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Volume 7 Issue S2
Jan.  2021
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Pan CHU, Zhanghua HUANG, Fengwu BAI, Lan CHEN. Regularization Reconstruction Method for Temperature Distribution Measurement in Acoustic Tomography[J]. SOUTHERN ENERGY CONSTRUCTION, 2020, 7(S2): 68-74. doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2020.S2.011
Citation: Pan CHU, Zhanghua HUANG, Fengwu BAI, Lan CHEN. Regularization Reconstruction Method for Temperature Distribution Measurement in Acoustic Tomography[J]. SOUTHERN ENERGY CONSTRUCTION, 2020, 7(S2): 68-74. doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2020.S2.011

Regularization Reconstruction Method for Temperature Distribution Measurement in Acoustic Tomography

doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2020.S2.011
  • Received Date: 2018-11-26
  • Rev Recd Date: 2019-03-09
  • Publish Date: 2021-01-08
  •   Introduction  The acoustic tomography (AT) is regarded to be a promising tomography method for temperature distribution measurement, and improving the reconstruction accuracy plays a crucial role in actual applications of the technology.  Method  This paper proposed a two-stage reconstruction method. First,the original measurement domain was divided into a group of coarse grid elements to reduce the number of the unknown variables and to alleviate the ill-posed nature of the inverse problem in the AT temperature distribution measurement. A new cost function was proposed to convert the AT inverse problem into an optimization problem,which was solved by the Nelder-Mead simplex algorithm to get the temperature distribution on coarse grid elements. In the second stage,the measurement domain was further divided into finer discrete grid elements,and the extreme learning machine was deployed to predict the temperature distribution on the grid elements.  Result  Numerical simulation results indicate that the proposed reconstruction algorithm not only ensures the numerical stability of the inverse problem in the AT temperature distribution measurement, but also improves the reconstruction accuracy.  Conclusion  The research findings provide an effective method for the numerical solution of the inverse problem in the AT temperature distribution measurement and the improvement in the reconstruction accuracy.
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  • 通讯作者: 陈斌, bchen63@163.com
    • 1. 

      沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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Regularization Reconstruction Method for Temperature Distribution Measurement in Acoustic Tomography

doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2020.S2.011

Abstract:    Introduction  The acoustic tomography (AT) is regarded to be a promising tomography method for temperature distribution measurement, and improving the reconstruction accuracy plays a crucial role in actual applications of the technology.  Method  This paper proposed a two-stage reconstruction method. First,the original measurement domain was divided into a group of coarse grid elements to reduce the number of the unknown variables and to alleviate the ill-posed nature of the inverse problem in the AT temperature distribution measurement. A new cost function was proposed to convert the AT inverse problem into an optimization problem,which was solved by the Nelder-Mead simplex algorithm to get the temperature distribution on coarse grid elements. In the second stage,the measurement domain was further divided into finer discrete grid elements,and the extreme learning machine was deployed to predict the temperature distribution on the grid elements.  Result  Numerical simulation results indicate that the proposed reconstruction algorithm not only ensures the numerical stability of the inverse problem in the AT temperature distribution measurement, but also improves the reconstruction accuracy.  Conclusion  The research findings provide an effective method for the numerical solution of the inverse problem in the AT temperature distribution measurement and the improvement in the reconstruction accuracy.

Pan CHU, Zhanghua HUANG, Fengwu BAI, Lan CHEN. Regularization Reconstruction Method for Temperature Distribution Measurement in Acoustic Tomography[J]. SOUTHERN ENERGY CONSTRUCTION, 2020, 7(S2): 68-74. doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2020.S2.011
Citation: Pan CHU, Zhanghua HUANG, Fengwu BAI, Lan CHEN. Regularization Reconstruction Method for Temperature Distribution Measurement in Acoustic Tomography[J]. SOUTHERN ENERGY CONSTRUCTION, 2020, 7(S2): 68-74. doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2020.S2.011
  • 获取准确的温度分布信息对于设备运行安全性、经济性非常重要。进行温度分布测量方法大致可以分为两种:一是接触式测量方法;二是非接触式测量方法。非接触式测温具有不破坏测量介质的温度分布、响应速度快、能够获得测量对象整体温度分布等优点。因具有非侵入式传感、能用于大尺度温度分布测量等优点,声学层析成像(AT)被认为是一种极具发展前景的非接触式温度分布测量方法。当前,AT技术已被广泛应用于火力发电、化工等领域的温度分布测量,并获得良好的效益。

