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Volume 8 Issue 1
Mar.  2021
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SUN Xuan,WANG Qiang,LI Mengchao,et al.Research on Grouting Construction of Icebreaking Cone Structure of Single Pile in Dalian Offshore Wind Power Project[J].Southern Energy Construction,2021,08(01):37-44. doi:  10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2021.01.005
Citation: SUN Xuan,WANG Qiang,LI Mengchao,et al.Research on Grouting Construction of Icebreaking Cone Structure of Single Pile in Dalian Offshore Wind Power Project[J].Southern Energy Construction,2021,08(01):37-44. doi:  10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2021.01.005

Research on Grouting Construction of Icebreaking Cone Structure of Single Pile in Dalian Offshore Wind Power Project

doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2021.01.005
  • Received Date: 2020-05-08
  • Rev Recd Date: 2020-09-07
  • Publish Date: 2021-03-25
  •   Introduction  The icebreaking cone structure is a unique structure of the offshore wind power single pile foundation structure in north. The installation of the icebreaking cone is one of the key points and difficulties in the construction of the single pile foundation. The grouting connection technology solves this problem through assembled construction successfully. For the first time in China, a single pile icebreaking cone structure is used in an offshore wind power project in Dalian.  Method  Supported by the engineering practice of the project’s icebreaking cone grouting construction he critical technique of single pile icebreaking cone grounding construction was studied including installation preparation, grouting material selection, grouting pipeline design and optimization, grouting plugging and grouting construction quality control etc.  Result  In this study, by using Ugrount® SKG-V, self-developed high-strength grouting material, the small-scale containerized integrated marine wind power grouting equipment and the self-developed underwater grouting technology, the material and construction performance had met the requirements, and the grouting connection between single pile icebreaking cone structure and single pile was successfully completed for the first time.  Conclusion  This material and technology are expected to be widely applied in the single pile foundation structure of offshore wind power in northern China.
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  • 通讯作者: 陈斌, bchen63@163.com
    • 1. 

      沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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Research on Grouting Construction of Icebreaking Cone Structure of Single Pile in Dalian Offshore Wind Power Project

doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2021.01.005

Abstract:   Introduction  The icebreaking cone structure is a unique structure of the offshore wind power single pile foundation structure in north. The installation of the icebreaking cone is one of the key points and difficulties in the construction of the single pile foundation. The grouting connection technology solves this problem through assembled construction successfully. For the first time in China, a single pile icebreaking cone structure is used in an offshore wind power project in Dalian.  Method  Supported by the engineering practice of the project’s icebreaking cone grouting construction he critical technique of single pile icebreaking cone grounding construction was studied including installation preparation, grouting material selection, grouting pipeline design and optimization, grouting plugging and grouting construction quality control etc.  Result  In this study, by using Ugrount® SKG-V, self-developed high-strength grouting material, the small-scale containerized integrated marine wind power grouting equipment and the self-developed underwater grouting technology, the material and construction performance had met the requirements, and the grouting connection between single pile icebreaking cone structure and single pile was successfully completed for the first time.  Conclusion  This material and technology are expected to be widely applied in the single pile foundation structure of offshore wind power in northern China.

SUN Xuan,WANG Qiang,LI Mengchao,et al.Research on Grouting Construction of Icebreaking Cone Structure of Single Pile in Dalian Offshore Wind Power Project[J].Southern Energy Construction,2021,08(01):37-44. doi:  10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2021.01.005
Citation: SUN Xuan,WANG Qiang,LI Mengchao,et al.Research on Grouting Construction of Icebreaking Cone Structure of Single Pile in Dalian Offshore Wind Power Project[J].Southern Energy Construction,2021,08(01):37-44. doi:  10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2021.01.005
  • 海上风能是一种分布广泛的清洁能源,有着广阔的应用前景,也是促进我国能源转型、实现经济可持续发展的重要推力。在经历“十二五”期间的技术探索和市场示范后,“十三五”期间,国内海上风电市场迎来爆发式增长,截止到2017年8月,我国已经开工投建的海上风电项目共计19个,总装机量合计4.799 GW,分别位于江苏、福建、浙江、广东、辽宁等附近海域。计划到2020年,开工建设10 GW,确保建成5 GW1-8



