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Volume 8 Issue 1
Mar.  2021
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YANG Fengbin,ZHANG Xianti,WANG Chunlei,et al.Research on Calculation and Control of Positive Pressure Air Supply System for Offshore Booster Station[J].Southern Energy Construction,2021,08(01):56-60. doi:  10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2021.01.008
Citation: YANG Fengbin,ZHANG Xianti,WANG Chunlei,et al.Research on Calculation and Control of Positive Pressure Air Supply System for Offshore Booster Station[J].Southern Energy Construction,2021,08(01):56-60. doi:  10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2021.01.008

Research on Calculation and Control of Positive Pressure Air Supply System for Offshore Booster Station

doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2021.01.008
  • Received Date: 2020-11-16
  • Rev Recd Date: 2020-12-08
  • Publish Date: 2021-03-25
  •   Introduction  The paper aims to maintain a good and safe operating environment for offshore booster station, reduce the corrosion effect of high-salt and high-humidity gas on the equipment, and increase the service life of process equipment, the calculation method and control method of ensuring the indoor positive pressure are analyzed.  Method  Through the comparative analysis of the calculation results of the gap method and the number of air changes method, the calculation principle of the positive pressure air supply was determined. Through variable air volume adjustment and residual pressure valve control analysis, the indoor positive pressure control method was determined.  Result  The results show that the indoor positive pressure air supply volume of offshore booster station should be calculated according to the gap method, and the conventional number of air change method is not suitable for the scenario. At the end of the variable air volume, a smaller air volume is suggested to be used to achieve precise positive pressure control and reduce energy consumption significantly.  Conclusion  The research results can quickly and accurately calculate the positive pressure air supply volume, and at the same time can realize the precise control of the positive pressure air supply system, which provides theoretical guidance for the design of the anti-salt and anti-fog positive pressure air supply system for offshore booster station.
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  • 通讯作者: 陈斌, bchen63@163.com
    • 1. 

      沈阳化工大学材料科学与工程学院 沈阳 110142

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Research on Calculation and Control of Positive Pressure Air Supply System for Offshore Booster Station

doi: 10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2021.01.008

Abstract:   Introduction  The paper aims to maintain a good and safe operating environment for offshore booster station, reduce the corrosion effect of high-salt and high-humidity gas on the equipment, and increase the service life of process equipment, the calculation method and control method of ensuring the indoor positive pressure are analyzed.  Method  Through the comparative analysis of the calculation results of the gap method and the number of air changes method, the calculation principle of the positive pressure air supply was determined. Through variable air volume adjustment and residual pressure valve control analysis, the indoor positive pressure control method was determined.  Result  The results show that the indoor positive pressure air supply volume of offshore booster station should be calculated according to the gap method, and the conventional number of air change method is not suitable for the scenario. At the end of the variable air volume, a smaller air volume is suggested to be used to achieve precise positive pressure control and reduce energy consumption significantly.  Conclusion  The research results can quickly and accurately calculate the positive pressure air supply volume, and at the same time can realize the precise control of the positive pressure air supply system, which provides theoretical guidance for the design of the anti-salt and anti-fog positive pressure air supply system for offshore booster station.

YANG Fengbin,ZHANG Xianti,WANG Chunlei,et al.Research on Calculation and Control of Positive Pressure Air Supply System for Offshore Booster Station[J].Southern Energy Construction,2021,08(01):56-60. doi:  10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2021.01.008
Citation: YANG Fengbin,ZHANG Xianti,WANG Chunlei,et al.Research on Calculation and Control of Positive Pressure Air Supply System for Offshore Booster Station[J].Southern Energy Construction,2021,08(01):56-60. doi:  10.16516/j.gedi.issn2095-8676.2021.01.008
  • 中国海上风能资源丰富,随着海上风电关键技术取得突破和产业服务体系的不断完善,最近几年江苏、福建、广东海上风电开发建设进度明显加快。目前全国已并网海上风电装机容量仅次于英国和德国,位居全球第三位1




