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Volume 7 Issue S2
Jan.  2021
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Liang CHEN, Wei ZHOU, Yuan YANG, Renshen TAN. Practice and Security Constraint Strategy of AVC in Vietnam Power Plant[J]. SOUTHERN ENERGY CONSTRUCTION, 2020, 7(S2): 96-100. doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2020.S2.015
Citation: Liang CHEN, Wei ZHOU, Yuan YANG, Renshen TAN. Practice and Security Constraint Strategy of AVC in Vietnam Power Plant[J]. SOUTHERN ENERGY CONSTRUCTION, 2020, 7(S2): 96-100. doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2020.S2.015

Practice and Security Constraint Strategy of AVC in Vietnam Power Plant

doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2020.S2.015
  • Received Date: 2020-04-14
  • Rev Recd Date: 2020-11-30
  • Publish Date: 2021-01-08
  •   Introduction   The automatic voltage control (AVC) system is an important tool for reducing network loss, improving the network voltage quality, and ensuring secure and stable operation of power network as well as the power plant.  Method  Since there was no special AVC device in Vietnam, practice of AVC based on the power plant Distributed Control System (DCS) was carried out, in which the information interaction with Vietnam Power Grid Dispatching Center, and the AVC on/off & security constraint logic in DCS had been established.  Result  Effective regulation of reactive power – voltage has been realized, satisfying the technique requirement of Vietnam power network.  Conclusion  Therefore, it can provide a reference for the realization of automatic voltage control in overseas power plant projects.
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  • 通讯作者: 陈斌, bchen63@163.com
    • 1. 

      沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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Practice and Security Constraint Strategy of AVC in Vietnam Power Plant

doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2020.S2.015

Abstract:   Introduction   The automatic voltage control (AVC) system is an important tool for reducing network loss, improving the network voltage quality, and ensuring secure and stable operation of power network as well as the power plant.  Method  Since there was no special AVC device in Vietnam, practice of AVC based on the power plant Distributed Control System (DCS) was carried out, in which the information interaction with Vietnam Power Grid Dispatching Center, and the AVC on/off & security constraint logic in DCS had been established.  Result  Effective regulation of reactive power – voltage has been realized, satisfying the technique requirement of Vietnam power network.  Conclusion  Therefore, it can provide a reference for the realization of automatic voltage control in overseas power plant projects.

Liang CHEN, Wei ZHOU, Yuan YANG, Renshen TAN. Practice and Security Constraint Strategy of AVC in Vietnam Power Plant[J]. SOUTHERN ENERGY CONSTRUCTION, 2020, 7(S2): 96-100. doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2020.S2.015
Citation: Liang CHEN, Wei ZHOU, Yuan YANG, Renshen TAN. Practice and Security Constraint Strategy of AVC in Vietnam Power Plant[J]. SOUTHERN ENERGY CONSTRUCTION, 2020, 7(S2): 96-100. doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2020.S2.015
  • 随着“一带一路”战略的实施,中国能源建设企业走出国门,带动中国富余产能和中国标准“走出去”,赢得了前所未有的发展机遇,但“走出去”工程也存在制约工期、利润、质量的技术合规风险。


    自动电压控制(Automatic Voltage Control, AVC)是接入电力系统工程的重要一环。电厂侧自动电压控制是指通过对高压母线的无功-电压值进行合理有效的调节,使电厂侧高压母线电压值符合期调度望值,以提升电功率因数,降低电网损耗、提升电网电压质量、保证系统和机组安全稳定运行1-3



  • 国内自动电压控制的主要实现方式[5-8是:调度端AVC主站下发的电厂主变高压侧母线(节点)电压控制目标值(或直接下发电厂总无功功率目标值),电厂侧AVC子站系统上位机接收到该值后,根据电压控制目标值,结合本地母线电压实测值及机组的运行情况,通过计算得出电厂需要承担的总无功功率,按一定的无功分配算法,将总无功功率合理分配给对应每台机组的AVC子站下位机。考虑到发电机无功功率和电压跟励磁电流息息相关,所以各下位机直接或通过机组分散控制系统(DCS)向发电机励磁调节器发送增、减磁指令以调节发电机无功出力,使电厂变高侧母线(节点)电压达到控制目标值,实现全厂多机组的电压无功自动控制。


    Figure 1.  Main approach of domestic AVC

  • 因越南没有专门的AVC主站、子站装置,考虑到机组分散控制系统(Distributed Control System, DCS)与远动网关、励磁调节器之间已有信号交互,故选择在DCS系统中增加相应的AVC控制模块,并设定安全控制逻辑,以实现机组自动电压控制功能。


    Figure 2.  DCS AVC structure

  • 设计的自动电压控制系统包含无功控制和电压控制两种方式。每种方式都包含本地自动控制和远程自动控制两种模式9


  • 电厂AVC DCS模块应能接收网关转发的调度指令数据,也应具备独立采集模拟量和状态量,并经网关向调度端传送的功能。

  • 电厂变高侧母线(节点)电压。







  • 机组开关、刀闸位置信号。










  • 母线(节点)电压设定值。


  • 当机组出现发变组保护动作或故障,或发电机出口断路器分闸位置时,DCS的AVC模块退出运行。当励磁系统故障,或励磁调节器的以下限制动作时,DCS的AVC模块退出运行。

  • 根据发电机进相和滞相运行区间设定定子电流不超过发电机额定电流。

  • 防止空载误强励或励磁电流长时间过大,铁芯工作磁密升高而饱和,导致转子绕组过热损坏,可设定为低于发电机额定励磁电流。

  • 防止发电机定子、转子间的磁场联系过弱而失去静态稳定,定子绕组端部磁密过高发热,机端和厂用电压过低,可设定为1.05~1.1倍发电机最小励磁电流。

  • 也即过激磁限制,防止电压过高或频率过低引起铁芯过热。根据发电机频率和设定值计算出当前的机端电压允许值作为限定值。

  • 防止发电机定子过电压,按不超过发电机额定电压的1.05倍设定。


    Figure 3.  DCS logic of AVC on and off

  • AVC投入运行后,发电机增、减磁指令由AVC发出。当出现以下情况之一时,AVC应闭锁机组调节,发出警报。

  • 上限按不超过发电机额定无功功率设定;下限在发电机P/Q平面上应高于励磁调节器P/Q限制曲线,对同一有功功率下的无功下限设定值可按励磁无功设定值的90%~95%10

  • 上限、下限均按当地电网的要求设定。

  • 上限按不超过发电机端额定电压的1.05倍设定;下限应大于发电机进相试验时的最低机端电压,设为0.92 pu。

  • 上限按1.05 pu,下限应大于发电机进相试验时的最低厂用电母线电压,设为0.95 pu。

  • 具体实现逻辑如图4所示。

    Figure 4.  DCS logic of AVC security constraints


  • 在越南某电厂工程实践中,考虑到越南电网没有独立的AVC主站、子站设备,结合当地电网的实际情况,设计了基于机组分散控制系统(DCS)的AVC实现路径,建立了DCS AVC系统结构,设计了与越南电力调度中心的信息交互方案,分析了AVC投退及安全约束条件并以DCS逻辑的形式呈现,实现了电厂无功-电压的有效调节,满足了当地电网关于自动电压控制的技术合规要求,为境外电厂工程自动电压控制的实现提供了参考和借鉴。

Reference (9)



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