    AT测量方法的应用取决于温度分布重建的精度。当前,重建精度低这个关键问题制约了AT技术的应用。研究表明,重建算法的性能直接影响了AT温度分布测量的精度。为了克服上述问题,学者们提出了诸多的方法提高重建质量。标准Tikhonov正则法1和截断奇异值分解方法2是两种常用的非迭代算法。非迭代算法计算简单,无需逐步更新解,能够实现在线重建,但是其重建质量仍需进一步提高。为了克服非迭代算法重建精度低的弊端,研究者们提出了迭代算法。典型的迭代重建算法包括Landweber算法3、同步迭代重建算法(Simultaneous Iterative Reconstruction Techniques,SIRT)方法4、代数重建方法(Algebraic Reconstruction Technique,ART)5、联合代数重建技术(Simultaneous Algebraic Reconstruction Technique,SART)6等。相比于非迭代法而言,迭代算法的重建精度得到了较大的改善。但是,由于AT反问题的病态本质,以及测量噪声的影响,重建高精度的温度分布仍充满了挑战性。


    为了克服存在的问题,提升重建精度,本文提出了一种两阶段的重建方法。首先,将被测量的区域离散成粗网格单元,进而减少了未知变量的数目;使用一个新的目标函数将声学测温的反问题转变成一个最优问题;用Nelder-Mead单纯形算法快速地求解该目标泛函,获得此网格单元的温度分布。然后,利用极限学习机(Extreme learning machine,ELM)方法预测温度在细化网格单元中的分布。数值计算的结果证实了该方法的有效与可行。

  • AT技术基于测量的飞渡时间(Time of Flight,TOF),使用一个合适的算法重建了被测对象的温度场分布。为方便实际的应用,AT重建模型常可表达为7

    Ax=y+r ((1))


  • 方程(2)是一个病态问题,它的解是不稳定的。由于测量条件和环境的限制,输入数据(如TOF数据)中必定包含一定程度的噪声。为获得有意义的解,该方程常被转化为一个最优化问题的求解。Tikhonov正则化法是一个流行的反问题求解方法,已被广泛应用于不同的领域。根据该方法,方程(1)可转化为如下的最优化问题:

    min{D(x,y)+αR(x)} ((2))



    D(x,y)=||Ax-y||1 ((3))



    R(x)=||Wx||2 ((4))



    min||Ax-y||1+α||Wx||2 ((5))


  • 本研究提出的重建方法需要利用第一阶段求解的温度场数据去预测细化网格单元的温度分布。因具有学习速度快、泛化能力强等优点,本节用极限学习机(Extreme Learning Machine,ELM)预测细化网格单元的温度分布。


    Figure 1.  Single hidden layer feedforward neural network


    h=g(a,b,s) ((6))
    h(si)V=zi,  i=1,2,,N ((7))


    HV=Y ((8))


    H=g(a1,b1,s1)g(a1,b1,s2)g(a1,b1,sN)g(a2,b2,s1)g(a2,b2,s2)g(a2,b2,sN)g(an,bn,s1)g(an,bn,s2)g(an,bn,sN)T ((9))
    V=v1TvNTY=z1TzNT ((10))


    min12||HV-Y||2+α||V||1 ((11))

    方程(11)是一个L1正则化问题,本文用正反分裂算法(Forward-Backward Splitting,FBS)求解该问题。FBS算法试图求解如下的最优化问题:

    min{H(u)+λJ(u)} ((12))



    uk+1=ProxδλJ(u-H(uk)) ((13))


