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Volume 8 Issue 1
Mar.  2021
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ZHENG Kan,WEI Yufeng,WEN Zhisheng,et al.Analysis and Application of Wind Speed Interpolation in Wind Farm Based on BP Neural Network Method[J].Southern Energy Construction,2021,08(01):51-55. doi:  10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2021.01.007
Citation: ZHENG Kan,WEI Yufeng,WEN Zhisheng,et al.Analysis and Application of Wind Speed Interpolation in Wind Farm Based on BP Neural Network Method[J].Southern Energy Construction,2021,08(01):51-55. doi:  10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2021.01.007

Analysis and Application of Wind Speed Interpolation in Wind Farm Based on BP Neural Network Method

doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2021.01.007
  • Received Date: 2020-08-25
  • Rev Recd Date: 2020-09-16
  • Publish Date: 2021-03-25
  •   Introduction  Accurate wind resource data is of great significance to wind resource evaluation and power generation calculation of wind farm. Due to mechanical failure, weather factors and human influence, there are many problems in wind speed data acquisition, such as short collection time, many discontinuities,data distortion and so on,which bring a lot of trouble to the evaluation of wind resources.  Method  At present,the traditional interpolation method based on MCP method for discontinuous data interpolation and fitting in the wind power industry is not accurate enough. In this paper, the wind resource data prediction scheme based on neural network algorithm was proposed for wind speed interpolation of wind turbine and wind speed interpolation of wind measurement mast.  Result  The results show that the interpolation effect of BP neural network is better than the traditional interpolation method,and the wind speed interpolation of anemometer tower in flat terrain is better than that in complex terrain.  Conclusion  The research shows that the wind speed interpolation technology based on BP neural network method is suitable for wind speed interpolation application of wind farm, and the accuracy of wind resource assessment is significantly improved.
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  • 通讯作者: 陈斌, bchen63@163.com
    • 1. 

      沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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Analysis and Application of Wind Speed Interpolation in Wind Farm Based on BP Neural Network Method

doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2021.01.007

Abstract:   Introduction  Accurate wind resource data is of great significance to wind resource evaluation and power generation calculation of wind farm. Due to mechanical failure, weather factors and human influence, there are many problems in wind speed data acquisition, such as short collection time, many discontinuities,data distortion and so on,which bring a lot of trouble to the evaluation of wind resources.  Method  At present,the traditional interpolation method based on MCP method for discontinuous data interpolation and fitting in the wind power industry is not accurate enough. In this paper, the wind resource data prediction scheme based on neural network algorithm was proposed for wind speed interpolation of wind turbine and wind speed interpolation of wind measurement mast.  Result  The results show that the interpolation effect of BP neural network is better than the traditional interpolation method,and the wind speed interpolation of anemometer tower in flat terrain is better than that in complex terrain.  Conclusion  The research shows that the wind speed interpolation technology based on BP neural network method is suitable for wind speed interpolation application of wind farm, and the accuracy of wind resource assessment is significantly improved.

ZHENG Kan,WEI Yufeng,WEN Zhisheng,et al.Analysis and Application of Wind Speed Interpolation in Wind Farm Based on BP Neural Network Method[J].Southern Energy Construction,2021,08(01):51-55. doi:  10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2021.01.007
Citation: ZHENG Kan,WEI Yufeng,WEN Zhisheng,et al.Analysis and Application of Wind Speed Interpolation in Wind Farm Based on BP Neural Network Method[J].Southern Energy Construction,2021,08(01):51-55. doi:  10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2021.01.007
  • 风机的平稳运行及发电量的计算对风资源的准确性要求高,准确及时的风资源数据对风场的风资源评估和发电量计算有着重大意义。目前,风资源评估中对风速缺失值的处理多采用传统的数值插补方式,即通过对历史风速数据的比对,选取相关性强的风速数据进行数值插补。传统风速插补采用Windographer软件,该软件提供了8种MCP算法:线性最小二乘法、正交回归法、矩阵时间序列法、快速排序法、方差比法、风速比法、垂直分层算法以及威布尔拟合算法1。由于上述算法插补前均假设是风速存在线性特定关系1-2,而真实关系并非线性,导致插补出的风速失真,准确性略显不足。