  • 根据设计图纸,钢管桩外径5.5 m,抗冰锥钢管内径5.7 m,对抗冰锥与钢管桩之间的宽度为0.1 m的环形空间进行灌浆施工。灌浆连接段标高位于-4.30 m~+4.90 m,平均海平面以下灌浆高度约4.28 m。每个环空灌浆料理论用量大约16.35 m3,应一次灌注完成。抗冰锥结构图及灌浆部位如图2所示,实物如图3所示。

    Figure 2.  Icebreaking cone and grounting structure

    Figure 3.  Icebreaking cone

  • 根据设计文件要求,抗冰锥连接段灌浆料必须具备大流动性、高早强、超高强、微膨胀和抗疲劳性等技术特点。同时,为满足水下灌浆特殊需求,材料必须具备较好的抗水分散特性;针对单个环空灌浆量较大或在气温较低环境下使用需求,材料既要能保证有足够的施工时间,又要在早期(1 d)有较高的强度。具体技术要求如下:

    1)最大骨料直径≤4.75 mm。

    2)初始流动度不低于290 mm,30 min流动度保留值不低于260 mm。



    5)试件1 d抗压强度≥50.0 MPa;3 d抗压强度≥75.0 MPa;28 d抗压强度≥100.0 MPa。

    6)试件28 d抗折强度≥13.5 MPa,28 d弹性模量≥50 GPa。


    泌水率/%灌浆料拌合物GB/T 50448—201500
    竖向膨胀率/%3 h竖向膨胀0.1~0.80.1~0.8
    24 h与3 h膨胀差0.02~0.50.02~0.5
    1 d竖向膨胀0.02~0.1
    流动度 /mm初始≥290≥290
    30 min≥260≥260
    抗压强度/MPa1 d≥50≥50
    3 d≥75≥75
    28 d≥100≥100

    Table 1.  Properties of ugrount® SKG-V high performance grounting material

  • 灌浆施工前的准备工作包括灌浆设备上船安置,灌浆料存放与保护,设备检修与标定,灌浆人员技术培训,灌浆接口的制作与加工等,以及设备就位后对灌浆管线的连接等。根据海上风电灌浆经验,灌浆前必须确保两个灌浆技术要点,一是灌浆底部封堵措施到位确保灌浆时不漏浆,二是灌浆前必须采取措施确保需要灌浆的结构内外钢管临时固结无相对位移。

  • 针对该项目,中交港湾(上海)科技有限公司专门定制了集装箱小型一体化专业灌浆设备,如图4所示。内部集成了2台5.5 kW功率的搅拌机,2套进水设备,灌浆管线,一台主灌浆泵为活塞泵,输出能力100 L/min,另配备一台备用泵,同时集成了上水、卸料和泵送控制系统。该系统的工作能力为3~4 m3/h。

    Figure 4.  Small-scale integrated grouting equipment of CCCC Harbour (Shanghai) Science and Technology Co., Ltd.

  • 单桩抗冰锥结构灌浆工艺流程主要包括灌浆管线的连接、润管料浆体制备、润管、灌浆料浆体制备、灌浆、溢浆、压力屏浆和设备的清洗:


    2)润管:在泵送灌浆料浆体前,使用专用润管料对灌浆泵和灌浆软管进行润滑。润管料浆体流动度320~350 mm,润管结束后进行灌浆作业。

    3)灌浆料制备:施工时吨包通过吊机起吊,利用破袋器自动破袋后加水搅拌制作浆体。根据材料使用说明,现场施工时用水量87 kg/t、搅拌时间5~7 min,控制灌浆料浆体初始流动度满足设计要求不小于290 mm。


    5)灌浆停止:判断环空内浆体是否完全灌满需要同时满足以下条件:一是实际泵送用量超过理论计算用量;二是观察确认环空顶部溢浆。溢浆后停止泵送,静置14~16 min后,进行压力屏浆。所谓压力屏浆是采用低流量、低泵速进行二次灌浆,压力屏浆结束后灌浆结束。

  • 2017年完成的两台抗冰锥灌浆作业,采用了小型设备进行施工,2018年在此基础上定制了集装箱小型一体化专业设备。理论施工工效、2017年及2018年实际施工工效如表2所示。

