主变并列运行,独立成片供电;为限制短路电流,宝安换流站主变分母运行5。大方式下深蓄4台机组分厂运行,如图1所示,2台机组通过220 kV远丰变电站接入500 kV宝安换流站,另外2台机组通过220 kV线路接入500 kV深圳变电站。小方式下深蓄4台机组合厂泵工况运行,4台机组通过220 kV线路接入宝安换流站。

    Figure 1.  Grid-connected operation mode of Shenzhen pumped storage power station

  • 发电机采用次暂态模型,并计及自动励磁调节器、汽轮机、调速器的作用。属于深圳电网以及与深圳电网运行密切相关的机组,根据励磁参数实测报告和PSS现场试验报告的设置参数。



  • 为了深入了解电站的失步特性,系统故障类型选取蓄能电站两回220 kV送出线一回发生三相短路故障,同时另一回发生单相瞬时性故障,重合闸成功。

  • 夏季大方式下深蓄2台机组通过220 kV远丰变电站接入500 kV宝安换流站,另外2台机组通过220 kV线路接入500 kV深圳变电站。电站运行在发电机工况。

    220 kV远蓄线一回发生三相短路故障(如图2所示),同时另一回发生单相瞬时性故障,重合闸成功,接入远丰站的两台机组失稳,根据振荡特性分析,振荡中心在机组升压变内。

    Figure 2.  The phase difference curve of Yuan-Xu lines fault


    图3图4所示,根据Ucosφ曲线图分析,故障完成第一个振荡周期的时间是故障后1.27 s左右,此过程深蓄电站母线的最低电压值是0.29 pu,发生时间为故障后1.20 s左右。

    Figure 3.  The Ucosφ curve of Yuan-Xu lines fault

    Figure 4.  The busbar voltage curve of Yuan-Xu lines fault

    图5图6所示,根据Ucosφ曲线图分析,故障完成第二个振荡周期的时间是故障后1.66 s左右,第二周期内深蓄电站母线的最低电压值是0.34 pu。

    Figure 5.  The Ucosφ curve of Yuan-Xu lines fault during the second out-of-step oscillation period

    Figure 6.  The busbar voltage curve of Yuan-Xu lines fault during the second out-of-step oscillation period

    据上所述,失步一周期的判断时间为1.27 s,失步一周期内深蓄电站母线最低电压为0.29 pu;两周期的判断时间为1.66 s,第二失步周期内深蓄电站母线最低电压为0.34 pu。

  • 220 kV深蓄线一回发生三相短路故障,同时另一回发生单相瞬时性故障,重合闸成功,系统稳定。

  • 夏季小方式深蓄4台机组通过220 kV远丰变电站接入500 kV宝安换流站。电站运行在泵工况。

    图7所示,220 kV远蓄线一回发生三相短路故障,同时另一回发生单相瞬时性故障,重合闸成功,机组失稳,根据振荡特性分析,振荡中心在220 kV远蓄线内。

    Figure 7.  The phase difference curve of Yuan-Xu lines fault

    根据计算,失步一周期的判断时间为0.66 s,失步一周期内深蓄电站母线最低电压为0.66 pu;两周期的判断时间为1.02 s,第二失步周期内深蓄电站母线最低电压为0.74 pu。

  • 夏季小方式深蓄4台机组通过220 kV线路接入500 kV深圳变电站。电站运行在泵工况。

    220 kV深蓄线一回发生三相短路故障,同时另一回发生单相瞬时性故障,重合闸成功,机组失稳,根据振荡特性分析,振荡中心在升压变内。

    根据计算,失步一周期的判断时间为0.80 s,失步一周期内深蓄电站母线最低电压为0.45 pu;两周期的判断时间为1.13 s,第二失步周期内深蓄电站母线最低电压为0.53 pu。

  • 夏季小方式深蓄2台机组通过220 kV远丰变电站接入500 kV宝安换流站,另外2台机组通过220 kV线路接入500 kV深圳变电站。电站运行在泵工况。

    220 kV远蓄线一回发生三相短路故障,同时另一回发生单相瞬时性故障,重合闸成功,机组失稳,根据振荡特性分析,振荡中心在升压变内。

    根据计算,失步一周期的判断时间为0.79 s,失步一周期内深蓄电站母线最低电压为0.39 pu;两周期的判断时间为1.13 s,第二失步周期内深蓄电站母线最低电压为0.46 pu。