  • 为满足室内正压设计值,需通过计算选取合适的送风量。


    Pf=Kvw22ρw  ((1))

    式中:Pf为室内外风压差(Pa);K为风压差系数,取1.1911vw 为室外平均风速,取7~8 m/s12ρw—为计算温度下的室外空气密度,1.2 kg/m3

    按照上式计算可知室外风压为35~40 Pa,且室内正压值需要高于室外风压10 Pa以上13,才能保证室外高盐高湿空气不能进入室内,故室内正压值取45~50 Pa。


  • 采用缝隙法计算风量,既考虑了房间维护结构的气密性,又考虑了室内维持一定的正压值。门关闭时,保持一定压差所需的风量按下式计算14

    Ly=0.827AP1/b×3 600×1.25 ((2))


    门缝的缝隙面积按“缝长×缝宽”进行计算。而缝宽在系统设计时是一个不确定值,它与门的形式、加工质量、安装质量、使用情况等因素有关。本次计算缝宽按照某项目实际安装要求取值为2 mm。某海上升压站各房间门窗缝隙统计如表1所示。按照缝隙法计算房间正压送风量结果如表2所示。

    35 kV配电室111
    35 kV配电室211
    380 V配电室1
    220 kV GIS室11

    Table 1.  Statistics of external doors of each room

    35 kV配电室15020.034894.71
    35 kV配电室25020.034894.71
    主变压器室15020.046 41 221.01
    主变压器室25020.046 41 221.01
    380 V配电室5020.021 6568.404
    应急配电室5020.021 6568.404
    220 kV GIS室4020.034800.25
    合计8 760.81

    Table 2.  Calculation of air volume by gap method

  • 换气次数是衡量空间稀释情况好坏的重要参数,也是估算空间通风量的依据。对于确定压差的房间,换气次数按照实用供热空调设计手册15确定。按换气次数法计算房间正压送风量结果如表3所示。

    35 kV配电室13.66842 462.4
    35 kV配电室23.66842 462.4
    主变压器室13.61 8286 580.8
    主变压器室23.61 8286 580.8
    380 V配电室3.6257925.2
    220 kV GIS室3.61 2594 532.4
    电子设备间3.6807.52 907
    消防水泵房3.67302 628
    暖通机房3.65702 052
    合计31 728

    Table 3.  Calculation of air volume by air change times method

  • 两种方法计算结果对比如图1所示。从中计算可以看出:(1)换气次数法所计算风量均大于缝隙法所计算风量;(2)不同房间按换气次数法所计算的风量波动剧烈;(3)不同房间按缝隙法所计算的风量波动较为平稳。

    Figure 1.  Comparison of calculation results of two methods




    35 kV配电室1894.716841.31
    35 kV配电室2894.716841.31
    主变压器室11 221.011 8280.67
    主变压器室21 221.011 8280.67
    380 V配电室568.4042572.21
    220 kV GIS室800.251 2590.64

    Table 4.  Calculate the number of air change times after air volume calculation by the gap method


  • 正压送风系统目前较常用的余压控制方法是余压阀泄压。




    Ls=Lm+Lx ((3))



    F=Lx0.827×P0.5×3 600 ((4))


  • 作者根据多个海上升压站工程设计实践提出一种海上升压站正压送风系统及其控制系统,详细架构如图2所示。该系统主体包括变频新风机组、风管系统、末端变风量调节装置、末端送风设备。所述控制系统由室内外压差传感器(1)、末端支管压差传感器(2)、末端变风量调节装置(3)、变频新风机组(4)、DDC控制器(5)等设备组成。控制系统通过对室内外压差传感器、末端支管压差传感器的数据分析,控制变频新风机组、末端变风量调节装置,使得室内正压维持正常水平。

    Figure 2.  Positive pressure air supply system and control system architecture of offshore booster station




  • 本文从大量海上升压站通风空调设计实践中,总结提出海上升压站防盐雾正压送风系统计算及其控制方法,为海上升压站通风空调及防盐雾系统设计实践提供有力的支撑。本文主要结论如下:




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