    ProxδλJ(e)=minλJ(u)+12δ||u-e||22 ((14))



    步骤1:初始化,设置算法参数,置k = 1;


    ek+1 = V k - δHTHV - Y

    步骤3:更新变量V k+1









  • 为了提高AT温度分布计算的重建精度,本文构建了一种两阶段正则化重建(Two-Stage Regularization Reconstruction,TSRR)方法。第一阶段,根据测量信息重建粗网格离散单元的温度分布;第二阶段,利用ELM预测温度场在细化的离散网格单元的分布情况。根据上述的讨论,TSRR算法对应的程序被总结在算法3中。




  • 本节用数值仿真方法评价TSRR算法的性能,其重建结果和标准Tikhonov正则法,ART方法和Landweber迭代法项比较。所有的仿真计算在MATLAB软件平台上进行。

    本文仿真一个截面为20 m×20 m的正方形区域,按图2所示设置了16个声波收发器,当一个收发器作为发射器时,其它的收发器作为接收器去收集声学TOF数据。

    Figure 2.  Acoustic sensor arrangement


    η=1nj=1nTjo-TjrTjo ((15))



    yn=yc+εrand ((16))



    T1=100×e(-((x-10)2+(y-10)2)/200)+700×e(-((x-10)2+(y-10)2)/70)+750 ((17))
    T2=300×e((-30×(x-4)2-17×(y-15)2)/600)+400×e((-20×(x-17)2-30×(y-5)2)/550)+800 ((18))
    T3=500×e((-30×(x-9)2-45×(y-15)2)/1 000)+600×e((-30×(x-19)2-50×(y-5)2)/400)+500×e((-30×(x-7)2-60×(y-6)2)/400)+500 ((19))


    在本节中,Tikhonov正则法的参数为0.01;ART方法的松弛因子为1,迭代步数为800;Landweber方法的松弛因子为1,迭代步数为800;在TSRR算法中,W是一个单位阵,ELM隐层神经元数目为1 500。此外,为了模拟真实的测量环境,在计算的TOF数据中添加正态分布随机数(均值为0,标准差为3.0×10-5)检验算法的鲁棒性。图3是实际的温度分布模型,图4~图7分别是Tikhonov正则法、ART算法、Landweber迭代法和TSRR方法重建的温度分布。为了便于定量比较,表1展示的不同重建算法的平均相对误差。

    Figure 3.  True temperature distribution

    Figure 3.  True temperature distribution

    Figure 3.  True temperature distribution

    Figure 4.  Temperature distribution reconstructed by the standard Tikhonov regularization method

    Figure 4.  Temperature distribution reconstructed by the standard Tikhonov regularization method

    Figure 4.  Temperature distribution reconstructed by the standard Tikhonov regularization method

    Figure 5.  Temperature distribution reconstructed by the algebraic reconstruction technique

    Figure 5.  Temperature distribution reconstructed by the algebraic reconstruction technique

    Figure 5.  Temperature distribution reconstructed by the algebraic reconstruction technique

    Figure 6.  Temperature distribution reconstructed by the Landweber method

    Figure 6.  Temperature distribution reconstructed by the Landweber method

    Figure 6.  Temperature distribution reconstructed by the Landweber method

    Figure 7.  Temperature distribution reconstructed by the TSRR method

    Figure 7.  Temperature distribution reconstructed by the TSRR method

    Figure 7.  Temperature distribution reconstructed by the TSRR method


    Table 1.  Mean relative error




  • 获取准确的温度分布信息对于设备运行安全性、经济性至关重要。因具有非侵入式传感、能用于大尺度温度分布测量等优点,AT方法被认为是一种有效的非接触式温度分布测量方法。本文提出了一个两阶段重建方法提高AT温度分布测量的精度,主要的研究结论可总结为如下:




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