  • BP(Back Propagation)网络是一种多层感知器,包括输入层、中间层和输出层,层与层之间的神经元采用全互连的连接方式,通过相应的网络权函数相互连接;每层内的神经元之间没有连接8。BP算法包括信号的正向传播和误差的反向传播两个过程,正向传播时,输入信号通过隐含层作用于输出节点,通过每个节点的权重参数进行非线性变换产生输出信号,比较输出值与期望值的大小,若实际输出与期望输出不相符,则转入误差的反向传播过程9。反向传播由输出层向输入层方向逐层反转,并将误差分摊到各层所有单元并调整各单元的权重值。当下一次训练开始后,信号再次经过神经单元,并正向传播,重复上述过程,直至输出值与期望值误差满足要求为止,BP神经网络风速插补示意图如图1所示。

    Figure 1.  Wind speed interpolation diagram of BP neural network


    Figure 2.  Flow chart of wind speed interpolation based on BP neural network method





  • 选取明阳智能西北地区某平坦地形风电场,该风电场平均海拔1 340 m,地势最大高差为2 m,地形图如图3所示。

    Figure 3.  Flat terrain map

    选取场内测风塔实测风速相关数据,包括风速、风向、温度、湿度、气压数据12,该数据为每10 min采样一次。选用风电场内3座测风塔10 m、40 m、60 m、80 m和100 m高度处的测风数据作为数据集,并根据需要将历史数据划分为数据训练集,需要插补的风速时间段划分为测试集。训练集选取2017年7月10日0点至2018年2月15日9时的3座测风塔风速相关历时数据;通过BP神经网络对训练集的数据进行训练建模,将生成的模型用于对目标测风塔风速数据进行预测插补。测试集选取2018年2月15日9时20分至2018年4月15日7时30的风速相关历时数据。通过前两座测风塔所有高度层的风速相关有效数据,通过模型插补出第3座测风塔100 m高度处的风速数据。平坦地形神经网络插补与实测数据对比结果如图4所示。

    Figure 4.  Comparison between BP neural network interpolation and actually measured values for flat terrain

    选取明阳智能西南地区某复杂地形风电场,该风电场平均海拔281 m,场内地势高差达到了50 m,复杂地形示意图如图5所示。

    Figure 5.  Complex terrain map

    选取场内5个测风塔10 m、40 m、60 m、80 m和100 m高度处的测风数据(包括风速、风向、温度、湿度、气压数据)作为数据集,分别采用BP神经网络和传统插补方式对目标风速进行插补。其中,复杂地形训练集选取2017年3月18日0时至2019年1月1日0时风电场测风塔数据,测试集选取2019年1月1日0时至2019年5月4日0时风电场测风塔,计算结果如图6所示。

    Figure 6.  Comparison between BP neural network interpolation and actually measured values for complex terrain

    为对比神经网络的插补效果,另通过传统MCP方法对同样的数据集进行插补并验证。文献1指出,通过Windographer中的MCP方法进行风速插值与地形关系不大。本文采用MCP方法分别对实际数据分别采用插值验证,通过均方根误差(MSE)、决定系数(R2)等指标的插补比对,本文选用传统方法中插补效果最优的线性最小二乘法(Linear Least Squares Algorithm)。


    m=SxySXX ((1))
    b=y¯-mx¯ ((2))


    Sxx=(xi-x¯) ((3))
    Sxy=xi-x¯(yi-y¯) ((4))



    MAE0.5710.76325.2%↓0.5880.6276.2% ↓
    COR0.9730.9522.2% ↑0.9390.9281.1% ↑
    R20.9460.9054.5% ↑0.8770.8611.9% ↑

    Table 1.  Improvement statistics of neural network interpolation compared to traditional interpolation for different terrains


  • 风电场内单台风机的运行状况与风电场内的发电量紧密相关。通过单台风电机组的风速数据分析,能够更加精确的评估风电场的实际发电功率和预测未来风电场发电量。由于停机检修、测试等状态下风机启停的影响,风电场内个别机组的风速出现资料缺失的状况。为解决风速资料缺失对风电机组数据分析的影响,采用BP神经网络的方法对缺失风速值进行插补,满足数据分析所需。



    Figure 7.  Comparison among wind turbine’s wind speed interpolation based on neural method, traditional interpolation and actually values


    MSE1.2451.90134.5% ↓
    MAE0.8971.04814.4% ↓
    COR0.9790.9631.7% ↑
    R20.9520.9262.8% ↑

    Table 2.  Improvement statistics of wind turbine’s wind speed interpolation based on BP neural network method compared to traditional interpolation

  • 基于pytorch框架搭建BP神经网络,对测风塔风速和风机风速缺失数据进行插补,与传统的插补方法进行了对比分析,得出结论如下:



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