    施工方式灌注方量/m3泵 /(m3·h-1)2台搅拌机 /(t·h-1)吊机 /(t·h-1)作业 时间/h
    2018年 集装箱设备16.358(活塞泵)1212~144

    Table 2.  Analysis of construction efficiency

    2017年施工时,现场气温低,适当延长了搅拌时间,且采用起重船大吊机进行施工,速度慢、上料准确性差,需7 h左右才能完成一个机位的施工。2018年的集装箱小型一体化专业设备,对灌浆泵升级,系统集成供水系统,施工现场配备了履带吊,工效比2017年提高了1倍,每小时可灌浆10 t,完成一个机位的灌浆作业大约在4 h左右。

  • 现场检测是灌浆施工质量控制的重要环节。为确保灌浆质量得到有效控制,在每个环形空间灌浆施工的开始、中间和结束前对材料取样测试。施工过程现场检测指标和检测频率见表3

    1流动度初始每个环空两~三次(第1、2、7 t)现场测试
    2抗压强度3 d(标养)每个环空1组海上成型,岸上三方送检。
    28 d(标养)正式每个环空1组
    3温度空气间隔时间0.5 h现场测试,发现温度超过控制标准需要采取措施或调整搅拌时间和用水量。
    拌合水间隔时间0.5 h
    干料间隔时间1 h
    设备间隔时间0.5 h

    Table 3.  Test items and frequency on site

  • 灌浆施工时,现场测试与留样试块抗压强度测试结果见汇总表4图5。上述试验结果说明采用SKG-V高强灌浆料在外海工况条件下,灌浆料性能满足单桩抗冰锥灌浆连接设计和施工技术要求,不仅和易性、可泵性好,并且具有充裕的可工作时间,硬化浆体力学性能优异,具有高早强和超高强的特点。

    表观密度/(kg·m-32 360~2 370
    0.5 h流动度/mm≥260260~280
    28 d抗压强度/MPa≥100103~115

    Table 4.  Summary of grounting material test results on site

    Figure 5.  28-day compressive strength of each pile position

  • 本项目是单桩抗冰锥结构国内首次使用,设计和施工缺乏经验。由于抗冰锥自身重力小于浮力,首个抗冰锥安装后未进行固定,位置及角度产生了变化。为解决该问题,采用候潮作业的方式,在低潮位安装抗冰锥,依靠抗冰锥自重使抗冰锥底部环板与桩身环板紧贴,并在抗冰锥顶部一周焊接上压板固定,防止抗冰锥随潮水上浮。上压板固定见图6

    Figure 6.  Hold-down plate fixation

  • 灌浆连接在抗冰锥结构服役期内需要承受冰锥结构传递的各种复合荷载作用,对灌浆料硬化浆体力学性能和耐久性要求很高,抗冰锥特殊的灌浆工况以及水下灌浆施工条件对材料施工性提出较高的技术要求。本工程选用的优固特®SKG-V高强灌浆料满足上述特殊要求,现场检测与留样试块的三方送检试验结灌浆封堵是海上风电灌浆尤其是水下灌浆质量的重要影响因素。本项目结构具有特殊性,单桩上设有裙板,抗冰锥安装就位后抗冰锥结构底部的裙板与单桩环板贴合,灌浆封堵通过抗冰锥裙板和单桩环板之间设置一圈三元乙丙环型橡胶板实现。封堵结构如图8所示。

    Figure 7.  Ice cone grounting pipeline

    Figure 7.  Ice cone grounting pipeline

    Figure 7.  Ice cone grounting pipeline

    Figure 8.  Design of grounting plugging


  • 本项目是国内首个单桩抗冰锥灌浆连接施工。在抗冰锥灌浆施工过程中,通过技术论证和工程实践,总结单桩基础抗冰锥灌浆连接施工的关键技术,归纳技术要点如下:



    3)材料采用中交港湾(上海)科技有限公司自主研发的优固特®SKG-V高强灌浆料,产品流动度、强度、竖向膨胀率指标完全满足设计要求,现场检测与三方送检试验结果表明材料各项性能指标满足要求。半吨包装灌浆材料和自主研发的集装箱小型一体化专业灌浆专用设备施工,在4 h内完成16.35 m3,灌浆工效满足工程要求。

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