  • 夏季小方式深蓄2台机组通过220 kV线路接入500 kV深圳变电站,另外2台机组通过220 kV远丰变电站接入500 kV宝安换流站。电站运行在泵工况。

    220 kV深蓄线一回发生三相短路故障,同时另一回发生单相瞬时性故障,重合闸成功,系统稳定。

  • 冬季大方式下深蓄2台机组通过220 kV远丰变电站接入500 kV宝安换流站,另外2台机组通过220 kV线路接入500 kV深圳变电站。电站运行在发电机工况。

    220 kV远蓄线一回发生三相短路故障,同时另一回发生单相瞬时性故障,重合闸成功,机组失稳,根据振荡特性分析,振荡中心在升压变内。

    根据计算,失步一周期的判断时间为1.28 s,失步一周期内深蓄电站母线最低电压为0.26 pu;两周期的判断时间为1.66 s,第二失步周期内深蓄电站母线最低电压为0.29 pu。

  • 冬季大方式下深蓄2台机组通过220 kV线路接入500 kV深圳变电站,另外2台机组通过220 kV远丰变电站接入500 kV宝安换流站。电站运行在发电机工况。

    220 kV深蓄线一回发生三相短路故障,同时另一回发生单相瞬时性故障,重合闸成功,系统稳定。

  • 冬季小方式深蓄4台机组通过220 kV远丰变电站接入500 kV宝安换流站。电站运行在泵工况。

    220 kV远蓄线一回发生三相短路故障,同时另一回发生单相瞬时性故障,重合闸成功,机组失稳,根据振荡特性分析,振荡中心在220 kV远蓄线内。

    根据计算,失步一周期的判断时间为0.65 s,失步一周期内深蓄电站母线最低电压为0.65 pu;两周期的判断时间为1.01 s,第二失步周期内深蓄电站母线最低电压为0.73 pu。

  • 冬季小方式深蓄4台机组通过220 kV线路接入500 kV深圳变电站。电站运行在泵工况。

    220 kV深蓄线一回发生三相短路故障,同时另一回发生单相瞬时性故障,重合闸成功,机组失稳,根据振荡特性分析,振荡中心在升压变内。

    根据计算,失步一周期的判断时间为0.79 s,失步一周期内深蓄电站母线最低电压为0.41 pu;两周期的判断时间为1.14 s,第二失步周期内深蓄电站母线最低电压为0.50 pu。

  • 冬季小方式深蓄2台机组通过220 kV远丰变电站接入500 kV宝安换流站,另外2台机组通过220 kV线路接入500 kV深圳变电站。电站运行在泵工况。

    220 kV远蓄线一回发生三相短路故障,同时另一回发生单相瞬时性故障,重合闸成功,机组失稳,根据振荡特性分析,振荡中心在升压变内。

    根据计算,失步一周期的判断时间为0.78 s,失步一周期内深蓄电站母线最低电压为0.41 pu;两周期的判断时间为1.12 s,第二失步周期内深蓄电站母线最低电压为0.46 pu。

  • 冬季小方式深蓄2台机组通过220 kV线路接入500 kV深圳变电站,另外2台机组通过220 kV远丰变电站接入500 kV宝安换流站。电站运行在泵工况。

    220 kV深蓄线一回发生三相短路故障,同时另一回发生单相瞬时性故障,重合闸成功,系统稳定。

  • 根据仿真计算分析,在各种运行方式和工况下,电站机组发生失步后,需要采取解列机组措施,以限制事故扩大,防止机组设备损坏。根据计算,当发生失步后需要切除电站所有与系统相联接的机组才能平息失步。计算结果汇总表见表1


    Table 1.  Out of step simulation results and control measures under various fault conditions


    失步解列装置可以整定为一个失步周期或两个失步周期,由于在小方式下泵工况下,通过远丰站并网时,220 kV远蓄线发生故障后,蓄能电站侧母线电压较高,最低电压到0.66 pu,因此建议设置两套定值,在深蓄电站4台机组通过220 kV远蓄线路并网时,振荡周期定值整定为1或2周期,电压定值整定为0.7 pu;其它方式下,振荡周期定值整定为1或2周期,电压定值整定为0.5 pu。考虑到及时解列失步机组能够快速平息故障,减少对电网稳定的影响,且Ucosφ在原理和穿区级数具备防误动能力,建议振荡周期定值整定为1周期。

  • 重要电源并网后,对电力系统的影响巨大,不仅改变了地区电网的系统网架结构,还会影响系统运行方式,进而改变区域安全稳定控制策略。由于系统严重故障数量众多,特别是考虑到连锁故障后,系统仿真无法遍历穷举,因此在仿真时应结合电网特点和故障经验,采用较为严重的故障情况。制定安全稳定控制策略时,应考虑到所有可能出现的运行方式,安全稳定控制策略应能保证在各种运行方式下的适应性。



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